Holy Prison

Chapter 985: Fight with poison

It is far beyond the average person's life style, and there is no benefit in normal times, but Chu Feng and Miao Feiying are both poisoned by sinking, and at this time the benefits of high life style are shown!

A day has passed, Chu Feng's body has already emerged with a dozen strands of the poison of sinking, but Miao Feiying's body has only a tiny strand of it!

"It's the twelfth thread. Brother Feng estimates that it won't take long to wake up." Zhou Wendao. "Brother Feng shouldn't have any problems, but Sister Feiying." Lan Wen looked at Miao Feiying and her eyes were full of worries. Chu Feng's complexion improved a lot at this time, but Miao Feiying's face was already Become a dark blue!

Tang Ming said quietly: "I hope Brother Feng can wake up early. If Miao Feiying's life can be improved a lot in a short time, she may be able to survive it, otherwise."

If you can't improve your life in a short time, there is only one consequence, Miao Feiying dies, and the funeral will be done as soon as the wedding is finished! After Tang Ming finished speaking, Feng Bingning and their faces were not good-looking, and it took only a day or two to improve their lives. I am afraid that there is not much possibility!

Feng Yi opened his eyes and stretched out his hand, a little light appeared in front of him through the space. "Master, the use is successful. Chu Feng and Miao Feiying did not appear at the wedding banquet. They should have been poisoned. There are a lot of red flowers outside the room where they are located. Except for those who have a good relationship with Chu Feng and others, the rest Nobody can get close." Feng Yi sucked the spot of light into his palm, and a voice immediately rang in his mind.

"Chu Feng, Chu Feng, don't blame me, blame you for showing me a little scared, such a powerful safflower, I'm afraid they will have one day to deal with me." A faint smile appeared on Feng Yi's face. Then closed his eyes, by chance, he obtained some poison of degeneration. He knew that poison of degeneration was more powerful. However, he did not fully understand the poison of degeneration, otherwise he would be reluctant to use it!

I don’t fully understand it, but Feng Yi knows that it should be no problem that the poison of sinking destroys Chu Feng and some people close to Chu Feng. Although it would be a pity to kill Feng Bingning, if many of them die, Feng Bingning's survival is also a trouble, it is better to clear them all at once!

Chu Mansion, counting from the time Chu Feng was poisoned, a day and a half passed, Chu Feng's expression returned to normal, and Chu Feng's eyes suddenly opened amidst Feng Bingning's expectant eyes.

Chu Feng opened his eyes, and there was endless fierce light in his eyes. Sitting there with his legs crossed, he seemed to be a peerless beast. "Brother Feng!" Lan Wen exclaimed authentically.

Lan Wen's voice pierced Chu Feng's gloomy heart like a ray of sunlight. After experiencing the world of dreams, Chu Feng had not recovered when he opened his eyes. Lan Wen's voice made Chu Feng's heart gradually return, and the terrifying and fierce light in his eyes finally slowly receded!


Feng Bingning and the others yelled one by one. Chu Feng didn't respond. He turned his head and looked at Miao Feiying beside him. Miao Feiying was still wearing that beautiful wedding gown, but her beautiful face before was actually After disappearing, the poison of sinking has turned her complexion into purple, and her complexion has become like that, no matter how beautiful the beauty is, there is not much beauty.

Seeing Miao Feiying become like this, Chu Feng felt a pain in his heart, "Tell me about the situation!" Chu Feng said. With a move, Feng Bingning quickly passed a lot of information directly into Chu Feng's mind.

"Feng, can you increase Feiying's life rate a lot in a short time? If her life rate increases, maybe she can survive it!" Feng Bingning hurriedly said.

Chu Feng has a way to quickly increase the number of fate, but Chu Feng looked at Miao Feiying, Miao Feiying is now like this, even if she gives her a dragon ball, she cannot give her a dragon vein!

"Xiao Mingzi, is there any way to make Feiying sober?" Chu Feng said.

Tang Ming hurriedly said: "Yes, use poison. Normal poison does not work. It must be a more powerful poison. Attacking poison with poison can make a person who has been poisoned by sinking awake for a short time, but after being awake, falling asleep will make it more difficult to wake up. "

"Poison? I wrote it down."

"Bing Ning, you take Feiying with me to leave. Wen'er, don't go out while you stay here, remember, don't go out, let others think we are still here!" Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen nodded repeatedly, "Brother Feng, if you leave, be careful." Lan Wen said. Chu Feng nodded, wrapped in a force, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning quickly sank into the ground.

Under the ground, Chu Feng passed by with a thought, and the spirit dragon in training quickly woke up and then came to Chu Feng and the others to incorporate Chu Feng and the others into the dragon veins.

"Linglong, find a remaining dragon vein as quickly as possible." Chu Feng said. Linglong looked at Feng Bingning suspiciously and the dragon's massive body moved forward quickly.

As the dragon vein moved forward, Chu Feng tried to wake up Miao Feiying, but Miao Feiying had no response at all. "Feng, it seems that poison must be used." Miao Feiying said.

"Linglong, your speed is slow, I will collect the spar in your body first." Chu Feng said. "Okay." Linglong said, nodding his head.

In a short period of time, Chu Feng collected a large amount of spar. Without the drag of those spars, the speed of Linglong increased many times!

Linglong was fast, and within a few minutes he had already left Shenchu ​​City a very long distance. "Chu Long, I feel a dragon vein." Linglong said.

Five minutes later, the huge body of the Linglong had already surrounded a 20-kilometer-long dragon vein. Chu Feng thought that a small bottle appeared in his hand. The bottle contained venom. It was something made by green robe, but it was just ordinary goods, and there was nothing in that poisonous egg.

The reason why Chu Feng chose this type of venom was because the more it absorbed, the more toxic it was. He needed to try it slowly, and the amount of the poison should be just enough to make Miao Feiying wake up.

A drop of venom penetrated into the fire and dripped into Miao Feiying’s hand and was absorbed by her. Her body trembled, but she did not wake up. The second drop, the third drop, and the fourth drop of venom was in Chu Feng’s Calling, Miao Feiying's eyes moved, and Chu Feng dropped another drop. Those five drops of venom were enough to poison an emperor-level person. Miao Feiying's eyes slowly opened.

"Feiying, do you see the dragon vein outside? Feed it these two dragon balls." Chu Feng said quickly. "Chu Feng, I have no strength." Miao Feiying said with difficulty.

Chu Feng glanced at the venom bottle in his hand. Five drops of venom flew out and entered Miao Feiying's body. The venom entered Miao Feiying's body. Miao Feiying suddenly felt that some power was born in the body. Relying on her own strength, Miao Feiying stood up.

"Feiying, the situation is like this." Chu Feng passed some streamlined information directly into Miao Feiying's mind. Miao Feiying's power is not strong now, and it is not easy for her to digest information that is too complicated.

Feng Bingning controlled the fire without hurting the two dragon balls. Miao Feiying caught the two dragon **** at once. She threw them hard, and she threw the two dragon **** out of the body of the spirit dragon. A smaller dragon vein had already received some information from the spirit dragon. At this time, I saw that the dragon ball quickly absorbed the two dragon **** into the body.

"Miao Xian'er, Feiying's life style has increased," Chu Feng said quickly in his mind. Miao Feiying's kindness value is higher than his crime value and it is not a criminal, but her information can be investigated because she and Chu Feng's relationship is very close!

There are only two types of people who can find specific information in the holy prison. First, criminals, and second, people who are very close to him, such as Miao Feiying, who is Chu Feng's wife.

"Before it was 3465.12, now it is 3479.45, an increase of more than 14 points, Chu Feng, your fate has also increased a little bit." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although it was a little bit less than expected, it was not bad that it could increase by more than 14 points. "Linglong, next one, take out your maximum speed, please!" Chu Feng said.

"Alright Chu Feng." Linglong said. Linglong rushed forward, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning kept talking to Miao Feiying. Three minutes later, Chu Feng gave Miao Feiying two more dragon **** and let her lose the second dragon vein.

"Chu Feng, no more, I'm sleepy, so sleepy." Miao Feiying held up. "Can't sleep, Feiying, don't fall asleep, if you fall asleep, you probably won't wake up again, understand? We just got married, we still have a long time to spend together!" Chu Feng shouted typical.

Miao Feiying's spirit was a little uplifted: "So sleepy, or so sleepy, Chu Feng, I can't hold on anymore." "Feng, medicine." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng glanced at the poison bottle in his hand and had to put another drop of poison into Miao Feiying's body. That drop of poison was like a stimulant, and Miao Feiying's sleepiness disappeared as soon as it entered Miao Feiying's body.

"Feiying, every time you have to try your best to support for a while, you know, what you absorb is not a good thing, it is poison, a drop of poison that is enough to instantly poison a general King God-level figure!" Chu Feng smiled bitterly. Truthfully, "Every time you support for a while, you can absorb less poison. I don't know what bad consequences will happen when too much poison enters your body!"

In the flames, Miao Feiying smiled and said: "Chu Feng, don't make a face, it's so ugly. We are already married, and there is such a wedding, even if I die at that time, I will be content."

"Don't talk nonsense, talk nonsense again, then you will be destroyed." Chu Feng said, "Hold on, your life rating is improving, if your life rating is higher, then you can recover like me!"

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