Holy Prison

Chapter 987: Poison Pill

There is still less venom in a needle. When the venom is absorbed, the ping-pong-sized poison ball on Miao Feiying’s chest exudes terrible suction. It seems very angry, if it weren’t for Chu Feng’s prompt If another needle of venom is injected into Miao Feiying's body, it is estimated that Miao Feiying's flesh and blood may be absorbed by the poison group!

The venom of one tube, two tubes, three tubes, and three tubes went down, and Chu Feng's heart lifted up. Although there is still some venom in the holy prison space, there is not much venom, that is, the remaining tube is a little bit more. , If the poison group that has shrunk a lot is still so desperate and dissatisfied, then Chu Feng really has nothing to do!

The fourth tube of venom was also inserted into Miao Feiying’s arm. Chu Feng applied lightly, and this tube of venom was immediately removed by a quarter, and a quarter of the venom was only held for a minute. When the time was not up, Chu Feng had to inject some venom into Miao Feiying's body again!

"Feiying, how do you feel?" Chu Feng asked softly. He had been poisoned by sinking before, and the venom injected into Miao Feiying's body was enough to poison hundreds of god-level powerhouses!

"Hungry! So hungry!" Miao Feiying smiled bitterly. She hadn't felt hungry for countless years. She didn't expect that this time the formation of a strange thing in her body would actually feel hungry! This feeling made her feel fresh, but at such a time, she really didn't have the mood to experience that freshness!

Chu Feng gritted his teeth, and the fourth tube of venom was completely injected into Miao Feiying's body. The feeling of hunger disappeared. Miao Feiying felt that her body and soul seemed to be attracted by a terrifying force.

In the horrified gaze of Chu Feng and Feng Bingning, Miao Feiying's body shrank rapidly, but in the blink of an eye, Miao Feiying disappeared. There was only a small ball about one centimeter in diameter where she was just now. Spin quickly!

The surface of the small ball is not flat. During the rotation, the surface of that small ball gradually becomes smooth! "Feng!" Feng Bingning exclaimed. She did not disperse the flame at this time, and the constantly vibrating flame showed that her heart was extremely unstable!

Chu Feng stared at the poison pill closely. He didn't expect that a poison pill was really formed, and what he didn't expect was that this poison pill actually swallowed Miao Feiying!

"Miao Xian'er, is this the backlash of Poison Pill?" Chu Feng said anxiously in his mind. "Chu Feng, calm down, calm down, you can feel more after you calm down." Miao Xian'er said.

"Let's talk, I can't calm down at this time." Chu Feng said in his mind after taking a few deep breaths. Just after getting married, Miao Feiying was in this situation. It's strange that he can be calm!

Just before, Miao Feiying had cut herself a total of two thousand six hundred and thirty-five dollars. Seeing Miao Feiying like this, it would be good if Chu Feng hadn't gone crazy at this time, how could he calm down!

Miao Xianer said: "This is not a backlash from the poison pill. Chu Feng, there are many special physiques between heaven and earth, do you know this." "I know." Chu Feng said in his mind, "Feiying and her It's not a special constitution."

"It was not before, but it may be in the future. The poison pill has formed in her body. At this time, it is estimated that the poison pill is changing her physique on its own!" Miao Xianer said.

"Poison body, is this a good thing or a bad thing for her? Can the problem of the poison of sinking be solved?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

"Chu Feng, I really can't answer you about this. Some poisons are good after they are formed and do no harm to themselves, but they are very powerful when they attack people, and some poisons hurt people very badly. The same is true. That's it! The poison of sinking seems to have been absorbed into the poison pill at the moment when the poison pill was formed. I don't know if it can be solved, but now I can only wait." Miao Xianer said.

Feng Bingning was also extremely horrified in her heart, but she slowly calmed down as she looked like Chu Feng. "Feng, don't worry, Feiying will have nothing to do." Feng Bingning held Chu Feng's hand and said softly.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me." Chu Feng said. "Okay, Linglong, return to Shenchu ​​City."

Miao Feiying was sucked into the poison pill, and there was no need for Linglong to look for other dragon veins. "Okay Chu Feng." Linglong said obediently.

"Bing Ning, don't let others know what happened after this dragon vein." Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning nodded, "I understand."

Chu Feng could easily find the dragon veins. If others knew of this news, there would be some incredible, countless spars. This is definitely a great temptation for others, and those dragon **** can This news can't be spread out to promote people's fate!

"Feng, where did you get so many Dragon Balls?" Feng Bingning asked deliberately, distracting Chu Feng's mind. "I got it in the abyss. I got a space item from a strong man in the abyss. There are many treasures in it, including many dragon balls!" Chu Feng said softly. Of course this is a lie. The true origin of dragon **** is not suitable. Feng Bingning knew.

"Feng, how did you meet Linglong and then became friends?"

"Feng, even with the help of Linglong, it is not easy to rob the spar in other dragon veins, right?"

Feng Bingning asked one question after another. Chu Feng was also happy to distract and answered patiently one by one. After ten or twenty questions, Linglong had already returned to Shenchu ​​City, but Miao Feiying was still the same as before. Son, there was only one poison pill where she was before!

"Bing Ning, you go up first. I'm here with Fei Ying to make them be careful. I don't want any accidents to happen! There are some guests who have not left Shenchu ​​City. Send them to leave first, I At this time, I was not in the mood to see other people." Chu Feng said.

"Then this fire" Feng Bing condensed. "Let me maintain it, I also have this ability." Chu Feng said that a fireball formed outside Feng Bingning's flames, and Feng Bingning's thoughts immediately took away the flames she had maintained. "Feng, I will make everyone be careful. As for those guests, if they want to stay, let them stay. It's not good to drive people." Feng Bing condensed.


Feng Bingning sighed slightly and instantly left the dragon veins and then appeared in the Chu Mansion. As long as there was no such powerful thing as the poison of sinking, Feng Bingning and the others were actually relatively safe in the Shenchu ​​City above.

"Feng Yi, in all likelihood, this matter has nothing to do with Feng Yi, an old beast!" The gaze in Chu Feng's eyes was terrifying, and that would definitely scare some courageous people to death. "Chu Feng, do you want to deal with Feng Yi?" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng frowned. If it was Feng Yi, he probably didn't leave any evidence in this action. If there is evidence, then Chu Feng can call many people to the Feng Clan to kill in the name of revenge. But if there is no evidence, even if there are those favors, he estimated that it would be difficult to be touching!

The Feng clan is not a soft persimmon. Even if there is evidence, it is not easy to go to the Feng clan to kill people. If there is no evidence to dare to go to the Feng clan and make trouble, even if Fengman doesn't care, the rest of the Feng clan will definitely have a lot of accounting comparisons!

"Miao Xian'er, is there any way to find out about this matter?" Chu Feng said. "Isn't there a saying on your earth, there is no impermeable wall in the world, as long as you check carefully, there will always be some clues." Miao Xianer said.

"We must first determine whether it is Feng Yi or not. If we find the wrong person, the real culprit will be at ease." Chu Feng said, he had already thought of a method, but now there is no time to confirm it!

In a blink of an eye, more than three months passed. During these three months, Chu Zhen and the others had never left the Chu Mansion. Each of them spent most of their time on training. Only when you practice training will you forget some things and let the anger in your heart lower a little.

Within the dragon veins, Chu Feng had never broken the flame, let alone three months with his cultivation base, even three, thirty, three hundred years of persistence without any problems.

"Feiying, wake up, you have been asleep for more than three months, today is three months and ten days, we have been married for such a long time, but we have not had a married life yet." Chu Feng said to himself So, during these three months or so, most of his time was so misleading.

"Who wants to live with your husband and wife?" A soft snort rang out. Chu Feng's slightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and Miao Feiying stood beautifully two meters in front of him. Miao Feiying's appearance has not changed much, but the whole person feels more mysterious. Breath.

"Feiying!" Chu Feng was sitting there, but at this moment he stood up quickly. "Feiying, how do you feel? Has the poison of sinking gone? What about the poison pill, is there any harm to you?"

Miao Feiying said authentically: "You ask so many all at once, which one should I answer first?" "Come one by one, one by one, no hurry." Chu Feng said, holding Miao Feiying in his arms at once. "Slap!" Chu Feng slapped Miao Feiying heavily, "I'll give you a little punishment. It has worried me for so long."

"I didn't see it, I didn't see it." Linglong's small eyes blinked at Chu Feng. "Linglong, let's go up first." Chu Feng said in a short period of time, he took out the countless top-grade spars that he had put away before and left the dragon vein with Miao Feiying.

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