Holy Prison

Chapter 993: Poison acquisition

"Nothing." Chu Feng shook his head. He pointed to the direction of Phoenix Ridge. He wanted to go to the Phoenix Ridge side, but after saying that, he remembered that at the current speed of Linglong, it was one hundred. It's not possible to get to the Phoenix Ridge in years, "Linglong, forget it, just move forward, feel the dragon veins and communicate with the other party, let's communicate with each other through the dragon vein for about a day!"

Linglong left Shenchu ​​City and approached casually. It didn't take long for him to approach a dragon vein. "Brother Feng, I know why you can become a dragon vein geomaster. Stay in a dragon vein and approach frequently. Other dragon veins have an intuitive understanding of many things about dragon veins. If you can't become a dragon vein master under such circumstances, you really don't have this talent!" Tang Ming smiled.

"Let's hurry up and understand. If it's fast, you should be able to become a Longmai Di Master in about ten years." Chu Feng said, "I won't be with you here anymore. I'll go out and have some things."

Feng Bingning and the others were taken aback for a moment, "Chu boy, you can go out later, how about let us go out after becoming a Dragon Maid Earth Master?" Meng Hao said.

"You don't need to be with you, you can practice here." Chu Feng said.

Ji Tian Lian shook his head: "This won't work, even if we stay in your treasure space, we have to follow you." "That is, if you die, our obsession will be hard to dispel, and it is probably not a saint. Hope child." Meng Hao said.

Feng Bing said: "Feng, do you have to go out now? Can't it be postponed for ten or twenty years?" "Well, postponed for ten or twenty years. I will let a clone go out. Going out, that's because Feiying needs top-notch poison. She doesn't need it now, but she has to be prepared. If you don't have it when you need it, you can suffer." Chu Feng said.

In the sacred prison space, Miao Feiying is currently studying a poison scripture, which Chu Feng bought from the sacred prison store. She still feels fuller for the time being, and the green robe in the sacred prison space tries his best The ground is preparing some poison for her, but it is estimated that the green robe will not last for too long when it is prepared, and there is still another way to get the poison.

"Then it's okay to go out with a clone. If you can do things with a clone, try not to let the deity come forward. It doesn't matter if the clone destroys one or two, it will be bad if something happens to the deity." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng nodded, he found out a clone of King God's primary strength, and that clone immediately left the dragon veins and appeared outside.

When the clone left, Chu Feng said: "I will go into the treasure space to practice, Bing Ning, you can practice with peace of mind." Chu Feng said that he disappeared and entered the holy prison.

"Sister Bing Ning, Brother Feng won't leave, right?" Lan Wen said. Feng Bingning shook her head: "It shouldn't be. If he wants the deity to leave, there is no need to lie to us like this."

"Chu boy should indeed have entered the treasure space. His treasure is good. If people disappear, we can't find out where his treasure is. It is a good choice to enter the treasure space when it is dangerous. "Meng Hao smiled. "It's a good treasure indeed." Bruin said in surprise. He tried to scan with God's consciousness, but he didn't find anything.

If the holy prison is only eighth level, then they may be able to find the dust that the holy prison has turned into, but now they can't find the holy prison at the ninth level, but if they use some means, they can still find it. For example, if the rest of the things here are burned into nothingness, what is left that cannot be burned is the holy prison?

"Miao Xian'er, give those heavenly guards a task to search for poisons, extremely powerful poisons, don't need ordinary things, just top-notch poisons!" Chu Feng immediately said to Miao Xian'er as soon as he entered the holy prison space. Those one hundred heaven guards were trained in the domain tower. They only had the Emperor God level cultivation base and the possibility of obtaining the top poison was relatively small, but it was also possible.

Miao Xian'er appeared in front of Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, if you want to save Miao Feiying, your most important thing is to upgrade the Holy Prison. If the Holy Prison is promoted, there may be powerful poisons in the Holy Prison store. In addition to the poison, maybe there is something that can help her awaken her poison pill. In addition, there will be a medical clinic. By then, the eleventh-level medical clinic should be able to play some role, right?"

"You are right, but the holy prison has to be upgraded, and the poison has to be searched for. By then, there may not be anything needed in the eleventh level store." Chu Feng sighed authentically.

"Chu Feng, your heart is still messed up, you need to be quiet." Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "Come, lie down on this sofa, I will give you a massage."

Chu Feng threw himself on the sofa, and Miao Xian'er massaged him with care. Miao Xian'er's technique was good, and Chu Feng really felt more comfortable.

"Chu Feng, just say what you want to say." Miao Xian'er said with a light smile. Chu Feng said helplessly: "I feel that I was so unlucky. The Bing Ning matter has not been resolved yet, Fei Ying has happened again here."

Miao Xian'er said, "Feng Bingning, are you confident that you can solve it?" "There should be no problem. Ten thousand years are enough to do a lot of things." Chu Feng said.

"That's not enough. Since it can be solved at the time, then Feng Bingning's matter here is nothing. Miao Feiying does have some problems here, but if you are lucky and work hard, it won't be impossible, right? "Miao Feiying said.

Chu Feng was silent. He hated that it takes good luck to solve it. What if the luck is bad? Miao Feiying would have to die. Such a result is hard for him to accept!

"Chu Feng, I'll do the calculations for you. The holy prison you got, your parents are still alive, and they have embarked on the path of training, and there will be no problem living for hundreds of millions of years. You have a younger brother, and The younger brother also has a partner. As far as relatives are concerned, God is good to you, what do you think? As for your wife, you have Feng Bingning and Lan Wen, and now there is another Miao Feiying, all of whom are extremely good, although there is a little bit Little question, but you have nothing to complain about, do you?"

"In terms of friends, you have friends like Zhou Wen. Family, friends, and love are all occupied, and you have many treasures and talents. If you are still depressed, how can others live." Miao Xianer Qing Humph authentic.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Listen to you, I should be content." "Yes, but contentment also requires hard work. After all, you are a man, Feng Bingning and the others are your wives. You can't resist their affairs. Resistance?" Miao Xianer said.

"Miao Xian'er, I didn't expect you to comfort people, but I underestimated you." Chu Feng chuckled. When Miao Xian'er said this, his mentality was really peaceful.

"That's right, this girl can do a lot." Miao Xian'er smiled and said, "Well, the massage is over, you should want to enter the domain tower."

Chu Feng got up and nodded: "You know my heart. Okay, I'm going in."

Chu Feng disappeared, and Miao Xian'er faintly said: "I know your heart, do you know my heart? Chu Feng's stinky bad guys, I envy Feng Bingning and the others, which can make you worry."

Chu Feng did not hear Miao Xian'er's muttering, he had already entered the domain tower at this time. There are several things to enter the domain tower, first, earning merit points; second, earning domain tower value, and third, looking for powerful poison.

Many days passed in a blink of an eye, Chu Feng's true body was working hard in the domain tower, while his clone was working hard outside.

First of all, Chu Feng availed himself in the big trading houses and released the purchase information. He bought the best poison at a high price. The non-top poison is not required. The price is that the strong person who respects the gods and perfects will also be excited, but the top poison It is estimated that not many people own the entire infinite.

Then, Chu Feng went to an auction house where Qiiseye was available. After he asked to see him, Venerable Qiye rushed over after a short while. Venerable Qiye owed him ten loves. Chu Feng and Venerable Qiye God said, he needs poison, super poison, if he can get it, he can use poison to counter favor! Venerable Qiye is naturally impossible to refuse such a condition. With Qiyeye's huge power, Chu Feng felt that it was still possible to get a powerful poison.

After seeing the Seven Leaves Venerable, Chu Feng saw the Scarlet Blood Venerable of the Blood Killing Pavilion. The same conditions were readily accepted by the Scarlet Blood Venerable. For a strong man like them, they were afraid of owing favor and fear. What is owed to others is that they will not let them pay back!

Chu Feng's clone was released for one purpose, to spread the news that he needed the best poison, one by one, large forces searched, and high-priced purchases in the trading house, so that most people on the entire infinity can definitely know. He Chu someone asked for a powerful poison!

After some actions, Chu Feng's clone returned to Shenchu ​​City, and the news had already spread. He only needed to wait for someone to send poison to his door in Shenchu ​​City!

It didn't take long for Chu Feng's clone to arrive at Chu Mansion, the city of Deshenchu. One of Chu Mansion's subordinates came to report: "Master, someone asked to see him, and the other party said there was poison and asked if you want it."

"Well, I'll go out and have a look." Chu Feng said as he reached the gate of Chu Mansion.

"Brother Chu, I was fortunate to get a powerful poison before. I don't know if it meets your requirements." A middle-aged man in Tsing Yi said that a gray pill appeared in his hand, "I checked this poison. Some information is that a powerful Emperor God level powerhouse will definitely die if you eat it! It is definitely a good thing that will harm people!"

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