Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1021: Robert

The Cuban rebellion was jumped up by the British, and even the inattentive Vienna government could detect it. Naturally, it is impossible for the Spanish to not know.

However, this is the end of the matter, and the Spanish government can do nothing but scold the British for not doing personnel affairs.

The rules of the game are like this, even if it is to "protest", you must first show evidence.

The British are experienced in this kind of thing, how can they leave obvious evidence to give others a handle?

The lack of evidence is not a big problem, as long as it is determined that the British did it, the Spaniards can retaliate back in secret.

If there is no evidence and no strength, then you can only suffer from this dumb loss.

Obviously, this is not what the Spanish government is willing to accept. In order to seek the help of the international community and put diplomatic pressure on the British, the Spanish diplomats became busy again.


"The Spaniard is asking for help again!"

Franz frowned.

In a sense, the exchanges between countries and interpersonal relations are similar. Only when there are friends who can bring benefits to each other, can the relationship be good for a long time.

It is pure unilateral help. For the first time, many people are expected to be willing to help. The second time I feel bored, and the third time I feel almost cold.

Favors can be exhausted, not to mention between countries.

In the previous Philippine War, the Vienna government did a great deal, far exceeding the previous promise to the Spanish government.

The return did not wait, but the Spanish government came to rescue again. You can imagine what Franz was in.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Foreign Secretary Wesenberg: "The situation facing the Spanish government is very bad. Because of the war, the Spanish government's finances have reached the brink of bankruptcy.

Finally, I recovered the Philippine Islands and encountered a Cuban rebellion. To make matters worse, behind the Cuban independence movement, the shadow of the British appeared.

Spain does not have the confidence to compete with the British. Apart from helping the international community, they have no better choice. "

In this world where the weak eats the strong, the weak is the original sin.

Although Spain is also a member of the great powers, parallel imports are parallel imports. After the Philippine War, many countries no longer recognize their status as great powers.

Perhaps the Cuban independence movement is just a casual move of the British government, but the Spanish dare not ignore it.

I can't stand it by myself. To offset the pressure of the British, the best choice is naturally to ask the boss for help.

The Spanish government has enough reasons to believe that as long as the European Union intervenes in the British government, it will give up support for the Cuban independence organization, just like sitting by and watching Japan abandon the Philippine Islands.

"How is the Ministry of Foreign Affairs prepared to respond?"

Franz asked.

The boss is not good. Regardless of whether you are impatient or not, when things come, you can't shirk their excuses.

Just dealing with these troubles requires skill. We must pay attention to protecting the interests of the younger brothers, not to chill the younger brothers; and not blindly accommodating, and fall into passivity.

Obviously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has more experience in this area. Dealing with all kinds of troubles every day, the way to deal with it is already clear.

Foreign Secretary Weissenberg: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs believes that it can provide limited support to Spain, that is, to ensure that the British will not directly intervene in the Cuban independence movement.

If Spain wants more, then it can show direct evidence of the British planning the Cuban independence movement, or persuade the countries in the Union.

As long as all European countries agree, we can also have another international intervention. "

Unlike the Philippine War, the Vienna government had promised during the Anti-French War that the Cuban independence movement was not within the scope of the agreement.

Since there is no agreement, it can only be "business as usual." Being able to provide limited support and block the pressure of the British, the Vienna government has fulfilled its responsibilities as the boss.

Sending troops to help suppress the rebellion is a joke. I can't even handle my own housework, so I am embarrassed to take it out.

A colony is not a homeland. According to the current rules of the game, you deserve to give up if you can't keep it, and don't even think about getting it.

As for the subsequent international interference, it is more like a picture of "visible, uneatable".

The British are not the soft persimmons in Japan.

There is no pressure from European countries on the non-existent indigenous country of Japan. Seeing that several major countries in the alliance support interference, everyone is happy to sell Spain.

The British are different. Although Britain has lost its right to speak in Europe, the Royal Navy still dominates the world.

All countries can personally feel the strength of the British, asking them to support them spiritually and condemn them verbally.

If we really want to confront the British directly, or even carry out armed intervention, that is: "cough, cough, cough", we will take a step forward if we are unwell.

Not to mention the European countries, even the Vienna government is afraid of the British.

Unless Spain gets the evidence, as the boss, you have to get ahead, otherwise the Vienna government is also unwilling to confront the British because of this trivial matter.

Even if the Spanish government does its best, there is hope at best, or the only people who can persuade are the Russians.

Nicholas II, who had just succeeded to the throne, was about to do something "big business", and shouldn't mind confronting the British.

There is bound to be a battle between Britain and Russia, and it has been doomed from the day the Central Asia Railway was constructed.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend." If Spain has the courage to ally with the Russians on the issue of confronting the British, the Tsarist government will definitely vote for the alliance.

Then, there is no more. The Russian navy has limited strength and has no ability to intervene; the tsarist government is too poor to clank, cheering and cheering, and the actual assistance is infinitely close to zero.

After some thought, Franz slowly said: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can arrange for a normal reception. By the way, tell the Prime Minister of Spain that I am on vacation and there is no time to see him now."

Obviously, Franz acquiesced to the practice of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Cuba and the Shenluo Empire have nothing to do with each other. If Cuba is really broken and international sugar prices rise, he might be able to charge a little more tariffs.

In recent years, the noble lords have not been in vain. Pieces of plantations have emerged, and various cash crops are basically available.

Looking at the international trade situation, Shinra has been in a super position for a long time. A large part of the reason is that while exporting industrial and commercial products, industrial raw materials can be self-sufficient.

There is not enough interest trend, on the Cuban issue, Franz is naturally not too much to watch the excitement.

From the standpoint of the Vienna government, as long as the British do not personally end up robbing Cuba, the Vienna government can watch the excitement.

Cuba’s independence is not a problem either. Anyway, the colonies under the banner of Shinra do not have the basis for a national independence movement.

If it really sets off a wave of colonial independence, it is the British who should have the headaches, and if they don't help, it will be worthy of Spain.

If Spain can suppress the rebellion, it does not matter. The contradiction between the British and the West adds another stroke, which helps to strengthen the international anti-British forces.

By the way, you can also help digest the ammunition inventory. The free ammunition treatment during the Philippine war is a history, and now it is charged.

No money, don't be afraid.

Shinra has the most professional banking and financial team to provide such international loan services to international friends who need funds.

As long as there is enough collateral, there is no problem with how much you want to borrow. Even for the sake of the friendship between the two countries, it is possible to obtain the most favorable loan interest rate.

The premise is: to specify the purchase of part of the inventory.


Downing Street, London.

"What is going on, haven't we stopped the operation?"

Robert Cecil asked dissatisfiedly.

It is true that the London government supports the Cuban independence movement, but it is based on the fact that the Philippine war is still going on, and it did so in order to reduce the pressure on the Japanese.

With the mutual compromise between Japan and Spain, the Philippine War ended early, and the late Cuban independence movement has lost its original value.

As the world’s largest colonial empire, it is not in Britain’s interest to instigate a national independence movement in the long run.

Although John Bull likes to do things that are harmful to others, he rarely does things that may harm his own interests in the future.

Therefore, after the Philippines negotiated an agreement, Robert Cecil decisively ordered the termination of the operation.

Foreign Secretary Cameron McCarton explained: "Your Excellency, we cannot fully control the Cuban Independence Organization.

In fact, as early as the start of the Japan-Spain negotiations, we reduced our support for independent organizations, and we completely ended the assistance immediately after the negotiations.

But at that time they had returned to Cuba to start an independence movement, and we had essentially lost control of them.

According to the report of the purchase of insiders, behind the Cuban independence movement, there are other international forces intervening.

Both the Confederate States and the United States are suspected, but they are too secretive. The Cuban Independence Organization itself does not know who is supporting them. "

Cameron McCarton is also very helpless. It's really not that he, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, is negligent.

The independence movement is not a child's play. Once it starts, it doesn't want to stop, it can stop.

The Spaniards are not fools, no matter how secretive the actions of independent organizations are, clues will be revealed over time.

The British don't care, even if the Spaniards are exposed, they can't do anything to them. The Cuban Independence Organization will not work anymore, even if the upper level can run, what about the middle and lower levels?

Once caught by the Spaniards, it is "bring out the mud with the carrot", and the entire independent organization will be devastated.

I'm already on the edge of the cliff, I can't even start it.

At exactly this time, new international people appeared, taking over the role of the British and providing material assistance to independent organizations.

The high-level leaders of the Cuban Independence Organization took it seriously and simply studded directly. The vigorous Cuban independence movement kicked off.

"Damn American idiots, don't you know they are playing with fire! Dare to let the empire take the blame, it's just..."

Obviously, Prime Minister Robert Cecil was blown up. Don't say if you are carrying a scapegoat for someone, the key is that you don't know who is carrying the scapegoat for someone.

Even if the evidence is found now, Robert Cecil would not believe it. Based on the relationship between the United States and the Confederacy, it is very commonplace to design and frame each other.

Since the beginning of the Civil War, there hasn't been a day when they didn't stab each other. Watching and eating American melons has become a part of British people's daily life.

If you don't know who did it, then the British government is betrayed. Even if Robert Cecil publicly announced that it had nothing to do with them, no one would believe it.

After venting his anger, Prime Minister Robert Cecil calmed down and fell into deep thought.

Politics, black and white, only talk about pros and cons.

Knowing that it has taken the blame, the British government cannot let it go under the background that it cannot clear the suspicion. Especially in the context of just receiving a note from the Vienna government.

Otherwise, it will become: Britain is afraid of the Holy Roman Empire, and a note will make them abandon the Cuban Independence Organization.

Sometimes rumors can kill people. Regardless of the fact that the relationship between Britain and Austria seems to be good on the surface, in fact, the two countries have engaged in countless secret battles around the struggle for hegemony.

At this critical moment, once Britain shows the slightest weakness, it will cause a chain reaction in the international community.

Originally due to geographical factors, the European "wall grass" who was forced to stand with Shinra might very well make up their minds and join the winner.

If it really happens, then there is nothing to say. The Shenluo Empire that integrated the European continent was absolutely invincible, and it was useless for Britain to struggle.

At that time, the British government has only two ways: Either take advantage of the doubts of the European countries, and act first to fight with Shenluo vigorously; or obediently give up world hegemony.

Obviously, this is not what Robert Cecil wanted. If it could be fought, Britain would have ended up during the Anti-French War, and it would be impossible to wait until now.

It is even more impossible to give up world hegemony. If he really retreats on this, he will be beaten to death by angry "people" before he walks out of Downing Street.

"To restore support for the Cuban Independence Organization, we need to use them to find out who is behind the scenes. I want to know who is so bold and dares to calculate Britain.

Send people to secretly contact the Spanish government. As long as they are willing to withdraw from the European Union, we will stop supporting independent organizations and support them in suppressing the Cuban rebellion.

By the way, hit the Netherlands and Portugal. Recently they have gotten too close to Vienna, and almost forgot who is the master of this world. "

The black pot cannot be white-backed, and maximizing the benefits is a must. Supporting the Cuban independence movement is indeed easy to pull hatred, but it can also shock people.

You must know that since the defeat of France, London has become the headquarters of international exile organizations.

Britain can support the independence of the Cuban independence organization today, and tomorrow it can support the independence of the Indonesian independence organization, the day after tomorrow, it can be replaced by...

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