Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 1095: Tangled Carlos

Japan is not close to the British Isles. Even if an agreement is reached immediately to ship it back from London, it will be two months away.

What's more, the armored unit is a technical unit, and it takes a certain amount of time to be familiar with equipment and basic training. It is highly efficient to be able to enter the battlefield within half a year.

For the current Russo-Japanese War, it can only be regarded as distant water. If you want to quench your thirst, the Japanese Army still needs to work hard.

No one can help with this issue. When it comes to specific tactical command capabilities, the frontline officers are clearly better than the civilian officials in the government.

Professionals can't figure it out, let alone amateurs. Japan’s wealth is weak and cannot withstand any toss. It has not yet reached the time for willfulness.

Ito Bowen: "Although the Far East battlefield is a bit troublesome, the overall situation is still within our control.

According to information provided by the British, the Siberian Railway will not be open to traffic until the second half of next year at the earliest.

In addition to the later opening of the railway and the integration time, it is estimated that it will be able to play a role in early 1906, and we still have enough time.

The trouble is the international situation. The struggle between Britain and the Holy Roman Empire is getting more and more fierce. Many things have been brought to the table, and they are too lazy to cover up.

They might start fighting someday. The empire and Britain are tied too deeply, and now they are at war with the Russians. Once the battle for hegemony breaks out, we have no choice at all.

Although the Royal Navy occupies an absolute advantage, the British are invincible; but the Holy Roman Empire, which spans Asia, Europe and Africa, holds the land hegemony equally unshakable.

Both have their own absolute advantages, and no one dares to draw conclusions easily at the end of this battle for hegemony.

The two tigers will have one injury when they fight, which should be a good thing for other countries in the world.

However, the empire's luck was bad, and it happened to be at this time for the war with the Russians. If one is not good, we will be involved in the battle for hegemony.

Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that Britain and the Holy Roman Empire will have nothing to do with each other and will eventually be forced to choose a truce.

They are a big family, and it doesn't matter if they fight a battle. Those of us who are implicated in it will be unlucky.

Similar cases have not happened in history, just like our Warring States period. "

Ito's concern is definitely not aimless. With Japan’s national power, he ran to participate in the struggle for hegemony between Shinra and Britain, and the final result was definitely a tragedy.

Even if the British win and stand on the side of the winner, waiting for their destiny will never be good.

There is no other reason, but the strength is not good. The Russians alone make them exhausted, where there is still the ability to go to other places to grab territory.

If you win, you won’t be able to share the spoils; if you lose, you may lose all your money. Such a battle for hegemony, no one is willing to mix it up!

The Japanese government does not lack such lessons. Although the "Japanese Warring States Period" was mostly village-level fights, it is feasible to learn from the experience of the ancients.

Several big names are fighting for hegemony, and the first unlucky ones are all small lords. Follow the boss to fight, not only to be cannon fodder, but also to pick up the leftovers.

If the casualties are heavy, you can only admit that you are unlucky. If you run into kindness and righteousness, you may have to take care of it to help preserve the family heritage; if you encounter a harsh one, you will be swallowed up directly by the owner.

Prime Minister Katsutaro: "Ito-kun, there is no need to think too much. Changes in the international situation are beyond our control. Right now the empire can win this war.

As for the struggle for hegemony between the Holy Roman Empire and Britain, we can only follow the development of the situation and wait for opportunities.

As long as the empire has a good grasp of its degree, and don’t participate too deeply, even if the Shenluo wins, the Vienna government will not be able to expedition to seek the empire’s bad luck.

What's more, judging from the current situation, the possibility of losing both sides is the greatest, and the danger to the empire is not great. "

Distance is the best moat. For Japan at this stage, being far away from the European continent is the biggest advantage.

Regardless of how fierce the Anglo-Austrian struggle is, the main battlefield is in Europe. As long as the Japanese government does not drill into it by itself, the possibility of becoming a bystander is very high.

Even if the British boss is unhappy, there are still Russians who are pushing the tank! Being busy with the Russo-Japanese War and being unable to be distracted from the south is the best reason.

Containing the Russians and reducing British pressure in India is their greatest contribution to the alliance.

Of course, the prerequisite for Kataro to come to this conclusion is that Britain and Russia did not get together.

If the Russians fell to the British, they would have no choice but to end the war and head south.

After all, British money is not easy to take. Now that I have received the money from others, I will die.


The Japanese government, thousands of miles away, felt the pressure. European countries facing the storm, let alone.

It's the team season once in decades. At this point, everyone must make a choice.

"Choices are greater than effort" is also applicable to the country. After this step is taken, it will be difficult to turn back.

In the next few decades, whether it will be "savory and spicy" or "eating chafing vegetables" depends on the result of this wave of betting.

Since the end of the European War, Paris, this international metropolis has fallen into a second-tier city, and its international presence has become less and less.

The old days when the Paris government stomped its feet and the earth would shake three times, no longer existed.

Now there is only a Bourbon dynasty that survives in the slit, without the arrogance of the former European overlord.

Not only the government has lost its momentum, but even the people have also lost their confidence, showing no sense of arrogance back then.

The revolutionary sacred place that was originally active is now like a pool of stagnant water. With the end of the war, the contending thoughts of a hundred schools of thought ended.

The passionate and passionate campus debates no longer exist, and the passionate and romantic Paris Avenues are gone.

I don’t know when the people of Paris are not keen on discussing politics and news about international events. It’s not as good as store discounts to attract everyone’s attention.

What used to be the capital of newspapers has now fallen to the point where there is no sign of newspapers, as if people don't like to read newspapers anymore.

The scenes before him cast a shadow over Lloyd George's mission, deep in his heart.

Vibrant Paris no longer exists, and now there are just a group of walking corpses just for survival.

Ask yourself, can this kind of France be able to shoulder the heavy responsibility of "anti-Shen Luo"?

Lloyd-George didn't know it himself. It’s just that it’s all here, no matter whether it works or not, the work must continue.

No one thought that the Vienna government's response to Britain's withdrawal from the free trade system would be so intense, directly piercing the last layer of paper between the two countries.

The smell of gunpowder in Europe suddenly became strong, but Britain's strategic plan has just begun.

Seeing that the pace of war is approaching, the banner of the anti-"Shenluo" alliance has not been erected yet.

The main force in the reservation, Teddy Bear, is currently busy fighting with another teammate, Japan. If internal problems are not resolved, how can we talk about anti-Shinra?

It’s just that time is waiting for people, the arms race has fully broken out, and Shinra and Britain are now in the dumpling contest.

Even if the war breaks out tomorrow, Lloyd George will not be surprised.

In order to increase the chances of victory in the war, the British government is doing its utmost to win over allies. It doesn't matter whether it is the power group or the soy sauce group, as long as it can be pulled over, the more the better.

In the eyes of the British government: "A bad ship also has three catties", not to mention the French empire that was once arrogant. No matter how declining, it is not comparable to the average small country.

In a sense, the British government's judgment is not wrong. France is still a "big country" with a population of over 10 million. Although it has been weakened severely, there is still some background.

It is a pity that the "foundation" is only the "foundation". Before it is transformed into strength, no matter how deep the foundation is, it can't support a big country.

France is now a typical case. Regardless of how rich historical accumulation is, it cannot withstand the constant bloodletting and toss of the anti-French alliance.

First, the military industry in France was violently destroyed, and then the heavy industry in France was killed by commodity dumping.

If it's just industrial damage, that's fine, the most important thing is the performance of the Russians.

Originally, the French still welcomed the entry of the Russian army. At the Vienna Conference, the Anti-French Alliance claimed that the tsarist government wanted to let them go, and even had a big fight with other countries because of this.

It's a pity that this "ally" looking forward to coming over is properly a wolf in human skin.

With the help of the Russians, France successfully fell from the edge of the cliff to the endless abyss.

Regardless of the arrogance, bones, feelings, and hatred, they all shivered under the butcher knife of the Russian army.

Just look at the performance of the people in Paris and you will know that it is all due to the Russians. Anyone with a backbone is either sent to meet God or is contributing to the construction of the Siberian Railway.

At first glance, the yin and yang are all over. Young and Zhuang people are almost harmed by the Russians, and the rest are mostly old and weak women and children, and it is difficult for them to do things.

Lloyd George can see that even if the French are participating in the anti-Shinra war, they can only follow with soy sauce.

If you want to be the main force, then you have to have soldiers?

If you simply count the young and strong labor force, it is estimated that Belgium next door is not much different from France.

Although France still has a population of 178 million, the number of troops that can be brought out is a few hundred thousand at most.

Don't say it was against Shinra, I guess if they move, the neighboring Sardinia, Belgium, Switzerland, and Spain will solve them.

Of course, if there are not enough men, women can still be recruited. In theory, France can still form an army of millions.

It is a pity that the French did not have this opportunity. The Anti-French Alliance restricted France's armaments early, and the number of troops was limited to death.

Even the purchase of every rifle and every bullet must be approved by the coalition headquarters, not to mention expanding the scope of recruitment.

It is estimated that the French troops will kill them before they complete the domestic mobilization. It's not that the anti-French alliance has never done it before changing the government.

Knowing that the home knows, the one who should fudge is still to fudge. If a war breaks out, any force is precious.

France is weak, but this does not affect them as cannon fodder. Even if it is not helpful on the frontal battlefield, it can consume Shenra's resources when making trouble, that is good.

Britain and France have been feuds for hundreds of years. By the way, they cheated the French. Lloyd George didn't have any pressure.

With the heart to give it a try, Lloyd George came to the Palace of Versailles.

After revisiting the old place, what I saw before my eyes has changed dramatically. Not only was the palace changed its owner, but the interior decoration was also much worse than before.

As a French folk song sang: "The troubled Versailles Palace, the troubled Paris city, the troubled France..."

From the beginning of its construction, the fate of the Palace of Versailles has been connected with France. In recent hundreds of years, countless major events involving French history have been staged here.


Before Lloyd George finished blowing, Carlos interrupted first: "Sir George, there is no point in talking about this.

Your country has also made great contributions to France's fall to this point. Without the cooperation of your country, we would not have lost so cleanly in the European War.

Now talking about the friendship between the two countries, sorry, I really can't feel the friendship between your country. What I saw with my eyes was only the betrayal of allies.

At this point, it's useless to say anything. France can no longer withstand any toss, instead of wasting your efforts here, your country should think about how to deal with the challenges of the Holy Roman Empire! "

Anglo-French friendship is a false proposition in itself. In the past few hundred years, the time of confrontation between the two countries has been dozens of times the time of the alliance.

Even so, France suffered a great loss in the few alliances.

Fengshui took turns, and now it was the British's turn to continue the challenge. Carlos hadn't fallen into trouble, and it had already given a lot of face.

Wanting France to take up arms and start war with the Holy Roman Empire again for the benefit of the British is simply insulting Carlos' IQ.

Rejected, Lloyd George was not surprised. Even he was mentally prepared to be kicked out, and now he can still sit here and talk, which is already a very good result.

Although it was done by the previous government, it is still an indisputable fact that Britain pitted France.

It is normal to have grievances to be so miserable, and there are problems without grievances.

It's just that Lloyd George doesn't have much to say on this issue.

In the eyes of the French, it was Britain's betrayal that led to his defeat; but from the standpoint of Britain, it was not because France was too wasteful to be defeated without waiting for himself to be ready.

"Your Majesty, France used to be a great country, but now what I see is depression and the people are not living. Don't you want to change everything?

As long as the Holy Roman Empire exists and the mountain of anti-French alliance, your country will not even want to cross it.

Now is the last chance. If your country does not want to sink like this, the best way is to join us.

As long as the Holy Roman Empire is defeated, your country can immediately regain everything it had before and stand on top of the world again. "

If you are not tempted, it must be false. It's just that the blueprint drawn by Lloyd George, no matter how magnificent, can not make up for the weak army of the Anti-Shinra Alliance.

Joining in now, that was another version of the last European War, and France still has to single out the European countries.

The only difference is that they were capable of doing this back then, but doing it now is a proper cannon fodder.

But not participating, the reality is indeed as Lloyd George said, this is France's last chance.

Once you miss it, don't even think about turning over in the next century. Whether it was the victory of Britain or the victory of the Holy Roman Empire, they were all targets of suppression.

After hesitating for a while, Carlos slowly said: "You needn't say any more, no matter how great the interests are, the Holy Roman Empire will be destroyed before they can eat.

With your country’s military strength, even if you add us, there is still no chance of winning on land.

With the Royal Navy in your country, it is a big deal to carry out a strategic contraction. We are not afraid of revenge from the Holy Roman Empire. We do not have such conditions. "

Make up your mind and refuse?

That's just too much thinking. Anyone who is in Carlos' position will think of a comeback.

He did not agree to form an alliance with the British. On the one hand, he was really not sure of winning; on the other hand, he simply did not trust the British.

If these two problems can be solved. Then joining the Anti-Shinra League is not a big deal.

Obviously, this is unrealistic. Unless the British can win over all European countries, they will not be able to gather the anti-Shinra trend at all.

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