Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 255: The czar wants to abolish slavery

January 1, 1855 was a memorable day in European history. On this day, the "Four Nations Convention" officially entered into force, and the European continent entered the era of the new Vienna system.

Countries have begun to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations in accordance with the provisions of the treaty. British soldiers who "stuck in" Serbia also began to be repatriated.

Originally, these British soldiers could leave when the negotiations began, but they have not been idle for so long in the Serbian region.

Although the London government paid them living expenses, there was no pocket money in their pockets, and the bureaucrats of the London government would not send their military officers over.

Austria simply disarmed them and did not restrict their personal freedom. In addition to a fixed place to dine, a few kilometers around casual waves, the tavern is their favorite.

The Austrian government is also only responsible for providing three meals a day, and extra consumption. The days of sitting in the mountains and mountains quickly made the British soldiers extremely poor, and the days without money were not good, and they would definitely not be able to bear it over time.

Violation of discipline? The Serbian region is now under military control, but there is a risk of catching it.

At this time, the local area was undergoing reconstruction, lacking a young and strong labor force, and in order to make their lives more comfortable, many soldiers took part-time jobs to earn pocket money.

The Serbian region suffered heavy losses, a serious imbalance between the male and female ratios, and a long period of mixing. Many British soldiers also established families in the local area.

With a family, naturally there is concern about the local. The inconvenience of transportation in this era is a farewell for most people. If it is not for the British government's repeated urging, it is estimated that it will be even longer.

The Austrian government accommodated a total of 2,183 British soldiers. When the team left, the team had grown to 3,128. The increase was naturally family members.

Regardless of how the British Cabinet feels after receiving the news, Franz has been completely circled after receiving the news anyway.

But considering the special situation in Serbia, he understood. School-age women are always going to get married, and the young people in the area can only find out.

The British brand is still very useful this time, at least for Serbian locals, this identity is still tempting.

Transnational marriages are legal in Austria and are protected by law as long as both parties volunteer and register at the church.

Not only the British soldiers, but also many Austrian troops in Serbia. The General Staff also had disputes. Finally, the government gave the green light in the context of national integration.

It's impossible to block. Franz still has this kind of temperament. Why do you want to hiccup? It only increased the cost of living for the British soldiers' family members and made the London government pay the bill.

Politically, this has also become a witness of the British-Olympic friendship, at least as the British media reported. John Bull is also face-saving, and the real reason has not been investigated.

This is just an episode, it's nothing more than a laugh after leaving tea for people, and soon passed.

On the day the treaty entered into force, Austria also completed the contract change with the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire acknowledged the defeat and ceded Serbia, Wallachia, Moldavia, and Bosnia to Austria, and the territorial sovereignty of these regions was officially changed.

There was no hesitation in terminating the territories, and they were separated by France and Russia. Even if this area was given to the Ottoman Empire, they could not do anything about it.

In contrast, the French and the Ottomans had a dispute over territorial transactions, and the French representative directly issued a loan receipt to pay, and the Ottomans were naturally dissatisfied.

Say good cash transactions, how can you regret it now? However, the French don't think so, and subtracting 200 million francs from debt is not cash payment?

Anyway, whatever the Ottomans protest, the Paris government has made up their minds. What cash cannot give is debt reduction.

No way, the French government is not rich now. Now that the Near East War has hit, the French government ’s military expenditure is also an astronomical figure. Napoleon III also suffered from financial problems.

What's more, after the loss of the Balkan Peninsula, the Ottoman empire's solvency has also fallen sharply. If these debts are not reduced, whether these loans can be recovered is a problem.

The capitalists were unwilling to take on this risk, and urged the French government to take over the debt. Napoleon III naturally agreed to win the hearts of the people.

Disputes are disputes, or they do not affect the implementation of the treaty. International loans are usually overlord contracts, and soon the French found the terms of the loan contract, which proved their legitimacy and made the Ottomans shut up.

The treaty was fully implemented, and the new Vienna system was established, and the clouds of war on the European continent disappeared.


St. Petersburg

The streets and alleys are celebrating this great victory, but this does not include the senior officials of the Tsarist government. Their families know their own affairs, and they know very well how much moisture this victory has.

If it were not for the sudden plague, which had hurt the confidence of the French, it is estimated that the Russians were still fighting in Constantinople at this time.

Nicholas I in the Hermitage growled: "Why can't the great Russian Empire even get a little post-war pension?"

Gray animals are not worth the money, but after all, they have won the battle. How much do they have to care for? Those who survive also have to give a little praise. They ca n’t get enough of the officer, and a little bounty is always needed!

If these tasks are not done well, who will kill the Tsar next time?

Chancellor of the Exchequer Astanley Rhode smiled bitterly and replied: "His Majesty, the casualties of this war are too great, and Constantinople needs to be rebuilt. The government's finances have long been unable to make ends meet. Now it is necessary to spend hundreds of millions of rubles at once It is too difficult. "

Constantinople must be rebuilt. This is a dual need in politics and religion. Even if it sells iron, the Tsarist government can only stick to it.

Post-war pensions and bounties must also be paid. Both are equally important. This is undoubtedly a test for Russian finance.

The Russians must thank this plague for ending the war ahead of time. If it is dragged on for another year and a half, they will not be able to collect money even if they sell iron.

Nicholas I shouted harshly: "If you have no money, think of a solution. Financial difficulties do not need you to remind. Now the task of the Ministry of Finance is to find a solution to this financial crisis.

In any case, post-war pensions must be paid, and the cost of rebuilding Constantinople must be raised. "

"Your Majesty, the best way now is to raise funds for the reconstruction of Constantinople from the private sector. If this is not possible, you can only increase taxes.

The government is short of money, and we can try to avoid giving cash directly to the rewards after the war, such as giving soldiers and their family members freelance status.

You can also learn from the Austrians and grant land to ordinary soldiers based on merit and reduce financial expenses. Replied Astanley Rhodes.

The Russian empire's serfs got rid of their status restrictions by serving as soldiers for Her Majesty the Tsar, and they can become free people after they have obtained military exploits.

This road is very narrow. The serfs are the private property of the nobles. The tsar cannot be deprived of it at the same time. At the same time as granting the status of a free citizen, the master of the serfs must also be compensated.

Now Astanley Rhode's meaning is undoubtedly hitting the land of the newly occupied area. In any case, the land in Bulgaria is more fertile than much of the Russian Empire.

These lands are also wealth, which can be traded with the nobles. The serfs had no private property, and the soldiers were rewarded for the land.

Now that everyone has benefited, it is naturally not a problem to grant these serf-soldier soldiers with freelance status. It is easy to say that the government will charge the Constantinople reconstruction tax.

This is based on the victory of the Near East War. Otherwise, if you want to give so many soldiers freelance status, it is estimated that nobles have not so easily compromised.

Liberation of serfs was not so easy. As the Minister of Finance, Aristanli Rhodes, did not dare to speak of liberation of serfs directly, but instead used some roundabout means to release part of serfs by taking advantage of post-war rewards.

Nicholas I was not a fool, and soon understood what Astanley Rhode meant. The Russian soldiers who participated in the Near East War were almost two million people.

Most of them came from serfdom. If these people, as well as their family members, are turned into free people, it will undoubtedly open up the abolition of slavery.

The harm of serfdom was clear to Nicholas I. If it was not too much resistance, he would have done it.

After the outbreak of the Near East War, allowing them to see the strength of the capitalist countries, the upper Russians have realized that they must abolish serfdom before they can catch up.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to win a reward, doing so, the operability is very high. Even if this temptation fails, the government has not directly announced the abolition of serfdom, so there is still room for relaxation with the nobility.

After thinking about all this, Nicholas I nodded and agreed with Astanley Rhode's plan.


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