Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 5: Property autonomy

It is also very expensive to go out and communicate, the aristocratic life in Austria is very corrupt, and Franz has not yet achieved freedom of property.

Now, Franz's income is very limited, mainly from the parents' money, precisely from the mother's pocket money.

Because of his father's disregard, the financial power of the family fell into the hands of Mrs. Sophie, and Franz had not yet acquired the property in his own name.

Of course, it is easy to get money in his capacity, but Franz loves feathers, and he won't be able to do it by hand.

The current European environment is also unsuitable for investment and industry. It will be more than a year before the February Revolution in France is about to erupt and spread to the entire European continent. All countries except Russia will be plagued by the revolution.

In history, Vienna fell into the hands of the rebels. If he was unlucky and the factory was burned by the rebels, where would he cry?

There are many businesses with huge profits, such as arms, drugs, counterfeit banknotes, and lotteries. Franz thinks that it is more suitable for him to mine and salvage the sunken treasures.

After calculating it, Franz had to give up these attractive money-making schemes for a very simple reason. He was the heir to the Austrian Empire, not an ordinary capitalist.

Conservatives don't want to see a capitalist emperor, the Vienna Revolution is about to erupt, and Franz can't do without the support of conservatives.

"Franz, are you studying again? Young people should be more active. You are too boring. Why not go hunting with me?"

It is his current father, Grand Prince Franz Carr, a very unstable man. The biggest hobby seems to be hunting, and the second hobby is hunting with a few sons.

As a member of the Regent's Committee, Grand Prix Franzcar is the one who has the least sense of existence, because of his inherently flawed relationship, his intelligence is very low, and it is too difficult for him to participate in politics.

If it wasn't for his status, the Austrian Regent Commission would not let him in.

"Father, you can go by yourself. I will visit Archduke Louis today. I have no time to hunt!" Franz quickly refused.

This is a sequelae of being too young. Although Franz is very mature, in the eyes of many people, he is still just a child.

When Franz Carr was normal, he was still a good father and cared for him, but Franz couldn't bear it.


"Mother, you know, my expenses have been a bit big lately ..."

Waiting for Franz to finish, Mrs. Sophie said, "So you want to get back your property, right?"

As a Grand Duke of Austria, how could there be no property?

Since both his father and uncle had some arrears in his mind, as the eldest son in the third generation of the royal family, after confirming that his brain was normal, his grandfather was very happy to enclose him as the grandfather.

However, the title of the Grand Duke Franz is still a bit vacant, and the land closure does not seem to be under Austria's control, so the gain of the land closure is beyond hope.

There are still many such short-headed Habsburg families, such as the King of Jerusalem. If one day Austria can recapture Jerusalem, it will be worthy of the name.

There is a good grandpa who is different. Although the title is only honorable, but as the most beloved elder grandson, he has inherited a lot of inheritance.

According to Franz, there are five estates, two mines, several small workshops, and tens of thousands of Rheinland cash.

(A Rhine Shield gold coin weighs 8 grams, the gold content depends on the minter's discipline, there is no uniform standard)

In this era, it is also a huge sum. To support Franz's personal expenses, there is no problem at all.

"Yes, mother! You know I've grown up and I can freely control my property!" Franz simply answered

European cultural traditions are different from those in the East. The property of parents and children is clearly divided.

Who would dare to mention this in the Eastern society and keep a meal of fried bamboo shoots, but in the West, Franz's request is completely normal.

Parents as guardians can't continue to control their property after their children reach adulthood, including the benefits and expenses of these estates, Franz can go to check.

"Well, this is your right! But considering your age, I will not give up my mother's right to supervise in the coming year. Your large expenses must be reported to me!" Madam Sophie said for a moment

"No problem!" Franz said without hesitation.

These are minor issues. As long as you can get back the right to manage the property in hand, the report will be prepared. Anyway, your own money can be spent at will.

"Well, then Franz will bring your financial staff to settle with me. After deducting your expenses over the years and my management fees for your industry, I will hand over all the remaining property to you!" Su Mrs. Fei said calmly

The mother and the child must also settle accounts, so as to avoid hurting the feelings of both parties due to the relationship between the money. In this regard, Mrs. Sufi was well prepared.

"Mother, I don't need to settle the bill, I believe you are human!" Franz said flatteringly

For Franz, money is a small problem. As long as he spends it now, he can get enough money in the future. There is no need to tangle these.

Of course, this is only for the mother. With his knowledge of Mrs. Sophie, Franz doesn't think she will pit her son's money.

"Frantz, this is your right. If you give up, don't regret it in the future, I will only settle with you once!" Mrs. Sophie said seriously

"Of course, mother, I know exactly what I'm doing!" Franz replied without hesitation.


At the end of 1846, Franz successfully completed the transfer of property. Several workshops of that year no longer existed. The industrial era came, and the workshop-style production was already behind the times.

However, the manor and mine are still there, and the current benefits are not bad. It can create a net income of nearly 10,000 Rhein each year.

With high income and high expenses, Franz took a look at the ledger, and his expenses were higher than expected. Besides that, the dozen or so private teachers were not a small expense.

And servants, maids, guards, tailors, coachmen ...

All these expenses are borne by Franz himself. The issue of maintenance obligations, after all, is not good. It is not necessary to grow old if you have money.

In short, he has not saved much money over the years, and all his cash adds up to just over 60,000 Rheinland Shields, which also includes the cash in the legacy.

Sure enough, it was aristocratic style, so much cash was saved, but he didn't invest to make money, and Franz was too lazy to talk.

This is the status quo of the Austrian aristocracy. They have not completed the transition from the big aristocracy to the big bourgeoisie. Everyone tends to be conservative in investment.

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