Homo sapiens

Chapter 238 Reactions from all parties

December 23, 21.

near a large city in the northwestern region of the subcontinent.

Inside a solid underground nuclear bunker.

The atmosphere at the scene was unusually solemn and depressing.

Especially as reports came in one after another from various places, their faces became extremely dark.

The leader, the white-bearded old man, clenched his fists, and a voice full of anger sounded in the depressed basement: "Who can tell me? What exactly happened?"

In the pile of reports in front of him, each one is a bloody reality.

The situation everywhere is not optimistic, and this sudden change caught everyone off guard for a while.

Another old man with a hooked nose yelled angrily: "Fight back immediately!"

However, the head of the intelligence department, Jam, replied with an embarrassed look: "We have not confirmed the identity of the other party."

"Are you a pig? Besides XX, who else has this kind of strength, who else can do it?" Another old man with a hooked nose pointed at Jam's nose and roared.

"Okay, be quiet! I'll make a phone call first." The old man with the white beard did not get carried away by his anger. Instead, he immediately sat down, opened the drawer, and made a phone call.

On the far eastern plains of Europa.

At this time, the snow was falling for thousands of miles and it entered freezing mode.

In this world of ice and snow, inside the palace that symbolizes the supreme.

Caesar, who had been feeling agitated recently, was looking at the map of Europa on the wall, especially the eastern plain, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

Suddenly a phone rang on his desk. He glanced at the number and picked up the receiver.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Caesar, first level emergency."

Caesar's eyes narrowed slightly: "First-level emergency lightning? Take it."

Twenty seconds later.

"Hi, I'm Caesar."

"Caesar, I am Bodhidharma..."

The two chatted for more than ten minutes. Bodhidharma on the other side of the phone seemed to be very anxious. He didn't hold back and got straight to the point.

After listening to Bodhidharma's description, Caesar's face was full of disbelief, but he quickly adjusted his attitude: "I can help communicate. Your hotline is always open."

"Yeah, I'm always available."

After hanging up the phone, Caesar asked his secretary to arrange a hotline call and asked the Cossack person in charge to quickly investigate the matter.

Soon another hotline was connected.

Caesar also kept his story short and directly relayed Bodhidharma's questions and some of his own opinions to the other party.

However, the other person on the phone was also confused at this time.

The two talked on the phone for more than ten minutes.

After hanging up the phone, Caesar's expression was even weirder.

Still inside that underground nuclear bunker.

The white-bearded old man Bodhidharma talked to Caesar on the phone again, but his expression was also very strange. After hanging up the phone, he fell into deep thought.

"Dharma, what is the specific situation?"

Others were unusually concerned with the conversation on the phone.

Bodhidharma frowned and said, "It's not XX. The other party said he didn't know anything about it."

"Not them? Who is that?"

"Could they be delaying time on purpose?"

Bodhidharma was unable to judge for a moment and could only order: "Let various places continue to maintain a state of alert, and at the same time dispatch three legions from the north and central areas to the corridor area."

"But the fighter planes..." The person in charge of the Air Force looked embarrassed.

"..." As soon as Bodhidharma heard about the fighter planes, his face turned livid. This time, their air force had been completely wiped out, leaving less than 120 old, weak, sick and disabled fighters.

Without air power cover, it was too dangerous for three legions to rush over like this.

Several senior officials in the military felt very troubled and embarrassed.

But now they have to send troops to the corridor area to find out.

at the same time.

It has been 24 hours since the flash flood plan was officially launched.

The major forces around the world finally found out about this through their own channels.

The reaction of all the major forces was unanimous, that is, they were silent. As for secretly, of course they were showing off their special powers.

A small coastal city in the western part of the subcontinent.

The bald Wade put down the information in his hand, with a look of disbelief on his face.

He did not expect that this kind of thing would happen in South Asia, and it would break out so violently and severely damage the little overlord in an instant.


"Boss, what are your orders?" A sloppy-looking middle-aged man with a beer belly put down the fried chicken steak in his hand.

Wade ordered: "You think of a way to arrange for a group of people to go to Yudu District to have a look. I want to talk to their leader."

"Oh? OK!" Lester raised his eyebrows and continued to eat. He didn't want to ask his boss what his purpose was, he just wanted to complete the task.

After a while, Lester left the apartment building with several bottles of craft beer.

But Wade is still mobilizing troops.

Although the previously arranged plan to sow discord failed indirectly due to the outbreak of the Yudu incident, this did not prevent Wade from continuing to cause trouble.

Originally, the core mission of Black Ship in South Asia was to curb the development of this little bully. How could Black Ship miss such a good opportunity now?

As for Ceylon, Wade can only put it aside for the time being.

The Black Ship headquarters is also very helpless about this, because the clover oak activities in Latin America have become extremely rampant recently, causing several attacks in North America.

Now Wade has finally experienced the difficulties of black ships in Southeast Asia.

This situation of being stretched thin resulted in him having to make choices about some things.

For example, at this time, in terms of dealing with Ceylon and suppressing Tianzhu, it is obvious that suppressing Tianzhu is more important.

South Asian black ships in action.

And other major forces are not idle either.

As the largest arms supplier in Tianzhu, Lucia is now both happy and worried.

The reason for being happy is naturally because Tianzhu's aircraft suffered heavy losses. In order to restore the combat effectiveness in the air, Bodhidharma had to bite the bullet and urgently purchased 200 fighter jets from them.

Even the sealed MiG-25 and MiG-27, the opponent now has no taboo.

The reason for concern is that Tianzhu suffered heavy losses in this incident, and 30 Su-30s were controlled by the Yudu District. Now the air supremacy for a short period of time is on the Yudu District side.

If the Tianzhu Air Force sees that the Su-30 and MiG series cannot open up the situation, there is a high probability that it will turn its head and purchase fighter jets from America.

This situation is obviously something Lucia doesn't want to see.

It's just that it's useless for Lucia to be anxious now, after all, they themselves are in a mess.

In order to ensure the confidence of this major customer in Lucia's military products, Caesar personally ordered each company to free up a batch of fighters for each other as soon as possible, and even the Su-30 in active service could be brought over.

Compared to America's ill intentions and Lucia's worry, Tianzhu's other old neighbor was actually calm at this time.

Their eyes were not focused on Yudu District and Tianzhu.

Instead, he looked at another inconspicuous place - Hongsawady.

After all, they knew very well that they had no friendship with the forces in Yudu District.

Judging from the battle between Yudu District and Tianzhu yesterday, this is really not something that ordinary forces can do.

At least the tens of thousands of drones and the terrifying mobilization capabilities all indicate that there is a force behind Yudu District.

Look down on the map.

Among the forces around Yudu District, only Hongsawadi is very suspicious.

Especially the recent small actions of the Qingye Group in Hongsawady in Ceylon make people wonder whether the three major groups are behind the Yudu District.

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