Homo sapiens

Chapter 271 Adding fuel to the fire

March 27, 22.

The negotiations between Assam and Tianzhu were as dull and cold as ice.

To describe it in one sentence, both parties didn't want to talk at all, they just thought about how to fight next.

In the Principality of Kiev in the Great Plains of Eastern Europe, the fighting was also a mess. The two warring parties acted like novices pecking each other, which simply surprised all parties.

Plus the weird atmosphere in Southeast Asia.

And America's ready to make a move.

Persia, far away in West Asia, suddenly announced in a high-profile manner that it would allow countries outside of Honsawady to use gold dollars to settle oil and natural gas and purchase oil and natural gas from Persia.

The news immediately stirred up waves.



Li Xingchen from China National Petroleum Corporation, Lai Shengli from COFCO Branch and others quickly met at the office building of COFCO Branch under the greeting of the man with glasses.

As soon as Li Xingchen arrived at the small conference room, he looked anxious: "The situation is not good!"

"Team Leader Qin, do you want to activate the emergency plan?" Lai Shengli also tasted the precarious situation in Hongsawadi.

The bespectacled man raised his glasses: "Let's start! You will start returning to the country in batches, or go to Malaysia or Hong Kong."

"I'll make arrangements right away." Lai Shengli nodded solemnly.

But Li Xingchen asked: "What to do with the oil pipeline? We can't give up, right?"

The man with glasses asked with twinkling eyes: "I heard that United Group has the idea of ​​acquiring oil and gas pipelines?"

"Is this suitable? Their prices are pretty low."

"Three billion gold dollars is indeed low, but three billion gold dollars is a lot of gold." The man in glasses reminded.

Li Xingchen understood immediately. He knew that if he didn't withdraw now, when a fight actually broke out, let alone 3 billion gold yuan, he might not even be able to get a dime.

He also made a decision in his heart, and at the same time secretly felt sorry for Hongsavati.

Li Xingchen, Lai Shengli and others left in a hurry.

The man with glasses stood in front of the window, looking down at the entire Yangon, his eyes calm but a little regretful.

'After all, we are chess pieces. If you were not so arrogant and sharp, we could still be friends. It's a pity that you have chosen a path of no return...'

Naturally, the small actions of many Chinese-funded enterprises did not escape the eyes of Homo sapiens.

Go to Taunggyi City.

Yang Mengjiao put down the information she had just reported back from Yangon, with a hint of sarcasm on her face: "Haha, you will cherish your life when doing great things, but forget your life when you see small profits. The ancients will not deceive me."

"Branch chief, do you want..." Wu Hu asked.

Yang Mengjiao waved her hand: "Let them go and send them the gold. I hope they won't regret it then."

At this stage, the regions with the largest reserves of gold dollars are actually Luzon, Siam, Ceylon, and then Persia and Malaysia. China’s more than 20 billion gold dollars are not even a fraction of Luzon’s.

Since Hongsawadi promised that the gold dollar could be exchanged for gold, there was no reason to refuse the other party's exchange.

This is also one of the cores of Jinyuan’s credit.

What really made Yang Mengjiao take a high look was Persia, who deliberately added fuel to the fire today. Apparently Persia showed no signs of caring about its 38.2 billion gold yuan in foreign exchange.

As Yang Mengjiao, who has a lot of information, it is easy to see Persia's plan, which is to deliberately stimulate America.

If America swallows its anger, Persia will not lose anything. After all, they are now severely sanctioned, and they may be able to break through the siege using gold dollars.

If America couldn't help but take action, for Persia, it would successfully pull America into the quagmire of the flood bottom, reducing Persia's external pressure.

As for the possibility that Hongsawady could win, Persia never thought about it at all.

After all, how could Hongsawady defeat America?

With that giant cannon?

Do not make jokes.

It is not just Persia that believes that Hungsawady will definitely lose, but other forces also think so.

Therefore, all parties’ industries and personnel in Hongsawady are quickly evacuating.

On the international Internet, various comments criticizing Hongsawady, Siam, and Luzon are also spreading rapidly.

This obvious public opinion campaign is clearly aimed at creating chaos in Hongsawadi and forcing Siam and Luzon to "abandon darkness and join the light."

However, the three parties involved seemed to have not seen these actions at this time, and still made internal adjustments in their own way.



Xie's Manor.

Looking at the empty manor, Xie Zheng's eyes stayed on the blue waves of the lotus pond, and a silver snake flashed across the sky covered with dark clouds.


The raindrops hit the pond water, causing ripples.

The figure wearing a sky blue cheongsam, holding an oil-paper umbrella, walked through the pavilions of the manor and appeared behind Xie Zheng.

"West Lake Longjing? Or Ceylon Black Tea?"

The woman's thin dark lips lightly closed: "Of course it's Ceylon black tea."

Xie Zheng turned around and looked at the extremely deserted face in front of him, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Can you represent her?"

"There is no difference between me and her."

no difference? Xie Zheng was slightly shocked. There was no difference between "meaning" and "no". These were two words with huge differences.

"How to call it?"

"Your Excellency, you can call me Ms. Bai." Domino looked at the pond of lotus calmly.

Xie Zhengzheng sat up and said, "Ms. Bai, can I ask a question? Don't you think the wind is a bit strong?"

"Master Xie, do you know where this place is?" Domino didn't care and continued to admire the spring scenery of the lotus pond under the gentle breeze and drizzle.

“But it’s hard for this manor to remain intact under a typhoon!”

Domino smiled and grabbed a handful of bait and sprinkled it in the pond. Suddenly a large number of koi fish appeared, scrambling for the fish: "The wind from the North Atlantic cannot blow like the Pacific Ocean."

"..." Xie Zheng was very confused.

He is also an old fox, so he naturally sees the other party's confidence.

‘Where do they get the confidence? America is coming with a lot of force this time. Do they think they can still have both sides? Or are you planning to abandon Hongsawady and go directly to America? ’

'wrong! Siam has been mobilizing recently and has also converted part of its automobile production lines into military production lines. This does not seem like it is giving in. Could it be that it is planning to make America give up? ’

‘Damn it! What is your confidence? This situation is too dangerous...'

At this moment, Xie Zheng was very conflicted in his heart. He had secretly reminded Qiu Yingle a few days ago that he planned to be a smooth favor.

But unexpectedly, Qiu Yingle did not react at all. He acted as if Siam was very safe and continued to secretly strengthen its military equipment. There was no sign of bowing his head to America and admitting his mistake.

This made Xie Zheng very confused.

These days, there are many people secretly looking for him, some coming from the north, some coming from the other side of the Pacific, and even "good friends" from all over Southeast Asia.

Xie Zheng, who was well versed in the art of self-preservation, rejected these guests directly.

He looked at Domino again, still motionless and deserted.

"Master Xie, why bother? Whatever you choose, this is your freedom."

Haha, Xie Zhengcai doesn't believe in freedom. If Siam can really resist this wave, it will definitely have to settle the score later.

This is the reason why Xie Zheng doesn't want to get involved, as he might get himself into trouble.

If he chooses Siam, it would be a huge gamble. This is also something Xie Zheng would not choose. Such a big family is already very rich, so there is no need for such a huge gamble.

Domino stood up: "Thank you for the hospitality, farewell!"

"Go slowly, I will see you off not far away."

Still holding an oil-paper umbrella, Domino's figure drifted away in the drizzle.

A trace of uneasiness flashed in Xie Zheng's eyes: 'Is it really right for Mingzhe to protect himself? ’

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