Nowadays, Romon, who has captured two members of the brave team in succession, is like a rising star in the monster leader. A large number of monsters have gathered under Romon's command, causing Romon's power to skyrocket.

Just when Romon was enjoying the pleasure of being the vassal of all demons, a demon under his command suddenly rushed into the palace: "His Royal Highness the Seventh Prince..."

"Traces of human activity have been found in the territory."

Luo Meng's eyes suddenly brightened.

Horus is really powerful.

He had predicted everything. As expected, the members of the Brave Team came to rescue Ronald, who had already died a long time ago.

Now that you're here, don't even think about leaving!

Chapter 5 is presented, thank you Dongfang Wufei, I don’t want to be a rewarder of Supreme Treasure, thank you for your support. I'm in a good mood today, so I'll add another update.

Chapter 261 Sylph is longing for (1)

Romon's face shone with pride and excitement. Among the many princes, he was the most promising one, and now he had the greatest momentum.

The most important thing is that behind him there is the mysterious Horus as an assistant, and he seems to be able to see the throne of the Demon King waving at him.


This was another thing Horus told himself he had to learn.

You can show your ambition, but you must not get involved in things you shouldn't touch so quickly. The Demon King is very powerful, and it is not something you can deal with.

He took Horus' words to heart.

Before you have enough strength to challenge that position, what you must do now is to continuously increase your reputation among monsters, enhance your own strength, and enhance your power.

Perhaps, this will be a very long process, but Luo Meng can endure it.

He is much more patient than the elder brother who has been the eldest prince for sixty years.

If there are traces of human activities in the territory, it means that the members of the brave team have entered their territory, but they don't know who they are, how many there are, and what their strength is.

"Continue to investigate. In addition, strengthen the supervision over the cage."

"Send the Demon King... ahem, all the guards from my palace are also sent over. Don't let anyone break in. Do you understand?" Luo Meng issued the order angrily.

"Yes, Demon King... ah no, it's His Highness the Prince. I'm very sorry. I accidentally said the wrong thing." The kobold scout under the throne had a flattering smile on his face.

Romon laughed heartily, not caring about his subordinate's small mistakes.

He even felt a little proud. What did this mean? This shows that in the hearts of many monsters, he should be the one sitting on the throne of the Demon King.

Regarding how to hunt down the members of the brave team who have sneaked into the territory, Mr. Horus also told himself not to try to find them. If someone really comes, then this person must be someone who is proficient in hiding and can break various mechanisms and magic restrictions. I think Finding these people is extremely difficult.

Since it's hard to find, let these people fall into the trap themselves.

Deliberately arranging a large number of personnel to guard the cage, and even dispatching palace guards there, those cunning humans will definitely think that the cage is a trap, and the real place where Ronald is imprisoned is here!

It's a pity that those miserable humans don't know that they have already set up a dragnet in the palace. Once they break in, they will truly experience what it means to be desperate.

The latter strategy was not told to him by Horus, but from the Goblin leader under his command.

Although that guy is weak, he is one of the few smart guys under his command.

Unfortunately, even if these intruders are captured, they must be handed over to Lord Horus.

And according to the agreement between the two parties, he had to deal with these people personally, and he could not deal with them like he did with Ronald before. Ronald had earned him a lot of wealth.

This made Luo Meng a little depressed.

Right in the jungle, Sylph's body stood on the top of a tree.

The figure almost completely blends into the surrounding leaves, and his emerald eyes stare into the distance.

The territory of Seventh Prince Romon is full of tension, and the number of monsters is exaggerated.

As an elf, she has very amazing eyesight. She can see far away, including the seventh prince's palace, dungeon, and camp. Everything is in full view.

After recording all the situations in the entire territory in her heart, Sylph withdrew her gaze and used the cover of dense branches to quickly walk through the jungle.

After a long time, Sylph's figure stopped at the edge of Romon's territory.

Her eyes could easily see through the two hidden figures, and she walked straight over there.

Sure enough, the figures of Aileen and Ellie gradually emerged.

"Sister Sylph, how is the situation over there?" Perhaps because of the scene where Ronald asked her to leave first, Aileen cared more about Ronald than other teammates. Seeing Sylph back, Ai Lin Lin asked immediately.

"The general situation has been clearly seen." Sylph nodded: "There are no traps or traps on the road from our side to Romon's Palace."

Eileen, Ellie looked suspicious.

This situation was something they did not expect.

"There are no patrolling guards near Romon's Palace. All monster soldiers have been dispatched to the dungeon." Sylph continued.

"So, Ronald should be imprisoned in the dungeon?" Eileen immediately widened her eyes and said excitedly.

As long as you know where you are, the rest will be much easier.

With their strength, they can sneak in silently and rescue Ronald. The only worry is that there may be many magic restrictions in the cell. Once the mechanism is triggered, they may immediately attract a large number of elite monsters to besiege him.

Although they are very strong, if they are surrounded by a large number of monsters, the situation will become very bad.

Sylph shook her head, looking a little suspicious: "No, I don't think it's that simple. It always feels too deliberate, like..."

"How should I put it? It's like I'm afraid you won't know that Ronald is being held in a dungeon." Sylph tried to find a more suitable way of saying it.

Eileen and Ellie all frowned: "You mean, Ronald is not imprisoned in it at all? The dungeon is just a trap used to lure us into a trap so that we can be caught all in one go?"

"And Ronald is likely to be imprisoned in Romon's palace, which seems to have no defense?"

Sylph nodded: "That's how it feels to me over there."

The two sisters Ailin and Ellie looked at each other, and after a few seconds they all laughed.

The crisp sound spreads in the forest like a nightingale, which is very pleasant to hear.

The two pretty sisters are really beautiful with their beautiful smiles.

But Sylph was a little dissatisfied: "What's so funny?"

"Sister Sylph, do you know that you are using human thinking to think about monsters..." After a while, Ellie stopped laughing and said, "You have to understand, they are just a group of monsters."

"Do they really think that much?"

"For the monster, it may just be that Ronald is being held in the dungeon, so it is heavily guarded."

"As for Romon's palace, who knows that guy's character? He is violent, impulsive and extremely conceited. Isn't it normal that there are no guards near the palace?"

As soon as these words came out, Sylph felt a little annoyed.

It seems that this is really the case.

I subconsciously use human thinking to think about the monster's actions.

You must know that most monsters have well-developed limbs, simple minds, and their intelligence level is not as good as that of children... This is especially true in Romon's territory. Almost all high-level monsters gather under the command of the first and second princes of monsters. Romon's side is full of low-level monsters. , the wisdom is quite limited.

They should be unable to make such a plan.

Maybe I really have interacted with humans too much, and considered simple things more complicated.

After a pause, Ai Li continued: "Now that we know the specific location, let's take a rest first and make sure we are in the best physical condition. We may have a fierce battle to fight next. Everyone, please be careful and don't make any mistakes. "

Sylph nodded slightly, tapped her toes lightly, and floated on a branch. She leaned against the tree trunk behind her and stared quietly into the distance with her eyes.

She didn't really want to save Ronald.

Most of the members of the Brave Team have some close companions... For example, Rossweisse has a good relationship with everyone, Karthus, Benson, and Muse have a very good relationship, and Eileen and Ellie are good sisters. .

But Sylph is different.

Even in the brave team, she still doesn't fit in.

Except for Zero and Karthus, she has no deep friendship or affection for any other member. And now, both of them are dead...

She didn't care what Ronald would end up like.

She was a very selfish woman...right from the beginning.

Perhaps, she was born to be a very cold-hearted person. When she was in the same team, she was deeply fascinated by Jero. Her mind and eyes were filled with Jero, and she could no longer tolerate anyone else.

She was also very sad and in pain after Jero died!

But unlike those women like Rossweisse, Ekaterina, and Athena, although she has been immersed in sadness, her feelings for Jero seem to be gradually weakening, although the speed is very slow.

And this process quickly entered the expressway after meeting Qin Chu...

It's like Sylph is more concerned about her own problems now. It is even said that even for Master Jero's soul fragment, she is not as eager to get it as other team members. She can get the best. If she needs to risk her life, Sylph will be a little hesitant.

Slender fingers were gently placed on the clavicle of the chest. Ever since Qin Chu extracted the three threads, the fork marks had never appeared again. Sylph could also feel that her body seemed to become a little more relaxed. .

Anyway this is a good sign.

However, as long as these threads are not cleaned thoroughly for a day, Sylph will not be able to rest at ease for a day.

Those threads seemed likely to explode at any time, eroding his body and turning him into Karsus... no, a monster even more terrifying than Karsus.

Whenever she thought of Karsus' appearance, Sylph couldn't help but feel fear in her heart. She would tremble to the point of waking up many times even in her sleep.

Only when she was by Qin Chu's side could Sylph feel a little at peace.

That man had a mysterious power that could suppress all the fear in her heart, and she felt a subtle sense of security when she was by his side.

Sylph's pretty face turned slightly rosy. After Qin Chu's many treatments, her body seemed to have undergone some strange changes.

Whenever Qin Chu's figure appears in his mind, he feels a little inexplicable burning.

She felt her cheeks were a little hot.

Bai Te bit his lower lip, his eyes becoming blurry at some point.

She suddenly felt a desire in her heart, eager to receive more treatment from Qin Chu.

Sylph understood what she was really thinking. Her body was longing for that man. The so-called treatment was just an excuse.

Could it be that he transferred his love for Jero to Qin Chu?

She felt ashamed of the bad thoughts in her mind.

"Hey, Sister Sylph, what are you doing?" A voice suddenly came from my ear.

It's Ellie.

The little hands were shaking in front of Sylph.

"What are you thinking about, your face is red..." Ai Li's face was full of doubts, and then she was as playful as a ghost: "Hehe, I know, you must be thinking about your lover, right? , Now... tell me who he is? Is it Ronald? Apart from Mr. Zero, this guy is pretty good-looking. You must be able to rescue Ronald right away. So you’re happy, right?”


Thinking of Ronald's pretentious guy, Sylph felt nauseated for no reason.

Angrily, he slapped Ellie lightly on the little head: "What are you thinking about? I'm just thinking about when I can resurrect Master Jero."

"Are you ready to go? Let's go!"

While saying this, Sylph jumped down from the tree.

Are you actually thinking about Brother Jero?

Ellie's eyes suddenly narrowed behind her.

Brother Jero belongs to his two sisters, so he will not give it up to this atavistic elf!

That's right, after Brother Jero was resurrected, the sisters and Ekaterina, Rossweisse, Athena, and Sylve became rivals again.

An innocent and bright smile bloomed on Ellie's face. It will definitely be lively when everyone competes for Brother Jero.


Ever since they were young, everyone who snatched things from their sisters would not end well!

Many thanks to Li Gong Sanxiao for the reward of 1,500 points, many thanks to book friend 160516230950432, book friend 20210301105378831010, Drunken Dreamer in Huangcheng, and Lantian Nuanyu for the reward. Thank you for your support.

Chapter 262 Sylph was betrayed (2)

Three figures shuttled through the forest like ghosts.

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