There are so many things worthy of praise for him, such as killing the monstrous Karsus and eradicating the Holy Son of the Earth Mother Cult who was corrupted by the evil god, but he happened to capture the Snow Maiden and the Blood Elves. Everyone knows this?

I have to say that Carlos's cheerful temperament can instantly shorten the distance between him and strangers. He may be able to get along with a stranger in just a few words. This can be regarded as a kind of talent.

Then I saw Carlos winking at Qin Chu again, and his slightly ambiguous eyes fell on Nadiya: "How come Master Brave is with Miss Nadiya? Could it be that you are dating?"

Qin Chu quickly shook his head: "No, no, no, it was just an accidental encounter. I wanted to know more about Sky Continent, but I didn't expect to meet Nadiya in the library."

"That's it." Carlos pondered briefly, the smile on his face unchanged, but Qin Chu could feel that Carlos seemed to be relieved.

Look at Carlos, and then look at Nadiya opposite.

No matter how stupid Qin Chu was, he basically understood what was going on.

Perhaps it's because they are about the same age and strength, plus Nadiya is petite, plump and delicate in appearance. Is Carlos falling in love with Nadiya?

This is normal. Nadiya has always had many suitors. Many young talents among the princes and nobles are Nadiya's loyal suitors. Qin Chu just didn't expect that Carlos was one of them.

But underneath this man's sunny appearance, he really has a vicious and insidious heart. He mentioned the Snow Maiden and the Blood Elf on purpose before, was that just for Nadiya to hear, right?

Do you want to convince Nadiya that she is a scumbag who eats sex as much as her life?

Sorry, Nadiya already knows these things. I'm afraid your nagging here is of no use at all.

Carlos breathed a sigh of relief, turned his eyes to Nadiya, put one hand across his chest, and made an elegant gentleman's salute: "Miss Nadiya, do you have time? If possible, I would like to invite you tonight You will have dinner with me... ah, of course, Lord Brave, please be sure to show your respect."

"Sorry, I don't have time."

Qin Chu was 100% sure that he was attached.

Although he was not interested, Nadia's straightforward refusal still made Qin Chu want to laugh. Especially Carlos' face that stiffened in that moment made Qin Chu feel funny.

You are facing Nadiya...

Carlos looked embarrassed. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He accidentally saw the words on the page of the book that Nadia put on the table: "Miss Nadia, are you interested in Casidal Forest? About that place , maybe I can give you some different news.”

"Huh?" Nadiya finally raised her head. This was the first time in a long time that Nadiya looked directly at Carlos.

In Nadiya's eyes, there are only twelve masters in Sage Mountain, plus her best friend Louisa...and now Qin Chu.

Apart from these people, Nadia had no interest in getting involved with anyone.

Seeing that his topic attracted Nadia's attention, Carlos was a little excited and said quickly: "It's like this. The outside world thinks that everyone who enters the Casidal Forest is dead, but in fact, taking risks There is still an adventurer from the Explorers' Guild who escaped alive..."

Nadiya suddenly became interested: "What's over there?"

Qin Chu also pricked up his ears.

The second update is here, thank you saurk for the reward, and thank you for your support.

Chapter 313 Rossweisse: You don’t want others to know about those things.

Tao, right? (3)

What an unexpected surprise!

Unexpectedly, he had the opportunity to learn about things in the Casidal Forest from Carlos, his enemy. This was very important to Qin Chu, who was currently preparing to explore there but knew very little about it.

Carlos looked a little embarrassed, as if Qin Chu didn't know how to speak here.

Seeing that Carlos remained silent, Nadia was a little suspicious: "Sir Carlos, why don't you speak?"

"Is it because you need to spend money to buy the information from the Adventurer's Guild? I bought it for how much." Nadiya said quickly.

Money has never been a problem for her. She doesn't even know how much money she has, but she thinks it should be more than enough to buy this information.

Faced with such a simple Nadiya, even Carlos felt a little helpless. He scratched his hair and said, "That's all. If Miss Nadiya wants to know, I'll tell you."

"That adventurer is a thief, and his level is over seventy."

"Although his strength is not comparable to the legendary great sages, titled knights and gods of war who have explored the forest, it is not bad. Moreover, he has an innate power that can completely hide his whereabouts, which is better than the invisibility of ordinary thieves. At several levels, even beings stronger than him would have a hard time finding him."

"I don't know exactly what he went through in the big forest, because he went crazy after he came back. Even though I hired the Archbishop of the Holy See to treat him, it was of no use. His consciousness was already in chaos."

"It just keeps repeating words like heart, vampire, monster."

"He also said that the great forest is full of ghosts and demons."

Nadiya and Qin Chu both frowned.

The heart, Qin Chu knew what it was, and the second generation Jero had also seen that huge heart.

But vampires, monsters, ghosts and the like are not described in Soul Fragments. Is it because these existences do not pose a threat to the second generation Zero, so they are just ignored?

Moreover, he went crazy after coming back. Among the existences Qin Chu had come into contact with, there seemed to be no other thing that could make people crazy except the evil god.

Carlos paused briefly and then continued: "But one thing can be confirmed. There is indeed something in the big forest that can make people's strength soar. Although the thief went crazy after returning, his own His strength increased almost every day, and it didn’t take long for him to become a Thief Saint, but unfortunately he was a crazy Thief Saint.”

"He even stabbed his own ear with a dagger, saying that someone was always talking in his ear, but even if the ear was destroyed, the voice in his ear seemed to keep echoing."

"Until the end, he could no longer bear the torture of whispering in his ears and committed suicide."

"So, if Miss Nadiya wants to go to the big forest, I advise you to give up. That place is very evil."

Nadiya kept all these words in mind. After a few seconds, Nadiya took out a thick stack of at least hundreds of 10,000 mana bills and placed them on the table.

This should be regarded as intelligence fees.

Qin Chu's lips trembled. He was worthy of being the great sage of Sage Mountain and a master who was not short of money. He could just spend one million casually.

Immediately, Nadiya quickly put away the books she took out, and then walked straight downstairs.

She must return to Sage Mountain as soon as possible and tell Grand Master Zimmerman the news. She must not let Grand Master take risks there.

Nadia's reaction shocked Carlos and he couldn't help but said: "Miss Nadia, what's going on with dinner..."

"Huh? I didn't agree to have dinner with you, did I?" Nadia was a little confused. She didn't think there was anything wrong with her behavior. She asked, and Carlos replied that she was not forcing her, and she asked if she could buy it. Carlos did not refuse this information.

Carlos' face instantly stiffened, as if this was really the case. Nadia did not agree to have dinner with him, but she just told the information loudly.

Moreover, the information fee given by Nadiya is really exaggerated.

That look made Qin Chu chuckle in his heart. Is this Carlos' brain a little weak? In this case, you should invite him to dinner first, and then reveal the information during dinner.

Nadiya, who had put the book back, turned back, glanced at Carlos and then at Qin Chu, and added: "And, Mr. Carlos..."

"The person I love is Mr. Qin. It's not good to have dinner with other men. Mr. Qin will misunderstand me."


Qin Chu almost spat out his saliva, good fellow, why did you say that last word?

Look at how angry Carlos was, his face turned green.

Nadiya nodded politely, and then looked at Qin Chu. Her expression was as calm as before and had not changed at all: "Mr. Qin, I will go back to Sage Mountain first. Please consider my previous proposal carefully. "

Previous proposal?

Qin Chu felt that his head was so big. Was it because he wanted to marry her? Qin Chu still remembered that Nadiya even said at that time that she was very rich and that even if she had no job or income, it would be no problem at all.

Qin Chu is really so excited that he wants to be a rich woman to support me.

Nadiya didn't seem to feel the extremely awkward atmosphere here at all, and left after saying a word, leaving Qin Chu and Carlos staring at each other.

Qin Chu knew that this boy hated him, but he didn't care.

On the other side, the Holy See!

Archbishop Kain was rushing to the saint's boudoir.

He didn't know what the saint suddenly called him for, but judging from the messenger's attitude, it should be very important.

Archbishop Kain is feeling a little nervous. In the past few days, the Holy See has been in chaos.

A deputy leader of the Holy Knights was suddenly exposed to a lot of dirty information. For example, he embezzled 6 million mana in military salary, violated church regulations, recruited his brother-in-law to the Holy Knights, and also arranged for the important position of captain. position, and had a long-term inappropriate relationship with a nun...

To be honest, the deputy leader of the Holy Knights is definitely a very powerful person.

Six million mana is just water, not worth mentioning.

Who hasn’t done this before, recruiting their relatives into the church and taking care of them?

Having a long-term illicit relationship with a nun?

Kain almost admires this guy. There are so many beautiful nuns in the Holy See. The deputy head has huge power in his hands, has super strength himself, and is tall and handsome. However, he has only been with one for so many years. A nun having an illicit relationship?

God, this guy is definitely a fucking gentleman.

Kain felt that he was not worthy of being a priest with the other party.

For beings like them who hold great power in their hands, these things are nothing to worry about. I am doing this kind of thing, you are doing it, he is doing it too, it’s the same for everyone, don’t tell anyone else.

However, it is one thing to know, but it is another thing if it is spread. In the past few days, the Holy See has been in a fuss because of the matter of the deputy leader. Even if the Pope explicitly banned the discussion, But the nuns, priests, and paladins were all muttering privately... and there were even a large number of believers outside the Holy See.

Especially the Paladins, whose military salary was embezzled, are the direct victims.

Under the guidance of some kind of force, it can be said that the public was furious, and some trivial matters that were obviously not worth mentioning ended up causing a big fuss. In the end, the deputy leader could not bear the pressure and resigned voluntarily.

He was then arrested by the Inquisition and imprisoned, awaiting investigation and trial.

Kain could not have imagined that those nuns, paladins, priests, and a large number of believers with no fighting ability, when they gathered together to protest, could actually bring such terrifying oppression, even to the extent that even a titled knight Even the deputy captain couldn't bear it.

This has also directly led to the fact that in recent times, all of them, those in high positions, have been honest and fearful of being caught by their enemies even a little bit.

When he arrived in front of the saint's boudoir, Kain's heart trembled for no reason.

As an archbishop, his status is nominally lower than that of the saint, but in fact the saint is a mascot. The archbishop is a powerful figure, so he does not need to fear Rossweisse.

But inexplicably, his chest felt as heavy as a stone, and the back of his neck even felt cold.

Just when Kain was hesitating whether he should go in or not, Rossweisse's voice suddenly came from the room: "Is it Archbishop Kain? Please come in."

It has been discovered, so there is nothing to hesitate about.

Kain took a deep breath and reached out to push open the door of the Saint's boudoir.

When he first saw the situation inside, Kain's mind sank.

There were two people in the room. One of them was the beautiful Saint Rossweisse... Although he didn’t know how many times he had seen Rossweisse, every time he saw him, Kain couldn’t help but feel like the Saint. I was deeply fascinated by that stunning appearance.

This is really a very charming woman, elegant, noble, proud and endlessly charming.

This may be the most beautiful saint among all the saints in history, right?

Even though Kain knew that this was inappropriate, he still couldn't control himself occasionally and would have some treacherous thoughts towards the saint.

However, there was absolutely no such thought in Kain's mind today.


Right behind Rossweisse, there was another man standing.

The man was tall and thin, wearing a red robe, which was the color of the heresy trial. His nose is straight and straight, his light gray eyes give people a gloomy feeling like an abyss, and his long sea-blue hair is as messy as seaweed, making him look a little unkempt inside the Holy See.

But it was this man who made Kain's breathing stagnate slightly.

His expression was a little depressed, and he was secretly complaining.

Because this man is Douglas, the cardinal of the Inquisition.

The second most powerful person in the entire Holy See, his status and strength are second only to Pope Augustus.

Why is Douglas here?

Although there are rumors that Douglas and Saint Rossweisse are very close...

For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Archbishop Kain's mind.

When Douglas's gray eyes stared at him, Archbishop Kain felt as if there was a huge whirlpool under his feet, tearing and wrapping around his body crazily, trying to drag him to the infinity. abyss.

His throat trembled slightly: "Your Highness the Saint, Cardinal... why did you call me here?"

Rossweisse, who was flipping through a black notebook, just put the notebook down after hearing this, and then smiled at Kain. The smile was beautiful, but the sound coming from her lips made Archbishop Kain's scalp almost explode. :

"Archbishop don't want others to know about the dirty things you did, right?"

Rossweisse also learned bad things!

Judging from the seniority, Rossweisse should be regarded as his great disciple.

Thank you Feng Huwuyu for the reward of 1,000 points, and thank you for your support.

Chapter 314 The Daughter of God (4)

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