The armies of the two sides faced each other.

Without saying a word, Huang Feibiao directly led the Divine Soldier Battalion to kill in the Chinese army where the Seventy-two Route Princes were.

For a while, smoke and dust billowed out, and the entire battlefield was turned on its back!

Yuan Futong personally led a million-strong army and wanted to swallow this ten thousand people, but he was torn open by the Divine Soldier Camp.

Yuan Futong’s million-strong army was directly defeated.

“Retreat! Fall back! ”

Yuan Futong looked at the million-strong soldier rolling on his back, his eyes were red, and he hurriedly roared angrily.

The shock in my heart was like turning the river upside down.

There are millions of people on their side!

That’s a million people!

It was actually cut down by 10,000 people?!

How is this possible!

Wen Zhong was also shocked, what a joke!

10,000 versus 10,000!

Although it is not a complete annihilation, the difficulty of breaking through is not small!

As a result, it was torn open abruptly, and the large team formed by millions of people was directly penetrated?

This is amazing!

This is also too fierce!

Is this the Divine Barracks?!

Wen Zhong’s original plan was to go to intercept the sect and ask for the help of the brothers in three years, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

And the divine barracks are so fierce, which also reminds Wen Zhong of Huang Feibiao’s words last night.

Such a powerful divine army camp was obtained because of listening to the instructions of that immortal.

So what kind of character is this immortal?

After Huang Feibiao returned with the Divine Barracks, Wen Zhong directly called Huang Feibiao.

He asked, “The immortal you talked about last night, is it famous?” ”

As a disciple of the Sect, he also knew many famous people, and he planned to see if he knew them.

Huang Feibiao scratched his head and said, “This requires the imperial master to personally go back and ask His Majesty, I don’t know this!” ”

Wen Zhong nodded slightly, it seemed that he needed to quell the rebellion here as soon as possible.

Now that there is a divine military camp, it is not an easy thing to deal with a Yuan Futong?

“The whole army is ready, directly surprise and kill the past!”

“The Divine Barracks is ahead, Yuan Futong doesn’t matter if he lives or dies!”

Wen Zhong directly gave the order.

Hundreds of thousands of troops immediately turned into a Chinese army and directly crushed towards the location of the Seventy-two Road Princes.

The Divine Barracks even attacked directly at the front.

The mighty army directly crushed the army of the seventy-two princes.

The Divine Soldier Battalion even directly covered up and killed Yuan Futong directly.

Yuan Futong died, and the rebellion of the princes naturally disappeared.

The Shang Dynasty won a great victory, and all the armies fell into cheers.

Kunlun Mountain.

Antarctic Immortal was about to return to the North Sea to continue to instruct Yuan Futong, when he suddenly felt something bad.

He put some means on Yuan Futong.

Now that Yuan Futong was dead, he felt it immediately.

Damn it!

What the hell is going on here?

He was just careless for a moment, and Yuan Futong actually finished directly?

“Wen Zhong definitely doesn’t have this ability!”

“Could it be that the sect’s own disciple made a move?”

Antarctic Immortal Weng was very shocked, Yuan Futong died, and he did not have to return to the North Sea.

Directly rushed to the Jade Void Palace.

Jade Void Palace.

Yuan Shi listened to the words of the Antarctic Immortal Weng, and his face was a little ugly.

The North Sea side was the key to his layout of the God Sealing Tribulation.

There was actually a fork again?

Immediately pinched his fingers and calculated, and finally calculated to the Divine Barracks.

If there was no appearance of the Divine Soldier Battalion, Wen Zhong and the Shang Dynasty army would continue to stalemate here.

It is precisely because of the emergence of the Divine Soldier Camp that all this has been promoted.

“Divine Court! Behind this, there is actually a divine court making trouble! ”

Yuan Shi said with some anger.

He calculated the existence of the Divine Barracks, and in the end, he could only calculate here, not the Divine Court, but it was definitely the Divine Court that shot in the rear.

Because it was the hand of the Divine Court before, the Shang Dynasty had seeds that could be used to stabilize the hearts of the people.

Now it must still be the Divine Court, and the strength of the Shang Dynasty has also been raised!

“Compare the refining apparatus, huh! The Buddha-figure is like you! ”

Yuan Shi thought a little angrily.

As the strongest refining method among the saints, Yuan Shi felt that he would not necessarily lose to those great gods in the Divine Court when he was in refining.

So he planned to fight with the people of the Divine Court on this.

“The Buddha-figure taught you some refining methods, and now you take these to Xiqi to find Jiang Ziya and let him build an army that is even stronger than the Divine Barracks!”

Yuan Shi said in a deep voice, pointing a little.

Taught the method of refining to the Antarctic Immortals.

Antarctic Immortal Weng naturally did not dare to delay, and after taking his leave, he went directly to Xiqi.

When the Antarctic Immortal Dragon left, Yuan Shi’s heart was full of worry.

Divine Court!

What exactly does the Divine Court want to do?

Is it just a simple desire to help the human emperor, or is it something else?

He was already planning the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods, but he suffered losses one after another in the indirect hands of the Divine Court.

This is certainly not a coincidence that can fool the past.

So what is the ultimate purpose of the Divine Court?

Is it to help intercept the teaching?

But why did the Divine Court help the Sect Interception?

Yuan Shi can be said to be puzzled.


Asaka Castle.

Today’s Chaoga City is very lively, and the whole city has fallen into a sensation.

Without him, just because Wen Taishi, who went to Beihai to suppress the rebellion, led the army back!

Wen Zhong was very prestigious in both the court and the people, so Di Xin personally brought the minister to answer the robbery.

Everyone said and smiled and returned to the Shouxian Palace.

Di Xin called all the other ministers away and talked to Wen Zhong.

“Thanks to Tai Xuan Shangxian this time, if it weren’t for Tai Xuan Shangxian who gave this Heavenly Refining Furnace.”

“We don’t have such a powerful and invincible army as the Divine Soldier Battalion!”

Di Xin said very happily.

He also heard about the bravery of the Divine Soldier Camp from Wen Zhong’s side, and he was very happy in his heart.

I didn’t expect the Divine Soldier Battalion to be so strong!

He had also gone to see it with his own eyes at that time, and he just thought it was okay.

Who knew that when he really went to the battlefield, the Divine Battalion was actually so strong!

Especially the million-strong army can’t resist, which makes Di Xin yearn for it in his heart.

Wen Zhong also learned about the power of Tai Xuan Shangxian.

He actually helped the Shang Dynasty several times, and even solved the evil of the troubled dynasty.

You must know that it is the three demons of Xuanyuan Tomb personally arranged by Nuwa Niangniang, even if Wen Zhong is in Chaoge City, I am afraid that there is no good way to solve it.

With Tai Xuan coming forward, all this is so logical.

“God bless me as a great businessman!”

“With the help of Tai Xuan Shangxian like this, why shouldn’t my great business prosper?”

Wen Zhong said with some emotion.

Di Xin smiled and said, “Not only that, Shangxian also taught me the method of steelmaking!” ”

“This is the only way to truly be strong and powerful!”

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