“The fate of the underworld chose me, which means that I have a relationship with Jianmu, the river of time cannot be lightly waded, I can be pulled over not for no reason, the opportunity has not arrived before. So, I have nowhere to go. ”

“Fortunately, I didn’t make a choice at the time. Now, I have cultivated into a Golden Immortal, and I am not completely helpless for such a dilemma! ”

Jiang Feng lamented the elusiveness and uncertainty of fate.

Fate has never been static, even if he has a deep understanding of the Avenue of Destiny, he does not dare to pluck the strings of destiny at will, especially the strings of destiny in the flooded wasteland.

But in the same way, the comprehension of the Avenue of Destiny also made him realize that there is no absolute certainty in things.

If he chooses to escape, the future will be cut down and the building wood will fall.

If he chooses to rise to the challenge, it means that the future is uncertain, good or bad, all in his actions.

It was precisely knowing this that Jiang Feng became more cautious.

“The body of Jianmu is embodied in the inability to separate, the heavenly realm, the earthly prefecture has not been completed in evolution, the heaven and earth still have a tendency to close, only the celestial realm, the evolution of the earthly prefecture is completed, the heaven and the earth are no longer closed, and then block the opening of the Jianmu pock, can it be transformed into a form.”

“But for such a long time, I can’t support it, especially the more perfect the Celestial Realm is bred, the greater the pressure I need to bear, and later, Jianmu will be crushed to the point that it is impossible to give birth to true spirits.”

It is impossible to give birth to true spirits, and solves the curse of the spirit of building wood.

But this was not what Jiang Feng wanted, he didn’t want to give up this innate spirit root body.

The deduction came and went, and there was only one road in front of Jiang Feng.

That is, Jianmu can resist the pressure of heaven and earth, and finally in the heavenly realm, after the earth is conceived, it can get out of trouble.

Even, fiercely harvest a wave of massive merit.

“To resist, I must at least be quasi-saint, no, quasi-saint may not be enough!”

Jiang Feng made a simple distinction between the cultivation system according to the “Nine Turns Xuan Gong” and the power division of the Chaos Demon God period.

Roughly there:

Mortals who have not become immortals, ghost immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, true immortals, golden immortals, Da Luo golden immortals, quasi-saints, and saints.

Each stage is very different, and between the same level, there are also great differences, depending on each cultivator’s Dao, magic weapon, and luck.

And the distinction between these stages is, in the final analysis, the process of polishing the true spirit.

The rest of the means are the law of protecting the way.

Quasi-saints already have the power of heaven and earth, and if they have a quasi, they have power that is no worse than that of saints, and the difference may lie in the true spirit.

However, Pangu Great God, who slashed countless Chaos Demon Gods, could not carry the closure of heaven and earth in the end, and Jiang Feng did not think that a quasi-saint could resist it.

But the problem is, Jiang Feng can’t cultivate a quasi-saint in such a short time!

At most, just like the spirit of building wood in previous generations, cultivating to the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Jiang Feng did not give up, “No, I still have a chance, a quasi-saint of one avenue may not work, and two, or even a quasi-saint who masters multiple avenues, can definitely resist!” ”

With a solution, then it’s how to get there.

He did his best to integrate his resources, the merit accumulated by the spirit of building wood over the generations, the merit of his support for heaven over the years, the wheel of fate, and so on.

“Merit, you still need a huge amount of merit, krypton gold becomes stronger!”

“But where do I get so much merit?”

Jiang Feng couldn’t help but think of the future life, Nuwa obtained massive merit to become holy, and created people?

No, I don’t have Sanguang Divine Water, no Merit Divine Mud, no Gourd Vine…!

No, I can still do this!

Jiang Feng suddenly thought of something, and his eyes couldn’t help but look to the west.


Thinking deeply, Jiang Feng only felt that the Mao Sei suddenly opened, the whole person was refreshed, and the pressure of many years was swept away.

“Then, I must cultivate to the Great Luo Golden Immortal now, and I can’t focus on the Avenue of Destiny, the Avenue of Pangu’s Power? No, I need to build the wood itself to resist, and I can’t do it for long! ”

Three thousand avenues flowed in his heart, and Jiang Feng found the avenue he wanted.

“Immortal Avenue!”

The way of immortality, polishing the true spirit immortality is one of them, the Yuan God immortal is one of them, and the body immortality is also one of them.

The Great Avenue contains thousands of things, and the way of immortality is also thousands of thousands.

Heaven and earth are closed, the heavenly realm, the earth house evolves, the pressure will be more and more, only the body is immortal, the yuan god is immortal, can it persist.

With a choice, Jiang Feng began to comprehend.

His consciousness probed into the underworld, where the way of immortality, the way of thickness, the way of heaviness, and so on were the clearest.

More than five thousand years later, Jianmu’s body began to radiate a little light, and Jiang Feng’s Yuanshen became more tenacious.

The pressure of heaven and earth was weakening, and Jiang Feng understood that his plan had worked.

This weakening trend lasted for about two thousand years as Jiang Feng’s comprehension of the Immortal Dao deepened.

After that, the pressure starts to get stronger again.

Jiang Feng understood that the sky was getting higher and higher, the ground was getting thicker and thicker, and his comprehension speed could not keep up.

And the speed of the evolution of heaven and earth has not slowed down.

With Jiang Feng’s comprehension of the Avenue of Destiny, knowing that the path he chose was not wrong, he immediately turned to the Avenue of Light Comprehension.

Of course, he did not stop on the immortal avenue.

Because, he wanted to focus on the Immortal Avenue and break through to the Great Luo Golden Immortal level.

More than 3,000 years later, after having two enlightenment experiences, under the touch of the bypass, the light road was introduced.

The pressure of the light avenue acting on the root whiskers, the top of the tree, and the closure of heaven and earth weakened again.

This time the pressure weakened, and it only lasted about 1,800 years.

It was better than Jiang Feng expected.

Although, his comprehension of the Immortal Dao deepened, and the Light Dao also progressed.

But the thickness of heaven and earth has also increased.

Jiang Feng understood that in the future, Buzhou Mountain would be overwhelmed by the collapse, which may be the main reason.

Jiang Feng did not hesitate, and turned to comprehend the Avenue of Heavy Importance.

In the process of his continuous rotation like this, he actually comprehended the Three Thousand Avenues, and he lasted longer than the Wheel of Fate estimated, and finally approached the two Yuan Guilds.

And various avenues touch each other, although not as fast as a single avenue comprehension, it is not without an inch.

In the past two yuan meetings, the merit accumulated by Jiang Feng turned into a round of great days, as if it were substance.

More importantly, the main avenue of enlightenment of the Immortal Avenue, with the bypass of touch and the accumulation of time, allowed him to master the extension of ten thousand paths.

Once a dazzling brilliance on the surface of the building wood, it has long disappeared, returning to basics.


On this day, Jiang Feng stopped to comprehend the Immortal Avenue.

The pressure was increasing, and under the deduction of the Avenue of Destiny, he had a hunch that the first layer of the Heavenly Realm and the first layer of the Earth Mansion were about to take shape.

At that time, the pressure will crush his true spirit.

The immortality of the Golden Immortal True Spirit is relatively endless time, and there is also an end to this pressure to support heaven and earth.

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