Suddenly, bursts of killing roars sounded outside Chaoge City.

"That is."

"How could this happen? Jiejiao has been held back by Chanjiao and Western sects. Where did the reinforcements come from?"

The saints panicked.

Outside Chaoge City, countless strong men were seen swarming out and heading straight for Xiqi's army.

The offensive of Xiqi's army was blocked in an instant.

"Damn it, damn it, something changed again, where did this come from?"

Taiqing was so anxious that something unexpected happened every time when it was time to decide what to do.

Seeing this scene, Master Tongtian reacted instantly, and then burst into laughter:

"Hahaha, the Yin Shang Qi is indeed immortal. Human King, you have foresight, hahaha."

Leader Tongtian also reacted and was extremely happy.

Pingxin was also suddenly shocked:

"So that's how it is. The killing calamity of the ancient times has begun. Those who obey the king will prosper, and those who rebel against the king will perish. These creatures are the great powers of the ancient times who submitted to the king before. Hahaha, the fate of Yin and Shang should not be cut off. All the saints in the heavens, look at you now. What other trump cards are there?”

The sound pierced the sky.

The saints also reacted after hearing this.

"King of men——, you damn god, ah ah ah——."

I was so angry that I vomited three liters of blood.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also furious.

"Damn King of Humans, you have reached this point a long time ago, how on earth did you know, how on earth did you know."

Panicked, Yuanshi Tianzun was really panicked.

Unexpectedly, the Human King actually hid this trick.

This time the war can be said to have evolved suddenly.

The saints couldn't calculate it, so why did the human king calculate it?

Hongjun from Zixiao Palace also saw this scene.

The three corpses jumped in anger.

He understood that the human king would never be foresighted.

It has to be a coincidence, it has to be.

“Shouldn’t the Yin Shang Qi Shu really be extinct?”

At this moment, Hongjun had some self-doubt.

But the results given by Heaven would not lie to him.

"Which link caused the problem? Is there anything else that I haven't considered?"

Could it be that Dao Dao failed to take action?

I only saw the endless power blocking Xiqi's army outside Chaoge City.

In cooperation with the Yin and Shang armies, the Great Wall of Steel was built here.

No matter how hard Xiqi's army breaks through, they can't break away.

The Golden Immortal of the Twelve Chan Sect was also trapped and unable to escape.

If it weren't for Xuandu's protection, the Twelve Golden Immortals would have died long ago.

But Xuandu is not having a good time either.

At this moment, he was also besieged by several powerful quasi-sages.

If he wasn't powerful, he would probably be angry on the spot.

Seeing this scene, all the saints in the heavens were anxious, but they had no time to care.

The Human King's counterattack is very fierce. Once distracted, the formation will be broken.


He was so murderous that he went crazy at this moment.

Endless evil spirits spread throughout the world.

It can be said that the entire prehistoric land is killing people.

The endless blood gathered into a bloody river, flowing endlessly.

Endless corpses kept falling.

The ancient land is filled with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

"The prehistoric massacre, this is the prehistoric massacre, this is the real prehistoric massacre."

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun was trembling all over at this moment.

At the same time, I know in my heart that once the Human King breaks through the formation, the Human King will completely throw off the calculations of Heaven.

By that time, the prehistoric pattern will have changed.

"Taiqing, Nuwa, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Yin Zhunti, must suppress the human king no matter what the cost, otherwise all the achievements will be wasted."

The sound was like thunder, resounding in the ears of all the saints.

The saints also understand that this is the critical moment.

Once the human king is out of trouble, that is the day when the dragon is born.

"Use all your strength to suppress the Human King, even if you burn your soul, hurry up -"

Taiqing became ruthless, and now the human king is ready for everything, once he gets out of trouble.

The consequences are disastrous.


Pangu Yuanshen burned crazily, and the terrifying magic power came straight to the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth.

Yuanshi Tianzun also burned Pangu Yuanshen's blessing.

As for the Two Saints of the West, they are also suffering at this moment.

If they could regret it, they would definitely not get involved.

But now, there is no way out.


In the huge formation, Di Xin was also burning with blazing flames at this moment.

However, after seeing this scene, it only added fuel to the fire.

"You're ready to go all out, right? You want to suppress Gu just like this, right? Gu won't let you succeed——"


The terrifying killing aura was released.

The killing dragon in Kongtong Seal also roared crazily.

In an instant, it turned into a gluttonous state, wildly devouring Taiqing's luck.

"Damn it, Human King, you are still stubbornly resisting. It's impossible."

Taiqing was also anxious, but he didn't expect to be tricked by the King of Human Beings.

But so what? The matter has come to this, this battle can only be won.

"I'm willing to risk everything. Even if the human religion collapses, I won't let you succeed——"

The wilderness is filled with carnage, and endless luck is blocked by the formation.

All living beings know that once the human king escapes from trouble, everything will turn upside down.


The Great Formation suddenly trembled.

The King of Humans gathered all his strength and struck with all his might, but he was unable to break it.

The orthodox teachings of humanity are burning like crazy, and half of them are already gone, if not for the support of extremely clear luck.

The human king had already been suppressed.

"Hold on, the Human King fought back desperately."

The great formation is getting more and more intense, and the King of Humans continues to consume the orthodoxy of humanity.

His own luck was burning crazily.

From the outside, the entire huge formation was dyed red.

It seemed as if it would explode at any time.

"Master, the Human King has consumed a lot. If there is no way to break the situation, the Human King will definitely lose."

Pingxin Dharma body stood proudly in the reincarnation, anxious to the point of tears.

If possible, let the ancestor witch Hou Tu break it with one punch.

But he knew in his heart that if the ancestor witch came out at this time, it would be suicide.

After Tongtian Master stabilized the battle of Honghuang, he looked here again.

He was also anxious in his heart.

"Now the Taiqing Saint and Yuanshi Tianzun are determined to suppress the Human King. No matter what the price, they will not let go."

Having seen the key, how could Tongtian Master not understand?

"Now if we want to break the formation, we can only start from the outside, but we dare not directly break the formation, otherwise even if the Human King wins, he will lose."

Once the outside world intervenes, even if the human way awakens, it is no longer human way.

"Master, what should we do?"

Tongtian Master was also very anxious.

Looking at the terrifying luck of the Mitian formation, he could not get in.

Tongtian Master was really anxious.

No matter what he did, even if it was just to contain it.

But now the Mitian formation was suppressed by the treasure of merit.

As long as Taiqing and Jieyin did not retreat, the formation would not collapse.

In this way, the Human King could not get out.

The result would be that he would be wiped out by the saints.

Although the saints would also suffer heavy losses.

But the way of heaven is not destroyed, and the saints are not dead.

They can continue to plan, but the Human King will always be trampled underfoot.

At this moment, Tongtian Master fell into despair.

Does he really have to take action?

Being suppressed by Hongjun is a small matter, but it will make people neither human nor ghost.

Just when Tongtian Master was struggling, there was a sudden vibration in the prehistoric land.

"What's going on?"

"Why is the prehistoric world cracking?"

"Oh no, how can earth, wind, water, and fire appear?"

The saints were shocked, and the great array blocked all the power.

How can earth, wind, water, and fire appear in the prehistoric world?

Even if there are endless creatures fighting in the prehistoric world, it won't cause an earthquake in the prehistoric world.

Boom boom boom.

The prehistoric world trembled violently.

The great array began to become unstable.

Suddenly, Jie Yin Zhunti's face changed drastically, followed by a heart-wrenching roar:

"My Western world——."

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