Hong Huang: I am the king of men, and I will overthrow all the saints in the heavens.

Chapter 79 Endless beings hate the heavens, and the saints are entangled in karma

Roaring vigorously, the frustration in his heart was released wildly at this moment.

The sound broke through the sky and shook the prehistoric world.

The killing dragon also soared into the sky and hovered above the prehistoric world.


The Taiqing Saint screamed, and tears of blood flowed from his eyes.

This battle was lost, and the defeat was complete.

"This Saint is unwilling——."


In an instant, the three flowers were unstable.

The suppression failed, the human king rose, and everything was in vain.

"This Saint is unwilling——."

The painful roar of Taiqing spread throughout the prehistoric world.

Yuanshi Tianzun was covered with scars, and tears kept flowing out.

The saint shed tears, and the sky and the earth changed color.

Hongjun in Zixiao Palace also sighed.

"After all, it failed. What did I miss? Puff——."

Hongjun also spit out a mouthful of holy blood.

Thousands of calculations, no plan was left out, but why did it end up in vain?

Why did he calculate everything and block all the retreat routes of the King of Humanity?

But why did the King of Humanity counterattack?

Was it Zhen Yuanzi? That's not the case. Zhen Yuanzi was just a breakthrough point.

But what point did he miss?

Hongjun was unwilling to accept it. His eyes burst red and he immediately started to reverse.

But no matter how many times he repeated it, he didn't know where the problem was.

However, Hongjun would never have thought that he had calculated everything, but missed two points.

The first point is that Emperor Xin is no longer the original Emperor Xin, but a soul from the future.

He was originally a rebel.

The second point is the will of the people.

The King of Humanity awakened the way of humanity, created the tradition of humanity, and established the human practice.

He blessed the people and brought hope to the entire prehistoric creatures.

He even used his life to fight the way of heaven and broke all calculations.

He killed a way of transcendence for the endless prehistoric creatures.

That's right, it's hope.

No one wants to watch the saints shit on their heads all day long.

Who doesn't want to be above ten thousand people? Who doesn't want to jump out of the Three Realms and Five Elements?

The saints of the heavens and Hongjun completely blocked the hopes of these creatures.

They wanted to make the prehistoric creatures their pawns.

But the endless creatures are alive and have thoughts.

How can they stay under people for a long time?

The saints of the heavens can't give them all this, but the King of Man gave it to them.

Otherwise, why would the endless creatures kneel down to worship the King of Man?

The sound of the explosion made the eardrums of the endless creatures seem to be blind.

The terrifying energy spread out and turned into a dazzling white light.

Even the sun star was a firefly in front of this light.

In an instant, the prehistoric creatures were blinded and deafened.

The terrifying energy spread in all directions.

It spread out with Chaoge City as the center.

Wherever it passed, it was razed to the ground.

The endless creatures were instantly wiped out in this terrifying explosion.

Not even a trace of true spirit was left.

The Xiqi army had no time to escape before being wiped out by this terrifying wave of air.

Thousands of miles around the entire Chaoge City, the endless mountains and rivers were flattened by this terrifying explosive energy.

Even the ground was scraped three feet.

Endless True Spirits were listed at this moment.

Puff puff puff——.

Xuandu, the Twelve Golden Immortals, etc., also vomited blood and their bodies collapsed.


At this moment, the punishment from heaven came.

Taiqing Saint and Yuanshi Tianzun were struck on the spot.

Endless luck was instantly deprived and went straight to the Human King.

Just now they used the innate treasure to suppress the formation.

But it was broken in advance by the Human King Di Xin.

Their suppression hit the Human King.

How could they not be punished by heaven?

"No——, the luck of this saint——."

In an instant, Taiqing Saint felt that the luck of the Human Religion had fallen again and was about to bottom out.

Yuanshi Tianzun was also beaten to the point of spitting blood, and the fortune of the Chan sect was directly cut in half.

Finally, they all ran towards the Human King.


Suddenly, a sound of shattering spread throughout the prehistoric world.

The faces of the saints were not good.

The face of the Saint Taiqing changed drastically.


I only saw that the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower actually cracked.

Then the crack expanded wildly.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, it covered the whole body of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower.


With an explosion, the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower exploded on the spot.

"No——, this saint's merit treasure, puff——."

Taiqing fainted on the spot.

Not only did he lose his wife and his troops, but also the Kongtong Seal, the treasure of the human race, was corroded.

Even the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Tower was destroyed.

The sound of the explosion resounded throughout the prehistoric world.

Endless merit fell, and in an instant, the endless creatures of the prehistoric world woke up.

"This is..."

"Oh my god, brother, how could I kill you?"

"My offspring, I killed my offspring with my own hands--."

Endless merits fell, dispelling the boundless evil spirit.

This made those who woke up miserable.

Under the influence of the evil spirit, brothers killed each other and tribes fought internally.

Family members fought against each other.

Now that they have woken up, they regret it for the rest of their lives.

"Saints of heaven, it is you who caused my family to be destroyed. I will not let you go even if I become a ghost."


The magic weapon was inserted into his body, and he could not accept the scene in front of him.

He could only commit suicide out of shame.

"All the saints in the heavens, this is the saint. For their own selfishness, they actually disregarded the safety of the prehistoric world. I hate you——."


"If there is an afterlife, I am willing to be the one who goes against the heavens, and I will never worship all the saints in the heavens——."


The endless creatures woke up, and endless guilt burst out in their hearts.

Leaving behind blood and tears.

Although they knew that they could not escape the prehistoric killing calamity, they attributed it all to the saints.

If the saints did not want to calculate humanity.

If the saints did not calculate the interests, how could they do this?

The endless creatures committed suicide, and the hatred in their hearts was overwhelming.

The hearts of all the prehistoric creatures burst out with hatred for the saints in the heavens.

Only a trace of endless karma was seen heading straight for the thirty-three heavens palace and heading straight for chaos.

In an instant, the karma of the saints was entangled.

The Taiqing Saint was given special care.

"Hahaha, this is the price, hahaha."

Tongtian laughed wildly:

"Sage Taiqing, Yuanshi Tianzun, Jieyin Zhunti, Nuwa, you lost your wife and your army, and you failed to suppress the king of man. Instead, you made the countless creatures in the prehistoric world hate you. Now you are entangled in karma. Let's see how you can eliminate karma, hahaha."

Tongtian laughed wildly, and his voice resounded throughout the prehistoric world.

The saints vomited blood when they heard it.

Especially Nuwa, whose three flowers had been knocked down.

Now she is entangled in endless karma, and the five decays of heaven and man appeared in an instant.

The five qi in the chest began to dissipate.

"No, no——."

They were scared. At this moment, they were really scared.

This is the resentment of the countless creatures in the prehistoric world, which cannot be eliminated even if they reincarnate for nine lifetimes.

Pingxin also laughed:

"Now it's all right. We failed to suppress the Human King, but we are entangled in endless karma. A single Conferred God Tribulation is not enough for you saints to clean up. Wait, the fall of the sainthood is inevitable, hahaha."

Excited and happy.

However, the saints in the heavens can only swallow their anger.

The Taiqing Saint, Yuanshi Tianzun, was so angry that he kept spitting blood.

Jie Yin Zhunti also kept shaking his head.

"Brother, it's a big loss, a big loss."

"Woo woo woo, endless karma, what should we do in the future."

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