When Shen Gongbao had murderous intent in his heart, he knew he was wrong.

It is impossible for ordinary people to feel the intent to kill, but there are no ordinary people here.

Both Dapeng Bird and Wen Zhong Cultivation Base are very high, and Bigan has a seven-aperture exquisite heart. The thoughts and thoughts in his heart can hardly escape his perception, not to mention something as strong as killing intent.

"The great fairy, you..."

Bigan was suspicious of Shen Gongbao, and when he was about to ask, he heard Shen Gongbao say:

"Attention, an enemy is coming!"

Bigan laughed and said:

"If there is an enemy, I must have seen it, but now I have not noticed anything. Why is Daxian lying?"

"No, he didn't lie, he is indeed here!"

Dapeng Bird also spoke at this time, his gaze was fixed on the ground, and the enemy was in the ground.

Dapeng Bird already knew from Bigan that Bigan had been targeted by the Yaozu and was facing chasing and killing along the way.

If he was able to quickly return to Chaoge while sitting in the black wind before, but now he would take Su Daji on the road with him, he would not leave first, but slowly head towards Chaoge together.

Wen Zhong has supporters along the way, and they haven't been too worried about safety, but the opponents they are facing have become stronger recently, to the point where Wen Zhong is somewhat difficult to deal with.

He couldn't help but began to exhort Bigan to return to Chaoge first, and after Dapeng Bird knew this, he had been alert to the surroundings, and when an enemy appeared, he would be aware of it for the first time.

Bigan's Qiqiao Linglongxin is indeed very alert, but it may not be easy to use every time when facing a powerful fairy god. If some masters the method to cover their whereabouts, I am afraid that Qiqiao Linglongxin may not be able to detect it.

Bigan was surprised when he heard this, he didn't notice it at all, indicating that the enemy was powerful.

"Don't worry, I can solve it!"

A golden light flickered in the eyes of the Dapeng Bird, directly penetrating the ground, and saw the enemy hidden under the earth.

"The little earth dragon demon is nothing more than food!"

The Dapeng bird turned into a body, stretched out the body for thousands of miles, covering the entire sky, and then a paw directly plunged into the ground.

With a bang, the earth moved and the mountains shook, and the movement of the Dapeng bird reaching into the earth was no less than that of directly lifting the earth open.

If it weren't for Wen Zhong and Shen Gongbao working together to protect Bigan, Daji, and the escorted soldiers on the ground, I'm afraid that everyone would be crushed to death by the rolling rocks under this shaking.

Then the Dapeng bird fluttered its wings and flew towards the sky. The claws that had reached into the ground gradually came out, and the claws were also holding on to a behemoth and constantly twisting.

This is a huge earthworm, and its hideous mouthparts and huge body show that it is not easy to deal with.

Moreover, earthworms possess extraordinary vitality, even if their bodies are broken and broken, they can still survive. When ordinary gods encounter earthworms who become enlightened, they will stay away and don't want to be too entangled.

But Dapeng Bird didn't care at all, it was just a piece of food in his eyes.

"I have eaten all dragons, a little earth dragon demon can only be regarded as an appetizer!"

Dapeng Bird threw the earthworm into the sky, and then sucked the earthworm in with a huge mouth. From beginning to end, the earthworm could not beg for mercy.

But even if it was to beg for mercy, Dapeng Bird would never let him go.

"I had sensed that an enemy was approaching before, and it was inevitable that there would be killing intent in my heart. I hope you will not be surprised."

Shen Gongbao explained with a smile, it seemed like a normal reason, but Bi Gan knew that Shen Gongbao's killing intent at the time was not for the earthworms, but for himself.

However, Shen Gongbao was traveling with Dapeng Bird, and he had no substantive evidence, and he could not accuse anything at all.

It's just that Bi Gan left Shen Gongbao a little more in his heart, and didn't completely trust him.

Su Daji looked at everything coldly, and was already disappointed with this stupid, pig-like Shen Gongbao in her heart.

In the face of Bi Gan, he will even have murderous intent. This is like taking the initiative to expose. There is such a person who enters Chaoge to work with her, I am afraid it will only be bad.

She dared not think about anything when facing Bi Gan, like an old monk entering concentration, completely letting go of her own mind.

"If you are damaging to me, then I will definitely solve it with you!"

Su Da's eyes were slightly cold, but she looked at the ground without showing it, she knew what to do when facing these people.

Shen Gongbao knew that he was only passing the confession temporarily, and he was almost exposed, so he could only solve these people faster. After entering the Chaoge, even if he finds the opportunity to enter the Chaotang.

"I have passed so many bad luck to them, and only attracted a big Luo Jinxian Realm earth dragon demon. Could it be that the master lied to me? The power of bad luck I possess is not as powerful as I imagined?"

Yuanshi Tianzun once said that if the power of doom he mastered were not suppressed by Sage, he could decay a sect and a race, which would cause the loss of luck and blessings.

The fairy god will fall because of him, and the dynasty will collapse because of him.

But now he saw it twice with his own eyes, and there were no particularly serious consequences, and they were easily solved by the Dapeng Bird.

This is the so-called body of doom that can destroy the world?

Shen Gongbao felt that Yuanshi Tianzun looked up to him too much at this moment.

At this moment, he even had doubts about whether he really wanted to enter the court song. He felt that even if he entered the court song, even entered the court, and became the confidant of Emperor Xin, he was afraid that he would not be able to make a dynasty collapse.

"But I have promised Master, there is no turning back, no matter whether it works or not, you must try it, otherwise you will die if you go back!"

Shen Gongbao believed that if he dared not do anything, then Yuanshi Tianzun would definitely clean the door, and he would not like Yuanshi Tianzun himself, even if Yuanshi Tianzun had already had the idea to clean the door.

Just like Yuanshi Tianzun had known that they were secretly colluding with Jiejiao, but he didn't say anything and didn't know what he was thinking.

Now Shen Gongbao still feels cold all over his body when he thinks about it.

Ran Deng Daoist's senior brothers still don't know that they have been exposed. They thought they were hiding from Master, I'm afraid they will suffer a big loss in the end!

Shen Gongbao had a natural fear in Yuanshi Tianzun's heart, even if he didn't have that great ability, he would try his best to do it.

"Fellow daoist don't be nervous, our human races and demon cults are not loved by Heavenly Dao, and things are naturally common. Just solve them."

Dapeng Bird said to Shen Gongbao very casually. He was afraid that Shen Gongbao would encounter two attacks when he only came out when he saw it, and he would resist them.

For some reason, Dapeng Bird still has a great affection for Shen Gongbao and is willing to have a deep friendship with him.

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