[Ding, Ni You watched Tianlong Ba Bu and gained some insights into Master Ku Rong. He obtained his martial arts secret book: Ku Rong Zen Gong】

【Ding, Ni You practiced the withered and flourishing Zen and broke through to the peak of the late stage of the wizard soldier!!】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the withered and flourishing divine power and the power of the late-stage peak of the wizard. 】

The voice of the Hongmeng novel system can't be stopped at all

【Ding, Ni You watched the Flying Tiger Side Story, and gained some insights into Hu Yidao, and obtained his martial arts secrets: Hu Family Swordsmanship】

【Ding, Ni You practiced the Hu family swordsmanship and broke through the peak realm of the early stage of earth wizard!!】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Hu family swordsmanship and the power of the peak of the early stage of the earth wizard. 】

Under the surging power, Wu Wudi's realm immediately rose.

The peak of the late stage of the earth wizard.

Just a light poke can immediately reach the realm of the sky wizard.

""Great, so great!"

I didn't expect the harvest to be so huge. You know, there are nearly a thousand witches in the Liuyang community.

If they all practice, the harvest can be imagined.

"I have to speed up my novel writing. The more novels I write, the more extra power I will gain.

In the days that followed, Wu Wudi immersed himself in writing novels and increasing his power.


Wu Wudi gradually adapted to the voice of the Hongmeng novel system that sounded from time to time in his mind. There was even no correlation between writing novels and the increase of strength.

There was no time in the cave.

During this period, Wu Wudi had written nine representative works of Mr. Jin, including"Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon","The Legend of the Flying Tiger","The Flying Tiger of the Snow Mountain","The Book and the Sword","The White Horse Roars West Crazy","The Killing of the Cauldron","The Liancheng Merit","The Double-edged Sword Technique", and"The Blood Sword".

Of course!!

As more and more novels were written, many witches had choices.

For example, some witches could not obtain the skills from the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, but they could obtain the skills from the Double-edged Sword Technique. Some obtained the skills from the Killing of the Cauldron, but could not obtain the skills from other novels.

Some were even more exaggerated, and actually obtained the skills from multiple novels.

One's strength soared to the sky.

The strength of the entire Wudi tribe increased at a rocket speed.

In the past, a mid-stage witch soldier was already the combat power ceiling of their witches.

Now witch soldiers are as numerous as dogs.

Even the strongest witch Wu Wudi had run around everywhere.

Naturally, the ultimate beneficiary was Wu Wudi.

The tribe became stronger, and the population increased. At the same time, the territory they gained was also larger.

They could get more good things, and the sacrifices needed for the sacrifice were also ready.

"Chief, now we just need you to personally preside over it, so that our tribe can communicate with Pangu Palace and receive the blessings of the Twelve Ancestral Witches."

Ten thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye. Chai Zhi and Ni You, who were old at the time, now seem to be rejuvenated.

Their aura is like an active volcano, and any glance of theirs contains the power to destroy the world.

Under the most difficult circumstances, without any help, the two witches can break through to the middle stage of witch soldier.

Moreover, with the novel written by Wu Wudi, the two witches are like wild horses that have broken free from their reins, and their cultivation soars into the sky with their swords pointing at the black witch.

This level of witches has begun to comprehend the principles of heaven and earth with their physical bodies, and their strength is also mysterious.

But in front of Wu Wudi, they still have to lower their heads and dare not breathe.

It's just that the more they practice the skills in the novel, the stronger their awe of Wu Wudi becomes.

Even now that Wu Wudi asked them to kill themselves directly, they did not hesitate at all.

The most terrifying thing is that all the witches don't know.

In fact, when they practiced the skills in the novel, they had subtly replaced their faith in the father god Pangu and the twelve ancestor witches with Wu Wudi.

"Then let's get started!!"

During the Conferred God period, the Golden Immortal might have been quite capable.

But in this prehistoric world, the Golden Immortal is simply insignificant.

So even though Wu Wudi is now at the Golden Witch level, he is not arrogant.

Instead, he tries to contact Pangu Hall and obtain the protection of the twelve ancestor witches.

And as the strength of the Wudi tribe increases and the territory expands, the opponents they encounter are getting stronger and stronger.

Although there is a potential stock like the novel, a potential stock is a potential stock, and it is not as strong as having a ready-made ancestor witch as a backer.

So how could Wu Wudi refuse to offer sacrifices to Pangu Hall and obtain the blessing of the twelve ancestor witches?

The sacrifice began.

The tribe of nearly a thousand people has now grown to ten thousand.

Countless sacrifices were placed in a special way, and then all the witches spread their palms and cut their palms in a special way.

When the blood flowed down, it gathered like a flame.

Then the sacrifices that came later, under the blood.

Burned with a bang.

At the same time, the spells from the blood made them unconsciously start to recite silently.

Om Ma Hong Om....

As a strange sound sounded, the void shook, and a magnificent hall appeared in the flames of the sacrifice.

In this hall, there were twelve majestic figures that were the best in the world.

Although their faces could not be seen clearly, the vague shadows alone could make the witches tremble.

"Who is calling us, the Ancestral Witch!!!"

The witch who spoke was the Ancestral Witch of Space, Emperor Jiang.

"We are a group of nomads, and now we use the power of our blood to sense the Pangu Palace and ask for the blessings and protection of the ancestors."

Feeling the boundless power of the Emperor Jiang Ancestral Witch, Wu Wudi still answered with neither humility nor overbearance

"You are my witch clan. Since you are sincere, I will....Oh, that's not right!!"

"One gold wizard, six black wizards, hundreds of sky wizards, thousands of earth wizards, and the rest are all wizard soldiers."

"Are you a tribe that is being raised in exile?"

Just as Di Jiang was about to leave a seal for Wu Wudi, he saw the current situation of the Wudi tribe through space.

Logically speaking, all the tribes that are sensed through blood are extremely weak.

Even if there are some good ones, they are only made up of a few earth witches.

There is no such tribe as this one. If they hadn't been summoned through blood, Di Jiang would have thought they were a small tribe under a large tribe that came to cause trouble.

"You are in the northern wilderness, where there are many scattered witches."

"Just as the war between wizards and liches was about to begin, the demons tried to get involved in the northern wilderness again."

"Now I appoint you as the North Desert Vanguard Brigade, your mission is to wipe out the demon tribe and join my witch tribe to control the territory of the earth."

Just when Wu Wudi was trying to find an excuse to evade Dijiang, Dijiang spoke first.

At the same time, a map was imprinted in Wu Wudi's mind, just like a 3D map image, allowing Wu Wudi to clearly see where they were in the North Desert at this time.

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