Of course, after the three clan leaders came out of the seal, they immediately recruited soldiers.

Zulong, needless to say, he also has the Dragon Clan.

You should know that among the three clans back then, the Dragon Clan was the most powerful.

Although the Dragon Clan is no longer as glorious as it used to be, it still occupies the boundless sea.

Now that he has escaped from the predicament, he has already summoned his old subordinates.

In addition to having many Dragon Clan members under him, it is a pity that the style of the Dragon Clan back then is no longer there.

Although the Dragon Clan now looks numerous, its strength is not very good.

Especially the nine sons of the dragon, each of them looks strange, even Zulong can't bear to look at them after seeing them.

The same is true for Yuanfeng, she is not willing to be outdone.

Now there are peacocks, Dapeng, Qingluan, Fire Phoenix, Suzaku and so on around her.

Although the races left by each branch are not strong in the current ruins of the prehistoric world, they are also very powerful under the summons of Yuanfeng.

On the other hand, the momentum of Shi Qilin is the lowest.

There are not many unicorns left from the Longhan catastrophe, especially the most original unicorns, which are almost extinct. Instead, there are more five-element unicorns.

Among the unicorns, there are also some lions, tigers, leopards and the like.

The most powerful one is a guy with nine heads.

It's a pity that there is too little unicorn blood in this guy, otherwise it may not be impossible to purify the blood and return to the blood of unicorn. The three tribes are the most powerful, and the next one is the earth immortal lineage led by Zhen Yuanzi.

Unfortunately, apart from Zhen Yuanzi, there are no other particularly powerful earth immortals.

The Dong Wanggong and Xi Wangmu are in the same awkward situation as Zhen Yuanzi.

Although there seem to be many people, there are not many who can really show off.

In addition to the forces above, the stronger ones are the four fierce beasts.

If these four fierce beasts are traced back, they have to be counted back to the chaotic period.

However, the four fierce beasts at present: Chaos, Qiongqi, Taowu, and Taotie are not the same as they were during the Chaos Period. At most, they are the thoughts left over from the Chaos Period.

After countless years of evolution, they have become extremely weak.

But at present, they still possess extremely explosive strength.

Let alone the others, just the Chaos Beast.

You must know that the power of chaos can only be touched by saints.

With the power of chaos used by the Chaos Beast now, very few quasi-saints can resist it.

What's more, the three fierce beasts behind each have their own special abilities.

Although the four fierce beasts together are the least in number, they are not necessarily inferior in strength.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation, the four of us brothers want it"

"We are not discussing with you, we are informing you"

"You don't have to leave, then stay forever."

"We count to four!!!"

The four fierce beasts are worthy of being the four fierce beasts. They directly declared war on many forces.


They don't exist at all.

The five forces looked at each other, without saying anything, and they started at the same time after exchanging glances.

If it were the four fierce beasts of the Chaos Period, the five forces would naturally not dare to provoke them.

But the four fierce beasts now are just the evil thoughts left over from the Chaos Period.

If it weren't for the fact that this battle between the saints was too terrifying and even the prehistoric world was blown up, they would never have appeared in this era.

Of course, it is precisely because they are the products of the Chaos Period that they are extremely sensitive to treasures.

As soon as they sensed the tunnel, they went straight to hell.

It's just that the four fierce beasts overestimated themselves, or perhaps their own evil thoughts did not allow them much time to think.

The five forces joined forces, and the four fierce beasts were suddenly divided on the battlefield.

One force dealt with one, and Zhen Yuanzi was in the middle, protecting the four forces with absolute defense. With such a tacit fighting style, people who didn't know would think they had trained many times.

It didn't take long for the four fierce beasts to be in danger

"If we die, it will be your turn next!!"

Perhaps because of the impending death, the evil thoughts that entangled them actually loosened.

The four fierce beasts hurriedly looked at the Eastern King, the Western Queen and Zhen Yuanzi.

A small sentence seemed to contain supreme magic power.

Instantly, Zhen Yuanzi, the Western Queen and the Eastern King restrained most of their strength, and for a while, the four fierce beasts gained some buffer time.

Especially Qiongqi, his opponent was the Eastern King and the Western Queen, these two innate yin and yang energy. If they were alone, it would be nothing, but if they joined hands, they would be It will form a yin and yang spirit that can take away souls.

Once contaminated by this spirit, even his Qiongqi body will be dissolved.

When the King of the East and the Queen Mother of the West hesitated, he found the right time and rushed directly to the other three brothers.

Like a chain reaction, the King of the East and the Queen Mother of the West stopped their methods, and Zhen Yuanzi also put away the Book of Earth.

Without the absolute defense of the earth membrane, the three tribes' method of only attacking and not defending was obviously not enough.

And with the existence of Qiongqi, the troublemaker, the circle of the three tribes was torn open.

"What the hell are you three doing?"

"They are chaotic beasts, all of the four elements are dangerous. If you don't take the opportunity to get rid of them and let them recover, how can you deal with them?"

"We still have a chance now that they haven't left."

The three races looked at each other with regret in their eyes.

"Hehehe, what does it mean? Of course I mean to be on guard against you."

"Listen, you three, it's better to join forces with us than to join forces with them."

"As long as the three of us can defeat the three of them, the rest will be our business."

"It's better than losing us and leaving only your two forces to be devoured by the three tribes."

I don't know if they were sobered up by the beating, or if they had a flash of brilliance and less evil intent.

Now they speak in a logical way, and their analysis of the situation is not ambiguous at all.

Zhen Yuanzi looked at Dong Wanggong and Xi Wangmu, and they felt that it made sense without thinking.

Before, they were concerned about the reputation of the four fierce beasts, but after a battle, they found that the strength of the four of them was not much different from them.

The three major races are different.���Extremely powerful.

And when they were dealing with the four fierce beasts just now, the Ancestral Dragon, the Primordial Phoenix, and the First Kirin did not take action at all.

Just their subordinates took action, and they were able to contain a race.

If the four fierce beasts really died, then the two forces of them might not be able to hold on for long.

"Since you don't know the current situation, you can't blame us."

Zu Long saw this and showed disdain on his face.

He was already used to fence-sitters.

During the Dragon Han catastrophe, there were countless creatures like this.

And in the battle at the critical moment, only he could grasp it in his own hands.

"Why waste so much time talking to them? If they don't want to be our vassal, then just kill them."

Yuanfeng is the ancestor of the phoenix, and is on the same level as Zulong.


It was even simpler for Shi Qilin. With his order, the three major races rushed directly towards the other three forces.

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