"The fire of the human race is inherited by our human race."

""As long as the human race is not destroyed, the flames will not be extinguished!!"

Xuandu took the lead, and the nine great ancestors cooperated with each other.

After these years of stable reproduction, the human race has grown again, and the population has recovered to hundreds of billions.

With the blessing of the power of humanity in the small world of Huoyun Cave, the flames rose instantly.

Xiangliu watched from the side and did not help, just because this was a matter for the human race.

In the words of Wu Wudi, the heaven and earth are unreliable, but their fists are reliable.

Besides, they don't need any merits.

Emperor Yi's body is the body of a saint. If the human race were to refine it, it would not be refined even for 100 million years.

But now that humanity has joined, relying on the method of fire and fire, Emperor Yi's corpse has actually begun to be refined.

Four continents!!

The saints came to Zixiao Palace.

Over the past thousand years, the saints have reaped a lot.

But after experiencing a battle with the witch clan, these merits can no longer meet the needs of the saints.

"Teacher, now the four continents have been arranged."

"But there is no sun in the sky right now. Even if we saints use our great powers to show the sun, it is not a long-term solution after all."

The saints looked at Hongjun, the saint of heaven.

""Everyone, look!"

At this moment, Hongjun pointed to the sky.

Following Hongjun's finger, the saints saw a huge fireball breaking through time and space and heading towards the four continents.

"This is...Golden Crow?"

"How is that possible? Didn’t the Golden Crow die out?"

"No, there is something wrong with this Golden Crow. He is dead."

"Strictly speaking, it is a magic weapon."

The saints looked at the fireball that fell from the sky and couldn't help but deduce it.

""The corpse of Emperor Yi, how dare the human race do this!"

Nuwa calculated with her fingers, and suddenly a shocking wave broke out.

However, she was now very skilled in the way of creation, so she let this power linger between her five fingers, and not even a trace of power could leak out.

"Has the Fire Cloud Cave become so powerful that it can even avoid the detection of all of us saints?"

Jie Yin frowned and had some thoughts about the human way.

"It's not just powerful, it's right above our heads. If it weren't for the teacher's reminder, it would have fallen on us."

Zhunti's face no longer had any mercy, but instead a heavy look.

The West in the prehistoric times was already difficult, and what was even more unexpected was that Luohou had been hiding under their ground.

Moreover, his appearance took away all the vitality of the West.

Now, let alone the evil spirit, there is not even a hair left.

Therefore, the current Xiniu Hezhou is an insult to him to describe it as barren.

"The human race can never do this. They have someone behind them."

Tongtian looked at the big fireball with admiration.

"This person's skills are extremely powerful, and he was able to evade all of our detection."

Yuan Shi was also secretly inferior to him.

"They actually dared to refine Emperor Yi's corpse into a magical weapon. This is simply against the will of heaven."

I looked at Hongjun, but I couldn't figure out what was going on.

The saints of the Heavenly Dao were shocked, and the saints of Hell were also stunned.

"Where does this sun come from?"

"Although the four continents have been finalized, if ten thousand years pass, they will become the back garden of our hell."

"What a pity, I don't know who is against us."

"Demon Ancestor, let me go and knock down this sun."

Six saints were born in the six reincarnations, all thanks to Rahu.


Luo Hou was unmoved.

He did not cultivate the Heavenly Dao, but he could still sense the instability of the Heavenly Dao through the Earthly Dao.

Now that the war had started, whoever started first would lose.

Moreover, although he seemed to have six saints on his side, the strength of these six saints was probably the weakest among all the saints in the heavens.

So he had to wait for an opportunity, an opportunity to attack the Heavenly Dao.

As the master of the Earthly Dao, the Heavenly Dao was now dominating, which he could not tolerate. It was also the path he had to take if he wanted to go further, or to defeat his fateful enemy Hongjun.


The Great Golden Crow fell over the prehistoric world. There was a mysterious force in the dark that directly guided the movement of the Great Golden Crow.

The Heavenly Dao took action.

Seeing that his plan was successful, Wu Wudi couldn't help but laugh.

"The sun is out, we have the sun!!!"

"For many years, for many years, I thought I would never see the sun again before I died"

"This light is so comfortable!!"

The creatures of the four continents were delighted. Some cried with joy, some laughed heartily.

Of course, some...Ghost, very angry

"The world is unfair, why can we ghosts only stay in the dark hell?"

"I want this sky to not cover my eyes, I want this sun to sink forever"

"No, I don't want the sun!!"

The saints fought, and the human race left the six reincarnations.

It was Luohou who took charge of the underground tunnel.

Although all these changes were very fast, they gave countless ghosts in hell the opportunity to escape.

In addition, the saints of the six paths were not as good at management as the human race, they only cared about their own practice.

So in the past thousand years, although hell seemed stable, countless ghosts escaped from hell and were rampant in the four continents.

Some ghosts even took advantage of this to soar into the sky and reached the realm of ghost kings and ghost emperors.

Now that the sun is out, their good days are gone. It

's because ghosts like yin and hate yang, even the ghost king is the same.

Unless yin is extreme and yang is born, reaching the realm of reversing yin and yang

"I am Suiren. Today I have established the way of passing on the flame to ensure that the flame of our race will be passed on forever!!"

When the Great Golden Crow was completely absorbed by the Heavenly Dao, Suiren also descended directly to the four continents.

With the Heavenly Dao oath he made, a light of infinite merit descended.

"Wow, what a huge golden light of merit!"

"If you can obtain this golden light and refine it into your body, you can become a true immortal of virtue. If you refine it into a magical instrument, you can obtain a spiritual treasure of merit that is invulnerable to all kinds of magic."

"This human race is so lucky, I envy them to death."

The powerful people of the four continents couldn't help drooling when they saw Suirenshi.

"Nine turns of the infinite, pure Yang divine fire!!"

But Suiren was like seeing a virus, he didn't even have time to dodge, how could he absorb these merits.

Because he was a human witch, he could get endless support from the witch clan.

If he fell into the hands of the Heavenly Dao, he would be doomed.

"Suiren, leave it to me."

Just when Suiren was desperately resisting, Xuandu made a move.

Like a siphon, all the Heavenly Dao merits disappeared into Suiren's body.

And as time passed, more and more Heavenly Dao merits were sucked into Suiren's body.

Seeing this, the eyes of the Heavenly Dao saints twitched.

This amount of merits could definitely give birth to a saint. But

Suiren's body didn't change at all, and he still looked hungry.

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