Just as Wu Kong left, Wu Wudi was about to continue writing his novel.

The voice of the Hongmeng Novel System rang in his mind.

【Ding, Dahan resonated with the experience of Ding Dian through reading Liancheng Jue, so he obtained the character's martial arts secret book: Shenzhaojing】

【Ding, Dahan has achieved continuous breakthroughs through practicing the Shenzhaojing and has reached the peak of the late Tianwu realm.】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for simultaneously obtaining the power of the Shenzhaojing and continuously breaking through the peak of the late Tianwu. 】

Wu Wudi, who is now at the peak of the early Jinwu realm, faced the sudden increase in power in his body and merged them into one very smoothly.

"The Divine Illumination Sutra, it turned out to be the Divine Illumination Sutra. Finally, a witch has figured out this technique."

The Divine Illumination Sutra practiced by myself in the Golden Witch Realm is not comparable to the Great Cold Heavenly Witch Realm.

Moreover, although Wu Wudi's realm power has been improving over the past tens of thousands of years, the only thing he can really show off is martial arts such as the 72 Shaolin unique skills.

Although these techniques are also very powerful, Wu Wudi has always been very dissatisfied. This is because in every novel of Grandpa Jin, there will be one or several unique skills that suppress the luck of the entire novel.

Such as the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing, the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and the North Sea Divine Art in the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon. The

Dugu Nine Swords and the Sunflower Manual in The Laughing Rivers and Lakes.

The Golden Snake Sword Technique and the Hunyuan Gong in the Blood Sword, etc.

The ordinary techniques in the novels, with the blessing of the Hongmeng novel system, all have extremely terrifying power. power.

Not to mention these skills that suppress the luck of the entire novel.

So Wu Wudi has always wanted to have a secret skill that suppresses luck.

Unfortunately, after writing ten books, no one has been able to comprehend one.

Wu Wudi was so unwilling!!!

Fortunately, when the second war between wizards and liches was about to begin, a wizard from Dahan actually comprehended the Shenzhaojing.

This skill is a secret skill in Liancheng Jue that suppresses luck. Once successfully practiced, it has the ability to bring the dead back to life.

And this ability is exactly what Wu Wudi needs.

Now he is keeping a low profile and has not yet fully grown up. What he fears most is a sudden accident.


Then there is no place to even cry.

But now with the Shenzhaojing, it is equivalent to having a second life.

【Ding, Gan Fan resonated with the character of Xichuan Shuangxia through reading The Book and the Sword, and thus obtained the character's martial arts secret book: Black Sand Palm】

【Ding, Dahan breaks through to the peak of the late stage of Earth Wizard by practicing Black Sand Palm】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for simultaneously obtaining the power of the Black Sand Palm and the peak of the late Earth Wizard.

Although Wu Wudi had already obtained the Black Sand Palm from Shu Xun, the Black Sand Palm obtained from Gan Fan was somewhat different from Gan Fan.

Wu Wudi was already clear about this result.

This was because when nearly ten thousand wizards of the Wudi tribe were practicing, there had been countless cases of the same technique being practiced by different wizards.

There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

And in the same martial arts, the realms and gains of the wizards are not the same.

Some wizards can only practice 30% of the essence of this technique, while some can get 70%. Of course, incorporating all of these into Wu Wudi will only make Wu Wudi have a deeper understanding of this martial arts.

In a word.

Even if it is the same technique, as long as there is a wizard who can comprehend it, it is beneficial to Wu Wudi.

【Ding, Nufei read the Double-edged Sword...】...

【Ding, Lei Shi read your White Horse Roaring Westward Crazy....】...

【Ding, Chui Yang reads your Blood Mountain Flying Tiger...】...

The nine novels were delivered to the Wu tribes within a radius of 10 billion miles, and the harvest began to explode!!!

A drop of water wears away a stone, and a little accumulation makes a lot.

Wu Wudi reached the peak of the early stage of the Golden Wu, and broke through like a broken bamboo.

The peak of the middle stage of the Golden Wu......Late Jinwu....The peak of the late stage of the Golden Witch!!!

After the Golden Witch, there will be a Dharmakaya, which is the phenomenon of beginning to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth.

For example, once the twelve ancestor witches evolve their Dharmakaya, they will either have a human body with a python head, black scales on their bodies

, and step on a black dragon. Or they will have a human body with a beast head, red scales on their bodies, fire snakes in their ears, and fire dragons under their feet.

These are not just visions, but also the embodiment of laws.

Every vision is a symbol of strength.

After reaching the Golden Witch level, there will naturally be no visions of laws at the level of the ancestor witch.

However, it will enable the Golden Witches to gain the ability to follow the laws of heaven and earth. The greater the laws of heaven and earth, the higher the strength.

As the saying goes,"making big moves in a square inch", it describes the laws of heaven and earth of the witch clan.

Don't underestimate their body skills just because their bodies are getting bigger and bigger, that would be a big mistake. As their bodies grow bigger, not only are they not cumbersome, but their body reactions will only get faster and faster.

Because the witch tribes in the billions of miles comprehended Wu Wudi's novel together, the gains instantly supported Wu Wudi.

His Dharma body suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

Black evil rolled in, accompanied by wind and thunder, as well as water and fire.....

Seeing Wu Wudi's transformed body, the witches of the Wudi tribe were shocked.

"What did I see? Our leader's eyes actually showed the Sun and Moon pupils of Pangu the Father."

"The five elements are under your feet, and all things originate from your chest. How did the leader successfully cultivate his Dharma body?"

"Mysterious light, the door to all wonders, the light of the great way, the spirit of chaos, what did I see? ? ?"

The moment the Wudi tribe saw Wu Wudi's Dharma body, they were immediately blown up.

"Not good, the power is increasing too fast."

Wu Wudi has been developing in a low-key manner. Now, because of the simultaneous harvest of the Wu Clan within 10 billion miles, he could not control his power in an instant, and his Dharma body appeared.

Fortunately, he was moving his body and controlling the power very well.

In just a moment, he restrained his Dharma body.

There are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the Northern Wilderness, and suddenly there is a breath of the peak of the late Golden Wu.

It instantly attracted the attention of the hidden practitioners.

"What's going on? Why is this breath so strange?"

"Violent, tyrannical, and full of murderous aura, yet accompanied by the essence of Taoism and incomparable spirituality, when did such a figure appear in the Northern Wilderness?"

"The war between the witches and the liches is about to start. The situation is chaotic now. Fellow Taoists should stick to the mountain gate and don't get involved and die."

In the void, the divine thoughts collided.

There were some powerful people who wanted to find some clues through the secrets of heaven. But

Wu Wudi converged too quickly, especially using several hidden skills, which made these powerful people return empty-handed.

The demon clan!!

As the strongest demon in the Northern Wilderness, the Red Flame Demon Ape also sensed this breath at the first time.

"Why is this breath so strange, not like a witch or a demon!!"

The Red Flame Demon Ape pondered.

Since Pangu created the world, he first killed the chaotic gods and demons.

The subsequent dragon and phoenix catastrophe was actually a fight between the phoenix, unicorn, and dragon.

These three tribes can now be classified as demons.

However, because they were beneficial to the world after the dragon and phoenix catastrophe, they were called holy beasts, or divine beasts.

But after the Taoist Hongjun preached, the world became a fight between witches and demons.

As for other forces, they withdrew from the stage one after another.

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