Wu Wudi knew exactly what Luohou was planning.

He wanted to use the power of the earth to compete with the Heavenly Dao, or to directly take down Hongjun in the Heavenly Dao.

If that were the case, Wu Wudi would not have thought it was a big deal.

Nothing to be afraid of!!

But when Jie Yin showed the black lotus and Jie Yin said"Heavenly Dao", Wu Wudi realized that it was not simple.

There was Hongjun's handiwork in this.

After all, he went to the long river of time and did not find Hongjun.

But he found out through clues that Hongjun was dead, but if he was dead, how could he reveal the Heavenly Dao to Luohou.

Luohou wanted to seize the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, but the Heavenly Dao was a hurdle that he could not overcome.

Now it depends on when Luohou jumps out.

As for the Heavenly Court!!!

The appearance of the Conferred God List at this time also made Wu Wudi pay more attention.

It was because the appearance of the Conferred God List was too abnormal. After all, he was holding the Heavenly Court in his hand in disguise.

The purpose was naturally to control the Heavenly Dao.

After the war between the witches and liches, the world was divided into three realms.

This is the will of the Heavenly Dao, not his will, but the will of the Heaven and Earth.

The Heaven and Earth is an even more mysterious term. Some people say it was left by Pangu.

In Wu Wudi's view, it is just the law of the operation of the Heaven and Earth.

The Heaven and Earth are like a person. If he is sick, he will naturally have immune function to resist.

After the witches and liches, the immune function of the Heaven and Earth is activated.

The Heavenly Dao just follows the trend and directly occupies the Heavenly Court as the power center of control.

With the Heavenly Court, there is the Hell, and then the Human World.

After being divided layer by layer, the power is guaranteed and the power is also manifested.

Imperial power!!!

It's a bit vulgar, but it's just like the emperor of the human world ruling the world.

If the Heavenly Dao wants to completely control the Heaven and Earth, it must start with the three ways.

The Heavenly Court is the top priority. After all, the Heavenly Court is the key to the immune system of the Heaven and Earth.

Seizing the Heavenly Court is equivalent to becoming the Heaven and Earth.

Wu Wudi took this into consideration, so he made Haotian empty.

But now he realizes that what he has done seems to be in vain.

Haotian was empty, but at the same time, the Heavenly Court had no room to play.

But now with the great war among the saints, the Heavenly Court was no longer important.

But when the Conferred God List appeared, Wu Wudi was surprised.

In his impression, the Conferred God List was used to confer titles among the gods and to manage the heaven and earth.

Now that the heaven and earth are in chaos, there is no need to confer titles among the gods.

But the Conferred God List appeared again, so who was conferred?

It can't be a dead saint!!

"Saint? ?"

Wu Wudi frowned. It's not impossible.

But if he did that, it would be too outrageous.

A saint could be on the Conferred God List!!!

This has never happened in the original novel.

You know, the strongest person at that time was a quasi-saint, and he was also a disciple of Jiejiao. But now he has become a saint of heaven and earth.

Is this possible?

"It's possible, after all, Haotian and Yaochi are Hongjun's people."

"Now that Hongjun is gone, what about them? ?"

Wu Wudi seemed to have infinite sparks of wisdom flashing in his mind, and then countless magic shadow clones began to play.

Suddenly, countless peach blossoms flew in the entire peach forest.

This scene was extremely beautiful, and even the entire Nanshan Mountain could see it.

"Wow, so beautiful!!"

"In April, the beauty of the world has faded, it's not the peach blossoms but the peach forest!!"

"After spending a long time with human brothers, everyone is very literary, which is not acceptable."

"This is Master Wu Wudi playing a big role. I advise you to watch less."

In Nanshan, a great witch saw this and hurriedly stopped the witches from watching.

At this time, a void crack appeared between heaven and earth.

Countless ancestor witches fell from the crack.

"Look, it's the witches."

"Hurry, they are injured, catch them"

"How could it be possible? How could the Ancestral Witches be injured?"

The panic lasted only a moment, and soon the 108 Ancestral Witches were rescued by the Witch Clan.

"Send them to the witch pond to heal their wounds!!"

At this moment, Wu Wudi's voice rang in Wu Kong's mind.

"Tsk tsk, I can't even deduce it!!"

After Wu Wudi noticed that the witch ancestors had returned, he looked at all the magic shadow clones.

Unfortunately, the clones that had been invincible could not play any role at all. This was because there was an extremely powerful force in the dark that was blocking his deduction.

""Hongjun, is that you?"

Wu Wudi looked at the battlefield. It seemed that this battle was becoming more and more interesting.

"It's him!!"

Deep in the endless void, in a mysterious altar, there lay a corpse riddled with holes.


When he opened his eyes, they were bloodless.

He looked like a dead person, but he was not dead.

There was no law in his body, but he was still alive.

"I avoided the will of Heaven, avoided the demon ancestor Luohou, and even avoided the earth and humanity, but I couldn't avoid you!!!"

Hongjun's old voice sounded in this empty altar.

On that day, he swam to a mysterious place in the long river of time. When he was about to open the secret, he was attacked by Heaven.

All three thousand laws were lost, and even the body that had practiced for countless Yuanhui was directly necrotic.

Fortunately, he had prepared means and used the law of death to escape secretly.

However, in order to make the will of Heaven believe that he was really dead, he gave up all his immortal laws and the three thousand laws that he had gathered.

But Hongjun dared to do so, he naturally had his own back-up plan

"God, let me see how long you can keep jumping around."

Hongjun, who was lying on the altar, was surrounded by death, and his aura gradually fell into silence.

On the battlefield, the Zhenwu Dharma Image and Pangu Yuanshen entered a white-hot stage.


No matter how strong the Zhenwu Dharma Image is, how can it be stronger than Pangu Yuanshen?

He is the master of this world, as the saying goes, when the time comes, the world and the world are of the same force.

Now Pangu's every move is the power of heaven and earth.

He doesn't even need to use the Xuanhuang Pagoda, Tai Chi Diagram, and Zhuxian Four Swords on the top of the sky.

With the power of heaven and earth alone, the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation is suppressed.

Of course.

Compared with the Liuhe Qinglong, the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation is indeed much stronger.

At least it will not be completely crushed, and when it is in full swing, it can also be a showdown.


Pangu Yuanshen carried the power of heaven and earth, and rushed forward, directly knocking the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation into the endless abyss.

If it weren't for the protection of the black tortoise on the Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, I'm afraid this blow would have directly hit the Yellow Spring Hell.

"No, if this continues, both sides will suffer losses, and the Wu clan will surely die!!"

Luo Hou in the tunnel frowned.

He wanted the oriole, but now the mantis is no longer useful.

If he does nothing, the Pangu Yuanshen of the Three Pure Ones will be beaten into hell, and he???

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