"You bastard, be my first Golden Immortal!"

Wu Wudi used the power transformation method to not only transform the evil dragon's fire, but also took advantage of the situation to grab the evil dragon's head.

""I, Guiche, will never achieve enlightenment until Wu Wudi has taken revenge!"

Guiche, who had already lost six heads and now lost another one, immediately uttered a terrible curse.

The resonance of the Heavenly Dao resounded throughout the prehistoric world. The demon kings such as Donghuang Taiyi who were fighting were stunned.

Didn't Guiche go back to the Heavenly Court to recuperate?

What deep hatred made him make such a Heavenly Dao oath.

Bai Ze in the Heavenly Court was originally processing official documents and observing the war between the witches and liches.

But when he heard Guiche's oath, he suddenly stood up from his seat. He hurried to the Sky Survey Mirror, and when he saw the embarrassed look of Guiche who had lost another head, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Brother Guiche, I have harmed you!!"

"Just wait, I will come to help you."

The war between wizards and liches was in full swing, and all the Golden Immortals were in the vortex of the battle.

Now he was the only one who wanted to mobilize the monsters to save the situation.

Xing Tian, who was crisscrossing the battlefield and killing wantonly, also heard the sound of the ghost car.

"This voice belongs to that beast with flat hair. Could it be that the Wu clan brother attacked him?"

During the battle, Xing Tian could only remember the name of 'Wu Wudi'.

The other Wu clan and demon clan masters also remembered the name of 'Wu Wudi'.

The camera returns to the Northern Wasteland.

"You can't avenge this, die!!"

Wu Wudi sneered. The Huagong Dafa is one of the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, which is deeply hated by people in the martial arts world.

This is because this skill is an evil skill evolved from the Beiming Divine Art of the Xiaoyao Sect. The poison stored in the palm is sent directly with the internal energy, and the poison is transmitted into the human body, paralyzing the hands and feet of the recipient, damaging the meridians, and unable to use the internal force.

The person who is hit by the palm may be poisoned, or the internal force is exhausted in an instant, or die on the spot, or wail for several months before dying, all at the will of the caster. Of course, this is the power of the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon, but under the blessing of the Hongmeng novel system.

The immortals, gods, demons and monsters in the prehistoric world have all become first- and second-rate masters of the Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon.

So when Guiche faced Huagong Dafa, he had no ability to resist it at all.

Moreover, the power of this Huagong Dafa is even more terrifying than the battle skills of the ancestor witch.

From the fact that Guiche lost a head the moment he was hit, it is enough to see the domineering and insidious nature of this skill.

"It's not that easy to kill me!!"

"The wind is blowing, the Nine Heavens Strong Winds are helping me."

Another bird head grew out of the ghost car, and at the same time he also turned into a demon body.

It was red, like a duck, and showed its original form, with a wingspan of more than a hundred feet.

It opened its mouth and blew out a seemingly weak strong wind.

"Thirteen Taibao Golden Bell Cover!!!"

The most powerful refining method in the Killing Cauldron Art was broken when the strong wind came over him.

What surprised Wu Wudi was that his Thirteen Taibao Golden Bell Cover was actually broken.

"Haha, you're dead."

"My wind is the Nine Heavens Strong Wind, which contains the power of the supreme law and can blow away three souls and destroy seven spirits."

"A little bit of it can penetrate into the 129,800 acupuncture points, which is the most domineering wind in the prehistoric world."

Ghost Car is also called Nine-headed Bird. If we talk about the ancestral bloodline, it can be traced back to the Phoenix clan.

Although it does not continue the immortal fire in its bloodline, it has also obtained a wisp of the law of the nine-day strong wind.

Moreover, this head is the only one among his nine heads that has touched the power of the law, and it is also his strongest head.

"This Feng is indeed quite capable, and is the strongest method I have ever encountered."

Wu Wudi carefully comprehended it and nodded in agreement with the Ghost Car.


But at this moment, a cracking sound came from Wu Wudi's body.

"Pretend, you pretend for me!!"

"You are only at the initial stage of the Great Wizard realm, and you think you are so awesome just because you destroyed my head!!"

Ghost Car opened his mouth, and another wisp of Nine Heavens Gale blew out.

The battle between the Demon King and the Ancestral Witch involved him, causing him to be seriously injured. He had nothing to say.

After all, everyone could kill him in seconds based on their strength.

The Great Witch Xingtian was the war god of the Witch Clan, and his combat power was definitely one of the best among the Daluo.

He accepted being injured by him one-on-one.

But who is this kid?

A mere unknown Great Witch actually took off one of his heads.

Where can he put his face?

Even saints fight for face, not to mention that he is one of the ten arrogant demon commanders in the heavenly court.

Even if his injuries are not healed now, fighting further will only make him more injured.

But in order to kill Wu Wudi.

He is willing!!!

So when he opened his mouth, he had already blown out the most original Gale in his body.

You must know that this is the original power purified from his blood, and he will rely on him to impact the quasi-saint realm in the future.

Now in order to kill Wu Wudi, he will do whatever it takes.

""Ghost Car, you are crazy, stop it!!!"

The divine thought turned into a big net and swept over from the heaven.

It turned out that Bai Ze saw the Ghost Car's reckless behavior and wanted to stop it, but it was too late now.

The head of Jiutian Gangfeng spit out all the origin and drooped down in an instant.

Although the head was fine, it was actually not much different from being chopped off.

"Brother Bai Ze, if I don't kill him, I will feel unhappy!!!"

Gui Che felt Bai Ze's thoughts, but laughed calmly.

"You are laughing too early!!"

But at this moment, Wu Wudi, who was in the Nine Heavens Gale Wind, was not hurt at all.

"you...There is a Wind-Fixing Bead on him? ? ?"

Gui Che was shocked and thought of the Great Wilderness Bead at the first time.

All things in the heavenly law are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining.

Even if the law is beyond the law, there are still things that are targeted.

For example, the Wind-Fixing Bead is specifically used to deal with a popular magic.

Even if it is the power of the law, the Wind-Fixing Bead can still

"The Nine Heavens Gale, why do you need any external things?"

""My Wu clan has been writing novels for hundreds of thousands of years, and the number of Wu clan practitioners has reached tens of billions.

Wu Wudi, who has thousands of skills, has already mastered the 72 Shaolin skills.

None of the 72 Shaolin skills can suppress the luck of a novel, but if the 72 skills are integrated into one, it will be like the Shaolin Sweeping Monk, who is the real strongest.

At this time, Wu Wudi is using the 72 skills, just like the Shaolin Sweeping Monk, with endless power in his body.

Not to mention this weak Nine Heavens Gale, even if the law of wind comes down, Wu Wudi can resist one or two.

The most important thing is that all the Nine Heavens Gale are now blocked by Wu Wudi three feet away.

The three-foot air wall is the strongest skill of the Shaolin Sweeping Monk.

Even the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon and the Star Shift, two peerless skills that suppress the luck of novels, pale in comparison in front of him.

"Three-foot Dao body, how is it possible!!!"

Seeing Wu Wudi's current state, Gui Che's eyes almost popped out.

This kind of flesh body is close to the Tao, although it is only three feet.

But within three feet, it is within a short distance.

Within three feet, it is invincible!!!

Not to mention a mere early stage Great Wizard, even the Ancestral Wizards and Demon Kings have never comprehended this body.

Only the body of the legendary Pangu God can show this kind of Dharma body.

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