"What, Bai Ze is dead!!!"

Emperor Di Jun exuded the true fire of the sun, and exerted the River Map and Luoshu to the extreme.

But at this moment, he had a gloomy face.

Bai Ze was his most capable subordinate, and now he died inexplicably.

It was a pity that the situation was so chaotic that he couldn't deduce the cause and effect.

This made him anxious.

""Brother, let's deal with this group of witches first."

Seeing the situation reversed, Donghuang Taiyi held the Chaos Bell and forcibly shook away the several witch ancestors around Di Jun.

"Haha, two of the top ten demon commanders died"

"And he is also a Bai Ze who can calculate. Brothers, it's time for us to fight back."

"Break this hole, and we will overturn this shitty Heaven!!"

Emperor Jiang became more and more excited as he fought, especially after receiving this good news, his fighting spirit was even higher.

The Wu clan was getting more and more fierce, while the demon clan was suppressed.

However, with the presence of Donghuang Taiyi and other demon kings, it was extremely difficult for the ancestor witch to tear the hole and rush to the Heaven.

"Something is wrong, Bai Ze should not be dead!!"

Wu Wudi frowned.

It's a pity that he doesn't have the fortune-telling skills yet, otherwise he can get a glimpse of the secrets.

So now he is more eager to complete the Buyi Divine Elephant and obtain the Wuji Divine Art of the Wuji Sect.

This technique is in the Buyi Divine Elephant, and it is a technique that suppresses the luck of the entire novel.

In addition, with the blessing of the Hongmeng novel system, its power will definitely surpass Bai Ze's innate skills.

"Brother, could those two demons just now be the legendary Ten Great Demon Commanders Gui Che and Bai Ze? ?"

When Gui Che arrived, Wu Wudi ordered that no witches should approach.

This was because the battle of Daluo was extremely dangerous.

Even he had to spend a lot of effort to kill the two demons.

"Not bad."

Wu Wudi nodded.

"Hiss, the two demon commanders died in the hands of their leader."

"The key is to look at the leader's appearance. He didn't use much strength at all. It seems that he killed the two monsters with just a backhand move."

"Haha, the leader is too powerful. Following the leader to break through the realm is like playing."

When the witches heard this, they were also excited.

It had only been a short time since the witch-lich war. Wu Wudi not only incorporated the Northern Wasteland into the witch clan, but also killed the two demon commanders from the heaven.

"Wu Kong, follow me."

Just as the witches were celebrating, Wu Wudi called Wu Kong over.

"Big Brother"

"The Northern Wasteland has been conquered. I believe that a great wizard will lead his troops here soon."

"Big brother, are you saying that the Buzhou Mountain will bring troops here to attack the Heavenly Palace? ?"

There are four gates on the Heavenly Palace, one in the east, west, south and north wildernesses.

However, due to the lack of spiritual energy in the four wildernesses and the harsh environment, few practitioners above the Golden Immortal level come here.

The ancestor witches have been attacking the Heavenly Palace from Buzhou Mountain. In addition to wanting to take over the Heavenly Palace openly, there is another reason, that is, the monsters in the Heavenly Palace are too good at calculating.

No matter where they send troops, they will know in advance.

In this case, why not attack the Heavenly Palace from Buzhou Mountain.

Of course, there is another most important reason.

When the first battle between witches and liches started, the monsters took the initiative.

They have the Yuanshen and can deduce the initiative.

The witches fought extremely fiercely in the first battle, so in the second battle between witches and liches, the ancestor witches took the initiative to attack and counterattacked from Buzhou Mountain, trying to catch the Heavenly Palace off guard.

"Now that Bai Ze is dead, the demon emperor Jun is entangled in the melee and cannot escape."

"If the ancient witches were not stupid, they would definitely bring their troops here."

"Using the Northern Wasteland as a stepping stone, we will charge straight to the Heavenly Palace."

As Wu Wudi had expected, the Emperor Jiang had already sent a large number of troops to the Northern Wasteland.

Wu Wudi also got the news from the Emperor Jiang seal at the first time.

"It turned out to be him!!!"

Wu Wudi was very surprised.

"Big brother? ?"

Seeing Wu Wudi muttering to himself, Wu Kong couldn't help but be curious

"Speak of the devil and he will appear"

"Wu Kong immediately ordered the Wu clan above Xuan Wu to prepare to attack the Heavenly Palace in ten years."

"As for the ones under the Heavenly Witch...You can sweep the other three wastelands with all of them."

Before the end of the Second War between Liches and Wizards, Wu Wudi wanted to reach 400 billion witch readings.

By then, he should be able to reach the middle stage of the Great Wizard, and at the very least, he should be able to reach the peak of the early stage of the Great Wizard.

Don't look at the early stage, the peak of the early stage, the middle stage, and the peak of the middle stage. The difference in strength is like heaven and earth.

If he and Bai Ze were at the same level now, Wu Wudi wouldn't have to go through so much trouble.

One force can defeat ten skills, and he can directly solve the opponent with one punch.

But now he has to think about what martial arts to use, and how to restrain him.

Although he has many martial arts, Wu Wudi still feels that it is too troublesome.

""Brother, I also want to attack Heaven!!!"

Wu Kong looked at Wu Wudi with anticipation.

The war between wizards and liches is irreconcilable.

If we can break into the other side's lair, what an honor it would be!

"No, there must be a powerful force in the other three wastelands."

"If you don't go, I won't be at ease"

"Moreover, if we take over the remaining three wastelands, it will be like we can enter and exit the gate of heaven."

"This move is of great significance, and there must be no mistakes."

Since there is the Heavenly Master in the Northern Wasteland, there are naturally the Upper Master and the Earth Master in other places.

Therefore, there must be someone who can suppress all accidents, and this person is Wu Kong who has been following him.


After hearing what Wu Wudi said, Wu Kong also felt that it made a lot of sense, so he agreed.

Ten years passed in a flash.

During this period, Wu Wudi finally completed the novel of Bu Yi Shen Xiang and distributed it immediately.

I don't know if it's God's will, or if the Wu clan is really not suitable for deducing the secrets of heaven.

Wuji Temple's Wuji magic is not���A witch has comprehended it.

Of course, other skills, such as Ge Shutian's Heavenly Demon Art, Shen Xingnan's Red Sand Palm, Liu Fenyu's Nine Lives Fate Control Sword Skill Ashes and Smoke Sword Skill, and the Heart Demon Gao Weimo's Soul Capture Skill, have all been resonated and obtained by other witches.

Although these martial arts are slightly inferior to the Wuji Divine Art among the common people, they are also first-class peerless martial arts.

Only the Wuji Divine Art, no witch can resonate with it

"Your great witch was injured?"

"That's right, although the ghost car has lost its six heads, it is still a demon commander after all."

"The most difficult one is Bai Ze. It is a miracle that your witch was able to kill him."

"Seriously injured, this is reasonable!!"

Kuafu was tall and strong, holding a peach wood stick.

He was wearing a beast robe. Although he looked rough, his words were unusually gentle.

Unlike the brutal character of ordinary Wu people, Kuafu was kind by nature and was very caring towards his fellow tribesmen.

When he came to the Beihuang Wudi tribe, he went to find Wu Wudi first.

He wanted to see with his own eyes the true appearance of the one who killed the two Heavenly Court demon generals.

However, Wu Wudi had already made arrangements and asked Wu Kong to convey his intentions.

"Kuafu, the great wizard, my leader has given me instructions"

"I let you come here, there is no need to rush to attack the Heavenly Palace."

Before Wu Kong finished speaking, Kuafu became anxious.

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