"Haha, this battle was so exciting."

"Thirty-three Heavens, I almost made it to the Lingxiao Palace!!"

The war is over, and all the great witches have returned to Mount Buzhou.

If we talk about who has gained the most from this battle, it must be Kuafu.

He brought trillions of witches from the Northern Wilderness to fight into the Heavenly Palace.

It was a sudden attack that caught the Heavenly Palace off guard.

In addition, Bai Ze disappeared, and the entire Heavenly Palace could not spare any Daluo Jinxian to resist Kuafu.

Kuafu pushed all the way and conquered more than ten layers of heaven. He forced Xihe and Changxi to take action.

One is the wife of Emperor Jun, and the other is the master of Taiyin Star.

Although both are women, their strength is also extremely strong.

But Kuafu is not a vegetarian.

He said that he would not hit women, but he became more and more courageous.

Even if Xihe and Changxi fought one against two, they could not withstand Kuafu's offensive in the end.

In the end, ten little golden witches also joined the battle, which forced Kuafu to retreat to the Heavenly Palace.

Only daughters and villains are difficult to raise, even in the prehistoric world.

Since then, Kuafu has had a grudge with Xihe, Changxi, and the ten little golden crows.

"Kuafu, you are happy, but we are not happy."

"Since you left secretly, our battle has been so difficult!!!"

Hou Yi secretly complained.

"Ugh, what's so difficult?"

"Among the ten demon commanders in heaven, Xing Tian injured one of them and was then killed by Wu Wudi. Bai Ze was also killed by Wu Wudi."

"There are eight of us left, eight against six, that's an advantage. Do you still have the nerve to shout?"

"You should know that you are the innate great witches, your strength will not be weaker than the ten demon commanders!!"

Kuafu glanced at Houyi and couldn't help but complain.

She was two of the three strongest women who fought against the prehistoric demons, and she didn't complain, but he was complaining.

Even he, who was gentle by nature, couldn't help but complain.

"Hey, you're so bold to say that"

"We were driven out of heaven by two women. We are facing four fierce beasts!!"

Hou Yi touched his chest and it still hurt.

"Just the four fierce beasts, Hou Yi, do you want to wrestle with me?"

"Come on, come on, who's afraid of who?"

Hou Yi and Kua Fu confronted each other.

The two seemed to be arguing fiercely, but they knew that among the innate great witches, they had the best relationship.

"Haha, hurry up, what are you two brothers doing?"

"Fight, that's right, we have to fight"

"Fighting with those demons, they always use magic and spells, which is not as good as fighting among our own people, where we can punch each other and feel refreshed."

Seeing this, the other great witches not only did not stop it, but added fuel to the fire

"All the witches came to Pangu Hall to discuss important matters together!!!"

When Houyi and Kuafu were about to fight, the voice of the ancestor witch sounded.

Seeing this, all the witches stopped playing immediately.

Pangu Hall.

It is called a hall, but it is actually a huge cave.

This cave is isolated from the prehistoric world, and even the way of heaven cannot detect what is happening here.

So after the loss of being unable to deduce the secrets of heaven in the first war between witches and demons, whenever the witches have important matters, they will come here to discuss.

The twelve ancestor witches sat casually on the upper seats, and the seven innate great witches sat quietly on the lower seats.

"Honghuang was originally established by Father God, and Hongjun is just a steward. How dare he give us orders?"

"Now they have set up four gates to the Heavenly Palace, calling them the Four Heavenly Gates. Isn't this to prevent us from taking over the Heavenly Palace forever? Such behavior is too bullying to our Wu Clan."

Zhu Rong, who had the hottest temper, slammed the table and roared.

"Without our Father God, there would be no such thing as Heavenly Dao."

"Logically speaking, he should be of the same generation as us."

"Not only did he not help us, but he also indulged Hongjun. Where does he put our Wu clan?"

"That's right, sooner or later we will destroy the Heavenly Dao and drive Hongjun out of the wilderness. We are the masters of our own home."


The ancient witches were extremely angry now, and the innate witches dared not speak.

Even Xing Tian could only stand there and listen quietly.

It was because what the ancient witches said was too rebellious.

If it was left outside and the Heavenly Dao was affected, there would be another fight.

""Okay, okay, there's no point in talking any more. Let's discuss how to reverse the situation."

At this time, Di Jiang, the leader of the twelve witch ancestors, spoke.

"Big brother is right. There is no point in complaining now."

"How about we try to cultivate our souls and see if we can find an opportunity?"

"Little sister, what are you talking about? We haven't even mastered the Dao yet, why are you thinking about other things?"

Like the Great Witch, the Ancestral Witches would also quarrel over something.

""Be quiet!!!"

Zhu Jiuyin, who had been silent all this time, slapped the table heavily.

As the second of the twelve witch ancestors, Zhu Jiuyin's authority was still very strong.

At this moment, the other witch ancestors became obedient.

"Big brother, you speak."

Zhu Jiuyin was satisfied with the performance of the ancestors, and then looked at Di Jiang who was sitting at the top.

"I discussed it with the second brother. I think the only one who can break the situation now is the twelve witch ancestors who practice the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation."

"If we can successfully cultivate this formation, we can summon the complete body of Father God."

""I will bring down Hongjun, not to mention the demons." As soon as

Emperor Jiang spoke, all the witch ancestors held their breath.

Especially when they heard about the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation, their eyes sparkled with excitement.

It was as if they had seen them killing their way through the Heavenly Palace and driving Hongjun away.

"Okay, I agree with your decision."


"���I can't wait any longer, let's go practice now"


None of the twelve witch ancestors disagreed, and all of them agreed.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"We are in seclusion to practice the Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation. What about our witch clan?"

Zhu Jiuyin slapped the table to stop the excited witch ancestors.

The demon clan is their natural enemy, and the witch clan is their lifeblood.

"Yes, now the saints of the prehistoric world are in power, and the demons are eyeing us covetously. If we go into seclusion, our witch clan will be in trouble."

"But the Twelve Celestial Gods and Demons Array is imminent, and we cannot delay."

"Why don't we let them take charge? There shouldn't be any problem."

"Yes, yes, it's time for them to stand on their own."

"Yes, I agree."


The ancestor witches looked at the innate great witches.

The reason why the innate great witches were innate great witches was that they were raised together with the ancestor witches in the blood pool.

The only difference was how much of Pangu's blood they absorbed.

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