"What's the meaning?"

"You are the only one who can stand this mess of the Wu Clan."

Hou Yi and Xiang Liu looked at each other and immediately started to criticize Kua Fu.

They had already learned that Kua Fu had actually returned ten years ago, but he did not care about the Wu Clan phenomenon.

"Humph, after this competition is over, I'm afraid you won't want to leave."

"It's a pity that the other great innate wizards are not here, otherwise I would have been able to fight to the fullest in this battle."

Kuafu decided not to tell them about the matter first.

"I'm afraid you want to beat me up and make me paralyzed."

"Kuafu, other witches may not know how strong you are, but I know it very well."

After Xiangliu scolded Kuafu, Houyi immediately scolded him without any mercy.

The two of them had a very good relationship and sometimes even wore the same underwear.

Therefore, no witch knew Kuafu's strength better than Houyi.

"I said Houyi, although you are my dearest relative, I have been waiting for this competition for a long time."

Seeing Houyi say this, Kuafu gnashed his teeth in hatred.

Unlike other tribes, the more familiar the witch is, the more they will fight to the death. This is because the Wu tribe's philosophy is that it is better to die in the hands of one's own people than in the hands of outsiders.

In battle, the harder you fight, the deeper your feelings.

Because only in this way can you improve your strength faster.

""Okay, okay, stop wasting time."

Xiang Liu stopped talking at this time, because the witches below had already decided the winner.

"Hey, why are there so many new witches emerging this year?"

""There are not only many newcomers, but also us old ones, do you think we are fake?"

Just as Xiangliu was looking at the newcomers, a group of acquired great witches strode over.

After careful counting, there were a total of twelve people, namely Baiman, Xiayang, Jingshu, Yiya, Hugu, Langchui, Shusheng, Dayan, Xiaozhan, Luling, Qiwan, and Yaban.

These twelve acquired great witches are one in ten thousand.

Just because each of them represents a part of the power of the twelve ancestor witches, and it can even be said that they are acquired great witches raised by the twelve ancestor witches. At that time, in order to create these acquired great witches, the twelve ancestor witches spent all their efforts and used all their means to barely create them.

"Newcomers have their own battlefields, and our Great Shaman... I can't wait any longer."

Xiang Liu has been itching to fight, and when he saw the twelve acquired Great Shamans coming together, he said crazily,"You all come together!!"

"Go together?"

"Xiangliu is too arrogant. Everyone, don't fight with me. I want to be the first one."

Seeing this, Baiman snorted coldly and appeared behind Xiangliu in an instant.

He aimed his ancient fist at Xiangliu's head and smashed it down.

If it hits hard, not to mention the head, even a mountain would be reduced to ashes in an instant.

But at the critical moment, Xiangliu stretched out his palm and blocked Baiman's fist.


Dust was raised on the spot, and Xiangliu's body shook several times.

"Wow, it's only been a hundred years since we last met, and your strength has increased so much? ?"

Xiang Liu was surprised, because the strength of Baiman's fist shocked him.

"Is it big?"

"There are bigger ones!!"

""The indestructible power of the Vajra."

Bai Man roared, and a stronger force rose in his body.

Xiang Liu's body shook, and he had no choice but to retreat three steps.


Xiangliu narrowed his eyes.

He thought that he had just used the full strength of Baiman, but this instantaneous burst actually made him retreat three steps.

""Empty Fist!"

Bai Man did not give Xiang Liu time to react.

He knew the difference between the innate and acquired wizards, so he thought of using all his strength to see if he could catch Xiang Liu off guard.


A mushroom cloud exploded on the spot, and Xiang Liu was completely knocked away by this punch.

"Damn, this kind of spatial power!!"

"Why does it feel so familiar? ? ?"

Hou Yi was even more shocked.

He watched the whole process. The innate great witches were raised by the innate. Although they did not obtain the complete law, they also had the seeds of the law.

And what about the innate great witches?

What they got was all given by the ancestor witch.

Generally speaking, they have the flesh of the great witches, but they do not have a clear law seed.

If there must be one, it is a pseudo seed.

And a congenital great witch, even the worst one, can deal with three to five acquired great witches.

But in this situation now.

An acquired great witch actually beat Xiangliu, the innate great witch.

You have to know that Xiangliu's strength is also in the upper middle among the seven innate great witches.

"This is going to be interesting!!"

Kuafu chuckled.

The eyes of other acquired great witches were shining, and they were rubbing their hands, wishing they could give the innate great witch a good beating right now.

Because every hundred years, these acquired great witches were either being beaten or on the way to being beaten.

It was even shameful for three or four of them to face the innate great witch together. As the same witch clan, they had long been dissatisfied with the status quo.

Now that they had obtained the martial arts in Wu Wudi's novels, their strength had skyrocketed.

It was time for revenge.

"Bai Man, you make my blood boil."

Just when Bai Man was enjoying the highlight moment of beating Xiang Liu away, Xiang Liu's figure appeared behind him.

Xiang Liu smiled grimly, and his fist was less than a foot away from Bai Man.

When Bai Man was about to suffer a heavy blow, countless sword energies swarmed in.

Puff puff puff!!

The sword energy hit Xiang Liu's body, like raindrops falling on banana leaves.

Bai Man took this opportunity to distance himself from Xiang Liu in an instant.

"Sword Qi!!!"

He thrust his fist forward, blocking the sword Qi in front of him.

Xiangliu felt the sword Qi and raised his rough eyebrows.

There were many great men in the prehistoric world who were good at swordsmanship.

The most famous one was the Sage Tongtian, whose sword Qi was unrivaled in the world.

But the appearance of this sword Qi in the Wu Clan shocked Xiangliu.

It was because the Wu Clan did not cultivate their souls, so it was normal for them to use swords as weapons.

But this sword Qi......how come

""Chongling sword energy!!"

Xia Yang held an ancient sword in his hand. Seeing Xiang Liu actually punch forward, he blocked his sword energy.

He snorted coldly and the power in his body burst out.

The sword energy was like a river, instantly drowning Xiang Liu.

"What's going on? ?"

Hou Yi looked at Xia Yang in confusion.

At this moment, Xiang Liu's roar came from the Sword River. At this time,

Xiang Liu had transformed into a Dharma body, a huge monster with nine heads, and climbed up directly from the Sword River.

"Xiangliu has revealed his Dharma body. Brothers, pick up your weapons and kill him."

Xia Yang laughed when he saw this.

The Chongling sword technique in his hand instantly turned into the thirty-six swords of Ai Lao.

Once these thirty-six swords were used, each sword was stronger than the other.

After thirty-six swords, the power increased by thirty-six times.

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