"Reading novels???"

Xing Tian looked at the six innate wizards uncertainly.

Could it be that they were also corrupted, or was there something else hidden in this novel?

"Boss Xingtian, everything you want to know has the answer here."

Kuafu had wasted countless saliva with other innate great witches because of the novel.

So he knew that instead of saying something they didn't believe, it would be better to put the facts in front of them directly.

""Is your strength related to this novel?"

The witches nodded, and Xing Tian said nothing more.

He picked up the Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber and began to read.

Magical words, magical stories.

But after reading for a while, he also found it very interesting.

This novel...I really can't delay this any longer. Even a determined person like me wants to follow Zhang Wuji's footsteps and read all the stories.

"I've finished watching it, you can...."

Before Xing Tian finished saying the word"say", the Nine Yang Magic Skill secret manual appeared in his mind.

As the skill was running, a solar power suddenly rose in his body.

"Is this the law of the sun? ?"

"No, it is definitely not comparable to the sun power of two hairy beasts."

"Such a terrifying flame power, but it is full of infinite vitality, such a magical flame."

The surrounding innate great witches were naturally very curious about what kind of skills Xing Tian could comprehend from the novel.

After all, they all comprehended it well, and it can even be said that it was very good.

So they also wanted to compete with Xing Tian, but when they felt the fiery power in Xing Tian's body, they were all shocked.

"I know, this is the Nine Yang Magic Skill, the general outline of the Shaolin, Emei, and Wudang Nine Yang."

"This kind of flame is the fire of primordial origin, which can burn everything and save everything."

"Too scary, I didn't expect that Xing Tian would get such a peerless martial art as soon as he arrived."

The great witches studied everything and immediately knew what Xing Tian had obtained.

Suddenly, everyone was completely convinced.

The same opportunity was put in front of them, and Xing Tian's gains were no worse than any other witch.

This made them no longer able to find any excuses, saying that they had roots, innateness, etc.

"Brother Xing Tian is already a god of war. Now with the blessing of the Nine Yang Divine Art, can't he exert his combat power to the fullest?"

"If the Nine Yang Magic Skill is cultivated to the extreme, one will become immortal and indestructible, which is beyond the realm of Daluo."

"Too strong, I don't think I can match Brother Xing Tian now."

The innate wizards looked at each other, and fear could be seen in their eyes.

"I am very satisfied with this answer!!"

Xing Tian opened his eyes, and there was a raging fire in his eyes.

At the same time, he completely understood why his brothers suddenly became so strong.

"Are we too prejudiced against Wu Wudi?"

At this moment, Kuafu suddenly spoke.

"He has the blood of Pangu, the ancestor of witches, flowing through his body, and has inherited the martial arts of Pangu, the father god."

"Now he is spreading martial arts in the form of novels. We are suspicious of him."

"Over the years, we have avoided"

"Are we going too far? ?"

The innate great witches looked at each other, especially Jiufeng and Fengbo, who had the strongest opinion of Wu Wudi.

Especially at the beginning, if it wasn't for Kuafu stopping her, Jiufeng would have gone to Wu Wudi to argue two hundred years ago.

"Two hundred years have passed, and our Wu clan has undergone tremendous changes."

"There were only a few great witches before, but now there are nearly a hundred of them."

"What's even more amazing is that some of the tribesmen actually learned the method of reversing the innate essence and blood from the novel, and their blood and qi reached the level of our innate great witch."

"Wu Wudi is a noble man of our witch clan, the ancestor witch sent to us by our father god, and the guide for our future."

The great witches looked at each other and all looked at Xing Tian.

"Let's go and meet him."

Xing Tian said, and all the great witches agreed.


Deep in the peach forest

【Ding, Xing Tian resonates with Zhang Wuji by reading your Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber Secrets, and obtains his martial arts secret book: Nine Yang Magic Skills.】

【Ding, Xing Tian gained the power of one yang by practicing the Nine Yang Magic Skill】

【Ding, congratulations to the host for simultaneously obtaining Xingtian's Nine Yang Magic Skill and One Yang Power. 】

The four great masters Wu Wudi have all finished writing, and now he has started Tiandi Di Yi and Fengyun.

Tiandi Di Yi is fine, Wu Wudi wrote it easily.

But Fengyun is still a little short of the fire, I am afraid I have to wait until I break through the peak of the late stage of the Great Wizard before I can finish it.

"Xing Tian, Xing Tian finally started reading my novel."

Nine Yang Magic Skill is a nuclear energy body. After obtaining this skill, you will no longer worry about not having energy.

Coupled with the Divine Illumination Sutra, Wu Wudi feels that his health bar has extended to infinity.

Even if he encounters an opponent of the level of Zu Wu or Quasi Saint, he is not afraid of being killed.

"As expected of a great innate wizard, almost all of Grandpa Jin's fourteen unique martial arts that suppress destiny are what they have learned."

"But I think their potential has not been exhausted yet. They can surely go further and acquire more of Master Jin's peerless martial arts."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao has already arrived at the Nanshan Peach Forest.

Wu Wudi put down his pen and looked outside the peach forest.

"You all broke through? ?"

Kuafu looked at the phenomenon in the peach blossom with a shocked face.

Two hundred years ago, he came to find Wu Wudi in person for the novel.

But he was stopped by the genius witches in the peach forest. Now, two hundred years have passed, and they have all reached the realm of great witches.

The witch clan has more than nearly a hundred great witches, this is nearly a thousand!!!

"With the martial arts of Master Wudi here, if we don't break through, what's the difference between us and pigs?"

���Yes, our breakthrough was all thanks to the martial arts book given by Lord Wudi."

"Kuafu, what are you doing here again? Two hundred years ago, you stole my Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon. Now you want to steal the book again?"

"Forget about stealing the book, but if you want to disturb Master Wudi from writing the book, none of us here will let you go."

The great witches in the peach forest all looked at Kuafu and other witches with righteous indignation.

"We are not here to cause trouble, we are here to seek an audience with Master Wu Wudi."

Xing Tian obtained the Nine Yang Divine Art, and unknowingly even changed his name.

"If you want to see Master Wudi, we can't make the decision."

Nearly a hundred great witches looked at each other.

Because only Wu Wudi would see them, they had never taken the initiative to see Wu Wudi.

"You dare to stop me? ? ?"

Xiang Liu was very angry and immediately glared at the genius tribesmen.

"No, no, how could we stop you?"

"The great wizard Kuafu knows that there is a formation here."

"The Eighteen Bronze Men Formation is outside, there is also the Qimen Dunjia Formation in the peach forest, and there are many more large formations deep in the peach forest."

"It's so difficult to see Master Wu Wudi!!!"

The genius wizards shook their heads and explained the reason.

"Could it be...Is there no other way?"

Kuafu asked curiously.

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