"What is this?"

A group of innate great witches followed Wu Wudi to his residence.

When they entered this place, they saw countless Wu Wudi, busy copying novels.

The Wu clan has billions and billions of people, but until now, they cannot have one novel for each witch. Even one novel is required for each tribe, not to mention one novel for each person.

Don't think copying is simple, this is the Hongmeng novel system.

If you want to have special abilities, copying is also extremely time-consuming.

The Wu clan cultivates the physical body, not the soul.

Looking at the countless Wu Wudi in front of them, all the innate great witches looked at Wu Wudi in shock.

It was because they did not feel the slightest breath of the soul from these Wu Wudi.

""The Shadow Clone Technique, maybe someone of you will be able to comprehend this martial art in the future."

Wu Wudi did not explain too much to them, because even he did not know how to explain it.

Even after these two hundred years of rapid development, Wu Wudi has now cultivated to the peak of the late stage of the Great Wizard, but it is still very difficult for him to understand the uniqueness of his"martial arts". Without the Yuanshen

, it is better than the Yuanshen.

"I already know why you asked me to come."

Wu Wudi has practiced the Thirteen Great Innate Methods to perfection, and he can predict their arrival in a snap of a finger.

When this was said, the innate wizards were embarrassed.

For them, there was nothing that could not be solved by a fight.

If there was, they would fight twice.

But now Wu Wudi's strength...They simply couldn't figure it out.

In addition, they had the enlightenment from the novel and the experience of the peach forest formation just now. Even if they were innate wizards who were not afraid of heaven or earth, they would not dare to challenge Wu Wudi at this time.

The most important thing was that since they practiced the martial arts in the novel, they began to respect Wu Wudi from the bottom of their hearts.

"We want to continue to improve our strength."

At this time, Xing Tian took the initiative to stand up

""How do you feel about the formation just now?"

Wu Wudi did not answer Xing Tian's question immediately, but looked at everyone.

When they came to Nanshan, Wu Wudi had actually seen it with his own eyes.

However, he did not come out immediately, but let them break through the formation.

This was to lay the groundwork for the present.

"Very strong!!"

Although Xing Tian did not enter, he pulled twice.

Although he did not know the specific strength of the formation, it was indeed very strong in terms of strength.

"I have a formation here that is very suitable for the seven of you."

While the ancestor witches were in seclusion, Wu Wudi used the Wuji Divine Art to calculate the date of the war between witches and liches.

What surprised him was that when he had not yet fully mastered the Wuji Divine Art, he could calculate the end time.

Now that he has cultivated the Wuji Divine Art to perfection, he cannot calculate the start date of the third war between witches and liches.

It seems that the saints have already begun to make plans and are determined to kill the witches and liches completely.

So Wu Wudi founded the Nanshan Peach Forest and brought the most talented group of witches to the witch clan.

In addition to the peach forest formation and the eighteen bronze men formation, many other large formations are also being practiced.

Of course, Wu Wudi's ultimate goal is to look at these seven innate witches.

When it comes to the potential of the witch clan, except for the ancestor witches, the seven of them are the strongest.

Before, due to various reasons, they have always misunderstood themselves.

Now that they have tasted the sweetness, it is time to continue the layout.

"What formation? ?"

"Can we practice it? ?"

Hou Yi and Xiang Liu immediately became excited.

They had experienced the horror of the peach forest, so they also had some ideas about this formation.

However, the Wu clan did not understand the Yuanshen, so many formations were difficult to practice.

Unless they were like the twelve ancestors of the Wu clan, who had inherited the deep bloodline,

""Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation!"

Wu Wudi passed this formation to the seven great witches.

Wu Wudi was very confident about this formation.

If the seven innate great witches could master this formation, even if Donghuang Taiyi with the Chaos Bell came, they would not be afraid at all.

Daluo vs Quasi-Sage!!

"Wait, don’t you want to continue to improve your strength?"

Seeing that the seven fools were about to turn around and leave, Wu Wudi had no choice but to stop them.

"We think about it in our dreams."

"Master Wu Wudi, do you have any good ideas?"

The great witches looked at Wu Wudi eagerly.

"You finish reading all fourteen novels, and you can get as many as you can."

He took out fourteen sets of novels, which Wu Wudi had prepared for them a long time ago.

The masterpiece of Mr. Jin, although he has obtained many unique skills to suppress luck.

But there are still most of them that he has not obtained, and Wu Wudi is unwilling to give up.

It is because the seven of them have the best talents in the entire witch clan. If the seven of them cannot obtain it, then Wu Wudi will accept it.

Just when a group of innate witches were desperately reading novels, under the Fusang tree in the heaven

"Mother, are you okay? ?"

A group of little golden crows surrounded Xihe.

"My mother is fine, it's just that the witch tribe is such a jerk."

When Xihe thought of this, his anger could not help but rise.

"Those who insult you are insulting me."

"Don't worry, mother. We will not let them off."

"We must kill the Wu clan completely and vent our mother's hatred."


The ten little golden crows were all filled with righteous indignation.

It was because they had received gossip from the underground that when Kuafu attacked the Heavenly Palace, he had raped their mother Xihe.

Such a great humiliation made Xihe furious.

She was the wife of the Emperor of Heaven, the mother of the ten little golden crows, and the queen of the Demonic Palace, but she was humiliated by a lowly witch clan.

"Don't worry, sister. I have a plan that will make the Wu clan die without a burial place!!"

Just then Chang Xi came under the Fusang tree

"Auntie, it's Auntie who is here"

"Aunt, if you have any good ideas, please tell me quickly."

"I am now eager to kill all these barbarians."

Now that the Sun Star is still there, the ten little golden crows don't need to become the 'sun'.

However, because they themselves cannot get close to the Sun Fire, they can only

"Sister, if you have any plan, tell me now!!"

Xihe heard it and looked at Chang Xi with curiosity.

"The secret cannot be revealed!!"

Chang Xi smiled mysteriously.

"What are you afraid of? They, the Wu clan, don't understand the Yuanshen. Even if there is a secret, they won't understand it."

Xihe said with disdain.

"You can't say that. The witch clan seems to have a talented person recently, who seems to be the thirteenth ancestor witch."

Chang Xi's words immediately shocked the monsters.

"What? The Thirteenth Ancestral Witch?"

"Sister Chang Xi, are you kidding me? The Twelve Ancestral Witches are already heaven-defying existences, how can there be a thirteenth Ancestral Witch? ?"

Pangu created the world, his primordial spirit was transformed three times, and the blood and essence left in his body were only enough to give birth to the twelve Ancestral Witches.

This is the law of nature.

Of course, this is not what Xihe said, but what Emperor Jun deduced from the River Map and Luoshu.

Not to mention their demon clan, even the entire prehistoric world knows about this.

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