It was not enough that he was beaten to death, but they did not even let his secret Taoist partner go.

How could this be tolerated!! He was immediately reincarnated into the Wu Clan. For the Wu Clan, a long hundred years was just a blink of an eye.

However, Bai Gua showed an extremely terrifying talent and became the star of the Houyi Tribe.

However, what made Bai Gua feel most embarrassed was that although he was talented, that was only at the beginning. As he grew up, he found that there were people in the Wu Clan making breakthroughs every moment.

This terrifying phenomenon shocked him for countless days and nights, but he himself could not comprehend any martial arts from the novels.

This situation is not uncommon, so he was not regarded as an alien. It can only be said that the opportunity was not there.

However, Bai Gua was unwilling to give up, and he studied all the novels in various ways.

The result was that he almost gave up completely.

However, he did not give up because of this. Instead, he collected all the novels of Wu Wudi.

He was going to give these novels to Di Jun after he came out of the Zhoutian Star Array.

After all, the other party is a quasi-saint, and he has the River Map and Luoshu in his hand, so he must be able to see the trick from it.

Time flies, and another hundred years have passed.

He has communicated various strategies with his Taoist companions, and they can be implemented as long as Houyi comes back. Fortunately,

God will not let down those who work hard, and Houyi finally comes back after his patient waiting.

As for why he started with Houyi, it was because he had fought with Wu Wudi and knew how terrifying he was.

So he took a tortuous route, so that even if he wanted to deduce, he could not deduce from Kuafu to himself.

"It's time to use this Ascension Pill."

Bai Gua's mouth curled up.

The Ascension Pill was specially made by Chang Xi on the Taiyin Star. Once this pill is taken, people must ascend to the Taiyin Star and obey her orders.

Is it possible not to ascend?

Yes, the result is death.

"Bai Gua, what delicious food are you going to make for us today? ?"

Just then, a group of rough guys came in laughing.

"Today, I will use the giant python to cook a pot of snake soup for you. I guarantee that you will be satisfied."

In the past few hundred years in Houyi tribe, Bai Gua got the status of kitchen by special means.

Wu tribe loves fighting and eating.

Taking over the logistics work of the kitchen is one of Bai Gua's plans.

"Hey, this soup smells so good."

""Don't move, this is for the chief's wife."

Seeing a witch reaching out to take it, Bai Gua immediately spoke.

The witch immediately withdrew his hand in dismay.

All the witches in Houyi's tribe knew that Houyi loved Chang'e very much.

So once the words"chief's wife" were attached, even the most unruly witches would not dare to act rashly.

""Okay, it's all cooked, you can take it away."

Bai Gua ordered the witches in the kitchen to distribute all the food.

In fact, the existence of the kitchen is thanks to Wu Wudi. It

's because of the novel that all witches are reading it day and night.

How can witches go hunting? But witches are born to love eating.

So the position of"kitchen" was born, which also gave Bai Gua the prerequisite for implementing the plan.

Otherwise, he, a new witch, would have no chance to start.

Under Bai Gua's gaze, all the witches feasted on the food.

Including Chang'e, who drank the soup.

What Bai Gua didn't know was that there was a pair of eyes watching him at this time.

However, because Bai Gua was reborn into the witch clan, his soul had been sealed.

With only one tenth of his strength left, how could he possibly discover Hou Yi?

"I...It's about to ascend."


Chang'e, who had just finished her soup, showed fear on her face.

Her body flew involuntarily towards the moon in the sky.

Although Chang'e was a witch, she was extremely beautiful and had nothing to do with the big and strong witches.

She was terrified and at a loss.

But at this moment, Houyi's voice sounded in her mind.

Chang'e was relieved immediately.

But Houyi still had to play his part.


Hou Yi in the tribe roared, and then rushed up to the sky in great grief and anger.

"Haha, the fun has begun!!"

Bai Gua, who was in Hou Yi's tribe, looked up at the two witches who were in trouble and laughed.

This was the pleasure of revenge.

"Hou Yi is useless, my Ascension Pill is connected to the Moon."

"If you continue to stop her, Chang'e will surely die."

At this moment, the clouds dispersed, and a portal opened in the demon court.

Chang Xi looked at Hou Yi and Chang'e below with a smug look on his face, because his plan had already succeeded one step.

"Impossible, our Wu clan doesn't cultivate their souls, how can we ascend to your demon court? ?"

Hou Yi roared, his voice was so impatient that everyone was moved.

""Why are you talking so much nonsense? Come on up!"

Chang Xi snorted coldly. He wanted to take Chang'e and Houyi to Taiyin Star before the mysterious master of the Wu Clan found out.

Taiyin Star was his home star. After getting them up, their life and death would be controlled by him.

"Brother, I'll help you."

In the next second, his plan was successful.

Kuafu came from his tribe with big strides.

Unfortunately, before he could make any big moves, ten golden crows descended from the sky.

In an instant, they surrounded Kuafu.

Instead of rescuing him, he was trapped in the formation of ten golden crows.

"Haha, Kuafu, you finally came out"

"Today, I will destroy you both physically and spiritually."

Chang Xi saw that his plan had succeeded, so he stopped paying attention to Kuafu and focused on dealing with Hou Yi.

The seven innate great witches of the Wu clan were only stronger than the ten marshals of the Demon Court in terms of combat effectiveness.

If he could kill one through Taiyin, it would be considered revenge for Bai Ze.

In the blink of an eye, Hou Yi and Chang'e had been led to the moon by the power of Taiyin.

Chang Xi was about to kill Chang'e first and let this great witch of the Wu clan experience the feeling of losing her loved ones.

But Hou Yi appeared in front of her.

"It's no use trying to stop me. In this Taiyin Star, I am a god.

Although Chang Xi was surprised at Hou Yi's speed, he didn't care at all.

"It's just the Moon, do you really think you can defeat me?"

Hou Yi said with a disdainful smile:"You should worry about yourself."

"Humph, a dead duck is still stubborn.

Chang Xi snorted coldly, thinking that it was Hou Yi's delaying tactic.

"Really? ?"

Hou Yi snorted coldly, and the moon on Chang'e quickly disappeared.


"This is the power of the lunar star, how is it possible? ? ?"

Chang Xi felt it a little, but found that the power of the lunar star in Chang'e was gone.

"Do you really think we wouldn't know if you planted Bai Ze in our Wu clan?"

"Fortunately, you guys took the initiative, otherwise I don't know when I would have the chance to take action."

Hou Yi laughed.

Two hundred years, a full two hundred years.

Although his strength has been increasing, and he even feels that he is no less powerful than the ancestor witch.

But as a witch, he can only sit quietly, which made his restless heart unbearable.

Now that he heard that Wu Wudi arranged a fight, he was so happy.

Of course, the opponent was a female demon.

But in the eyes of the witches, fighting is not divided by gender.

As long as there is a fight, it's fine.

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