Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a thin old man walking towards them.

"Skinny as a stick, it turned out to be this kid Wu Fan!!"

When they saw Lai Wu approaching, they recognized who it was.

"This kid is also a pitiful person. If he hadn't been sucked of his blood by that vixen, I'm afraid it wouldn't be Ni Huo and Chai Wan's turn to compete for the first place now."

Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other, unable to hide the regret on their faces.

"It's been a while since I last saw you two seniors, you still look as good as ever!!"

Wu Fan walked up to the two of them.

"Are you hungry, kid? Otherwise, why would you come to participate in the hunting competition?"

"That's right, you are still a good at taking advantage of others."

Although Chai Zhi and Ni You said this, there was no disdain on their faces, but a playful look on their faces.

""Two seniors, what are you talking about? Are you looking down on the juniors?"

Wu Fan walked up to Chai Zhi and Ni You and spoke without any politeness.

"Wu Fan, the two seniors gave you face, but you can't be shameless"

"That's right, we helped raise your two sons over the years, so how can you have the nerve to say these things?"

"Now that Chai Zhi and Ni Huo are the first, you should stop making trouble and go back after taking the meat!!"

Seeing Wu Fan talking to the two seniors without thinking about the seriousness of the matter, Wu next to him couldn't stand it anymore.

"What are you talking about? Wu Fan is our brother."

Chai Zhi scolded the witches, then looked at Wu Fan and said,"I am very happy that you can walk out of that cave, but I hope you can walk out of weakness even more."

"I won't say much else. This is what I hunted. If you like that piece of flesh, feel free to take it back."

"If that's not enough, you can also take the flesh and blood of this mountain-moving ape."

Ni Huo also said:"We are brothers, there is no need to say anything else."

"What do you think this is? ?"

Wu Fan said nothing and opened his palm.

An ant with a gloomy look was lying in Wu Fan's palm.

"The Black Ant King, who is said to be able to eat any substance, is also a Black Ant King at the peak of the early stage of the Human Immortal."

"How is it possible? Wu Fan was seriously injured back then, and now he is only in the early stage of mortal wizard. How can he kill the Black Ant King?"

"He must have picked it up. His luck is incredible."

The witches around looked at each other in bewilderment. Even Chai Zhi and Ni Huo didn't know what to say.

""Haha, I picked it up!"

Wu Fan's frail body suddenly burst out with the power of the ocean wave.

Faced with such a sudden force, all the ordinary witches were directly pushed away by this momentum.

Even Ni Huo and Chai Zhi, who were nearby, were like frightened beasts, with their hair suddenly standing up.

"The peak of the wizard's early stage!!"

"Great, Wu Fan, not only have you recovered, you have even broken through to this level!!"

Ni You and Chai Zhi looked at Wu Fan with surprise.

"Two seniors, do you think this first place is mine?"

I have been depressed for nearly a thousand years, and now it is finally solved.

This kind of pleasure is so refreshing.

"Although the Black Ant King is small in size, when it comes to combat power, this Mountain Moving Ape is no match for him."

"Good, the first place is yours."

The two judges made the decision at the same time.


At this time, Ni Huo and Chai Wan spoke at the same time

"You don't accept it? ? ?"

Wu Fan looked at Chai Wan and Ni Huo.

You know, a thousand years ago, the two of them were his little brothers following behind him.

"Wufan, come on."

"Stop talking nonsense and fight first."

The two looked at each other, and the power of their bodies exploded.

The sudden burst of power of the two wizards at the peak of their early stage shocked the wizards present.


Wu Fan said

"What are you waiting for? Are you scared?"

"Haha, Wu Fan used to be a fighting maniac. After a thousand years, you won't regress, right?!!"

Chai Wan and Ni Huo thought Wu Fan was going to back down, but he directly provoked him with words.

""Stay aside for now. If you make any unusual movements, I will crush you."

Wu Fan muttered to himself, which made everyone present feel even more confused.

But the next second, their scalps went numb.

The Black Ant King slowly crawled from Wu Fan's palm to the ground, but because of Wu Fan's warning, he did not dare to make any unusual movements.

"This black ant king...is not dead?"

"Wu Fan, how did you do it?"

Chai Wan and Ni Huo looked at each other, their faces full of disbelief.

Just because killing a monster at the peak of the early stage of human immortals and capturing a monster at the peak of the early stage of human immortals alive are two completely different things.

"How did they do it? Of course, they did it with their fists."

Wu Fan bared his fangs and said,"Why don't you start? Are you scared?"

"Humph, Ni Huo, you stay aside, I'll..."Fuck, they even have to fight!!!"

Chai Wan was thinking of the first person, but he didn't expect Ni Huo to rush over.


Ni Huo rushed very fast, but he flew back even faster.


"How can it be?"

"Boss Ni Huo was beaten back with just one move!!"

The witches around him opened their mouths wide and looked at this scene in shock.


With both hands on his chest, although he blocked Wu Fan's palm, his shaking hands made Ni Huo feel very unreal.

"What is impossible? Under my powerful Vajra Palm, if you don't attack together, you can't even take a single blow from me!!"

Wu Fan stood with his hands behind his back, feeling very happy.

It's awesome.

I just understood a little bit of what my son wrote, and I was so happy.

"Chai Wan, what are you waiting for, let's join forces!!"

Ni Huo was furious and called Chai Zhi.

At this time, the Black Ant King, who was lying on the ground, looked at Wu Fan with horror.

He was just subdued by this palm technique, and that feeling made him not want to be a demon anymore!!

"Okay, let's go together!"

Chai Wan did not hesitate, and pushed his physical strength to the extreme.

His muscles suddenly exploded, and his veins roared like a dragon.

Countless arrogance emerged from their bodies, like a wolf smoke rising into the sky.

"So this is the true strength of Ni Huo and Chai Wan, it's too terrifying!!"

"This is their combat state, more than ten times stronger than usual, naturally terrifying"

"Chai Wan and Ni Huo are so terrifying, it is hard to imagine how powerful those witches with Dharma bodies will be."

Just when the witches around were shocked by the fighting power of Chai Wan and Ni Huo, a palm formed by golden light directly pressed Chai Wan and Ni Huo to the ground and made them unable to move.

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