"I thought Xingtian was the only one who could hold on until now in front of me, but I didn't expect there would be two of you."

Houyi had exploded into a ball of flesh and blood.

It turned out that facing Donghuang's Chaos Bell, the two wizards tried their best to resist.

But Donghuang was in the late stage of Quasi-Sage, and he held the innate treasure Chaos Bell.

Even if the two wizards tried their best, they were ultimately unable to withstand the attack of the Chaos Bell.

The reason why Houyi was in such a miserable state was that he blocked all the attacks of the Chaos Bell alone.

Kuafu, who was standing aside, had already transformed into Taixuan Consciousness and directly broke into Donghuang Taiyi's Yuanshen.

Unfortunately, the other party had the Chaos Bell, a peerless treasure, to protect him, and Kuafu's Taixuan Consciousness was directly shattered.

Although it seemed that Kuafu was not hurt, his Taixuan Consciousness was severely damaged, and he could not use it for a while.

"Houyi, we are underestimated!!"

Although Houyi turned into a ball of flesh and blood, Kuafu was not worried at all.

Shenzhaojing has the ability to bring the dead back to life.

Perhaps Houyi is a little behind himself in real combat power, but in terms of vitality, he can't catch up.

So Houyi has the confidence to fight against the Chaos Bell head-on, and the reason why he can only use Taixuan consciousness to attack Donghuang Taiyi

"Kuafu, I can already see the realm of the ancient witches!!"

Although this battle was extremely embarrassing, it also allowed the two witches to see the direction of the future.

"What a tenacious vitality! It's a pity that you don't have a chance."

"Although I don't know what changes have taken place in your bodies, I will put all of you into the Chaos Bell and refine you thoroughly."

Donghuang Taiyi's expression also became serious.

Although the witch clan is invincible in the flesh, they are not as difficult to kill as the two great witches in front of them.

There must be something fishy.

However, Donghuang Taiyi was not worried at all, because in his eyes, the two witches at this time were just fish on the chopping board, and he could slaughter them at will.


The stars turned upside down, the Yin-Yang millstone!!

Kuafu roared in anger. Since the Taixuan consciousness could no longer invade Donghuang Taiyi's soul, he would use the Taixuan consciousness as the leading force to merge the stars and the Yin-Yang millstone into one.

A huge star Yin-Yang millstone instantly enveloped Donghuang Taiyi.

"Arrogant, he actually wants to refine my Chaos Bell, he is simply ignorant."

Donghuang Taiyi snorted coldly after realizing Kuafu's intention.

The Sun's True Fire poured into the Chaos Bell, and the Star Yin-Yang Grinding Wheel transformed by Kuafu was immediately blown away.

""Six meridians merge into one, an extinct sword!!"

Hou Yi, who had just recovered, melted in the blink of an eye.

The moment he turned into a blood-red sword.

Even the space could not withstand this force and collapsed directly.

Kuafu was knocked away for tens of millions of miles, and Hou Yi's sword just hit the Chaos Bell.


The leisurely bell sounded, and the whole prehistoric world heard it clearly.

The great powers who were in retreat opened their eyes one after another.

Thinking that the third war between witches and liches was about to begin, they immediately began to calculate. Unfortunately, under the interference of Di Jun and Wu Wudi, the quasi-saint realm could not be calculated at all.

Even the seven saints frowned at this time.

It was only because Di Jun and the others had deduced it, but the witch clan was a fog.

However, the witches and liches had to share the calamity.

So the six saints pointed their spearheads at the Nuwa Saint of the Nuwa Palace without saying a word.

As long as she left the palace, the six saints would stop her.

"I am more and more curious about what happened to your Wu Clan."

Donghuang Taiyi raised the Chaos Bell and directed a huge suction force at Kuafu and Houyi.

Just when he was about to suck the two witches into the Chaos Bell and torture them severely, the void was torn apart.

Five figures suddenly rushed towards him.

Donghuang Taiyi was not surprised but overjoyed when he saw this.

It was because the people who came here were the other five innate great witches of the Wu Clan.

If they were all left here, the strength of the Wu Clan would be reduced by at least 20%.

The five innate great witches took the initiative to besiege him without waiting for him to make a move.

The strange skills and terrifying power made Donghuang Taiyi passively defend for a while.

Just when Donghuang Taiyi was about to make a move, Houyi and Kuafu also recovered.

The seven innate great witches immediately formed a large formation.

"Formation? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi was a little surprised.

When did these barbarians use formations?

But before he could react, a force that could destroy the heavens and the earth suddenly descended.

""Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation, kill!"

Donghuang was shocked, because this power already made him feel that his life was threatened.


The Chaos Bell and Zhenwu Seven-Section Formation collided violently, and the entire Lingxiao Palace was directly cracked.


All the innate great witches were overjoyed, but Xing Tian at this moment did not show any joy at all.

Instead, he took the initiative to withdraw the formation.

"Brother Xingtian, what do you mean by this? ?"

The innate great witches looked at Xingtian in confusion.

"I want to use him as my stepping stone."

Xing Tian said this, so arrogant that even he couldn't help laughing.

Nanshan, Taolin

"It seems that Xing Tian has realized it!!"

Although he was sitting deep in the peach forest, Wu Wudi knew everything that happened in the Heavenly Palace.

Especially Xing Tian's current state.

In fact, when the other party got several of his novels, he could have broken through the realm of the Ancestral Witch.

It was just that his deep-rooted thinking had caused flaws in his realm.

Now, through this battle, he has found his direction again in the dark.

"You are worthy of using me as a stepping stone? ?"

Donghuang Taiyi was immediately angry when he heard this.

He was the companion spirit of the sun, born with chaos. He was the darling of heaven and earth. Even the saints of today would be shocked when they saw him.���You have to be courteous.

There is no other reason.

The Chaos Bell was transformed from the Axe of Creation, and the power contained in it is endless.

"Only you can make my blood boil."

Xing Tian roared.

Suddenly he rushed forward.

""Tear apart!!"

Donghuang Taiyi sneered when he saw this.

Now that the seven great innate witches were all here and formed an inexplicable formation, Donghuang Taiyi no longer held back. He pushed the solar law to the extreme and exerted the Chaos Bell in his hand with all his strength.


Xingtian's entire body exploded under this terrifying force.

His appearance was even more miserable than Houyi's.

"Tsk tsk, you dare to challenge me with this level of strength!!"

Donghuang Taiyi laughed

""Big brother!!"

Seeing this, the great wizard from the innate also became nervous.

"Nothing, don't worry about me!!"

But at this moment, Xing Tian's voice appeared between heaven and earth.

In the flesh and blood, Xing Tian's whole body was emitting a scorching light.

【Ding, Xing Tian comprehended the Nine Suns Law, the Power of the Heavenly Dragon, and the Dragon Elephant Dharmakaya through practice. Congratulations to the host for obtaining them simultaneously. 】

Wu Wudi, who was deep in the peach forest, felt an inexplicable surge of terrifying power in his body.

"I finally broke through the ancestor witch, and my Xiantian Gong was not practiced in vain"

"The rest depends on the other innate great witches."

Wu Wudi smiled slightly.

Di Jun's River Map and Luo Shu were indeed extremely mysterious, but wasn't this also Wu Wudi's deliberate pressure on these innate great witches?

Everything was under his control.

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