Now it was Xiangliu's turn. Under his crazy absorption, his aura was close to that of the ancestor witch.


The blood and qi smoke broke through the nine layers of heaven, like a giant pillar reaching the sky.

Xiangliu was filled with terrifying power, which made the other brothers around him envious.

"Breakthrough, breakthrough, Xiangliu absorbed the entire Lingxiao Palace and also broke through"

"I'm so envious. Their opportunities have all come, and only the three of us are left."

"Lord Wudi said that our chance lies in the demon clan, so it seems we have to do something."

Jiufeng, Yushi, and Fengbo looked at each other and immediately became restless.

It turned out that Wu Wudi talked to them that day and told them his plan.

If the seven innate great witches want to break through the realm of the ancestor witch, the chance lies in this demon court.

Seeing that Xingtian had already dismantled the Lingxiao Palace in the demon court, Xiangliu got the chance.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, if we continue we will have no chance."

The three innate great witches looked at each other and immediately rushed to the battlefield.

At this time, Donghuang Taiyi wanted to vomit blood.

He wanted to deal with Xingtian, who had just entered the ancestor witch, first, but when he really fought for his life, he found that the opponent was simply immortal.

There was even a moment when Donghuang Taiyi was wondering whether the opponent had comprehended the law of immortality, otherwise why would he be so difficult to deal with. Xingtian alone was fine, he felt that as long as he was willing to sacrifice, he would definitely be able to take him down.

But there were two Houyi and Kuafu who were eyeing him covetously, making him hesitate whether he should fight to kill Xingtian here.

Just when he hesitated for a moment, another breath of ancestor witches rose into the sky.

He glanced and found that the innate great witch Xiangliu

‘Damn, he also broke through???

Donghuang Taiyi couldn't understand it, he couldn't understand it at all.

The Demon Court had Emperor Jun's River Map and Luoshu, and after crazy deduction, it found countless treasures in the prehistoric world, but it didn't allow many Daluo to break through to the Quasi-Sage.

But for the Wu Clan, breaking through is as easy as eating and drinking.

The key is, damn, isn't it said that it is very difficult for the Wu Clan to break through?

Now four have broken through in front of me.

Just when Donghuang Taiyi was distracted, Xingtian keenly sensed the opportunity.

All the laws in his body surged out, and his combat power instantly increased by dozens of times.

With an axe, the pure yang law and the ancient dragon law contained in it were all revealed.


The bell rang, raising the smoke and dust of half of the Lingxiao Palace.

There is smoke but no injury, this is the law.

But when Donghuang Taiyi turned around and wanted to attack, the three innate great witches actually pounced on him.

"Damn it, am I so easy to bully that even the Great Wizards can come here at will?"

Donghuang Taiyi was angry, but at the same time he changed his mind.

These few were also innate Great Wizards. If he could deal with them, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing several future Quasi-Saints of the Wizard Clan here?

Strange patterns immediately appeared on the Chaos Bell in his hand.

He wanted to use his own solar law to perform the Golden Crow Transformation Technique to kill them directly at an absolute speed.

But before he could make the next move, Xing Tian blocked him.

Change of position.

With Xing Tian's current ability, even a speck of dust can be exchanged with his original body.

Donghuang Taiyi's plan was aborted, but he was so angry that his teeth were Itchy.

At this time, the three innate great witches also rushed up to face their three brothers.

Xingtian's violent fighting power also cooled down instantly. There was no way. They were not Houyi and Kuafu who had already stepped into the realm of the ancestor witch.

And what Wudi said was still lingering in his mind.

But now Donghuang Taiyi has entered a violent state.

Moreover, his three brothers do not have the recovery ability of Houyi and himself.

So he plans to regard himself as a protector.

Even if the three of them acted crazily, he would not care at other times, and would only take action when their lives were in danger. Attack. Bang, bang, bang.

Jiufeng used her Dugu Nine Swords to the extreme. The nine kinds of extreme sword techniques were overwhelming, but they were still not enough in front of the Chaos Bell.

Donghuang Taiyi only needed to gently shake the Chaos Bell, and all the sword energy disappeared completely.

The sword energy is good, but if there is no sword energy that comprehends the law, these sword energies are just high-level energy.

The fight between Yu Shi and Feng Bo is very interesting. Facing the Chaos Bell, the two of them actually used their bodies as points to perform Qiankun Great Shift and Tai Chi.

One is about using four ounces to move a thousand pounds, and the other is just moving without reason.

It is not the same as Jiufeng's pure sword energy. At the same time, the two witches set an example by using their bodies to resist the Chaos Bell.

Therefore, their aura was getting closer and closer to the realm of the Ancestral Witch, but at the critical moment, it was always a little short. If four witches fought against one demon, the witch clan would lose face if it were told.

But if the witch clan could have three more Ancestral Witches, it would not only be embarrassing for them, but they would even have to use their faces to humiliate them.

But the key point was that after fighting for a while, Jiufeng not only did not make any breakthroughs, but the same was true for the Rain Master and the Wind Master.

Just when the other four innate great witches were anxious, Wu Wudi's voice rang in their minds.

"Taiyi has now mobilized all his strength. It's okay with Big Brother Xingtian blocking him. If Big Brother Xingtian wasn't there? The three of them would die!!"

"Have you forgotten that death is the best opportunity to get closer to the law?"

"If Kuafu and I had not been beaten to death by Wuxian, how could we have had the opportunity to comprehend the realm of the Ancestral Witch?"

Houyi and Kuafu agreed, but Xiangliu was worried.

After all, he relied on the characteristics of Beiming Magic Art and absorbed all the laws of Lingxiao Palace to enter the quasi-saint, so his breakthrough was not comparable to that of other great witches. On the contrary, Kuafu and Houyi supported him.

When Xingtian heard Wu Wudi's voice, he retreated without any hesitation.

Just like that.


The Rain Master was the first to explode.

Four ounces can pull out a thousand pounds. The Rain Master definitely has four ounces, but Donghuang Taiyi is not a thousand pounds, but billions of pounds.

The moment Xingtian was no longer there, the Rain Master was directly blown up by Donghuang Taiyi's power.

Then it was Jiufeng. Although Dugu Jiujian was unparalleled in attack, you have to know that the Chaos Bell is the treasure of the entire prehistoric world, which is known as the number one attack treasure in Zhuxian.

When the Chaos Bell fell, Dugu Jiujian was completely shattered.

Jiufeng's chest didn't even have a chance to react, and it was directly pierced.

Looking at the empty chest, Jiufeng didn't have any fear in his eyes, but rushed up again.

"Sister Jiufeng is indeed the innate great witch of our witch clan. With this ruthlessness, she is quite like a witch clan member!!"

"The Rain Master was blown into a ball of flesh and blood, I hope he's okay!!"

"With the Pure Yang Wuji Gong and Tai Chi, if something happens, it is fate."

The innate great witch who became the ancestor witch still has an indifferent attitude towards life.

Even his brothers are the same, because they all know that dying in battle is the highest honor of the witch clan.

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