This light penetrated the sky and the earth. Not to mention the demon court, even the entire prehistoric world could see it clearly.

When Wu Wudi in Nanshan saw this, he laughed loudly.

"Everyone, the time has come, it's time to fight back to the Heavenly Palace!!"

At Wu Wudi's command, the first to bear the brunt were the seven great ancestors of the Xiantian witches.

Then followed by a group of gifted witch geniuses, the most eye-catching among them was Wu Kong.

At this time, he had actually been promoted to the realm of the Great Witch.

His aura was overwhelming, and with every step, wind, thunder, earth and fire followed.

As the first beneficiary, coupled with the continuous practice of Xiantian Gong.

His Pangu blood was also extremely pure, and now he was the only one who could barely keep up with the pace.

As for Wu Fan, Chai Zhi and other witches, when they reached the level of Taiyi Jin Wu, they could no longer keep up.

"Haha, Bai Gua finally connected with the demon court thirty-three days away"

"Dear brothers and sisters, follow me into the demon court"

"Kill them all."

The Wu Clan had been prepared for a long time, just waiting for the guiding force to come down.

So when they saw this Taiyin channel, all the Wu Clan rushed up with a howl.

"Not good!!!"

The moment Emperor Jun saw the light, he immediately used his power to cut off the guiding light.

"Fortunately, the Emperor of Heaven stopped it in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous!!"

Seeing that the moonlight was about to disappear, Kunpeng also breathed a sigh of relief.


But the next second, a big hand grabbed the Guiding Light.

Then, it tore the entire opening of the Guiding Light apart.

Seeing this huge figure that covered the sky and the sun, it was obvious that it was from the Wu Clan.

"The Wu Clan is so ignorant of life and death that they dare to attack the Thirty-Three Heavens"

"All demons, listen up! Kill them all!!"

Emperor Jun was furious and issued orders one after another.

At the edge of Mount Buzhou!!

Watching countless witches soaring into the sky, and the little golden crow in front of him looking at him with a smirk on his face

"you..."It's not Little Golden Crow!!!"

Bai Gua suddenly grabbed Little Golden Crow with one hand.

The guiding light didn't need to be so big. Only a small light was needed to instantly pull them back to the Zhoutian Star Array.

But in Little Golden Crow's hand, it suddenly became a pillar that reached the sky.

"Hehe, you demons want to fight with our witches, you are simply overestimating your own abilities!!"

Little Golden Crow smiled evilly and turned into endless sun fire.

Bai Gua is no longer the former top ten demon commander Bai Chen. Under this sun fire.

Bai Gua screamed and pinched Little Golden Crow's arm, and was burned clean by the sun fire.

When Bai Gua was about to be burned to death, a strange light emanated from his body.

Then, when he was about to disappear in front of him, a figure blocked his way.

"Bai Ze, the demon commander, since you have come to the witch clan, don't leave."

The witch is Bai Man.

Bai Chen had escaped once before. At that time, Wu Wudi's strength was limited, and he didn't know the benefits of this Yuanshen magic.

Now that he has become a witch saint, Bai Ze has no chance to slip away from his hands.

At this time, on the Taiyin star, Chang Xi also looked confused.

"Bai Ze, Little Golden Crow, what on earth is going on? ? ?"

In the calm Moon Palace, an illusory figure roared unwillingly.

But at this moment, his guiding light, affected by the power of the demon clan, was shrinking drastically.

When Chang Xi was surprised, a pair of big hands tore his guiding light apart.

"Oh no, Bai Ze is in trouble!!"

Chang Xi was horrified, the power of the entire Taiyin Star was like a storm.

Bai Gua could have escaped from the demon clan, but because of me, he was drawn into the vortex again.

If I don't save him now, he will never be able to get out.

"Taiyin Star Core, listen to my command!!"

Chang Xi made up his mind and roared.

The Taiyin Star Light that was caught by both hands suddenly enlarged.

Like a waterfall, the violent force rushed down crazily.

"With just this little power, you still want to stop the steps of my witch clan? ? ?"

The one who tore apart the guiding light was none other than Hou Yi, one of the seven innate witch ancestors.

Because he had fought with Chang Xi before, Hou Yi did not hesitate when he started fighting.

The sword energy was overflowing on his ten fingers, which was the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

At this time, Hou Yi had already integrated the Six Meridians Divine Sword into his body, so every move he made was already the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

Especially when he tore apart the guiding light with his hands, the Six Meridians Divine Sword lingered on his ten fingers.

He punched out with seven extremely damaging fists.

It looked like the Seven Injury Fist, but it actually contained the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

The fist was rolling, and it was even more powerful than the Taiyin torrent that fell.

Wherever it passed, it actually went upstream.

It annihilated the guiding light in the sky, and this terrifying fist flow did not reduce the injury, and directly hit In that layer of heaven of the Zhoutian Star Array.

Ruyi Ditian.

There are thirty-three layers of heaven, and each layer has its own name.

But now all the demons are living in Ruyi Ditian to practice the Zhoutian Star Array.

And the reason for this layer of heaven is because this layer of heaven is the limit for most demon gods.

And the most important four words in this heaven are Ruyi Ditian.

Ditian Ruyi, can change its size at will.

Another thing is that this heaven is closest to the position of the heaven, earth and stars.

With the efforts of all the demon gods, 365 main stars can be moved in, and the main stars can be projected out by the way, so as to run in accordance with the way of heaven.

At this time, a scorching fist light rushed into the sky and directly blasted Ruyi Ditian.

Taking advantage of this huge hole, seven figures who penetrated the sky and the earth came in one after another.


Kaitian held a huge axe and chopped it down at Ruyi Ditian.

This blow contained extremely pure power.

Wherever it passed, the entire Ruyi Ditian barrier collapsed.

"Haha, he is worthy of being our big brother. The power of this axe is so powerful."

"It's more than transparent, it's just so refreshing"

"Brothers, today we are going to crush the demon race!!"

The seven witch ancestors, each of them was tall and strong, like a mountain.

They stood casually in the Ruyi Heaven, with a natural momentum.

The billions of demons dared not move, and the witches behind them were greatly motivated.

"Di Jiang is dead, so he let the seven of you lead the charge."

At this time, Di Jun also came with a group of powerful demons.

Suddenly, the two sides met in battle, and everyone had murderous intent in their eyes.

"We can handle the small demon tribe without the help of the witch ancestors."

Xing Tian took a step forward and chopped down with the axe in his hand at the same time.

It was impossible for Xing Tian to talk nonsense.

After all, talking so much was not as effective as an axe.

Wherever the axe passed, even the void was directly split.

"Very strong. If you are below the Taiyi Golden Immortal, don't look at his axe light."

"Is this still the Great Wizard Realm? Why is Xingtian's axe blade so strong?"

"He is not a great witch. Xing Tian has already broken through to the realm of the ancestor witch. Everyone, be careful. There are laws on his axe blade."

Xing Tian chopped with an axe, and some monsters were ignorant of life and death, but they explored their souls.

Needless to say, the end result was that their souls exploded directly.

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