Under the brutal attack of the witch clan, the demon clan had no power to resist. Fortunately

, except for the five quasi-saints, the other demon gods returned to the Lord of the Stars.

Borrowing the power of the stars, not only did they resist the witch clan, but they also gained a small advantage.

Of course, this advantage is not a good advantage, but it prevents all the demon clan from being at a one-sided disadvantage.

Just when the demon clan was gloomy, all the demon clan quasi-saints came back.

"The Emperor of Heaven is back. So the Wu Clan Feng Bo is probably dead."

"Donghuang and the demon master are back too"

"Haha, now we have seven more quasi-saints in the demon clan, what can the witch clan use to fight us?"

The return of the seven demon clan quasi-saints instantly restored the confidence of the demon clan.

But at this time, the seven quasi-saints looked at each other, and each of them saw fear in each other's eyes.

"What happened to this group of witches? ?"

"The saints' spirits are placed on the laws of heaven, and my spirit is placed on the moon, the planet of heaven."

"He was considered a half-step saint, but he was no match for Kuafu."

"What is the Clavicle Soul-Stirring Heavenly Buddha Scroll? How come I have never heard of such an outrageous fighting skill?"

"Especially the Death Finger, that ray of the Death Law, almost destroyed my soul on the Moon."

"What's even more outrageous is that Kuafu actually knows how to use a sword."

"The knife made from the peach blossom stick, can it be called a knife? It can only be said to be a knife embryo."

"But it was this wooden sword that actually slashed out into a heavenly sword."

"I'm a..."Heavenly Sword!!!"

Chang Xi was a female demon, one of the ten famous beauties in the prehistoric world.

No one knew what kind of grievance she had just experienced, but when she returned to Ruyi Heaven, she was so aggrieved that she even cursed.

The quasi-saints were already in a very bad state, but no one spoke.

Now that Chang Xi spoke first, the quasi-saints and demon kings immediately opened up their chatterboxes.

"I also find it very strange. Xiangliu is just a congenital great wizard. Even if he breaks through the realm of ancestor wizard, he is only in the early stage."

"Guess what, I fought him and ended up at a disadvantage."

"What is the Bodhicitta Video Record, what is the Sutra of Wisdom of the Root of All Things"

"Damn, this guy has no soul, but the fighting skills he used are so powerful"

"Especially the Liuhe Qinglong Qiankun formation, he saw six clones unfolding, how powerful can you guess?"

When Kunpeng said this, a thrilling scene flashed in his eyes,"You know, Yiqi Huaqing, this is even stronger than Yiqi Huaqing!!!" When he said this

, according to his previous habits, Kunpeng thought that the quasi-saints would refute.

But at this time, he found that no one said anything to him, but his eyes revealed a more gloomy look.

"What the great god Chang Xi and the demon master Kunpeng said is very true. There is something very wrong with this group of witches."

Fuxi took a deep breath and said with a lucky look in his eyes:"Hou Yi has always been good at bows and arrows, but since the last battle with Dong Huang, he has actually learned swordsmanship."

"I had planned to fight him in close combat, using my huge soul power and my Heavenly Sound Technique to crush him with absolute force."

"But he didn't expect that before he got close to him, he would swing his sword at him....A fairy from the sky!!"

"I thought it was just an ordinary sword, but that scene....Ten thousand immortals are flying together, and the sword energy is everywhere!!!"

"I was really shocked at the time, but fortunately my law is the sound path."

"With absolute speed, he passed through the fairyland"

"Just when I thought I could get close to him and destroy him, the next second, three kinds of strange lights appeared around him."

"There are three sacred waters in the ancient world. When they are separated, they are powerful on their own, but when they are combined, they are invincible in the world."

"Wo Zhuo, the three lights miracles he claimed were no less powerful than the three lights divine water."

"Even though I was running fast, there was still some stain on my sleeves."

"At this point, my clothes were completely ruined, and the power from above continued to spread."

"If I hadn't taken off my clothes quickly, I would have melted away."

"You know, those are not ordinary clothes, but divine clothes of heaven."

"My sister knitted it for me using the rules of a saint. Water and fire are just children's games. My clothes can withstand even the attack of a saint."

"But even so, it was melted"

"If that were the case, it would be fine. But the next second, Hou Yi shouted"Heavenly Demonic Law" and immediately transformed into the Chaos Demon God."

"The demonic energy is overwhelming. This power is the most terrifying I have ever seen under the saint."

"For a moment I even wondered if he was the reincarnation of the Chaos God. I thought that was the end."

"After all, I am also the main star of Ziwei, so I can still make do with it."

"But the next second, he drew his bow and put an arrow on it, saying it was a sad little arrow."

"The Heaven-shaking Bow and the Sun-shooting Arrow are no threat to me at all, let alone this small arrow."

"But when the bow and arrow appeared, my emotions became uncontrollably chaotic."

"The inner demon turned around, and the heart of Tao was almost broken"

"You don’t know, the moment the arrow came out, I thought I was dead."

Fuxi followed closely and started to complain.

"The Great Demonic Method, there is indeed something wrong with this group of witches."

Donghuang Taiyi's eyes also darkened at this time.

"The Xingtian who fought with me also carried a monstrous demonic aura."

"And the fighting skills he displayed were something I had never seen since the last time."

"In just 90 years, he has become stronger."

"And some are unbelievably strong, some are...Weird!!"

Donghuang Taiyi wanted to hide his strength and even prepared to break through to the realm of saints.

But he didn't expect that he hid it so deeply and was eventually forced out by Xing Tian.

It's okay to force him, the worst thing is that he was scared away by him.

But now, listening to the words of the other demon quasi-saints, Donghuang Taiyi calmed down.

"We all suffered the same fate. How is the battle going on your side, Heavenly Emperor? ?"

Fuxi looked at the Heavenly Emperor Dijun.

""My side!!"

Di Jun spoke, and recalled with a bitter face.

He had the River Map and Luo Shu, and his deduction technique was the best under the Saint.

But when he faced Feng Bo, he was defeated repeatedly.

The opponent's Wuji magic skill was evenly matched with his River Map and Luo Shu in a short time.

He finally killed him, but he said he knew the Immortal Seal.

After he died, he resurrected in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the Little Li Flying Dagger he threw casually actually cut through the void and suddenly appeared in front of him.

Although the River Map and Luo Shu were not offensive spiritual treasures, they were also innate treasures.

He couldn't even deduce the luck trajectory of this flying knife. If he hadn't burst out many laws of power, this Little Li Flying Dagger would have taken his life.

He is the eldest brother of Donghuang Taiyi, and it is not just a crushing of family affection.

This strength is also extremely terrifying.

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