"Good boy, you even stole your father's limelight"

"If I had known this, I would have asked your elder brother not to give you the opportunity."

Seeing this, Wu Fan immediately snorted.

"Dad, you can't blame me for this."

"How much you can understand from Big Brother's novels depends entirely on your personal talent!!"

Wu Kong saw this and immediately cried out for injustice.

"Hey, what do they mean by this?"

"Brother, Wu Kong’s brother, isn’t he Wu Wudi?"

"I remember a few years ago, he was injured by a monster and he was recovering in the cave."

"Yes, if you didn't mention it, I would have thought he was dead!!"

After hearing what the Wu family father and son said, the witches around them immediately became agitated.

""Boss Wu Fan, what do you mean by what you just said?"

Upon hearing this, Chai Wan immediately leaned in front of Wu Fan.

"That's right, is it possible that your current strength is related to Wudi? But isn't Wudi only in the middle stage of the mortal wizard? And I heard that he was injured?"

Ni Huo was not to be outdone, and came over like a lackey.

Chai Wan and Ni Huo's questions raised everyone's doubts.

"This... that... this is my great son's secret!!"

The easier it is to get something, the less people will cherish it.

Wu Wudi, who knows this truth, naturally has to let Wu Fan and Wu Kong do the trick.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you keep talking nonsense, I will kick you to death."

"That's right, you are still a witch if you are so shy, I am so angry when I see you!!"

Seeing Wu Fan hesitating, Chai Zhi and Ni You immediately threatened him.

They would not embarrass the junior Wu Kong, but they were not polite to Wu Fan at all.

"I said, isn't that enough?"

Wu Fan pretended to be bitter and said,"After my eldest son Wudi was injured, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise and was blessed by the Father God. The novel he wrote contains the Father God's skills. How much he can understand depends on his personal talent."

"The reason why I am so strong is that I have mastered the"Vajra Palm" in the"Eight Steps of the Heavenly Dragon" written by Wudi.’"

"And my rebellious son, his talent is even more explosive, he actually comprehended the"Yi Jin Jing", his aptitude and bones are being strengthened every day, I am so envious!!"

In order to increase the persuasiveness, he also told what he and Wu Kong had gained.

But when Wu Fan finished speaking, there was a complete silence at the scene.

He was not afraid of the Wu Clan fighting, but was afraid of the Wu Clan being silent.

It was because the Wu Clan was born aggressive, and fighting was their nature.

But if they were to be silenced, it would be harder than killing them.

But at this moment, the entire Liuyang community was so excited that a pin drop could be heard.

Could it be that his words were not convincing?

That's not right, he was just following what the Great Invincible Cult said.

And in order to increase the persuasiveness, he took the initiative to tell what he and Wu Kong had gained.

Even in order to highlight the power of this novel, he brought out the Father God Pangu. What

Wu Fan didn't know was that he was bad because of this.

As the saying goes, the real and the fake, the true and the false, can catch people's curiosity.

But if you brag too much, it will be more trouble than it's worth.

The most important thing is Pangu the Father God, who is the belief in their hearts.

And they are just a Liuyang community, how could there be a miracle of Pangu the Father God

"Wufan, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"The Father God created the ancient world, and if he wanted to bless someone, he would bless the Twelve Ancestral Witches. How could he allow himself to degenerate?"

"Humph, I think he was instigated by a certain evil demon."

Father God Pangu is the enemy of all the witches. Once touched, they will be broken and bloody.

Not to mention that the witches don't believe it, even Chai Wan and Ni Huo don't believe it.

And Chai Zhi and Ni You also frowned, with a cold light flashing in their eyes.


At this moment, the roar soared into the sky and directly shook the clouds in the sky.

The witches looked and saw a fox nearly 100 meters tall, like a mountain.

The raging evil spirit and terrifying power rushed in like a tidal wave.

Ordinary witches fell to the ground in the face of this evil spirit.

Even the ordinary witches were half-crouching on the ground under this powerful evil spirit.

Only the witches at the witch soldier level could barely stand.

"The fox spirit Lou Yong, it turned out to be it."

Wu Fan looked at the fox that caused him to lose his energy and blood thousands of years ago, and his eyes suddenly became red with anger.

"Wu Fan was calm. He didn't know what kind of adventure this vixen had. It had reached the realm of earthly immortals in a thousand years."

Faced with the sudden appearance of the vixen Lou Yong, Chai Zhi's expression was extremely solemn.

"We are no match for the fox spirit in the Earthly Immortal Realm."

"Everyone..."Run away!"

Ni You also sighed repeatedly.

They were a group of witches who were raised in exile. Although they were also witches, they could not contact the tribe at all, let alone seek help.

Among all the witches, the strongest were him and Wu Kong, three witch soldiers in the middle stage. Even if their witches were strong, they were no match for the fox spirit Lou Yong.

"Escape? The witch tribe has never known what escape is."

At this time, Wu Fan stood up, his eyes bursting with fighting spirit and said:"There are only witches who die in battle, there are no witches who escape!!!"

Wu Fan's move made the witches stunned on the spot.

"My father is right, we can escape today."

"But what about tomorrow?"

"What about tomorrow?"

"How long can we escape?"

"It's better to fight to the death."

"If you don't fight, you will die. If you fight, you will have a chance!!"

Using Yi Jin Jing with all his strength, Wu Fan stood in front of the witches like a wall.

"OK, OK!!"

"You and your son are great, what are you waiting for?"


Chai Zhi and Ni You looked at each other and stood in front of the witches together with Wu Fan.

""My Lord, save me!"

The Lightning Leopard saw the fox spirit Lou Yong showing his might and could not help but call for help.

Unfortunately, his cry ended his life.

"You sucked my father's blood dry back then, this lightning leopard is your fate today!!"

Wu Kong crushed the lightning leopard to death with one hand and threw the body over.

"You dare to kill my subordinates, you are looking for death!!"

Looking at the corpse of the Lightning Leopard under her feet, the vixen Lou Yong was about to explode.

The Lightning Leopard was her subordinate. Of course, if it was for a subordinate, she would not care about the witch tribe at all.

The key point is that the Lightning Leopard has a natural ability, which is to find natural treasures.

The reason why she has been able to cultivate so fast in the past thousand years is inseparable from the spiritual objects that the Lightning Leopard has been looking for.

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