Ten years is just a piece of time for the demon clan.

But for Di Jun, it was an extremely difficult ten years.

It was because during these ten years, he was trying his best to deduce the Hunyuan Heluo Array every second and every moment.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Array is the array in the Chaos Bell. During their long practice process.

With the help of him and Donghuang, they realized it at the most critical moment of the war between wizards and liches. Although the River Map and Luoshu are his own life magic weapon, the Hunyuan Heluo Array inside is extremely complicated.

In addition, Donghuang has no ability to deduce, so he can't help himself at all.

You must know that I was able to help him at the beginning because I had the River Map and Luoshu.

But now?

He is fighting alone, and the hardships are as difficult as his battle with Feng Bo.

Fortunately, there is always the help of Nuwa Saint behind him, plus the endless supply of the spirits of the prehistoric mountains and rivers, which allowed him to persevere.

The Hunyuan Heluo Array is modeled after the Hong���It is designed according to the layout of ancient mountains, rivers, etc., and it contains a myriad of things, with endless great power.

If the Zhoutian Xingdou formation is the sun, moon and stars above the prehistoric world, then the Hetu Luoshu is the mountains and rivers in the prehistoric world.

One is in the sky, and the other is on the ground.

Under the operation of the heavenly way, it is like two huge millstones.

Unlike the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, which includes the Zhoutian stars, the Hunyuan Heluo formation includes the great rivers or rivers of the prehistoric period, the ocean and sky, birds, beasts, fish and insects, and all the changes in the evolution of the ancient prehistoric world.

What's more wonderful about this formation is that when you are in it, you don't know the passage of time, and you can see the snow-capped mountains turn into the ocean, and the vast sea turn into mulberry fields.

The illusion on the Hetu, a lifetime of millions, the birth and death of a moment, seems to have passed for hundreds of millions of years, and it seems to have passed countless disasters.

So this formation is named: Hunyuan Heluotu.

And the power of this formation is the true interpretation of what the Hetu Luoshu is.

It not only contains the secrets of heaven, but also the power of infinite deduction.

Once it is in operation, the five continents, four seas, and the eight directions of heaven and earth are all within it.

However, even such a majestic formation now requires Di Jun to comprehend it alone.

Although he has the infinite help of Nuwa behind him, he still feels exhausted.

"Since this map of mountains, rivers, and states is already damaged, why not let it all become you!!"

Nu Wa saw this and took out the map of mountains, rivers, and states.

On that day, when she fought with Xing Tian, it was forcibly broken by Xing Tian's innate invisible sword energy.

Although there was a hole, the mountains, rivers, and states inside were still intact.


Emperor Jun was shocked. This was the magic weapon of the Saint Nuwa, and it involved her way of creation.

She actually handed it over like this, which could not help but shock Emperor Jun.

"With this formation, you may feel a little more relaxed."

Nuwa didn't care at all. Her only thought now was to refine the Hunyuan Heluo formation as soon as possible.

Because now the Zhoutian Xingdou formation has been completed, and with the fusion of the souls of countless demon gods and the stars, its power will only be stronger than before.

And she entered the game alone and tried the Zhoutian Xingdou formation herself.

Very good.

But if you want to use it to kill Xingtian, it is far from enough.

And now they are the six saints, and they are racing against time.

As long as Xingtian is killed, and then all the witches in Buzhou Mountain are killed.

Then there will be no seven saints of the witch clan in this world.

And there is another reason why Nuwa is so impatient, that is, the Tuwu Sword has begun to be refined..

So she wanted to take down Xingtian in one fell swoop when all conditions were ripe.

In addition to avenging her previous shame, she could feel that there would be more unexpected gains.

But now she dared not say it, nor did she dare to think about it.

It was just because things were too contradictory!!!

Human race.

Nuwa made humans out of clay, and it has been tens of thousands of years now.

Unfortunately, the witches and liches are so powerful that although the human race has been established, they are not loved by their fathers and grandmothers.

They seem to be alive, but they are just struggling to survive.

The first batch of people that Nuwa created with the Nine Heavens Xirang, after all these long years, now only nine are left.

And they are respected by the human race as the Nine Ancestors.

These nine human ancestors are: Qian, Kun, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Wind, and Thunder.

The Nine Heavens Xirang, that is the earth element The treasure in it.

Every living being would want to obtain it.

When Nuwa created humans, no one dared to covet it.

Then the Three Pure Ones founded the religion, which allowed the human race to live for tens of thousands of years.

It was also during these ten thousand years that the human race continued to grow and multiply.

But one day, after a demon accidentally ate a human, he made a surprising discovery.

Although the human body is weak and their strength is low, they actually possess a natural Taoist body.

They are born with three palaces and nine orifices, especially the first batch of humans, who are born with the Nine Heavens Xirang.

Although it is not much, only a little bit, it contains all kinds of mysterious abilities that make these demons love it.

After a chaotic killing, only one in a hundred of the human race survived.

Especially the first batch of people who used the nine The human race created by the Nine Heavens Xirang was on the verge of extinction.

Fortunately, under the kneeling pleas of the human race, Laozi came forward to accept a human disciple named Master Xuandu.

From then on, the demon race was restrained, and the human race also obtained Laozi's cultivation method.

After tens of thousands of years, due to various reasons, there were only nine humans left in the first batch of humans created by the Nine Heavens Xirang.

And the nine of them all possessed the strength of a golden immortal.

They could barely protect the human race and provide space for recuperation.

But after the war between the witches and the demons ended again, the demon race completely annihilated humanity. In just a few years, the human race was killed. It took hundreds of thousands of years to breed hundreds of billions of humans, but after this massacre, only less than 10 billion were left.

"Saint, we have been kneeling before you and begging you for three years. Why don't you have mercy on us?"

"We are the human race, your people!!"

"Are you just going to watch us being slaughtered by the demons and do nothing? ?"

The nine great ancestors knelt in front of Laozi's statue, all with grief on their faces.

It was because in the past ten years, they had lost countless people.

The blood could turn into an ocean, the corpses could pile up into a hundred thousand mountains, and the wronged souls could cover the sky and the sun!!

"Haha, you don't need to beg, no one in this prehistoric world can save you."

At this moment, countless monsters descended from the sky.

"Hehehe, there are so many people!!"

"As long as we catch them all, our mission will be accomplished."

"Not only can you complete the task, but you can also have a full meal, which is really great"

"The pressure from the Wu Clan over the years has been too great. We haven't had such a good time in a long time."

Among the great monsters, there were several Taiyi Golden Immortals.

As soon as they arrived, they used their absolute power to directly control the nine human ancestors.

"Release us humans, release us humans quickly"

"Evil beasts, you shall not die well!!!"

"No, don't kill them."

Seeing the human race die one after another, the nine human ancestors' eyes were red, but they were trapped by the monster at this time and could not move at all.

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