The people on Tianchi today are all at the top of the immortal path, and they figured out the result instantly.

But it must be said that Lu Ya is indeed lucky. He can easily enter the Kunlun Mirror and cross time and space to reincarnate before the birth of the Ten Golden Crows.

After everyone laughed, they no longer mentioned this matter. It doesn't matter whether Lu Ya is dead or alive now. It's easy to kill him, and it's not worth everyone's talk!

After a few people chatted, Tongtian suddenly said:

"Since the teacher merged with the Tao, the world is really different now. First, the star field representing the Star God was destroyed by the Heavenly Court, and later the Witch Court also destroyed the Mountain God lineage."

"Now with the destruction of the two major Shinto forces, there are fewer and fewer people practicing Shinto in the prehistoric world. Coupled with the demise of Lu Ya, the top Shinto master, it can be said that the luck of Shinto has come to an end!"

Zhen Yuanzi also decisively agreed: "Tongtian Daoyou is right. Shinto has indeed declined, and with it comes a decline in luck. Maybe the practice method that was once at its peak will disappear in the prehistoric continent, which is quite a pity."

Everyone nodded in agreement!

Donghua also agreed with this statement. Now the Shinto forces on the prehistoric continent can be said to have been destroyed, and the remaining ones are not a big deal.

But thinking of the gods mentioned by later generations, he said:

"Since the beginning of the world, after countless epochs, the fate of the ancient gods has almost ended, but I think the gods will not disappear, because the world needs gods, and all living beings also need gods!"

Everyone began to ponder Donghua's words, always feeling that this was not right, but there was an indescribable mystery.

Hongyun thought for a while, but didn't understand, so he asked:

"I don't know what you mean by this, Taoist Taiwei?"

Donghua didn't hide it, and answered directly: "Gods and immortals are different. Immortals pursue freedom and transcendence, while gods also have the divine duties given by heaven and earth in the process of pursuing transcendence."

"Just like I am the Eastern Wood Lord, the Wood Lord is the divine duty given to me by heaven and earth. I was born to master the laws of the great way of wood, and within my duties, I also need to regulate the Eastern wood energy, so heaven and earth need the position of gods to operate."

"Nowadays, there are more and more acquired creatures in the prehistoric world, and there are countless people who are not immortals after they are born, and these newly born acquired creatures also need gods to perform their duties and guarantee their lives."

"So the innate gods have ended, so the acquired gods should be born!"

Donghua's words were a revelation, and everyone came back to their senses immediately. It's not that they didn't know these, but they didn't think of them.

Because they are innate gods and quasi-saints, how can they know what the lives of creatures below the immortals are like?

Just like elephants never care about what ants are doing.

After listening to Donghua's words, Hongyun was the first to stand up and refute:

"A god formed by acquired creatures, is it still a god? Besides, what we practitioners pursue is freedom and transcendence. If we are restricted by the divine duties, it will be bad, bad!"

Donghua smiled and chuckled: "You, Hongyun, were born with innate holiness. You were born as the Great Luo Emperor who controls the laws. How can you know the difficulties of the people at the bottom of the prehistoric world when you are free and easy?"

"As for what is the acquired god, it is of course the god of my immortal way. Can my majestic immortal way not accommodate the acquired god way?"

"It's easy!"

A few words made Hongyun speechless, but he looked unbelievable.

"Can the immortal way give rise to the way of gods?"

Taishang also asked in confusion: "What is the acquired god?"

Donghua thought for a while, and summarized according to the memory of the gods in later generations:

"All believers can be gods, and those recognized by heaven and earth can also be gods. You are a god, I am a god, and anyone can be a god!"

Taishang pondered for a while, and finally stroked his beard and said:

"In this way, my immortal way will usher in development again, which is great!"

"No wonder Master named you the first male immortal, this title you deserve. From now on, my immortal way will prosper the world, and all the ways in the world can become immortals!"

Zunti put his palms together and sighed: "Infinite, infinite, the King of the East is really talented in governing the world. I think the King of the East should be the supreme emperor of heaven, but Di Jun is far behind!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly became quiet, after all, there was still a Xihuang from the heavenly court here.

Donghua cursed in his heart: "Old cunt!"

Hongyun, who was standing beside him, nodded and said, "I agree with what you said, Taoist Zhunti."

"In terms of cultivation, Dong Wang is the Taoist master who opened up a new path, and he is a quasi-sage in the late stage of cultivation; in terms of virtue, it goes without saying that he is thousands of times better than Di Jun."

"In terms of status, Dong Wang is the head of the male immortals personally appointed by the teacher, and Dongfang Mugong is also better than Di Jun, so no matter from which aspect, Dong Wang is more suitable than Di Jun!"

Zhen Yuanzi winked at Hongyun, but it was useless, and finally sighed helplessly.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Donghua laughed loudly, attracting everyone to look at him.

"Daoist Zhunti, Daoist Hongyun, you have praised me so highly. If Di Jun attacks my Zifu in the future, you can't escape. You must contribute, otherwise this cause and effect can't be resolved."

The Queen Mother of the West also said to the two with an indignant look: "That's right, you are all free and easy people, naturally you are not afraid of the Heavenly Court. My brother and I have this foundation, so we can only confront the Heavenly Court head-on. This will cause so many lives to be destroyed. If Emperor Jun attacks you in the future, you two can't escape!"

Zhunti didn't say anything, but Hongyun laughed and said casually: "It's okay, it's okay, I Hongyun's words are naturally recognized. If you annoy Emperor Jun in the future, I am willing to deal with it together with the two of you."


The discussion ended with laughter at the end, and everyone left one after another.

Before leaving, Fuxi seemed to want to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

Donghua saw this and said, "Daoyou Fuxi, you don't need to say more. Isn't it that Emperor Jun of the Heavenly Court is planning the Purple Mansion and thinking about how to deal with me?"

"I actually guessed this when Beiming attacked Beihai last time. I have always wanted to avoid conflict with the Heavenly Court, but I couldn't avoid it in the end. Since Emperor Jun wants to fight, let's fight and see the truth!"

Since Donghua broke through the late stage of Quasi-Sage, his state of mind has also changed. Some things are inevitable after all. Perhaps it was destined at the moment when the Purple Mansion was established. Fate is really magical!

Hearing Donghua say this, Fuxi looked up at the sky and said bitterly: "Daoyou Taiwei, I feel that my own Tao and the Tao of Heaven are getting more and more different, as if they are each on a different direction. Can Daoyou teach me?"

Donghua patted Fuxi's shoulder and said earnestly: "Fuxi, Fuxi, it's not that your Tao is different from that of Heaven, but that your Tao is different from that of Di Jun. Isn't the Tao of Heaven the Tao of Di Jun? Di Jun used one clan to suppress all clans, and he will eventually suffer a backlash."

"No matter how time passes, Heaven is still the same Heaven, but Di Jun is different. He is not the only one. Heaven is Heaven, and Di Jun is Di Jun. The two are different."

"Heaven should not be the Heaven of one family, but the Heaven of all living beings in the prehistoric world. So your Tao, Fuxi, is not wrong, and your ambition is not wrong, but Heaven is on the wrong path."

Hearing this, Fuxi looked at Donghua in shock, and did not speak for a long time. This time his heart was shaken again, even more than the last time in Tiannan.

Fuxi's ambition is to build a well-ordered world where all races coexist, but the current Heaven can no longer bring him these hopes.

Finally, he said slowly: "Daoyou is really wise. Hongyun's words are indeed correct. You are more suitable for the position of Emperor of Heaven than Dijun."

"Heaven should not become the Heaven of the demon race. Although it develops quickly, it is still too narrow in the end. It is difficult to become the real leader of the prehistoric world. Our vision is shallow."

When Fuxi said this, his words changed. He looked at Donghua with sharp eyes and asked: "Zifu is a sea of ​​​​inclusiveness. There are all kinds of people. So what is Daoyou's ambition?"

Donghua said his ambition and Tao: "When I cut the corpse, I had already made clear my Tao, that is, to establish a heart for heaven and earth and contribute to the prehistoric world!"

This time, Fuxi didn't say anything after listening, and looked at Donghua deeply.

"Daoyou Taiwei, I want to go to Wu Ting with you to experience it. Are you willing?"

Although Donghua didn't know why Fuxi wanted to go to Wu Ting, he still had some guesses in his mind. He probably wanted to really understand Wu Ting in depth.

"That's what I wish!"

After the two agreed on a time, Fuxi left West Kunlun.

ps: Brothers, here are 8,000 words. Please give me some monthly tickets and rewardsヾ(@^^@)ノ

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