Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 132 Competition Rules, Discussing the Primordial Chaos (Please Read)

Zifu's vigorous military parade is over!

Donghua generally wanted to be satisfied with this military parade, because when the army was practicing, he would sometimes take action to test the limits of each military formation.

The various formation drills of the Zifu army should be regarded as pure. Whether it is offense or defense, they advance and retreat in an orderly manner and fight according to the formation. And both the fighting intention and the killing intention are very strong.

But Donghua can still understand the fighting intent, where does this killing intent come from?

The last time the Zi Mansion used troops was to deal with the remnants of King Pan, and there was no large-scale use of troops after that. Why were the killing intentions of the various ministries so strong?

Donghua was a little puzzled and his eyes stayed on Da Siming.

Da Siming still looked that old-fashioned and expressionless, and said to Donghua:

"Your Majesty, the murderous aura of the Zifu army today is all due to the innate spiritual treasure Taixu Lu in the hands of the Yuan Zhen clan leader. The Taixu Lu has been deduced by the Research Department and its function has been maximized."

"Today's Taixu Lu can generate a real illusion space, which can be used by the army to practice and fight without fear, but without harming one's own life."

Donghua groaned: "Taixu Lu? Can this spiritual treasure still be used like this?"

Taixu Lu is a high-grade spiritual treasure that I got after killing the phantom demon in the battle between immortals and demons.

Because it was not in line with his own Dao and was of little use to him, he did not study it too much. Later, he gave it to his second disciple Yuan Zhen to hone his fighting skills.

But I didn't expect that it would be used by the people in the Research Department to improve the Zifu army. It was really wonderful!

Donghua nodded: "That's not bad!"

"How are those two little guys doing now?"

Ever since he came back from Mount Tai last time, Donghua had pressed his two apprentices under the blue sea and made them face the wall and think about their mistakes.

However, it is better to say that it is about facing the wall and thinking about one's faults, rather than practicing in seclusion. The aura of the blue sea is strong, and many great Luo quasi-sages in the Zi Mansion have places to practice on it. Therefore, if Tao Yun remains, it is definitely a holy place for practice.

Moreover, you can also use the suppressive power of the blue sea to condense your physical body and solidify your magic power.

Da Siming replied: "Qingxuan and Yuanzhen have been practicing in Bihai. Zifu Dafa has made great progress, especially in the practice of Chunyang True Body. It has made rapid progress. Now the two of them have reached the middle stage of Taiyi!"

Donghua hummed and said, "Well, I first entered the Golden Immortal world when I accepted them as my disciples. Now I am Taiyi, which is not bad. I have lived up to my talent!"

Da Siming also agreed very much and said: "Qingxuan and Yuanzhen are really talented. One is the son of the innate sacred, Yuanfeng, the other practices the path of power, and his body is an iron-eating beast."

"Your Majesty's two disciples have a limitless path on the road, especially Qingxuan, the golden-winged roc. If they can cultivate the yin and yang qi diligently, they will definitely achieve great achievements, and they may not be unable to attain enlightenment."

Donghua smiled and said: "Don't praise him. These two are not easy to use. They are arrogant and do not know the heights of the world. As their elder, you must also train them more to avoid going down the wrong path." Wrong way."

Da Siming agreed with approval. He actually liked these two people, especially Qingxuan, the golden-winged roc.

Although his and Qingxuan's personalities were completely different, he did like Qingxuan's high-spirited and unruly personality.

Secondly, he himself practices the way of life and death, while Qingxuan practices the way of yin and yang. There are similarities between the two.

"Let the two of them come out and let them participate in the next competition in Zifu. If they do well, everything will be easy. If they do poorly, they will continue to suppress them in Bihai!"

Donghua stopped here, looked at Da Siming, patted his shoulder lightly, and said again:

"The next various competitions in the Zi Mansion will be hard on you. From the emperor to the real person, you can mobilize them."

Chief Commander bowed respectfully and said, "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will live up to your Majesty's high expectations!"

Donghua smiled heartily and said softly: "I can rest assured that you are doing the work!"

The words changed and he said again: "You are also a quasi-sage now. From now on, you don't need to call me your majesty in private. Just like Taihua, you can call me brother."

Da Siming pondered for a moment and agreed.

Donghua laughed and said, "Call me?"


"Well, that's right, we'll call you that from now on. I watched you and Taihua grow up step by step, just like my younger brothers and sisters. The Zifu belongs to me, but it also belongs to you two!"

Da Siming shook his head quickly and said with strict words: "The king is the king, and the minister is the minister. The Zi Mansion will always belong to His Majesty. If anyone dares to offend the Zi Mansion, or the following, I will never go around him!"

Hearing this, Donghua smiled and didn't say much.

People's thoughts will not change easily. If Da Siming were to change his personality so easily, he would not be able to become a quasi-sage.

Donghua has been busy opening up small worlds in the past few days, opening up a total of seven small worlds for competition purposes.

Da Luo and Quasi Sage competed in the original world, because the small world simply could not withstand the power of Da Luo and Quasi Sage.

After many days of preparation, Zifu has also completed the registration work for various competitions.

The Zifu Competition officially begins!

The first thing to start is the competition below the Taiyi realm.

Donghua invested a thousand badges with his own flavor in the three-party small world, and randomly selected 10,000 people to enter the small world to compete for them each time.

The last person to get the badge can enter the next round, and the next round will continue to be thrown into the small world to compete for badges, until the top one thousand are determined.

The elimination rate is ten to one every time, and capable people can even get more badges, so that the elimination rate will be even lower.

Moreover, the badge is not that easy to find. It also depends on personal luck. If you are lucky, you may be able to get it as soon as you land. If you are unlucky, you may not find it no matter how hard you look.

When the rules of this competition were announced, many people were dissatisfied.

Because this method of competition is so unfair, even if the people entering the small world are random, they are all people from the Zi Mansion, and an alliance will definitely form.

Since then, the proportion of personal strength has been reduced, and it is full of many unknowns.

Faced with such doubts and dissatisfaction, Donghua said three sentences:

"If you are not satisfied, you can not participate!"

"Luck is also a type of strength!"

"Being able to unite teammates is also a manifestation of strength!"

When Donghua finished speaking, everyone was speechless because what he said was so right.

In the ancient world, personal strength is important, but luck and chance are also important. If these two are insufficient, sooner or later, they will be turned into ashes.

The competition for Zifu Taiyi and below started vigorously, and some people were running around looking for teammates to see if they could enter the world in the same group.

And some people who think they are powerful just sit back and adjust their breath, waiting for their competition to begin!

The Zifu Competition is in full swing!

Donghua and Zifu's senior officials were sitting in Jingyang Palace, drinking tea and discussing Taoism, and talked about the prehistoric events in detail.

It is said that he discusses the Tao, but most of the time it is Donghua who answers people's questions about practice, and sometimes even demonstrates the Tao in person for everyone to understand.

The Haotian Mirror in front of the main hall of Jingyang Palace is playing the "prehistoric version of real-life chicken eating" in the small world in real time!

Taiyuan Emperor Fu Xu praised: "The people selected in this competition will be the best among their peers in terms of strength and luck. Everyone is worthy of vigorous training."

"Your Majesty's wisdom is as great as that of heaven, and I bow to you."

Others in the hall praised him one after another!

Taiyuan shouted in his heart: "Randeng, Randeng, you won't be here this time!"

After hearing this, Donghua laughed: "Taiyuan's mouth is really capable of speaking. These are just small wisdoms and nothing. The real great wisdom is only reflected in the path!"

Queen Mother Xi said softly: "But I think Taiyuan is right. If you don't even have small wisdom, how can you talk about great wisdom? So my brother deserves such praise."

Donghua didn't reply to these words, and his eyes slowly swept across the hall. The people here today are all powerful people in the quasi-sage realm of Zi Mansion.

Queen Mother of the West, a mid-level quasi-sage who beheaded a corpse.

Zhulong, who practices Shinto, is in the early stage of quasi-sage cultivation.

Da Si Ming, early stage cultivation of quasi-sage.

Yun Zhongjun, a quasi-sage in his early stages of cultivation.

Haotian, the latecomer comes first, the early cultivation of the quasi-sage.

The rest of them are all quasi-sages with magical power, but their Dao realm cultivation is still at the peak of Daluo, and they cannot be regarded as true quasi-sages.

"Now the battle between the two lich clans has ended. After Dao Ancestor's mediation, it is estimated that there will be no more fighting in the short term."

Donghua sighed after saying this, and then said: "Since the Lich and Lich clans will not fight again, their targets will definitely shift to other places, and our Zi Mansion will bear the brunt. This battle is unavoidable."

"Where will my Zifu go next? Can you guys teach me?"

After hearing Donghua's words, the people in the middle thought deeply. They also saw the current situation clearly.

There will definitely be a bigger war between the lichs, but before that, both sides will clean up the unstable factors, and the biggest unstable factor is Zi Mansion.

The power of the Zi Mansion has become more and more powerful. If it is ignored, the two Lich clans will not worry about fighting to the death.

Haotian said sternly: "As His Majesty said, no matter what we do, the two Lich Clan will not trust us. They will definitely fight us before the next war. We just don't know whether it will be the Monster Clan or the Witch Clan that will attack us." Take action, but I think it’s more likely that the demon clan will take action.”

The Barefoot Immortal responded: "What the Jade Emperor said is reasonable. The Wu Clan now has the upper hand. As long as they study the Dutian Formation in depth, they will be invincible. Therefore, they will not make any big moves and will only accumulate strength." ”

"Compared to the Witch Clan, our interests are more entangled with the Demon Clan Heavenly Court. Now that Heavenly Clan is defeated by the Witch Clan, Emperor Jun must make a greater breakthrough in order to deal with the next Witch Clan."

"But if he wants to improve his cultivation in a short period of time, he has only two ways to do it."

"The first method is Hongmeng Purple Qi. If Emperor Jun can obtain Hongmeng Purple Qi, and then use the Heavenly Emperor's karma to comprehend and practice, he will be able to master part of the power of heaven. Only in this way can it be possible to deal with the Wu Clan's Dutian Formation."

"The second method is luck. Heavenly Court and we are both powerful forces in the immortal world. If Emperor Jun wants to obtain more luck, his target must be our Zifu."

When the Barefoot Immortal finished speaking, everyone looked at the always carefree old Taoist in shock, as if they had met him for the first time.

Donghua was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that the Barefoot Immortal would have such an opinion. It was really extraordinary that this person could live to the next generation.

After everyone was shocked, they all said: "I agree with the words of Emperor Chiming!"

"I agree..."

Donghua also admired and said: "The Great Immortal is just silent. He has become a blockbuster. I can make more suggestions in the future to strengthen my Purple Mansion."

After hearing this, the Barefoot Immortal puffed out his big belly and laughed. Then he shook his cattail leaf fan and said slowly: "This is all the experience of the old Taoist. If you live for a long time, there is nothing you can do."

After hearing this, everyone laughed out loud, and the atmosphere was not as heavy as before.

After the laughter ended, Donghua continued: "The Great Immortal's analysis just now is very reasonable, and I agree with it, but Di Jun has another way."

Everyone wanted to look at each other and pondered again, but they still couldn't imagine what Di Jun could do.

Seeing this situation, Donghua no longer held back and explained: "The third method is the formation. The Wu Clan can study the Dutian Formation, and the Demon Clan is almost there. Do you still remember the star map of the Star Territory? ?”

"Now the Star Map is in Di Jun's hands. Last time Taiyi relied on the power of the Star Map Formation to receive an attack from Pangu's true form."

After hearing this, everyone was still puzzled. Taihua asked aloud: "Your Majesty, the Star Map Formation is nothing more than that. How can it withstand the Wu Clan's Dutian Formation?"

"Well, you are right. The Star Map Formation alone cannot be compared with the Dutian Formation, but what if we add Shenjun's Heluo Formation?"

Donghua continued: "During the last battle between the two sides, I observed carefully that the Star Map Formation and the Heluo Formation have many similarities. The two formations can be combined together."

"At that time, we will use the star map as the base of the formation to gather the power of 365 stars, and then use the river map Luoshu as the transfer point and grafting to gather the power of the stars on the river peaks."

"In this way, the two formations can be perfectly combined, and the formation can also undergo qualitative changes. However, it is unknown how powerful it will be in the end."

After hearing this, everyone frowned slightly. Although they didn't want to believe it, it seemed that it could indeed be like this. But if this happened, the strength of Heavenly Court would definitely increase greatly. Will their Zifu still have a chance to win?

Da Siming looked around and saw that everyone was in a low mood, and then he said:

"This is just His Majesty's assumption. It is still unclear whether his Emperor Jun can do it. Even if he can do it, so what? Doesn't our Zi Mansion have a big formation?"

"I hope that Emperor Jun can study it, otherwise when the time comes we use the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, which will be a bit bullying the demon clan."


With just a few words from Da Siming, the people present relaxed their emotions again and boosted everyone's confidence.

Haotian raised his head slightly and glanced at Da Siming, feeling quite complicated in his heart.

He has always been unconvinced by Da Siming. He thinks that he is stronger than Da Siming in terms of origin, cultivation, strategy, ability and other aspects.

But reality slapped him in the face after all. Being able to gain Donghua's trust was not just a matter of relationship, but also of his ability.

Looking at the emperors in the Zi Mansion today, none of them are simple. Even the good old Barefoot Immortal has a unique vision. Although he doesn't look like he wants to compete with others, his thoughts are not simple either.

Even Taiyuan's toady was a well-rounded person. Half of the people in Zifu were persuaded to join by him, and he enjoyed a high reputation among those small clans and younger generations.

"I still have a long way to go. One day, I will surpass all of you. Proving the Hunyuan is my goal!"

ps: I offer you four thousand, please vote for me!

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