The battle on the sky has been going on, Zhoutian and Dutian are constantly fighting.

The power between heaven and earth is constantly gathering, and the power of catastrophe permeates Buzhou and the heaven.

This time, Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array and Dutian Shensha Great Array have been blessed by everyone, and they have each slashed eight attacks.

And at this time, the ninth attack came!

Taiyi took the lead, and the immortal and demon bodies exerted their strength at the same time, desperately absorbing the power of the stars and the power of the Tao. Under the blessing of power, the two bodies of gods have faint cracks, and have reached a limit.

"Witch clan bastards, die!"

Donghuang Taiyi infused all his power into the Chaos Bell, and the two powers of immortals and demons merged, and the Chaos Bell swelled in the wind.

The sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire and wind surrounded the Chaos Bell outside, and the bell seemed to have mountains, rivers, land, and all the tribes of the ancient world hidden in it.

The three thousand great laws of the avenues surrounded it, forming a repressive force, and time and space were twisted by it. Under the bell, the avenues did not exist, forming the world of the Chaos Bell.

As the Chaos Bell fell, the infinite repressive force suppressed Pangu's true body and made it difficult to move.

It seemed that the witch clan was about to be defeated!

Seeing this, Dijiang became ruthless and spit out a mouthful of real blood. Other ancestor witches did the same, and then frantically absorbed the turbid air of the earth and gathered towards Pangu's true body.

Pangu's true body finally broke free from the suppression of the Chaos Bell, and his figure was blood red, and even the axe of creation in his hand was blood red.

At this time, after receiving such a power, Pangu's true body directly rose from the ground, waving the axe, and finally chopped out the ninth axe.

When the axe came out, the space was empty, the avenues did not exist, the world collapsed, and the earth, fire, water and wind evolved in the world, as if the world was reopened and chaos returned.

In the sky, Pangu's true body finally collided with the Chaos Bell. No one could describe the light at this moment, as if only this dazzling white light was left in the world.

At the same time, the four sacred beasts of heaven and earth also showed their figures and began to suppress the scattered heaven and earth and summarize the power of the four spirits.

Pangu's true body and the Chaos Bell clashed in the sky. After a simple collision between the two, the Chaos Bell pierced through the true body and then fell straight down.

Pangu's true body also passed through the Chaos Bell, then leaped up to the sky and chopped Taiyi fiercely with an axe.

Then, with undiminished sharpness, he rushed up again, and the remaining power gently chopped on the star gods in the sky.

Just this light axe broke the Zhoutian Xingdou formation. I don't know how many star gods died under this axe. Four of the ten great demon saints were killed in an instant, and two of them had just taken office not long ago, which was miserable.

On the earth, the Chaos Bell fell from the sky, like a millstone that destroys the world, suppressing it and instantly breaking the Dutian formation. Eleven ancestor witches and many great witches were knocked to the ground.

The ancestor witch of lightning, Xizi, and the ancestor witch of thunder, Qiangliang, who were in the center of the Chaos Bell, were suppressed in the Chaos Bell, and their lives and deaths were unknown.

Some great witches around were shaken by the sound of the bell, and instantly turned into a ball of blood mist, dissipated on Buzhou, and their bodies and souls were destroyed.

The earth, fire, water and wind continued to evolve, and the Xun wind swept the sky, making a sound of mournful roars, as if telling the tragic war.

The blood of the gods flowed down from the heavens, mixed with the Yuan water, and fell on the earth like a heavy rain.

The witch blood on Buzhou slowly flowed in the mountain stream, making a sound of spring water dripping.

Several ancestor witches struggled to stand up and looked at the Chaos Bell not far away. Dijiang ignored his own injuries and came to the outside of the Chaos Bell in a flash.

One punch, two punches, constantly bombarding the Chaos Bell, trying to break the suppressing force.

But it was useless!

Because at this moment, the Chaos Bell was attached with the power of Hunyuan, how could Dijiang break it at this time.

Houtu on the side hurriedly stopped Dijiang and shouted angrily: "Are you going to shock them to death in there?"

As the voice fell, Dijiang seemed to understand, and looked at the demons in the sky with hatred.

At this time, Taiyi also slowly stood up, the injury on his chest did not heal, and drops of Golden Crow blood dripped down. When it fell from the sky, it instantly turned into a small sun.

"Are you heartbroken, Dijiang?"

Taiyi's body swayed, but he ignored the injury and laughed wildly.

"Di Jiang, do you feel the pain of losing your brother? Don't you want to destroy my Heavenly Palace? Come on, I am standing here, come and kill me! Do you dare?"

Di Jiang was confused by anger at this moment, and just wanted to rush up to the sky to kill Taiyi, even if they both died, it would not matter.

But at this time, two people woke up, that is, Hou Tu and Xuan Ming, one stood on the earth, feeling the veins of the earth.

The grief from the Father God also moved her state of mind, sobering her up from the calamity.

And Xuan Ming, the ancestor of rain, also woke up at the moment when the heavy rain fell.

"Brother, withdraw the troops. We can't fight anymore. If we continue, our witch clan will be finished!"

Di Jiang said angrily: "Impossible, absolutely impossible. Today I must destroy the demon clan and Taiyi."

Xuan Ming said sadly: "Do you want to destroy the demon clan and the hegemony in your heart without caring about the lives of the fifth and sixth brothers? They are still suppressed under the Chaos Bell."

As soon as these words came out, it was like a stick that woke up Di Jiang and other ancestor witches. They looked at the Chaos Bell not far away. At this moment, the influence of the calamity began to decrease.

Several people can finally think about the problem normally.

"Brother, withdraw the troops. If we continue to fight, we will really be finished. Don't forget that in addition to the demon clan, there is also the Purple Mansion watching covetously."

Hou Tu had no choice but to use Zifu as an excuse, but this really worked.

As soon as these words came out, Di Jiang completely woke up. Looking at the fierce battle in the field, his eyes also turned red. Although he wanted to achieve hegemony, he definitely didn't want to exchange his brothers' lives for it.

Such a throne is better off not having it!

Perhaps, this is the witch clan, this is the ancestor witch, this is Di Jiang.

"Taiyi, remove the Chaos Bell, and end it here!"

Donghuang Taiyi was injured by the axe of the sky, and his injuries have not healed. I don't know how much combat power he has.

But no matter how much combat power he has, he is not forgiving at all.

"I am the Emperor Taiyi of Heaven, remember my name, this will become your nightmare!"

After Taiyi finished speaking, he raised his hand and summoned, and the Chaos Bell rose from the ground and turned into a small bell in his hand.

The two ancestor witches of thunder and lightning who were suppressed in the Chaos Bell were completely in a coma at this time, and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

This battle ended here. Both sides fought without holding back. They used all their skills.

But in the end, it seemed that there was no winner or loser. No one won, or it could be said that both lost.

Because only Zifu won!

It can be said that he won without fighting. It was really a time when heaven and earth were united. It was like divine help. It was wonderful.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi laughed loudly, stroked his beard and said: "Congratulations to Brother Donghua. After this battle, Zifu will be completely invincible in the world. Wulich will no longer be an opponent. The road to the great road will be smooth!"

Hongyun on the side also smiled but did not say anything, but he could see his happiness from his eyebrows, because he really hoped that Donghua could succeed.

But Donghua was very calm at this moment, not happy with things, not sad with himself.

To say that he was happy, he was indeed very happy. After all, the two races of Wulich fought to the death, and he must be the one who benefited.

But to say how happy he was, it seemed that he was not that happy. It seemed that there was a faint sadness.

Because at this moment, he seemed to understand what responsibility is. With his eyes slightly closed, he felt the rhythm of the ancient world. He felt the sadness of the world.

Donghua tapped his thighs with his ten fingers casually, as if there was no pattern, but it seemed to be full of extremely profound rules.

Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi on the side didn't understand, but they stopped talking, just looked at Donghua quietly, and began to protect the law.

At this moment, Donghua seemed to fall into an unknown state. His heart was calm in the rhythm of heaven and earth, carefully feeling every little change.

The sound from the beating of heaven and earth kept ringing in his ears. He wanted to knock out these rhythms, but he couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

At this moment, the three thousand avenues in Donghua's body automatically operated, arranged together in an extremely incredible combination, and finally formed the power of rules.


Donghua felt that rhythm and seemed to understand. Isn't the rhythm of heaven and earth the rules of heaven and earth?

And aren't the rules of heaven and earth the power of heaven?

"The power of Heavenly Dao!"

At this moment, the Heavenly Book in Donghua's body automatically emerged, along with Heavenly Dao.

And Zhen Yuanzi's Earthly Book also flew out uncontrollably, hovering beside Donghua, connecting to the power of Earthly Dao.

The two powers of Heaven and Earth appeared together!

Donghua felt that he was in a very special state at the moment, which was hard to explain.

He could appear anywhere in the prehistoric world with a thought, and change the landforms of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas with a thought.

"What is the power of Heavenly Dao rules?"

"Does it mean that the manifestation of Heavenly Dao power is the power of Heavenly Dao rules?"

Donghua couldn't figure it out. The Shinto practiced the power of rules, but that was the power of the rules of the Great Dao, which converted the power of the law into the power of rules, forming the power of rules of a certain Dao.

But the power of Heaven and Earth rules comes from the power of Heaven and Earth, from the power of Dao.

"Hongmeng has Dao, and God is the same as Dao!"

"Since God is a manifestation of rules, then the acquired Shinto should be born!"

Donghua opened his eyes, grabbed a peach on the table and threw it out.

There was no power of the Great Dao, no great magical power, it was simply thrown out.

But the moment the peach was thrown out, it changed instantly, and an unknown force of rules surrounded it, and it instantly turned into a mountain and fell into a mountain range in Wanshou Mountain.

"Good tricks!"

Zhen Yuanzi, who was clapping his hands on the side, praised that using peaches to turn into a mountain, or creating a mountain out of thin air, was nothing to them.

But it was really a very difficult trick to want the heaven and earth to evolve a peach mountain naturally.

Donghua smiled and said softly: "How about you attack this peach mountain?"

Zhen Yuanzi was skeptical, but he still threw a punch casually, and the punch landed on the peach mountain, but did not stir up a bit of dust.

This scene was not to be believed by Zhen Yuanzi, nor by Hongyun. After all, wouldn't it be easy for Zhen Yuanzi to destroy a small mountain with a casual blow?

Zhen Yuanzi attacked again, unconvinced. This time, he used all his strength, and used the Great Dao of Earth and the Great Dao of Wood at the same time. The power of the Dao condensed into a palm print and fell on Taoshan.

And on Taoshan, golden chains began to flow, forming divine patterns in some unknown order.

The two forces converged and collided continuously.

When the dust settled, Taoshan was still as solid as a rock, without any damage, but a layer of earth mist was stirred up.

Hongyun on the side also attacked in disbelief, but the final result was the same as Zhen Yuanzi.

The two widened their eyes, as if they were doubting their own strength. Finally, they looked at Donghua in disbelief, wanting to know why.

Donghua smiled and said, "Two Taoist friends, don't doubt your own strength. There is no problem at all."

"This Peach Mountain looks simple, but it is not simple at all. It is transformed by the power of the rules of heaven and earth. The two Taoist friends are indeed very powerful, but how can they destroy the heaven and earth?"

"Because Peach Mountain is the heaven and earth!"

As soon as Donghua finished speaking, he grabbed it casually, and the Peach Mountain cracked, slowly rose, and flew straight towards Donghua. When it arrived at Wuzhuang Temple, it had turned into a spiritual peach. He stretched out his hand to grab the spiritual peach and took a bite gently.

"Well, not bad, sweet, the spiritual peach of Wanshou Mountain is also unique, Taoist friends are really lucky!"

Zhen Yuanzi: ··

Really good at pretending!


ps: Brothers, monthly tickets, hehe!

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