Shouyang Mountain, located in the eastern part of the prehistoric world, is not just a mountain, but like a piece of heaven and earth, with undulating mountains and endless stretches.

Donghua arranged all the human race at the foot of Shouyang Mountain and began to settle and reproduce along the undulating mountains.

Among the human race, only the three thousand people created by Nuwa have the cultivation of immortals, and the rest of the later people have cultivation below the immortals.

And this kind of cultivation is no different from that of mortals in the prehistoric world today.

Moreover, the human race has no innate inheritance, and it is useless to have cultivation, just like a blank piece of paper, waiting for someone to paint on it.

Donghua is the first person to paint!

During this time in Shouyang Mountain, Donghua explained the great way to the human race, taught the Zifu immortal way, and survival experience, which can be regarded as teaching the human race the most basic things.

Fuxi is also very dedicated to the human race, explaining the great way and slowly imparting various theoretical knowledge.

Shouyang Mountain, Bailian Cave, Jingyang Palace!

Donghua and Fuxi sat and chatted, drinking tea and discussing the Dao. This was a rare opportunity for Donghua to relax, after all, there would be a series of battles next.

Although the two tribes of witches and liches now seem to be on the decline, it is definitely not that simple. This is the foundation of countless Yuanhui. Think about why the two tribes of witches and liches in the future can be defeated and withdraw from the prehistoric world together.

It's because these two tribes are ruthless!

When the two tribes fought to the end, the eleven ancestor witches and Dijun Taiyi and others all self-destructed and launched suicidal attacks, and no one let anyone have an easy time.

And he was worried that Zifu would encounter this situation. If he didn't handle it well, he might fall. After all, he was not a real Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

So he must respect the strength of the two tribes of witches and liches. This is also the reason why he didn't launch a general attack at the beginning, because he was afraid of forcing the two tribes too hard.

If so, even if Zifu won this battle, it would be a miserable victory. Perhaps this is also the result that Sanqing and others want to see.

"Daoyou Fuxi, do you still remember our conversation on the top of the Zifu Continent?"

Fuxi smiled, picked up a cup of Dahongpao tea, took a sip, and said slowly:

"I will never forget it, because that is my original intention, my Tao, and my pursuit."

Donghua waved his folding fan and said, "That's good, that's good. My Zifu still has an emperor who rules all spirits, and is still waiting for Daoyou."

Donghua initially pulled Fuxi into the group to reduce the strength of the Heavenly Court and increase the strength of the Zifu, but now it is because it is suitable.

If Zifu wants to rule the prehistoric world, the universe, and thousands of races in the future, it must not avoid a race, that is, the demon race!

Many of the myriad races today are already in name only, and some are only the demon race. All creatures that can be transformed can be demons.

Thinking about the number of demon races in the future, although there is nothing very promising, they can't stand the huge base number. As long as the world exists, the demon race will not die.

That’s why we need an emperor who can rule all spirits, or the emperor who can rule the demon race.

And besides Emperor Jun and Taiyi, only Fuxi can take on the role, and only Fuxi can do this position well, not even the demon master Kunpeng.

After all, the name of the Green Emperor is not called for nothing.

Fuxi felt very relieved and happy when he heard Donghua’s words, because the current Zifu would not affect the unification of the prehistoric world with or without him.

But Donghua’s attitude really touched him, and he stood up and said: "Thanks to fellow Taoist for not abandoning me, Fuxi is willing to enter the Zifu, establish a heart for the world, establish an order for the coexistence of all races, and establish a prehistoric world that belongs to us."

After speaking, Fuxi bowed and bowed deeply!

"Your Majesty, Fuxi greets you!"

This bow established the status of the monarch and the minister, and the general trend of the Zifu!

Donghua accepted the gift, then stood up and helped Fuxi up and said, "We are fellow Taoists and confidants. Although we have the title of monarch and subject, we are not the monarch and subject in reality. In the future, you must not call me Your Majesty, just call me fellow Taoist!"

Fuxi shook his head and said, "The monarch is the monarch, the subject is the subject, and the public and private are clearly distinguished. This is my principle of life. There is no need to discuss it."

Donghua laughed and said no more. After all, the face was given in place. As for whether you want to cover it or not, that is your business.

The two sat down again, and Fuxi directly asked about Zifu's current plan.

"Your Majesty, I wonder what Zifu is planning now, how to deal with the two tribes of witches and demons?"

Donghua did not hide it and said directly: "Zifu has pacified the East, and now it has completely accepted and established the East. The next step is the witch tribe in the south and the north. Then we will directly send troops to Buzhou and wipe out the witch tribe with thunder."

"Ascend Buzhou, then go to heaven to fight the demon tribe, pacify the three realms, and reach the peak."

After hearing this, Fuxi nodded in approval and praised: "Your Majesty is ambitious. This plan is simple, but it is very difficult to do. Since the opening of the prehistoric world, no force has been able to truly do it. Maybe Zifu will be the first one. "

"But I have something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"It's okay, please say it!"

Fuxi pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, although it can be determined in one battle to encircle the Central Buzhou from the four directions of the southeast, northwest and northeast, it will also cut off the path of the two tribes of witches and demons. The war will be extremely brutal, and it can be said to be a battle of life and death."

"The brutality of this war will definitely exceed the war between the three tribes in the past, so is it necessary for us in Zifu to do so desperately?"

"There are fifty great ways, forty-nine heavens, and one of them is escaping, which represents vitality and variables."

Donghua thought for a moment and asked:

"You mean we open up?"

Fuxi nodded solemnly, that's what he meant, leaving a space for the lich to escape.

As long as the Zi Mansion is firmly established in the world and slowly annihilates the remaining forces, or in other words, surrenders, after all, the chances of surrendering will still be very high at that time, and it will not be like it is now.

In fact, Donghua understands this truth, but what he is afraid of is not the two escaped lich clans, but whether this will affect his practice of the Tao and the realization of Hunyuan.

In other words, this will not affect your ability to achieve Hunyuan, but it may affect your ability to achieve the position of Emperor of Heaven.

If the time comes when the judgment of heaven fails and he cannot achieve the status of emperor of heaven, who will he go to for reasoning?

Immediately, Donghua revealed all his worries. In fact, there was nothing to hide, because he was now acting in a dignified way, and he was a serious conspiracy.

Fuxi was silent and thoughtful, and after a while he shook his head and said: "I think your Majesty has overthought this matter. Your Majesty's way is to practice the imperial way and achieve your understanding of the imperial way. Does it matter whether you can unify the ancient world?"

"I even think that as long as we take care of Dongfang carefully, build Dongfang well, and form a complete order, then His Majesty can achieve Hunyuan!"

After hearing this, Donghua seemed to understand. It seemed that he had indeed reached a point where he could prove the Hunyuan with the imperial way. Is it really necessary to unify the ancient world to implement his ideas?

Maybe it’s really not necessary!

Now that the Great Dao is complete, I already possess the power of Hunyuan. All that is missing is the time and space to prove my concept. Just like Nuwa used the Great Dao of Creation to create humans, she mediates the creation to the extreme and realizes the Hunyuan Dao in an instant.

As for whether the human race created by creation will be born or destroyed, does it matter?

It doesn't matter, because as long as the human race is born, it will be fine.

Of course, this is just an example. It doesn't mean that the human race is unimportant, it just means that the current human race can no longer affect Nuwa's strength.

Two rays of light shone in Donghua's eyes, and at this moment, he suddenly became enlightened.

"Thank you fellow Taoist for your guidance, Donghua is deeply grateful!"

Fuxi smiled and did not accept the gift.

"Your Majesty is a fan of the authorities, and I am a bystander. After all, it is a matter of enlightenment. How dare you be careless? No matter how careful you are, you can't be too careful."

Donghua laughed, filled a cup of tea for Fuxi himself, and the two began to play chess and chat.

At this moment, a person ran in from outside, it was the Emperor's family.

"What's the matter?"

The Emperor of Heaven saluted and said, "Teacher Qi, Master Qingdi, Suiren has created a brand-new fire, and I would like you, Teacher, to have a look."

"Brand new fire?"

Donghua was confused, then looked at Shou Yang with his spiritual mind, and instantly understood what happened.

"Let's go and have a look!"

He grabbed the Emperor's family and arrived at the foot of Shouyang Mountain, where many human beings were watching something.

"See the teacher, Lord Qingdi!"

Donghua waved his hand and said, "No need to be polite!"

"Sui Renshi, let me see what happens if you use the fire you created."

Although he already had a guess in his mind, Donghua still wanted to confirm.

Suiren then released the flame of his creation. As soon as it was released, it felt like an ordinary flame, with no difference.

However, if you experience it carefully, you can find that it contains infinite power, vitality is manifested, and creation is immeasurable. All human beings evolve on it, all things are transformed, and nothing is unburned, just like the divine fire of creation.

But it is completely different from Nuwa's divine fire of creation, because it is a fire of civilization, a flame of the human race.

"Sure enough, the flame belonging to the human race was born in this way. Although it is not made by drilling wood to make fire, it is indeed unique and has strong growth potential. The human race is truly unique."

Donghua understood after seeing it that although the fire of civilization today is very weak and can only be used to ignite wood, its growth potential is definitely strong.

Don't underestimate the fact that it can only ignite wood. You also have to look at where the wood is. If you put ordinary wood in some small worlds, it will be a natural treasure. This is not an exaggeration at all.

"Very good, very good. You have lived up to our teachings. In just three thousand years, you can create a flame belonging to your human race. It's really good!" Donghua also praised him.

Suiren jumped with excitement after hearing this. After all, this was a compliment from the teacher, and it was a compliment from a person who was about to attain Hunyuan in the future.

After calming down, he said excitedly: "Do you want the teacher to name this fire?"

"Fire is the beginning of all things. When the heaven and earth first opened, there was the evolution of earth, fire, water and wind. Fire is the second thing to be born, after the earth, which shows its importance."

"And when you, the human race, were born, you were just like the newly opened world. When civilization began, you were the fire of civilization. I also hope that you, the human race, can be like this fire, with infinite vitality and infinite possibilities, okay?"

After listening to this, several people were extremely excited and felt that what Donghua said was so good. This was also the greatest encouragement to them.

"Thank you teacher, I am grateful!"

Donghua waved his hand and said, "Why thank me? Fire was created by you and has nothing to do with me. This is your ability and your achievement."

Suiren said quickly: "When the human race was born, Our Lady happened to be practicing in seclusion and stabilizing her state. Without the guidance of teachers and Master Qingdi, how could we be where we are today, how could the fire of civilization be born."

Donghua smiled and said nothing more. Instead, he sat on the ground, asked everyone to sit down with him, and started chatting with these human beings.

There are profound avenues, principles of life, ancient gossip, everything is talked about, and the scenes are full of laughter and laughter, as if Donghua is a member of the human race.

Fuxi on the side saw this scene and became more determined in his thoughts.

"This is my ideal Emperor of Heaven!"

ps: The second chapter is a little late, I just finished it, sorry for that.

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