Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 234: The situation in the wild, the thoughts of the lich

Although the prehistoric period could not be said to be peaceful and beautiful at this time, overall it was indeed peaceful for tens of thousands of years. Both the Lich clan and the Zi Mansion were quietly developing their power and improving their strength.

The entire prehistoric world appears to be very harmonious, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that under this harmony, there is a bigger storm, a storm that can sweep across the entire prehistoric world, and it is unknown how many living beings will die by then.

In the heaven, Taiyi and the ten demon saints were sitting in the Temple of the Sun, negotiating important matters.

The only pity is that there are only four of the ten demon saints of the first generation alive, and the rest have died in several battles and returned to the embrace of the great road. No one knows when they will return!

However, the base of the Monster Clan is too large. It is easy to make up the top ten Demon Saints. After all, the Monster Clan today is still the overlord of heaven and earth, the ruler of heaven and starry sky. The future generations are so difficult, so naturally there are many masters.

"You all tell me, what should we do about the human race? Should we take action?"

Taiyi sat on the throne, the sun and moon essence wheels behind him rotated, and the whole body exuded a terrifying aura. He looked like he should not be approached by strangers, which made people shudder.

The ten demon saints in the main hall looked at Taiyi respectfully, looking very humble, or in other words, very afraid, fear was greater than respect!

After Taiyi finished speaking, the entire hall was still quiet, and no one dared to discuss it casually. Only Bai Ze, the Prime Minister of Heaven, stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, no matter whether this news is true or false, we should restrict the development of the human race. Since the birth of the human race, in just two Yuanhui times, it has already reached such a scale."

"In terms of population, it has almost caught up with our demon race. Although the overall strength is far behind, the human race was created by the saints. It has unlimited potential and is cared for by the saints. It is really a serious problem for us and we have to guard against it!"

Taiyi nodded slightly on the throne. Bai Ze's words were in line with what he was thinking. He looked at the other demon saints and wanted to hear their opinions. After all, this matter was very big and related to the entire demon clan. and heaven.

None of the other Demon Saints spoke first, especially the new Demon Saints. They all represented a race in the Demon Clan, and involved a lot of interests and things to consider. No one was willing to do so until the purpose of Taiyi was clear.

The veteran demon saint Feidan stood up and said: "Your Majesty, now that the Zi Mansion is the only one, we and the Wu Clan are weak. We should not make more enemies at this time, not to mention that the human race was created by Emperor Wa, and they should be our natural allies. , not the enemy, please think twice, Your Majesty and everyone.”

Feidan's words were very reasonable, and he got the support of several demon saints in an instant. After all, using human souls and flesh to refine spiritual treasures sounded unreliable. With Donghua's current strength, how could a spiritual treasure be made from a spiritual treasure? It can be restrained, even innate treasures don't have this kind of power.

The hall was instantly divided into two factions, one supporting and one opposing, but there was no quarrel. They just expressed their opinions and then focused on Taiyi who was on the throne.

Taiyi looked at everyone. In fact, he didn't care about this news. He only believed in his own strength and the Chaos Clock whether he could deal with Donghua. He didn't care about anything else.

His real purpose is to cause a massacre in the ancient world and increase the intensity of the calamity!

"Everyone, I will go to Saint Nuwa to see what her opinions are. If she does not participate in the affairs of the human race, then the matter will be handled according to the wishes of Prime Minister Bai Ze, restricting the development of the human race and collecting their money. Soul, refine the spirit treasure, and deal with Donghua. If Saint Nuwa objects, then let this matter go. What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other. Some people were obviously unwilling, but also very helpless. In the end, they could only stand up and said: "We will obey your Majesty's order!"

"Okay, then you go down and make preparations. I will go to Chaos Taisutian!"

As Taiyi left, the hall suddenly became lively. At this time, everyone spoke one after another and started discussing with each other.

Demon Saint Feidan came to Bai Ze and said angrily: "Bai Ze, why do you have such an opinion? If you do this, you will harm the demon clan and the heaven. You have ulterior motives!"

Bai Ze looked at Feidan, sighed, and shook his head, but without saying anything, he went straight out of the Sun Temple and headed towards his mansion.

Several veteran demon saints in the hall immediately walked out of the hall and headed towards Bai Ze's mansion.

"Brother, what are you thinking about this matter? You are Bai Ze who is the best at seeking good luck and avoiding evil, and listening to the sounds of the world. Even I don't think this is right. How could you make such a choice? "After arriving at the mansion, Fei Dan lost the anger before and looked at Bai Ze calmly and said.

Bai Ze smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "Your Majesty has made up his mind on this matter. He has discussed it with me before. I strongly opposed it at the time, but it was of no use. The people in the hall can only follow His Majesty's wishes. Come and do it!”

"But why is this? Why does His Majesty do this? Does he really believe that human flesh and soul can deal with Donghua? Isn't this nonsense?" Shang Yang said angrily. He really couldn't understand the purpose of such a decision. .

Feitan shook his head and said: "His Majesty is no longer the high-spirited Donghuang he used to be. He has changed. I don't even recognize him anymore. He is so strange. Facing him, I feel like I am facing a ferocious beast." , chilling!”

"Do you feel the same way?"

Shang Yang's eyes widened and he looked at Feidan in disbelief. Then he looked at Bai Ze and Yingzhao and found that they all had the same expression.

"It seems that something else really happened to His Majesty, otherwise we wouldn't all feel this way." Bai Ze sighed.

He only felt why the Demon Clan was in so much trouble. He was originally passionate and wanted to do something for the Demon Clan and Heaven, but the events that happened one after another in Heaven made his heart feel cold again.

Feidan said worriedly: "Brother, we can't let the Heavenly Family become lonely. If this continues, there is a real danger of annihilation of the race. If we are not careful, the Monster Clan Heavenly Family will cease to exist."

"The Demon Clan and Heavenly Court were established by us and grew up in our hands. It is really not easy to get to where we are now step by step. This is our hard work!"

Bai Ze sighed again. He had sighed many times today. His eyes were full of helplessness. Then he stood up, put his hands behind his back, his eyes stayed on the ancient land, and said slowly:

"Your Majesty doesn't listen to my persuasion at all. I have given up and let him go. Maybe the Demon Clan Heavenly Palace will be destroyed, and I will be free. It's not a bad thing to be a free and auspicious beast of heaven and earth!"

Several people looked at the frustrated Bai Ze and felt their hearts pinched, as if a heavy hammer had hit their hearts.

"Yes, from the day His Majesty Emperor Jun became a Taoist, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court should have ceased to exist. It is indeed time for us to wake up from our dreams!"

Shang Yang, who had always been taciturn, suddenly spoke, and after finishing speaking, he walked out of Baize Mansion lonely.

He is a follower of Di Jun. He has followed Di Jun since he was Taiyi, and now he is really discouraged.

"It's really time to wake up from the dream!"

After Yingzhao finished speaking, he also stood up and left!

Bai Ze and Feidan were the only ones left in the main hall, and they didn't speak for a long time.

Perhaps from this time on, the demon clan's heaven exists in name only, and everyone is at odds with Taiyi.

Buzhou Mountain, Pangu Hall!

Di Jiang looked at the brothers who were sitting down and felt very helpless in his heart. The longer the Zi Mansion did not take action, the longer the delay was, and the conflicts within the witch court gradually emerged.

After all, the Wu tribe has a large population and now only has territory in the north and the center. The Gonggong tribe in the north has gradually withdrawn, so everyone in the Wu tribe lives in the central Buzhou Mountain.

Various conflicts would break out among the major tribes. Sometimes fights would break out just over a prey. One time, the fight actually came to the ancestral witch. It was really outrageous!

This time, everyone was called to a meeting to discuss how to respond next. However, the meeting had been held for a long time, and the opinions were still not unified.

Looking at the quarreling brothers, Di Jiang said impatiently: "Okay, don't argue anymore. Since we can't make a decision, let's see what the demon clan does. If the demon clan takes action, we will take action. If If the demon clan doesn’t take action, we won’t take action either, how about that?”

Hearing this, Xuan Ming quickly stood up and said: "Brother, you really can't do anything, we are different from the demon clan."

"Many of our tribesmen have intermarryed with human tribes and formed new tribes. It can be said that you are one of us, and you are one of me. How can you massacre the human race? This will really make you lose the heart of the tribe."

"Besides, does the eldest brother really believe that one can deal with Donghua with just one spiritual treasure? This is simply impossible. Don't we still know that state? Why do we do it knowing that we can't do it?"

Di Jiang was speechless by these words. He had never thought that his sister Xuan Ming could be so eloquent.

"Because we can't afford to lose. Even if there is a slight possibility, I don't want to give up. The Wu Clan can't lose, not to anyone, not even the saints!" Di Jiang looked at Xuan Ming with his sharp eyes and said word by word. .

But instead of moving Xuan Ming, these words made him even more excited.

"Why can't the Wu Clan afford to lose? When we were weak, we were oppressed by the three tribes, beaten to the doorstep by the Western Demon Clan, and suppressed and beaten by the Monster Clan. Why can't we afford to lose? Since the creation of the world by Father God, which ethnic group has Undefeated?"

"Besides, we are witches, indomitable witches. Why do we use this method to win? If the human race really has nothing to do with us, then that's it. But now many human tribes have allied with us, and the blood of the two races is mixed. Once we massacre the human race, how will you let these people deal with it?”

At this point, Xuan Ming became even more excited and shouted at Di Jiang: "Brother, wake up. Look at what you have become now. Confused by desire and obsession, filled with calamity, you are almost nothing." You're on your own."

After Xuan Ming's words fell, there was silence in Pangu Palace, and a needle could be heard. The other ancestral witches looked at the two of them, but most of their eyes stayed on Di Jiang, wondering what Di Jiang's choice would be.

But at this time, Di Jiang seemed to have lost all strength, leaning on the emperor's chair, looking at Xuan Ming in shock, and in his peripheral vision, he could see the expectations of the other brothers.

He felt abandoned by the whole world, and a feeling of powerlessness came over him.

"Is this how you see me?"

A hoarse and choking voice sounded in the hall, and Di Jiang looked at the ancestral wizards.

Several ancestral witches wanted to say something, but in the end nothing came out.

"Why do you think I am fighting? Is it really just for the illusory position of Emperor of Heaven? Is it really just to deal with Donghua?"

"Let me tell you, then you are too underestimated me, Di Jiang. Who am I? I am the eldest son of Father God, the first demon god in the world born from the blood of Father God, and the Space Ancestral Witch!"

Di Jiang stood up angrily, looking down at the audience with an imposing manner, overwhelming the entire Pangu Hall. A Pangu Dharma loomed behind him, and chaos and heaven and earth were evolving in it.

From this point, it can be seen that Di Jiang has broken through to the pinnacle of quasi-sage!

"Even if I want to seize the position of Emperor of Heaven, I will only rely on my own ability and the ability of the Wu clan to fight for it. I will fight against Taiyi and Donghua!"

"Victory, my witch court is overpowering the ancient world!"

"Defeat, my Emperor Jiang will die!"

"No complaints at all!"

Hearing this, Zhu Rong stood up excitedly and said, "Brother, I..."

But before he finished speaking, he was stopped by Zhu Jiuyin, and then he asked: "Brother, since we have finished talking today, let me ask a few more questions."

"I don't know what brother is thinking, but now we have no chance of winning against Shang Zi Mansion. Why do we have to compete with them?"

"It's not that I, Zhu Jiuyin, am afraid of death, Zifu and Donghua, but it's really not worth it. This is a war that I can't see winning, a war that can kill all the sons of my Wu clan. ”

"If our Witch Clan really has a chance of winning, even just a little bit,"

"At the beginning, we opposed the Demon Clan Heavenly Court because we couldn't stand the Demon Clan, and we didn't agree with the ideas of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi. We wanted to use the Demon Clan to rule the world, but a group of furry and armored people who turned into wet eggs actually wanted to get involved with the Father God. The world created is a wishful thinking!”

"But now Zifu's deeds in the east and south, as well as Donghua's concept of establishing the heart of heaven and earth, the integration of all races, all becoming one family, and all being transformed by God the Father, I agree, and they are indeed smarter than us, regardless of In terms of strength, courage, methods, etc., I admire him."

After Zhu Jiuyin finished speaking, he looked at Di Jiang, wanting to know what the other party was thinking.

But Di Jiang remained unmoved. He looked at the people in the hall and said slowly:

"I know that many brothers think so. We in the Wu Clan are not afraid of death, but we don't want to die in such a meaningless way, and we don't want to die for a war with no chance of winning!"

Having said this, Di Jiang glanced at the people in the hall again. He could see from everyone's eyes that they all thought so.

"I agree with what my second brother just said. Even if our Wu Clan wins, I, Di Jiang, admit that I can't do what Donghua is like. But why do I still insist on fighting for world domination?"

"Because we Wu Clan have no choice, we have no choice!"

The sharp voice rang out in the hall, and its aura was overwhelming, causing several ancestral wizards to frown.

"Brother, why is this?" Zhu Rong asked in confusion.

Di Jiang sat down again and sighed: "Because if we, the Wu Clan, want to prove the Tao, we can only rely on luck, and we can only do so by fighting for hegemony in the world. There is no other way!"

"Because we don't cultivate the soul, we only cultivate the law and the true body. In this way, there can't be too many avenues to practice. Once there are too many, there will be problems with the true body."

"My little sister is a lesson learned from the past. The reason why she has been unable to break through to the peak is because her true body and turbid energy have restricted her breakthrough on the Great Path of Reincarnation. Otherwise, she would have broken through to the peak long ago, or even higher. How could she wait until now to be able to break through to the Quasi-Saint level? peak."

"So if we want to prove the Hunyuan Dao, we can only rely on the luck of the Emperor Dao and fight for hegemony. The rest are dead ends and dead ends. If we want to rely on a single Dao to prove the Dao, it is too difficult, so difficult for people despair!"

Hearing this, the people in the hall fell silent, because they have not yet come into contact with this level. At present, most of their cultivation levels are in the quasi-sage stage, and they are in the moment of bravery and radicalness. They have not yet felt the difficulty of their cultivation. The feeling of breakthrough.

Others didn't know it, but Zhu Jiuyin felt it. After breaking through to the late stage of quasi-sage, his cultivation level was as fast as a turtle. He was no longer as brave and radical as before. This was still the fate of Wu Ting. hour.

At this moment, they all understood Di Jiang's thoughts.

"As for why we must target the human race, it's because they are too terrifying. This acquired race created by Nuwa and Donghua, a race with the title of humanity, has great potential, especially the three emperors of the human race and The potential of each of the first few people born is not as small as ours, and there is a saint named Nuwa behind the human race!"

"If my guess is correct, the human race was born to replace the two Lich clans. Donghua's ambition is really great. He must have reached an agreement with Nuwa, otherwise the human race would not have been born."

Having said this, Di Jiang sighed helplessly and said: "And just when I broke through to the pinnacle of quasi-sage, I felt something in my heart. I swam in the long river of time and space and saw the human race occupying the prehistoric era and becoming the most powerful race in the world."

"Although this is just a situation that may happen in the future, it also indirectly shows that the human race is also our enemy, a powerful enemy that has not yet grown up, so now is the best time to destroy them!"

"This is also the reason why I must decide the outcome with the Yao Clan and Zi Mansion. Brothers, I have said this. You can decide the rest of the matter, whether it is war or peace. I will listen to you."

After finishing speaking, Di Jiang left Pangu Hall and walked alone on Buzhou Mountain, slowly climbing to the top and overlooking the entire prehistoric continent.

In fact, he did not tell the ancestral witches that he saw not only the human race dominating the ancient world, but also hundreds of millions of shamans laying dead bodies, and the twelve ancestral witches dying and self-destructing.

“How can we change this?

"Donghua, are you really invincible?"

"I don't believe it, I don't believe you don't have weaknesses. The new Dutian will be waiting for you. Then we will see who is stronger and who is weaker!"

At this time, the hall fell into silence, and no one spoke.

"If there is nothing wrong with what the elder brother said, then I support a war, even if the path of life and death disappears, I will not hesitate. After all, if you can't attain enlightenment, there is no point in remaining in the world!" Zu Wu Ping left after saying this. Went to Pangu Hall.

"Then let's fight. I just don't want to die in vain, but if it's a matter of proving the Tao and the Wu clan, it doesn't matter if I die!"

Since the last battle, Zhu Rong doesn't want to fight Zi Mansion anymore. To be precise, he doesn't want to continue fighting with Zi Mansion for hegemony. It's not that he is really afraid of Zi Mansion. Now it's about enlightenment, and Zhu Rong has the unshirkable responsibility!

Although the remaining ancestral witches did not speak, it could be seen from their eyes that they had been persuaded by Di Jiang and were willing to fight, even if it meant fighting to the death, they were not afraid!

The hearts of the Wu clan were once again united by Di Jiang, and all Donghua's previous actions were in vain.

It cannot be said that it was in vain. After all, it planted a seed in everyone's hearts. As long as it is a seed, it will take root and sprout one day.

Unless this seed is not that seed!

After Taiyi left the heaven, he went straight to Chaos, and finally stayed outside Taisu Tian. He was hesitant whether to go to Nuwa or not.

In fact, no matter what Nuwa's attitude is, he will lead the general trend to massacre the human race, and no one can change it. Therefore, he came to Nuwa this time just to perfunctory the people in heaven, and did not really ask for Nuwa's opinion. Secondly, he had something The matter depends on Nuwa.

Just when Taiyi was about to enter Taisutian, a barrier suddenly rose up, blocking his way and preventing him from entering Taisutian.

Jinfeng appeared in the barrier at some unknown time, bowed to Taiyi, and said calmly: "I wonder why Donghuang came here today?"

Taiyi clasped his hands behind his back and stood proudly in the chaos with an indifferent expression, not caring about Jinfeng's title.

"I have something to do with Empress Nuwa, please go and report it!"

Jin Feng said: "Your Majesty Donghuang, I have something to do. I am not in Taisu Tian, ​​nor in the wilderness. If you have something to do, please come back another day!"

When Taiyi heard this, he obviously didn't believe it. How could Nuwa not be in the wilderness? Then he shouted in a deep voice:

"Taiyi asks to see the saint Nuwa!"

The sound was like an ancient voice, resounding from the chaos, sweeping up layers of chaotic storms and circulating in Taisu Tian.

But after a long time, Nuwa still did not show up. Taiyi frowned, the power of Taoism surged around him, the shadow of the Chaos Bell appeared, and he shouted again.

The sound passed through the Chaos Bell and rang throughout the world, and the river of time and space was no exception.

But Nuwa is still missing!

"Nuwa is really not here in ancient times!"

Taiyi really confirmed this idea in his heart. If Nuwa was really in the prehistoric times, she would definitely show up to see him at this time. After all, face matters were involved at this time.

"Could it be that Nuwa has already calculated the disaster for the human race and escaped in advance?"

As soon as he thought of this, Taiyi shook his head. This possibility did not exist at all. The saint was immortal, so how could the human race's disaster really embarrass the saint.

"Taiyi, you are really presumptuous. Your Majesty is not here yet, yet you despise the saint so much!" Jinfeng, who was in Taisutian, cursed angrily.

A spiritual sword appeared in his hand at some point, mobilizing the power of Tai Sutian's formation to kill Taiyi.

Taiyi glanced disdainfully, without moving his hand, just a look, and all the attacks instantly turned into powder and dissipated in the chaos.

After doing all this, Taiyi left Chaos directly and returned to heaven.

"Send the order, gather the army, and destroy the human race!"

ps: Brothers, please give me some support and ask for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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