Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 247: Divide the Heaven and Suppress and Kill!

In the space, as Shen Ni's figure disappeared, it seemed that everything was over.

But Donghua felt that this matter was not so simple, because he did not see the original power.

Hongjun said that he would bring the original power to Zixiao Palace, so this matter was not over yet.

Sure enough, not long after, Shen Ni's figure appeared again in the same place.

"Donghua, my son, I am an immortal existence. You want to kill me, even Hongjun can't kill me!"

After Shen Ni was resurrected, it seemed that there was no damage, and his strength seemed to be stronger.

Donghua found it a little hard to believe. He didn't believe that there were really immortal people in this world. As long as the power was strong, there would be no immortal people.

But you resurrected, but your strength became stronger. What's the matter?

"If I can't kill you once, then twice, three times, ten times, I don't believe I can't kill you!"

The sword body was raised horizontally, surrounded by three thousand avenues, and then a sword was slashed.

This sword is pure Yang!

The pure Yang sword energy was like a sun, and it instantly reached Shen Ni.

But facing this sword, Shen Ni raised his right hand, used his hand as a sword, and slashed out with the same sword energy, turning Dong Hua's sword energy into nothingness.

"What? How is this possible?"

Dong Hua, who was about to draw his sword, seemed to have seen something incredible, and even the power of the Great Dao that was in motion stopped.

Because the sword that Shen Ni slashed out was exactly the same as the sword that Dong Hua had used to kill him before.

Whether it was the power of the Great Dao or the sword intent and sword light, they were all exactly the same.

It's just that one is the mixed primordial magic power of the three paths of gods, immortals and demons, and the other is the power of destruction.

Shen Ni looked at Donghua and the others with interest, and said jokingly: "Isn't it unbelievable? I am all living beings, Tao, and Pangu. You are all from the prehistoric times, so how can you really kill me? On the contrary, this can only make me stronger."

As soon as he finished speaking, the Taishi Sword appeared in his hand. He slashed out with a sword, and the sword light was brilliant and infinite. He slashed out the sword of opening the sky with the power of destroying the world. It was really weird.

Facing this sword, Donghua did not dare to be careless at all, because he knew how strong his sword was.

His figure quickly retreated, the sword in his hand turned, the power of the Great Dao gathered, and a round of Bagua emerged, evolving infinitely with Bagua, from one to three, from three to all things, this is the evolution of Tao.

The Bagua and Kaitian collided with each other, and finally the sword of opening the sky was gradually worn out by the Bagua and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Wonderful, wonderful, I didn't expect this sword to be used like this, it's really wonderful!"

Seeing his attack being worn out into nothingness, Shen Ni did not seem to be angry, but praised Donghua and praised him endlessly.

Donghua attacked again with a sword, and the two quickly fought together.

Avenues and magical methods were constantly used, but all were blocked by Shen Ni.

As the battle continued, the offensive methods of the two began to be exactly the same. Whether it was strength or avenue, Shen Ni and Donghua were exactly the same.

Moreover, the opponent also took into account Taiyi's offensive methods and strength, but Donghua gradually fell into a disadvantage.

But the battle continued!

As time went by, Donghua was not in a hurry to kill Shen Ni. Such a rare opportunity to hone his strength, how could he miss it? This was much more interesting than Taiyi.

After all, defeating an opponent like oneself is very helpful for the growth of strength.

At this time, the eyes of all the powerful people in the prehistoric world were all on the battle above Wanshou Mountain. This was also the first time they faced Shen Ni, the protagonist who once dominated a prehistoric catastrophe.

There were countless innate saints who died in his hands, perhaps more than the innate saints who are alive today.

After all, when the world was separated, most of the innate saints were still relatively weak, without a set of established cultivation systems, and even the means of fighting were not as many as they are now, only simple avenue attacks.

On the earth, Hongyun, Zhunti and others have recovered from their injuries. Everyone is protecting the world to prevent the battle between Donghua and Shen Ni from completely flattening Wanshou Mountain.

But most people's eyes are still on the battle between the two. After all, there are not many opportunities to face such a battle.

And Zifu Fuxi and others in the deep space, with the fall of Taiyi, have launched a siege on the millions of demons surrounding Wanshou Mountain.

I saw countless Doubu and Leibu armies jumping out from the space and started a fight.

At this time, the demon army saw that their emperor Taiyi died and their old nest Tianjie was occupied by the Wu clan, and they had no fighting spirit.

So there was no suspense in this battle!

Zifu won easily.

Fuxi punched out and knocked the demon saint Feidan to the ground.

"Feidan, surrender!"

Feidan slowly stood up from the ground, looked at Donghua who was fighting in the sky, and their former emperor Fuxi in front of him.

Powerless, deeply powerless!

"Okay, I surrender!"

Fuxi nodded, and with one finger, a magical power shot out on Feidan's body, and his injuries healed instantly, and then he played the Fuxi Qin with both hands.

The sound of the Qin echoed between heaven and earth, and the Purple Mansion army and the demon army fighting in the field all stopped.

"Brothers of the demon clan, do you still recognize me?"

Fuxi looked at the demon army fighting in the field. He knew most of the people there, and some of them were his former subordinates.

They once fought together in the prehistoric world and almost unified the prehistoric land. Later, the heaven was born and they occupied the heaven again.

Later, the twelve demon gods began to rebel against the demon clan...

The past gradually emerged in front of Fuxi's eyes, and also in the memories of many demon clans.

"The Lord Donghua of the Purple Mansion is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, has immeasurable merits, and is powerful enough to suppress the four seas and annex the eight wastelands and Liuhe. Brothers, are you willing to follow me, Fuxi, be loyal to the Lord Donghua, stand up for the world, and build a beautiful prehistoric world?"

As Fuxi finished speaking, some of the demon forces that had followed him earlier put down their weapons and stopped fighting.

There were still some demon clans that were hesitant, as if they were going to make the final resistance, but looking at the eagerly looking Zi Mansion army and several powerful Quasi-Saint Emperors around them, they calmly put down the weapons in their hands.

There are still tens of thousands of troops in the field, still holding spiritual treasures and looking around vigilantly, but no matter how they look, there is no chance of winning.

"Your Majesty, I'm here to see you!"

After a cry, a Da Luo realm demon god directly shattered his own avenue, his body collapsed, and his soul was destroyed.

This seemed to be a signal, and then countless demon clans committed suicide.

The sounds of bodies shattering echoed between heaven and earth, and the dissipating avenue slowly rose like fireworks.


Zhen Yuanzi, who was far away, saw this scene and sighed, not knowing why he was feeling sorry.

Fuxi waved his hand gently, and all the visions disappeared. Although this behavior was very tragic, he could not let this emotion pass on, otherwise more monsters would follow suit.

Don't underestimate the influence of Di Jun and Tai Yi in the demon clan. It has reached a terrifying level. Those who are willing to follow Tai Yi to death are definitely in the minority.

He believes that there are many people who are willing to do the same.

Fuxi waved his hand, and many troops from the Zi Mansion quickly crossed in to disperse the surrendering demon army. Finally, the Emperor Zi Mansion and several great immortal kings were asked to guard one side to prevent anyone from causing unrest.

At this point, the power of the demon clan on the bright side of the prehistoric era has been completely eliminated!

The demon clan that started from the ancient Longhan period, a demon clan that ruled the prehistoric times for a great calamity, and the demon clan heaven came to an end.

The Zi Mansion took over the demon clan's army, while the Wu clan took over the heaven.

An empty shell of heaven and starry sky!


A broken voice came from the Lingxiao Palace.

The angry Di Jiang smashed a pillar of the hall with one punch. He looked at Ju Mang in front of him and asked in disbelief:

"You said the starry sky is empty? All those star gods are not there?"

Ju Mang's face didn't look good, but the real situation was indeed like this. When they arrived at the starry sky, they discovered that both the original star gods and the later demon star gods had disappeared, and there was no one in the entire starry sky.

It cannot be said that there is not one person, there are still some people, but those are die-hard loyalists of the demon clan. They will kill each other when they meet, and they have already killed them all.

So in the end nothing was caught.

There are only empty stars!

But for the Wu Clan, these stars are of little use. Di Jiang's original plan was to use those previous star gods to control the stars to further improve the Dutian Formation.

That is to say, the power of the source of the stars is added to the Dutian Formation, so that the heaven and earth become one, and the combat power of Pangu's true body is increased, and then he can fight against Donghua.

But now it seems that this plan can no longer be implemented.

Di Jiang let out a long sigh and asked, "Did you find out where those star gods went?"

Ju Mang: "Brother, according to Xuan Ming and I's calculations, those star gods are divided into three parts. The movements of one part are missing, as if they disappeared out of thin air."

"The other part was probably taken away by Bai Ze, the Prime Minister of Heaven, but I don't know where it went, but it is estimated that it fled to the north."

"The last part of the Star Gods was taken away by Taiyi, and there are still some who stayed behind. These are all die-hard loyalists of the demon clan, and no one is willing to surrender!"

After hearing this, Di Jiang fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said: "Forget it, their whereabouts don't matter now. Since we can't get the Star God, we can seize some of the source of the stars and refine them into the Dutian Formation Flag. "

Ju Mang hurriedly said: "Brother, you must not do it. The original power of the stars has been almost absorbed by the demon clan heaven. If you do not wait for recovery and forcefully seize the original power, it will really endanger the operation of Zhoutian Xingdou. This matter Guan Honghuang is stable, absolutely not!”

Xuan Ming on the side also stood up and said: "Yes, brother, the demon clan has consumed all the resources in order to quickly increase its strength. The treasure house in heaven is empty, and the luck has been almost consumed. The power of the stars can absorb all the energy. clean."

"If we forcibly refine the power of the stars, it will definitely endanger the operation of the stars in the sky. This is absolutely impossible!"

Di Jiang also hesitated after hearing this. Although he wanted to increase the power of the Dutian Formation, it must not be based on a situation that would endanger the prehistoric times.

"You go patrol the starry sky first and move the stars, and then I'll think about this matter!"

Xuan Ming and Ju Mang exited the Lingxiao Palace, leaving only Di Jiang walking around in the hall.

He is indeed confused now and doesn't know how to deal with Donghua and Zifu.

Especially Donghua, that kind of power makes people desperate, and he doesn't know how to deal with it.

"Do we really have to use that method?"

Di Jiang murmured, his deep gaze passing through the heavens and stopping at the battle above Longevity Mountain.

At this time, the battle between Donghua and Shenni has entered a fierce battle. Although the external time has not passed long, in the space established by Donghua, the two have been fighting for thousands of years.

From using exactly the same fighting methods to now, they each create magical powers to fight.

Fight and create at the same time, without delaying either!

Because all the attack methods and the power of the avenue have been used, no one can do anything to anyone, and can only use new methods to fight.

Especially for Donghua, although Shen Ni can reproduce his own attacks, those are only his previous attack methods and power, not his current ones.

After Donghua discovered this, he began to use the power of the avenue to reorganize his magical powers.

"The Devil's Way: He transforms into freedom!"

Qingfu's Hunyuan magic power was mobilized, and the power of the devil gathered together. Above the nine heavens, in the chaos outside the sky, Donghua's evil corpse Jingyang, who is now the devil emperor of the devil world, the great free demon suddenly descended.

He returned to Donghua's body in an instant, and Donghua's strength increased again.

At the same time, an ancient and ancient aura gradually emerged, and a figure suddenly appeared above the nine heavens.


"Is it Rahu?"

"No, this is Donghua's magical power!"

Everyone quickly realized from their shock that it was not the real Luo Hu, but Dong Hua's magical power.

In fact it is!

With the appearance of Luo Hu, the power of demonic power descended on the ancient world, and the endless demonic power turned into a world-destroying black lotus, suppressing the gods.

"It's just Rahu, he's just a defeated general!"

Although Shen Ni was frightened, he was still disdainful. After all, Luo Hu was also a prehistoric person, and this method still could not kill him.

"One sword opens the sky!"

The Taishi Sword was swung, and the power of destruction was applied to it, and he slashed out with one sword.

However, this powerful sword did not break through the suppression of Black Lotus, and Shen Ni was instantly suppressed in the shadow of Black Lotus.

Seeing this, Shen Ni began to slash at Black Lotus with one sword after another, trying to break out of the seal.

At this time, another attack from Donghua came!

"Shinto: Kingdom of the Gods!"

The Hunyuan mana circulates in the Tianfu, and the incarnation that once practiced Shinto emerged. The good corpse Yuanyang came from the East China Sea Zifu through the air. The two gradually merged into one, and finally returned to Donghua's body.

A large world emerged, in which all the heavens and thousands of tribes, mountains and rivers, and the Qingyun Palace were surrounded. The God-Emperor stood high above the nine heavens, narrating the scriptures, and countless believers and ministers below him chanted the Donghua Sutra together.

Panic, divine power descends, and the avenue evolves!

Like Hongmeng coming to the world!

The Kingdom of God instantly blessed the Black Lotus, suppressing and sealing the Shen Ni who was attacking the Black Lotus. All his strength was sealed, making him unable to move.

"The Immortal Way: There are countless sentient beings!"

The world of Zifu in the body is running wildly, the law of the Emperor of Heaven emerges, and the dragon-headed golden staff turns into a golden dragon and soars above the nine heavens.

At this time, in the wilderness, the power of the four seas, the power of the east, and the power of the south surged towards the golden dragon.

Then the golden dragon roared down and instantly flew into the presence of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Dharma Prime Minister stretched out his hand and grabbed it. He held the Heavenly Emperor's Sword, an innate treasure, in his hand. A sword light slashed out, and immeasurable power surged out, turning into light that filled the sky.


A clear sound came, and the suppressed Shen Ni was instantly divided into countless pieces.

But Shen Ni is still alive!

But he was still suppressed in the Black Lotus!

In fact, the purpose of Donghua's sword itself was not to kill Shen Ni, but to divide and divide his original power. He has not thought about using these means to kill Shen Ni now.

At this moment, Shen Ni, who was unable to move, roared angrily. Although he was immortal, the pain was really painful, and the feeling of being cut into pieces by a thousand knives was really uncomfortable.

Moreover, it is still this kind of cutting into pieces that divides the origin of the avenue.

"Little Donghua, if you have the guts, kill me!"

"You coward!"

"You are a coward who is afraid of death!"

"As despicable and shameless as Hongjun!"

"Kill me if you dare!"


Sounds of angry curses came from the Black Lotus, and Shen Ni's anger and panic could be seen by everyone.

Sometimes the more aggressive you scream, the more useless it is!

Donghua took a few steps forward and said softly: "I have never met such a request once in my life. Since you sincerely want to die, then I will satisfy you. Do you think you are really immortal?"

Shen Ni laughed loudly: "Who in the ancient world can kill me? Even Hongjun can't do it."

"Kill me if you dare!"

Donghua smiled softly and didn't say anything. Instead, he closed his eyes slightly, and the terrifying power of the avenue around him disappeared instantly, just like a mortal.

No one could understand this scene, and everyone watching the battle looked at each other, wondering what Donghua was doing?

In fact, at this time Donghua’s mind was completely immersed in the incarnation of Jesus!

That’s right, it’s Jesus from the Western God Realm!

Since the Tao of the ancient world cannot kill you, then I will use the Tao of the Western God Realm to kill you. I don’t believe that you can really defy the gods and survive!

But if you want to borrow the power and great way of Jesus, you must keep it secret. Otherwise, if Jesus is exposed, the gain outweighs the loss.

The five creation gods of the Western God Realm are not vegetarians, especially Gaia. That bitch is a bit scary!

At this time, the Western God Realm sensed the true entity seeking help. Jesus quickly returned to the Garden of Eden and blocked all responses from the outside world.

Start giving your body to Donghua to control!

As time went by, Shen Ni's shouting and cursing became louder and louder, as if he was sure that Donghua would not dare to kill him, but what he was afraid of was that Donghua would not kill him but seal him instead.

Although this seal could not seal him forever, he really didn't want to go back!

"Donghua, either you let me go, I will give you strength, help you break through Hunyuan, help you kill Hongjun, and let you dominate the prehistoric world!"

"Or you kill me!"

"Okay, I will satisfy you and send you away!" Donghua's voice suddenly sounded.

Donghua, who had originally closed his eyes, had opened his eyes at this time. As the voice fell, a figure began to gradually emerge above Donghua.

Sacred and bright, nine wings and eighteen wings!

The angel descended on the prehistoric world for the first time!

"Sword of Judgment!"

A cross of light slashed at Shen Ni!

This power was very weak, and it seemed that it was only the power of the middle stage of the quasi-saint, but Shen Ni seemed to know something and began to struggle frantically, trying to break through Donghua's seal.

But the Black Lotus and the Kingdom of God suppressed him tightly, and after passing through the Sword of Immortal Beings, his power was divided into thousands of parts, and there was no effective resistance at all.

It was impossible to kill Shen Ni with the power of Jesus in the middle stage of Quasi Saint, so Donghua cut him into pieces and divided his power of the origin of the Great Dao.

So, now is just right!

Cross slashes hit Shen Ni one after another, and Shen Ni's consciousness gradually disappeared, leaving only the power of the origin, the origin of the power of destruction!


"Ah, ah!"


Shen Ni's cry was like a complaint, as if he was being bitten, and it was unbearable to watch!

As time went by, the Sword of Judgment completely destroyed Shen Ni's consciousness.

"Look, I have met your request. You have the ability to revive me again!"

Donghua quickly cut off the connection with Jesus. The longer the time, the more dangerous it would be.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed forward, and this space-time space quickly became smaller and finally fell into Donghua's hand.

In this world, the Black Lotus and the Kingdom of God still exist, suppressing the pure power of the origin of world destruction.

"Everything is over!"


ps: Today I have written 9,000 words, and I have finished writing this plot. It is the last day for double monthly votes, please vote!

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