Donghua came to a valley, where the golden-winged roc Qingxuan and the iron-eating beast Yuanzhen were fighting.

Qingxuan's attack was no longer as brutal as before. He looked like a Taoist master, and each move was full of grandeur.

Yuanzhen's attack, on the other hand, was open and closed, but full of killing intent, like a demon bear.

Donghua walked forward after watching for a while, and the fight between the two stopped.

Qingxuan: "Master, you are out of retreat."

Yuanzhen: "Yuanzhen pays homage to the emperor."

Donghua said to Qingxuan: "Well, not bad, there is progress. Now you look like the son of Yuanfeng, a little bit of innate sacredness, keep working hard."

Qingxuan replied happily: "Thank you for the compliment, Master. I will definitely work hard and will never embarrass you."

Donghua glanced at Yuanzhen and said nothing, but asked: "Yuanzhen, when we cultivators reach the Golden Immortal realm, we can live as long as the heaven and the earth. So what do you think people live for?"

Yuanzhen's eyes dimmed, and he knew that he had disappointed the great god. But thinking of the death of his father, brother, and mother, he only had hatred in his heart, nothing else.

"Emperor, I disappoint you, but I must avenge my father, brother, and mother, and I can't let go of these hatreds."

Donghua sighed and touched Yuan Zhen's head.

Although Yuan Zhen is tens of thousands of years old, in his eyes, he is really like a child. When he first met Yuan Zhen, he was cautious and cautious, and that childlike innocence is still unforgettable. This is why he has always liked Yuan Zhen.

"I have never asked you to let go of hatred. If you really let go of these hatreds, this seat will never look at you again."

Yuan Zhen looked at Donghua puzzled.

Donghua: "I think people live to overcome tribulations. The love, hatred, and obsession of cultivation in this world are like test questions. If you want to succeed, you must bravely break through them, just like a carp leaping over the dragon gate. Only those who jump over them are winners."

"But if you can be open-minded, love your life, be sunny and kind, and welcome your future with a good attitude after experiencing hardships, then you are the winner in life."

"So this level of life is a game for the brave, because the brave are invincible, and the weak are destined to not be able to pass through."

"So are you Yuanzhen a brave or a weak?"

Yuanzhen looked at Donghua quietly, savoring what he had just said.

The next moment, he really broke through the defense, threw down the weapon in his hand, threw himself into Donghua's arms, and cried.

"God, I have no relatives, I have nothing. I really want my father to come back to life."

Donghua did not push Yuanzhen away, but held him in his arms and stroked Yuanzhen's soft hair.

"You still have me, Qingxuan, Taihua, and your people."

"You will definitely be the pride of your father, brother, and mother."

Qingxuan also stepped forward, hugged Yuanzhen's shoulders and said, "Yes, Yuanzhen, you still have us, and your people, isn't it that old bastard Chitie? When the time comes, I will go with you and help you poke a few holes in him."

Qingxuan looked at his crying friend in front of him. He was indeed a friend. Although the two of them almost died in each other's hands before, the time they spent in the Iron-eating Beast Tribe had long made those unpleasant things pass.

During this time, he had been with Yuanzhen, trying to persuade him, but he was not good at speaking, so he could only accompany Yuanzhen to practice martial arts and practice.

Yuanzhen came out of Donghua's arms, wiped his tears, and picked up the Hunyuan Ruyi Stick on the ground.

Knelt down solemnly and said, "Great God, I want to worship you as my master."

Donghua was not surprised. When he first met the two, he had already thought of accepting a disciple, but Yuanzhen's special background made him give up later.

This time he succeeded in beheading the corpse because of Yuan Zhen, which means that the two of them are destined to be together, and the fate is not small. If so, why give up.

Thinking of this, Donghua said: "I do have a master-disciple relationship with you, but do you know my rules?"

Yuan Zhen nodded and said: "Remember the three rules in mind and never forget them."

Donghua: "Okay, then from today on, you, Yuan Zhen, will be my second disciple."

Yuan Zhen knelt down and bowed three times, officially becoming a disciple.

After the apprenticeship was over.

Donghua said: "Qingxuan, you are my eldest disciple. I have not given you anything except refining the Hunyuan Bright Silver Spear."

"Today I give you the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Taiji Xuanyin and the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure Liangyi Mirror."

"As the saying goes, Wuji is Taiji, Taiji moves and produces Yang, moves to the extreme and becomes quiet, quiet produces Yin, quiet moves again, one moves and one quiet, each is the root of the other, dividing Yin and Yang, and Liangyi stands."

"The combination of Taiji Xuanyin and Liangyi Mirror is comparable to the power of top-grade innate spiritual treasures. You are born with Yin and Yang, and these two treasures are perfect for you."

"But these two treasures are very powerful. Now your strength is still low, so you need to be cautious when using them!"

Qingxuan respectfully took the two innate spiritual treasures, his eyes suddenly red, thinking that he had never been treated like this since he was born as the Golden Winged Dapeng.

Before he was born, his mother had already transformed into Taoism to suppress the immortal volcano. After he was born, his brother disappeared.

He didn't even know the way to practice, and could only rely on inheritance to practice the laws of space. He didn't even know how to practice the innate yin and yang energy.

"Disciple thanks the master."

"Fool, don't be so polite. These are just two spiritual treasures. You must know that spiritual treasures are mortal, and people are the most important."

Donghua said again: "Yuanzhen, you just entered my sect, and I shouldn't give you treasures, but I have been with you for so long, and I have also observed your character, so I will give you all today."

As the saying goes, only the tool and the name should not be given lightly. The innate spiritual treasure contains the law of the great way and is powerful. How can people who don't know their nature easily give it.

"You are very talented and understand the law of power and the law of killing. You can be said to be a natural god of war. You can break all laws with one force and live for fighting, so you don't need too many spiritual treasures."

"I have a spiritual treasure here, named Taixu Record, which is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, containing the law of illusion."

"The treasure record has its own space, which can generate illusions, fight with you, hone your skills, and strengthen your law of power. It is perfect for you."

"The treasure record can also set up an innate illusion array, and can also collect and trap people. It has endless uses."

After speaking, he gave the Taixu Record to Yuanzhen.

Donghua: "You two are practicing the Zifu Immortal Dao under my tutelage. This technique is the highest technique of my Zifu. It is what I learned from listening to the teachings in Zixiao Palace. It is also the origin of my being the first male immortal."

"Those who learn from me live, and those who resemble me die. The Zifu Immortal Dao is most suitable for my practice, but it may not be suitable for you. You need to walk out of your own path after breaking through the Daluo Jinxian. Only then can you hope to become a Hunyuan and a Quasi-Sage."

"If you can't walk out of your own path, the Zifu Immortal Dao can make you a Daluo Jinxian, but in the end it is just a Hunyuan of magic power."

"Remember the teachings of Master."

Donghua: "Well, you are teachable."

The real Hunyuan Jinxian walks out of his own path, just like the Zifu Immortal Dao created by Donghua, the Creation Immortal Dao created by Nuwa, and the Three Pure Ones, Di Jun, Taiyi and others.

Almost all the famous and powerful people in the prehistoric world have walked out of their own paths, but some people eventually gave up their own paths and only achieved a Hunyuan of magic power.

Although he achieved Hunyuan, his path ended there.

"Zifu Immortal Dao is our fundamental law, but you need a way to protect the Dao. Today, I will teach you three great magical powers."

"The first is to subdue dragons and tigers. This magical power was created by the Qilin in the Longhan period. It has the magical power of holding up the sky and is also known as great magic power."

"In the past, the Qilin defeated the white tiger with this great magical power and subdued the white tiger clan. That's why there was a scene in that period when the Qilin was respected on land."

After listening to Donghua's introduction, the two of them couldn't wait and thought to themselves: "This is the great magical power, the great freedom method!"

Donghua continued: "The second magical power is the big and small Ruyi, also known as the law of heaven and earth. This was when the immortals and demons fought in the past, Created by the master, it can be enlarged or reduced at will, and its strength and other factors change with the changes. "

"It can imitate the heaven and earth, and can hide its shape, which is the method of changing battles."

"The third method is not a magical power, but the pure yang divine thunder created by the master. Thunder has various attributes, but thunders of various attributes are undoubtedly the righteousness of heaven and earth."

"In the prehistoric world, the Dutian divine thunder and the Zixiao divine thunder are respected. The Dutian divine thunder is the master of the divine thunder method, and the Zixiao divine thunder is the master of the immortal thunder method. These two thunders can summarize all the thunders in the world."

"If you two can cultivate these two thunders in the future, you can be called a true thunder master."

After Donghua finished speaking, he began to teach the two magical powers and thunder methods.

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