Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 282: Hou Tu's reincarnation, reincarnation into the world

Just as everyone was waiting, Donghua and Houtu came together.

With the arrival of the two, some people who were resting their eyes and practicing stopped and looked at them.

Donghua said nothing, but walked to the Heavenly Palace. Fuxi, Queen Mother of the West, Da Siming, Haotian and others were all here.

"Meet the Great Heavenly Venerable!"

Donghua nodded and kept his eyes on Queen Mother of the West, who was also looking at him with strange eyes.

Donghua felt his face burning. This time he really did something to let Queen Mother of the West down. Although it was passive, it made him feel embarrassed.

"Can Houtu survive?" Queen Mother of the West did not ask about other things, but asked about Houtu's situation instead.

Donghua thought for a while and said, "It's a 50-50 chance. If it succeeds, Hou Tu will prove the Dao of Hun Yuan and obtain the status of the earth realm, and her strength will not be inferior to the six saints; if it fails, she will die and never return!"

The Queen Mother of the West suddenly smiled and asked, "Didn't you leave Hou Tu any means to help her survive this disaster?"

Donghua did not answer, but turned around and kept his eyes on Hou Tu.

At this time, Hou Tu stood on the sea of ​​blood, her mind immersed in the sea of ​​blood, the power of the Great Dao Samsara spread throughout the sea of ​​blood, and billions of souls cheered.

As time passed, a force rose above the sea of ​​blood, and a dark red light filled the sea of ​​blood, and a vortex appeared above the sea of ​​blood.

Minghe looked at this scene in disbelief. He had lived in the sea of ​​blood since he was born, but he never knew that there was such power and strange noise in the sea of ​​blood.

"It seems that I really have no chance of reincarnation!"

At this time, Hou Tu suddenly opened her eyes, the power of the Great Dao flowed around her, and her eyes were like black holes, making people dare not look directly at them.


Hou Tu stood up from the ground, and the true body of the ancestor witch emerged. It had a human body and a snake tail, seven hands behind its back, and two hands in front of its chest. Both hands held a Teng Snake. This Teng Snake was transformed by the Dao of the Earth and was a symbol of the Dao of the Earth.

After the true body, the power of reincarnation turned into five black holes that reflected the prehistoric world and the various elements of the heavens. This situation lasted for a long time. Hou Tu had been comprehending the power of the Great Dao of Reincarnation and the sea of ​​blood.


The rotating vortex suddenly rushed into the sky, forming a beam of light that penetrated the world. Hou Tu's true body became larger again, as if she could pick the stars with one hand.

Hou Tu operated the power of the Great Dao, and an invisible force of rules spread throughout the sea of ​​blood. With the emergence of the power of rules, a world began to emerge, which was the Netherworld!

And as the Netherworld extended into the sea of ​​blood, a powerful force suddenly emanated from the sea of ​​blood.


The sound of the Great Dao resounded, and all the prehistoric creatures heard this sound, especially the undead in the prehistoric world, as if they were about to come back to life in this life.

After the Netherworld came, it quickly combined with the light column rising from the sea of ​​blood, and the two forces intertwined.

Hou Tu moved her hands, and the human book on the sky appeared, emitting a dark light, which overwhelmed the light of the sun, moon and stars. Between heaven and earth, there was only the light of the human book, and the others seemed dim.

And with the appearance of the human book, it quickly flew up into the sky, turning into a golden book shining with golden light and standing in the sky, connecting the Netherworld and the sea of ​​blood.

Hou Tu directly transported the reincarnation road to the number of people, and the reincarnation rules changed instantly.

Countless silk threads extended from it, connecting every soul, spirit, ghost, etc., making the reincarnation of all living beings clearer and clearer, and all evolutions became clearer and clearer, and the scope of coverage was also constantly expanding.

Then the human book changed again, from death to life, including all the creatures of the prehistoric world.

"All living things reincarnate, reincarnate all living things, die and reincarnate, endless life, the way of the netherworld, the place of reincarnation!"

In Hou Tu's sea of ​​consciousness, the sound of the Great Dao continued to sound, and in the human book, in the reincarnation of all living things, the sound of the Great Dao sounded, covering trillions of miles of land, and it was still spreading.

At this moment, Hou Tu's reincarnation road was divided into five, completely transformed into five reincarnation black holes, but this was only an illusory reincarnation transformed by the power of the Great Dao.

Hou Tu stared at this scene in a daze. She failed and failed to evolve a real reincarnation, which also meant that she could not escape the fate of reincarnation.

"It has finally come to this point!"

She looked at the dead souls on the sea of ​​blood, and a kind of compassionate power from the heart filled the world.

"As the ancestor witch and the descendant of Pangu, what does it matter if I really die for the sake of the prehistoric creatures?"

"I, Hou Tu, am willing!"

Hou Tu turned around and looked at the people on the sea of ​​blood, and finally stopped her gaze on Xuan Ming and Dong Hua, and nodded heavily, as a final farewell.

Dong Hua saw this scene and said nothing, but just nodded to Hou Tu.

"God is above, I am Hou Tu, the descendant of Pan Gu, and now I see the creatures in the prehistoric world, I can't rest in life, and I can't sleep in death! Now I wish to turn my body into reincarnation, make the earth perfect, and achieve the fruit of reincarnation for all living beings!"

Hou Tu's light voice sounded above the sea of ​​blood, and then it was transmitted to the ears of every creature in the prehistoric world through the heavenly way.

Those who heard this were immediately in awe, this was a great compassionate thing, which could relieve the suffering of the prehistoric creatures after death.

At this time, everyone understood what Hou Tu was going to do, but when they reacted, they couldn't sit still.

When reincarnation is born and the realm is complete, this is another opportunity to attain enlightenment. If they miss the opportunity to attain enlightenment, they will never have such great luck to enable them to attain enlightenment in the future.

At this time, the quasi-sages couldn't sit still, but when they saw Donghua and the Six Saints, their hearts instantly became cold.

Yes, even if the perfect opportunity arises, do they really have a chance?

The answer is no!

As long as these seven people are here, there is no chance for them. Just like what Donghua and the Six Saints discussed before must be about reincarnation, and presumably the benefits have been divided.

"As long as the saint does not die, the robbers will not stop!"

A quasi-sage who survived from the ancient times couldn't help but sigh, but after the words fell, he felt that he had said the wrong thing and said bad things about others in front of them.

Immediately, no matter what the Six Saints thought, the power of time and space surged and disappeared in the sea of ​​blood in an instant.

After Donghua heard this voice, he smiled softly and said: "What this fellow Taoist said just now is indeed right. As long as the saint does not die, there will be many thieves, including me, the Emperor of Heaven!"

Hearing Donghua's words, Nuwa nodded thoughtfully. Jingyin Zhunti looked indifferent. Tongtian didn't care, and the emperor's eyes stayed on Houtu and Renshu.

Only Yuan Shi wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say it.

At this time, Hou Tu still said:

"After all living beings, all those who have not become golden immortals will enter reincarnation. They will be judged for their good and evil deeds, enter their path of reincarnation, and then go through reincarnation again..."

After saying that, Houtu flew to an altitude of trillions of miles above the Blood Sea, and his whole body exuded a surging gray air, which suddenly filled the entire sky above the Blood Sea.

"The way of the netherworld, reincarnation, appears!"

Hou Tu's voice sounded again in the ancient world, and the boundless momentum and the power of reincarnation all gathered together.

Those gray gases continued to condense, forming a huge samsara disk, which was then attached to the five samsara black holes of Houtu.


In the next moment, Hou Tu's body, magic power, blood essence, etc. all exploded, and all the power was integrated into the five reincarnations.

Only the fragile soul is still evolving and deducing reincarnation.


When Houtu practices the Great Way of Reincarnation, he directly uses his true body to carry the power of the rules of the Great Way of Reincarnation, so Houtu's true body is integrated into the Five Paths of Reincarnation.

The five reincarnations changed instantly, and the illusory reincarnation that was originally transformed by the great road became solid in an instant.

The place where the Netherworld and the Sea of ​​Blood merged gradually formed a world, and the entities of the five reincarnations gradually landed in the world.

Time passed little by little, and the five reincarnations were finally condensed, and Hou Tu's true body had been completely transformed and became a part of the five reincarnations.

Hou Tu's weak soul stimulated the five reincarnations, and the entire netherworld and sea of ​​​​blood calmed down instantly, returning to the previous state. The only difference was that reincarnation had been established.

"There are five paths to reincarnation, namely the reincarnation of gods, the reincarnation of humans, the reincarnation of animals, the reincarnation of hell, and the reincarnation of ghosts!"

As Hou Tu's voice fell, the five reincarnations changed instantly. The first reincarnation was mysterious and mysterious, and became the way of gods. That is, people born from this way are born as gods!

Only for gods and not for immortals!

Because gods are the incarnation of rules, and immortals need to practice!

The reincarnation of humanity is the reincarnation of all things and spirits in the world. It mainly belongs to the human race and all races. This is also the general trend of humanity. After all, Donghua and the Six Saints have set the general trend of humanity.

In the reincarnation path of animals, you are born as an animal, with no spiritual intelligence, only animal instincts. This path should also be found in the demon race!

Reincarnation in the hell realm and reincarnation in the ghost realm can also be said to be reincarnation in the underground realm. These two realms should be in the underworld.

The five reincarnations can also be said to be the three reincarnations, namely the three reincarnations of heaven, earth and humans, namely the reincarnation of gods, human beings and earth.

Pangu opened up the prehistoric world, and the thousands of avenues eventually turned into the three realms of heaven, earth, and people. Therefore, everything in the world never changes without its origin, and ultimately falls within the three realms, and even the three thousand avenues are no exception.

Donghua frowned slightly when he heard the five reincarnations formed by Hou Tu. The reincarnation was established, but it was different from the one in the other trajectory.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation became the Five Paths of Reincarnation, with one Shura Path missing.

It seems that in the original trajectory, this is the condition for Styx to avoid, establish the Shura Path, and Styx shares a share of the fate of reincarnation.


With the establishment of reincarnation, the entire prehistoric world trembled. Above the nine heavens, black and yellow merits began to condense, and the huge cloud of merits put the entire prehistoric world in a golden state.

Between the heaven and the earth, smallpox and golden lotus are constantly emerging. This is the condensation of the power of the great avenue and the innate energy. It can be absorbed directly without any impact.

At this time, with the establishment of the Five Paths of Reincarnation, Hou Tu's weak Yuanshen began to collapse, and the speed was very fast.

Sanqing and Jieyin Zhunti saw this scene and chuckled. The entire prehistoric reincarnation could not be established by a quasi-sage in Houtu. Even a Hunyuan was not easy.

Now that Hou Tu's true body and avenue have been completely integrated into the prehistoric cycle of reincarnation, how can he survive with only a weak soul left.

Because Hou Tu's current soul is no different from the remaining souls above the blood sea, and is even weaker. It can be blown away by the wind, and there is no need for them to take action at all.

Therefore, Hou Tu’s establishment of reincarnation is a fatal situation!

And they only need to wait until Houtu dies, and they can accept the truth and reincarnation with peace of mind, and even merit!

But things disappointed Sanqing and Jieyinzhunti!

Just when Hou Tu was about to completely dissipate, an ice crystal hairpin appeared around Hou Tu's soul, and instantly emitted a force, gathering Hou Tu's soul that was about to collapse.

The power emitted by the jade hairpin was exactly the same as Hou Tu's soul and the Great Dao, so there was no repulsion between the two.

When the Three Pure Ones and the Two Saints of the West saw this scene, they instantly looked at Donghua.

"Donghua, did you do this?" Yuanshi Tianzun's anger could no longer be suppressed. He thought that there would be no accidents in the matter of reincarnation. After all, when the five saints united, who else in the prehistoric world could be their opponent.

Donghua snorted coldly and said, "Yuanshi, you are allowed to plot, but you can't let me take action?"

"Fellow Daoist Hou Tu is so compassionate that he transformed himself into reincarnation to complete the prehistoric earth and make it perfect. Isn't this behavior worthy of your respect?"

"What's more, fellow Daoist Hou Tu and I are both guests in Zixiao Palace, and we are all students of our master. Don't you have any friendship at all?"

"With such behavior, how can you still be a saint in the prehistoric world?"

This time, Donghua did not show any mercy. He directly insulted Sanqing and Jieyin Zhunti in front of all the forces and many powerful people in the prehistoric world.

Every word of Donghua stood above justice and human feelings, so when the voice fell, Yuanshi Tianzun was speechless.

Yuanshi's face changed with anger, but he didn't know how to refute. After all, this was in front of everyone. Did he want him to say that Hou Tu couldn't survive?

Taishang waved his whisk gently and said, "Brother Donghua, you have misunderstood us. We also want Brother Houtu to survive."

"But since Brother Houtu has chosen to reincarnate, if his soul is not integrated into the reincarnation, then the reincarnation will not be perfect. This is something we all don't want to see."

"So how can you ignore all sentient beings in the prehistoric world for your own selfish desires? Ignore the reincarnation of the prehistoric world? Don't forget, you are the Great Heavenly Emperor of the Prehistoric World!"

Donghua ignored Taishang's words, because he was right. If you want the reincarnation to be perfect, Houtu's soul must be integrated into it, and not a single reservation can be made. This is also the oath that Houtu made to the Heavenly Dao and the Great Dao, to reincarnate with her body.

But what Donghua has to do is to let Houtu survive and make the reincarnation perfect.

To put it bluntly, it's both!

"Please rest assured, Senior Brother Taishang. If Donghua's actions make the reincarnation of the prehistoric world incomplete, Donghua is willing to transform himself into reincarnation to make up for the imperfections!"

As soon as these words came out, Taishang was immediately blocked from saying what he was going to say next. What else could he say?

At this time, Hou Tu's Yuan Shen had stabilized and was no longer disintegrating, but the power of the jade hairpin was still being output.

At a certain moment, the jade hairpin suddenly split into two drops of Dao blood and appeared in front of Hou Tu.

"Pangu Dao Blood?"

"How is this possible?"

"How could there be Dao Blood of the Father God in the prehistoric world?"


The moment Dao Blood appeared, the entire sea of ​​blood boiled, and everyone looked at this scene in disbelief.

After being shocked, everyone's eyes showed a crazy intention, and they all wanted to take that drop of Dao Blood for themselves.

After all, it was Pangu Dao Blood. If it could be refined into the body, not to mention being able to prove the Dao Hun Yuan, at least the peak of Quasi-Sage would not be a problem!

The only ones who remained calm were Donghua and the Six Saints, because although Pangu Dao Blood was strong, it did not have much effect on them, or more precisely, it did not have a decisive effect.

ps: Brothers, I can’t finish writing, so I’ll leave the rest for tomorrow. Please give me some monthly votes!

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