Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 292: Conflict between Chan and Jie, and the separation of the Three Purities

Time flies by, and one Yuanhui has passed in the blink of an eye. The impact of the Hunyuan War is gradually disappearing. Many people don’t know whether they have really forgotten it or selectively forgotten it.

The Honghuang Continent has become lively again recently. The struggle for humanity has made many forces unable to sit still. After all, such a big piece of cake is really coveted.

The Honghuang Continent began to be uneasy, but Kunlun Mountain was even more uneasy at this time.

On Kunlun Mountain, since the Three Pure Ones returned from the chaos, they have been practicing in seclusion and recuperating. They have not appeared for more than one Yuanhui.

And this behavior also makes the disciples of the three religions undisciplined, or undisciplined, especially the disciples of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect.

The conflicts and contradictions that broke out among the disciples of the two religions are the most.

At the beginning, it was okay. It was just some minor conflicts, which belonged to personal conflicts and disputes, so Nan Ji, Guang Chengzi, Duo Bao, and Jin Ling didn’t take it to heart.

Just let them deal with it themselves, and they practiced with all their heart. This behavior cannot be said to be right or wrong.

As a cultivator, this approach is not wrong, but as a manager of a major sect, it is a big mistake, because big conflicts are often caused by small conflicts.

The conflict between the two sects was caused by the seven attendants of the Jie Sect and the twelve golden immortals of the Chen Sect, including Ji Liusun, Puxian, Cihang, and Wenshu.

At first, Wuyunxian of the Jie Sect found a spiritual root in Kunlun Mountain, so he took it for himself, ate the spiritual fruit, pulled out the spiritual root, and prepared to let Tongtian refine a spiritual treasure for him.

But what is unexpected is that this spiritual root was first discovered by Ji Liusun of the Chen Sect, but he did not collect it because it was not yet mature, but Wuyunxian took advantage of it.

Originally, the two only needed to negotiate to resolve the matter, but Ji Liusun was furious and fought directly.

The ending was self-humiliation!

Although Wuyunxian was not a direct disciple, his strength was very terrifying, not inferior to the four direct disciples of the Jie Sect.

The incarnation of the golden-bearded abalone, with a long beard and a black face, wearing a black robe, holding the spiritual sword made by Tongtian himself, practicing the Yin-Yang Tai Chi Dao.

Directly injured Ji Liusun!

Later, the matter was brought to Nanji and Duobao, and they treated it as a trivial matter and asked them to negotiate and solve it privately. After all, there was only one acquired spiritual root, and neither of them looked down on it.

But what they didn't expect was that the matter was out of control.

Ji Liusun and Wuyunxian couldn't talk at all, and Ji Liusun didn't want to negotiate, so he wanted to vent his anger.

So he invited several brothers and sisters to beat Wuyunxian.

But although Wuyunxian was usually taciturn, he also had several good friends, and the attendants of the Seven Immortals and some other outer disciples joined in.

Because they had long disliked the disciples of the Chan Sect.

A war broke out in Kunlun Mountain, and they fought back and forth several times.

From the initial dispute to the later dispute between the doctrines of the two religions.

The teachings of Chan and Jie were different, and even Tongtian and Yuanshi did not dare to say that there was a problem with the other's teachings, but the disciples of the two sects attacked each other recklessly and elevated themselves.

Until the disciple of Chan said "wearing fur and armor, wet and hatching from eggs", a huge conflict could no longer be stopped.

When Nanji and Duobao knew about it, they could no longer stop the conflict between the disciples of the two sects. Although the two of them were in charge of the great sect on behalf of their master, how could their prestige compare with Yuanshi and Tongtian.

Besides, they were all brothers from the same sect, so how could they punish them easily.

So the matter could only be forcibly stopped at that time, the conflict was suppressed, and Tongtian and Yuanshi were waiting for them to come out of retreat.

But the facts are often not what people want. Yuanshi and Tongtian have never come out of retreat, and the disciples of the two sects live in Kunlun Mountain, so they can see each other every day.

So the disciples of the two sects had many conflicts and contradictions again, from small to large, until later Nanji and Duobao offered the treasure of the sect, which stopped the conflict.

However, the conflicts between the temperaments and doctrines of the two sects are inevitable.

In the Yiyuanhui, more than 100,000 years are enough for something to take root and grow into a towering tree.

When the Three Pure Ones came out of retreat, facing such a thing, the three of them fell silent. Although they were the Hunyuan saints, they could open the world with a thought, but they could not forcibly change the ideas of their disciples.

But this matter cannot be ignored.

After the three of them were silent for a long time, Tongtian said: "Brother, second brother, since things have come to this point, I will lead the disciples of Jiejiao to leave Kunlun and rebuild the dojo."

After Tongtian's voice fell, Taishang and Yuanshi also fell silent. This is the best way at present, but it is also the thing they least want to see.

The Three Pure Ones have never been separated since their birth. Now that they have become saints, they are separated. What do you want outsiders to think?

Besides, not to mention outsiders, the feelings of the three brothers do not allow such a thing to happen.

Yuanshi suddenly stood up and said, "Third brother, you punish Wuyun, I will deal with those people and let them know what it means to respect elders and saints."

Even Yuanshi couldn't say anything about the teachings of Jiejiao. A group of juniors below Daluo dared to comment on it. They really didn't know how high the sky was and how deep the earth was.

Tongtian stood up helplessly, stopped Yuanshi, and said, "Second brother, this is no longer a conflict, but a problem of thought."

"If it was just a conflict, I would have suppressed them under the Qilin Cliff to reflect."

"Could it be that Third Brother will just leave like this without caring about our brotherhood?" Yuanshi said angrily.

Tongtian didn't expect that the second brother who seemed to be calm and composed would also lose his mind, and a warm current could not help but flow through his heart.

Then he said: "Second brother, I am just rebuilding the Taoist temple, and I am not severing our brotherhood. Although the prehistoric era is huge, I can reach Kunlun with a single thought, so how can I say that I am unfamiliar?"

"Besides, as Hunyuan Saints, we also need to educate all sentient beings. Maybe it was God's will for me to leave."

Yuanshi wanted to say something else, but at this time the Supreme Master stood up and said, "Third brother is right. Although Kunlun is big, it cannot bear the three saints."

"Every word and deed of a saint is the Tao. How can Kunlun accommodate the Tao of three saints at the same time? If it goes on for a long time, the disciples of the three religions will not be able to bear it. After all, their cultivation is at the bottom."

Yuan Shi looked at the Supreme Being in astonishment and asked in disbelief: "Is the eldest brother going to leave me too?"

"I'm not leaving you, I'm leaving Kunlun. Sanqing will always be Sanqing!" the Supreme Master said in a deep voice.

Yuan Shi glanced at Tong Tian and Tai Shang in astonishment, and finally let out a long sigh.

How could he not understand that the Three Saints live in the same mountain? As their cultivation grows, every place in Kunlun Mountain will have their way. This is originally a good thing.

But it is not a good thing for the disciples of the three religions, because their cultivation level is too low. The Tao of one saint is enough for them to spend their whole life learning, let alone the Tao of three saints.

Yuanshi sighed and said: "Since we are going to separate, it is also my third brother and I who are leaving. As the head of the Three Pure dynasties, the eldest brother should live in Kunlun and overlook the prehistoric times."

When the Supreme Being heard what Yuan Shi said, he smiled and said: "Head of the Three Pure Ones is a name given to outsiders. To our own family, I am just the eldest brother."

"I only have one disciple in Xuandu, and there are not many disciples. What I want to do with such a big Kunlun Mountain, I leave it to you."

Seeing that the Supreme Being had made up his mind, Yuan Shi turned to Tongtian and said, "In this case, as the elder brother, I will leave Kunlun Mountain to my third brother."

Tongtian smiled and said: "Second brother, you don't have to be like this. Since I was the one who proposed to leave first, just follow my wishes. There is no need to talk about this matter anymore. It's settled like that."

The matter was settled.

When Sanqing walked out of the hall, Nanji and Duobao were kneeling outside the door.

"This disciple is not disciplined well, so please ask Master to punish him!"

"This disciple is not disciplined well, so please ask Master to punish him!"

Tongtian didn't say anything, but waved Duobao to get up, and then said: "Inform my disciples to follow me and leave Kunlun Mountain in three days!"

When Duobao heard this, he didn't wait for Tongtian to say anything and said hurriedly: "Master, the disciples of both religions are at fault in this matter. How can we leave Kunlun Mountain? This is your home!"

Duobao has always regarded this place as his home since he followed Tongtian to Kunlun Mountain. Now when he heard Tongtian's words, his heart was filled with grievance and reluctance.

And when Anji heard Tongtian's words, he felt that the sky was falling. He knew that this matter was serious, but he did not expect that it had reached this point.

Tongtian smiled and said: "Kunlun is still your home. It's just a mountain gate re-established for Jiejiao. We can't have all the disciples of the three religions together. How can we educate the world and guard the ancient times."

"Don't act like a fool, leave quickly and inform the disciples that we will gather at Qilin Cliff in Kunlun Mountain in three days!"

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and the news that Jie Jiao's disciples were leaving Kunlun had spread. This matter was decided by the sage in charge, so no one dared to say anything, but Jie Jiao's disciples' disgust towards Chan Jiao's disciples had reached its limit.

It was no longer possible to say who was right or wrong about this matter, and they no longer cared about it. Instead, it became a matter of pure dislike.

Three days later, all the disciples of the three religions gathered at Qilin Cliff.

Sanqing stood together, and Yuanshi said to the two of them: "Eldest brother, third brother, where did you go after leaving Kunlun? If I didn't, why are you in such a hurry."

The Supreme Being smiled and said: "Since you have chosen to leave, why bother to linger? As saints of heaven, we have our own care, and a new dojo will be born in the dark."

"Hahaha, what brother said makes sense. After I left Kunlun, I went all the way east and wanted to see the East China Sea." Tongtian said with a smile.

After the three of them finished speaking, the Supreme Master flew up and brought the disciples of the Human Sect into the inner world with a wave of his hand, and then left Kunlun with Xuandu.

"Congratulations, brother!"

"Congratulations, great uncle!"

As the Supreme Emperor left, the Taiqing Palace that originally stood on the top of Kunlun Mountain disappeared.

There are not many disciples of Renjiao, but with the departure of the Supreme Master, Kunlun Mountain suddenly became much empty.

When Tongtian saw the Supreme Master leaving, he also said: "Second brother, please take care of yourself. After I find the dojo, you must be my guest."

"I'm not coming as a guest, but I'd rather be the host." Yuan Shi made a rare joke.

Tongtian laughed and said nothing, but stood up and left Kunlun Mountain with the Jiejiao disciples.

Yuanshi bent down and bowed, without saying anything.

The disciples of Chanjiao said in unison: "Best farewell to Master!"

The breeze blew slowly across the Qilin Cliff. Yuan Shi stood on the top of the mountain without saying a word for a long time. The Chanjiao disciples also stood here with Yuan Shi, and no one dared to speak.

Yuanshi stood for a while and looked up at the Yuqing Palace on the top of the mountain. After being quiet for a while, he waved his hand and placed the palace in the middle of the mountain. The name of the palace also became "Yuxu Palace".

"Anji, you made a mistake in discipline this time. I will punish you by going to the wall under Qilin Cliff for three thousand years. You will hand over the Pangu flag to Guangchengzi. Guangchengzi will manage his disciples while you face the wall."

Nanji respectfully took out the Pangu flag and said: "Disciple knows his mistake and is willing to accept the punishment!"

Yuanshi turned to look at Juliusun and the others, and said in a deep voice: "I understand that you are fighting for your own things. I am very pleased that you are standing up for your fellow brothers."

"But how can you attack the teachings of Jiejiao? Even I can't say anything about the teachings of Jiejiao. You are not even Daluo, but you dare to talk about the teachings of saints. You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is."

When Yuanshi said this, his aura emanated from his body, and he directly suppressed the few people to the ground.

"Master, the three corpses of disciples have not been purified, and they have blinded their minds and lost their heads. Please forgive me." Seeing that Yuanshi was angry, the few people were so scared that they didn't know what to say, and their voices were trembling.

Seeing this, Yuanshi didn't know what to say, so he could only say: "Forget it, forget it, since things have come to this, you guys go down the mountain."

"Now you are all in the Taiyi realm, and you have enough strength to go down the mountain to train. When the struggle for humanity arises, I will let you go back to the mountain."

After Yuanshi finished speaking, he took out twelve talismans and gave them to the twelve golden immortals.

"This is the Jade Void Talisman, which contains my breath and seals a wisp of Hunyuan power. It can launch a quasi-saint attack as a means of saving your life."

The Twelve Golden Immortals had no choice but to kneel down and bid farewell to Yuanshi and leave Kunlun Mountain.

After Taishang left Kunlun, he flew along his heart all the way. Not long after, a sacred mountain appeared in front of him. The mountains were crisscrossed and located in the southeast.

"This is it. I have a fate with this place!"

Xuandu asked puzzledly: "Master, although this mountain is magical, it is far inferior to Kunlun. Can it really be used as a dojo for the Hunyuan Saint?"

In fact, Xuandu did not value these, but felt that the dojo was too bad and insulted the master's reputation.

The Supreme laughed and said, "This mountain is called Xuanyang. It was the Taoist temple of the Yin-Yang Taoist master in the ancient times. After the death of the Yin-Yang Patriarch, this mountain became desolate."

"So the mountain is not important, what is important is who is here."

After the Supreme finished speaking, he waved his hand, and Xuanyang Mountain changed instantly. A mountain in the middle rose from the ground, and the innate spiritual energy spread throughout the mountain range.

The Tai Chi Diagram, the innate treasure, stood in the air, covering the mountain range, and the Yin-Yang Avenue ran through the mountain range.

At this time, the Yin-Yang Qi also rose to the sky in the mountain range, and the two reflected each other. It took a long time for them to calm down and return to peace.

The Supreme waved his hand and placed the Taiqing Palace on the top of the mountain.

"Bajing Palace!"

The Bajing Palace on Xuanyang Mountain overlooks the southeastern and eastern realms of the prehistoric world.

From then on, this place became the Supreme Taoist temple and the mountain gate of the human religion.

ps: It's the last day of this month, please give me some monthly tickets.

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