In the Great Luo Tian of the Heaven Realm, Donghua sat in the main hall, scanning the ancient world with a pair of Dharma Eyes, feeling the changes in the ancient world and the movement of heaven.

At a certain moment, Donghua opened his eyes and began to meditate. Just now, he looked through the ancient world with his Dharma Eyes and examined the ancient world. He found that the changes in human nature had reached their peak and had formed an unstoppable trend. This meant that the battle for human nature had completely begun.

"Xuantian, go to Shouyang Mountain and ask Fuxi, the God of All Gods, to come to Heaven and tell him that the time is ripe."

Xuantian stood up and said, "Yes, father!"

Donghua thought for a moment, then left Daluotian and came to Taisutian.

"Senior sister, the time has come for Fuxi to reincarnate. Do you have any other arrangements?" In the Wa Palace, Donghua and Nuwa sat in silence.

After hearing Donghua's words, Nuwa also began to deduce. However, after some deductions, she found that the secrets were a little hazy and the information was always vague.

Although Nuwa did not calculate anything, this situation also confirmed the authenticity of what Donghua said. After all, if it were not for the general trend of humanity, the secret of heaven would not be hazy.

"Okay, if that's the case, then let Fuxi reincarnate, and you and I will go to the Netherworld in person to find Houtu."

Donghua nodded, and the two of them sat down leisurely, and not long after, Xuantian brought Fuxi to the main hall.

"I have met the Great Heavenly Lord and the Saint!" Fuxi bowed respectfully, not casually because of the special relationship. This was a sign of respect for the strong.

Donghua and Nuwa nodded and motioned for Fuxi to sit down.

"Brother, the trend of humanity is now unstoppable. We want you to reincarnate into the human race through the five reincarnations."

Fuxi nodded slightly. He didn't know why Donghua said reincarnation was not a problem before.

But with the birth of reincarnation, he has understood that his reincarnation is indeed not a problem.

Fuxi hesitated for a moment and said: "Can you give me a little more time? My path to human immortality has not yet been completed, and it is still not perfect. I can only practice to the Daluo realm. I want to be reincarnated after I have perfected it."

The path of immortality is Fuxi's obsession. He wants to open up a path of cultivation like the three paths of gods, immortals and demons, but he is stuck in Daluo and can no longer move forward. This situation has made him crazy and even made him fall into In the obsession, I can't extricate myself.

When Donghua heard Fuxi's words, he laughed and said, "Fuxi, Fuxi, you are really a fan of the authorities!"

"Please ask the Great Heavenly Lord to clear up the confusion." Fuxi hesitated for a moment and asked respectfully.

Donghua thought for a while and said: "Although I have not practiced your way of human immortality, a "person" of the way of human immortality must be applied to the human way, or to the human race."

"If you want to create an ordinary path of cultivation, it will naturally have no impact, but if you want to create a path of cultivation that is comparable to immortals, gods and demons, it is not easy."

"We must go through tribulations, or in other words, we should use the great tribulations as a training ground in this battle for humanity, lead the human race to rise with the way of human immortals, and conquer all races. Why worry about not being perfect in the way of human immortals?"

At this moment, Fuxi only felt a roaring sound in his mind, which shocked him. He had never thought about this, but after Donghua said it, he instantly understood that this was the only feasible way.

The practice of Shinto has gone through the efforts of countless people and reached its peak during the period of the three ancient tribes. The practice of demon started from Rahu. At that time, the entire western continent was full of demon cultivators, which was very prosperous.

Not to mention the cultivation of immortality. From the beginning of Hongjun to the present, it has reached its highest peak after going through Sanqing, Donghua, Nuwa, Jieyin Zhunti, Zhen Yuanzi and others.

It is not an easy task for Fuxi to create a new way to cultivate immortality, but this time of the rise of humanity is the best opportunity.

"Thank you, Great Heavenly Lord, and thank you fellow Taoist, Fuxi has been taught!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, both satisfied with the conversation.

Nuwa was also very happy to see this. She was very clear about Fuxi's Yuanhui experience, but she could only see it with her eyes and worry in her heart. She had no way to help Fuxi through her Taoist practice.

But now that Donghua could enlighten Fuxi and point out a suitable path, she was very happy.

"Okay, in that case, let's go to Netherworld to find fellow Taoist Houtu for help."

In the netherworld, in a hall full of Taoist charm, Donghua, Fuxi, Nuwa, Houtu, and Xuantian stood in the hall.

"Do you want me to send Fellow Taoist Fuxi's true spirit to reincarnation?"

Donghua hummed, and then said softly: "It is no longer possible for Fuxi to reincarnate on the great road. There is not enough time and there are too many unknowns. Now the only way to catch up is to take the road of reincarnation."

Hou Tu thought for a while and said: "It is a simple matter to let Fuxi reincarnate, but it is difficult for me to make him forget the memories of this life and start over. After all, his cultivation is already at the pinnacle of quasi-sage. only."

Donghua said softly: "It's okay, this is not a problem. When the time comes, Fuxi will cooperate with you and reincarnate voluntarily. You only need to control the human reincarnation and send him into the human race. Fuxi's cultivation will be scattered between heaven and earth."

"In the end, only the enlightenment of the avenue is left. After he steps into Daluo again, he will reawaken the memories of this life, but it is only the memory and the enlightenment of the avenue."

"In this way, Fuxi's reincarnation is no longer a problem. After he reincarnates into the human race, from now on there will only be the human race Fuxi, and there will be no innate god Fuxi. It depends on what he chooses when he is a great Luo."

Hou Tu nodded, and then said: "In that case, I have no problem here, when will you reincarnate?"

"Right now!"

"So anxious? Has the battle for humanity started?" Hou Tu asked in confusion.

Donghua hummed, and said nothing more.

Nu Wa turned to look at Fu Xi, and said softly: "Brother, you can reincarnate with peace of mind. I will separate an incarnation to reincarnate with you, and it will also be convenient to check your status and prevent others from interfering with your enlightenment."

Fu Xi nodded, and after saying goodbye, several people followed Hou Tu to the front of the five reincarnations.

"Fu Xi Daoyou, you are a congenital god, a peak quasi-saint, this soul-forgetting soup is of no use to you, but it is a procedure, do you want to try it?"

Before reincarnation, Hou Tu took out a bowl of yellow soup and handed it to Fu Xi.

Fuxi took it and said, "Thank you very much, Hou Tu Tianzun." Then he turned to Donghua and Nuwa and said, "Great Tianzun, little sister, take care of yourselves. When Fuxi comes back again, we will have a drink and chat. I hope that I will be qualified to call you fellow Taoists at that time!" After Fuxi finished speaking, he drank the Forget Soul Soup in his hand, and then scattered all his cultivation between heaven and earth. Hou Tu was right. The Forget Soul Soup, also known as the legendary Meng Po Soup, is of no use to Fuxi. But it depends on who gave this Meng Po Soup! The Meng Po Soup that Fuxi drank was specially refined by Hou Tu. It was full of the power of reincarnation, which was the epitome of the great way of reincarnation. It was equivalent to Fuxi not resisting and bearing the blow of a Hunyuan who specialized in the great way of reincarnation. A bowl of Meng Po Soup directly made Fuxi, who had lost his cultivation, as sluggish as an ordinary dead soul. Nuwa felt reluctant to see this, but she was relieved when she thought that this was Fuxi's chance to become a Taoist.


Nuwa's true spirit followed the Great Dao and transformed into an incarnation, following Fuxi into the human reincarnation.

Seeing the two people entering the reincarnation, Hou Tu took out the reincarnation seal, stamped the true spirits of the two people, and then mobilized the reincarnation authority to send the two people to reincarnation directly.

"The strife of the prehistoric world is about to begin again!" Donghua sighed, and then walked out of the five reincarnations.

The three of them walked in the netherworld.

"Donghua Daoyou, now the ten Yama Kings of the underworld have returned to their positions, but the Fengdu Emperor on them has not returned yet. I wonder what you think?" Nuwa looked at the underworld that had already started to run in front of her and asked with a smile.

Donghua heard Nuwa's ridicule, but he didn't hide it at all and said directly: "I left the position of Fengdu Emperor for Xuantian. It depends on whether he can bear it. If he can't, the best candidate is fellow Daoist Minghe. I will discuss it with him at that time!"

Nuwa stopped moving forward. She didn't expect Donghua to actually say it directly without any cover-up, which made her not know what to say.

"Then how do you think he can bear it?" Nuwa asked again.

Donghua looked up at the prehistoric continent and said softly: "Although the members of the underworld are now complete, there is a lack of people who truly practice the way of ghosts and immortals. Aren't the five people who claim to be ghost emperors the most suitable?"

Nuwa was stunned for a moment and asked: "Are you going to let Xuantian subdue them?"

Donghua nodded. This was his truest thought. In the highest level of the underworld, the position of Taishan Mansion Lord, that is, Dongyue Emperor, is vacant, waiting for the heavenly way to give birth to a destined person.

As for the other ten celestial masters, the Three Pure Ones have not decided on their candidates yet, so the position is also vacant.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva may not appear, after all, the West has been kicked out of the underworld and reincarnation.

But nothing is absolute. After all, there are two Hunyuan saints in the West, and there will be opportunities to intervene in reincarnation and the underworld in the future. It depends on how much benefit they are willing to pay to impress the existing beneficiaries, that is, Donghua, the Three Pure Ones and others.

In addition, there are the Five Ghost Emperors, that is, the five people who are now practicing the way of ghost immortals in the prehistoric world. All five of them are at the peak of Daluo, and their combined strength is comparable to the quasi-saint realm.

So this test set by Donghua is very difficult for Xuantian, unless someone is willing to help him, but since it is a test set by Donghua, it is estimated that even Houtu will not let him intervene.

"If Xuantian wants to become the famous and powerful Emperor of Fengdu, he must have people under his command, the kind of people who are willing to follow him wholeheartedly."

"The Ten Kings of Hell are all members of the Wu clan. Xuantian's special identity will make them follow him, but they are only the middle level of the underworld, so only the Five Ghost Emperors are the most suitable candidates."

Donghua's words are very right. If Xuantian can't even subdue the Five Ghost Emperors, then don't even think about being the Son of Yin, and just be a second-generation saint.

With Donghua and Houtu around, no one in the prehistoric world dares to bully him, and will only treat him as a guest of honor.

The three of them walked forward in silence for a long time, and Houtu suddenly asked:

"Who do you think the Three Pure Ones will let into the underworld?"

Nuwa smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. As long as we control the position of the Great Emperor and the Five Ghost Emperors, everything else is secondary. The entire underworld is full of people from the two tribes of witches and demons and the heavenly court. Even if the people of the Three Pure Ones are in high positions, do they still have to do it themselves?"

Some of the demons under Nuwa were arranged to enter the underworld, and Houtu also inserted some people from the witch tribe into the Ten Palaces.

The situation where the witches and demons were fighting to the death actually developed peacefully in the underworld. Both sides seemed to have forgotten their blood feud and just treated each other as ordinary colleagues.

Donghua strictly controls the operation of the entire underworld, and even arranges Long Bo, the Eastern Emperor, to enter the underworld to temporarily preside over the affairs of the underworld, which is equivalent to reserving a position for Xuantian.

It is difficult to comment on Donghua's actions. If you say it is selfish, he does open the underworld to the outside world and allow all parties to intervene.

If you say it is selfless, it is indeed not, and it can even be said to be nepotism.

"Brother Donghua, Fuxi has been reincarnated, and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors need people to teach. This is also a great merit. I wonder who you are going to arrange to be the teacher of the emperor?" Nuwa asked softly.

Donghua smiled and said, "You shouldn't ask me this, but ask the Supreme Brother. After all, the position of Fuxi Daoyou was proposed by them. Logically speaking, this merit belongs to the Three Pure Ones."


Hearing Donghua's words, Nuwa couldn't help laughing. In this matter, Donghua can be said to have calculated the Three Pure Ones.

The Three Pure Ones originally wanted to see the fight between Fuxi and Hongyun, so that Donghua would be in a dilemma, and by the way, alienate the relationship between Donghua and Nuwa, as well as the relationship between Donghua and Hongyun and Fuxi.

But they didn't expect that Donghua had calculated all this, and in the end, the Three Pure Ones got nothing.

No, they still left a mouthful of soup to drink!

Donghua and others looked down on the merits of the Three Emperors' Teacher, but for people in the Daluo realm, it was also a great merit, and it was a mouthful of extremely delicious soup.

"Then I'll go to find the Supreme Senior Brother? It's just right to congratulate the Supreme Senior Brother on the construction of the new dojo." Nuwa joked.

Donghua didn't say anything. Seeing this, Nuwa left the Netherworld directly.

At this time, only Donghua and Houtu were left.

"This time, I'm not going to take Xuantian away. I want him to stay in the Netherworld. You let him join the underworld and let him practice first to see if he has made any progress during the time he has followed me." Donghua instructed Houtu.

Houtu nodded. She was very happy to see what Donghua said.

"After Xuantian studies in the underworld, I want him to go out with Xuanming, Qingxuan, and Yuanzhen to join the struggle for humanity and help the human race rise so that they can get more training."

Hou Tu nodded and agreed: "Okay, I know, I won't favor Xuantian, I pay the most attention to his practice."

Donghua hummed and looked up at the prehistoric continent. At this time, the prehistoric continent has risen up with the power of war. Some tribes can't wait and started to take action.

A war that swept all tribes and forces in the prehistoric world began to unfold.


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