In the early autumn of this year, the continuous heavy rain caused the water level of the rivers to surge, the houses along the river were washed away, the plague broke out, and the mortals complained and suffered terribly.

Especially the Huaxu tribe, which was located on the banks of the river, had too many casualties. Before such a natural disaster, even the mortals of the prehistoric world seemed a little powerless.

Faced with such a natural disaster, the high-level officials of the Huaxu tribe began to take action. Masters such as Jinxian, Taiyi, and Daluo went to the banks of the river and began to dredge the water veins, using great power to divert the floods between heaven and earth to other places.

With the actions of the cultivators, the disaster of the Huaxu tribe also came to an end, but the real disaster began again. After the flood, the plague was rampant, and poisonous insects and beasts attacked ordinary humans.

Fuxi once again led the practice to deal with these things, develop elixirs, and drive away poisonous insects and beasts.

But such things are okay for one or two days, but after a long time, the cultivators also have opinions. They need to practice, not be nannies for these mortals.

However, with Fuxi's persistence, the disaster was successfully overcome.

And Fuxi was more determined to create the Eight Diagrams suitable for ordinary mortals, so that all living beings would know the cycle of the four seasons and the impermanence of the way of heaven.

In order to understand these strange phenomena in nature and help mortals solve their problems, Fuxi began to travel around.

He carefully studied the changes of the sun, moon, heaven and earth, the movement of the stars, and carefully observed the laws of the earth's cold and heat, and the blooming and falling of flowers.

Like a mortal walking on the prehistoric continent, feeling the way of heaven and earth, his understanding of the Eight Diagrams became deeper and deeper.

One evening, Fuxi was sitting on the river bank to comprehend the way, and suddenly saw a big white turtle climbing up the shore, emitting a dazzling silver light under the setting sun.

"As the saying goes, turtles are a symbol of longevity. It must have its reasons to climb ashore."

So Fuxi went over to help the white turtle get ashore. But for some reason, this big white turtle kept following Fuxi. No matter where he hid, it could find him, which made Fuxi very puzzled.

Finally, he had no choice but to give up practicing and hurried home, but this strange big white turtle followed him home slowly.

Fuxi thought: "There must be a reason why this big white turtle is like this!"

So Fuxi dug a big pool and raised the white turtle.

The next day, Fuxi was putting food into the white turtle's pool, and suddenly looked at the dragon horse nesting beside him. He saw that under the morning sun, the pattern on the dragon horse's back was extremely clear, and the Tao rhyme was constantly flowing.

Fuxi walked up and stroked the dragon horse's smooth back, muttering: "One and six are on the top, two and seven are on the bottom, three and eight are on the left, four and nine are on the right, and fifty is in the middle... By the way, isn't this the Eight Diagrams?"

Fuxi hurriedly pulled a piece of grass stalk on the spot and drew it on a large leaf according to the pattern on the dragon horse's back.

But although the latest Eight Diagrams were drawn, people still couldn't understand it.

Looking at the puzzled crowd around him, Fuxi picked up the leaf again and pondered the pattern on it, but he couldn't think of a way to simplify it.

He walked to the edge of the white turtle pond unknowingly, and suddenly heard the water in the pond "gurgling". After a careful look, he found that the big white turtle had swam in front of him from the bottom of the water, stretched its head high, stared at him, and then nodded at him three times.

Fuxi was about to step forward to see what was going on, but the big white turtle retracted its head into its stomach and lay motionless by the water.

Fuxi was very puzzled, so he squatted down and observed the big white turtle attentively. He found that there were five pieces in the middle of the pattern on the back of the big white turtle, and eight pieces around it. There were twelve pieces in the inner circle and twenty-four pieces in the outer circle. Suddenly, his mind became much brighter.

He picked up the leaf again and compared it with the pattern on it. At this time, the principle of the Eight Diagrams emerged in his mind, and he gradually realized the law of change of all things in the world.

That is, one yin and one yang. He used a continuous bar "—" as yang; a broken bar "--" as yin, and three bars as a group to draw eight different patterns.

This is the Eight Trigrams!

Each trigram represents a certain thing, symbolizing the sky, the earth, the mountain, the marsh, thunder, wind, water, and fire, respectively, and is represented by the eight characters Qian, Kun, Gen, Dui, Zhen, Xun, Kan, and Li.

And this is the post-natal Eight Trigrams!

Fuxi matched the Eight Trigrams with each other and got sixty-four trigrams. This is also the post-natal Eight Trigrams that mortals can use to peek into the secrets of heaven. Such Eight Trigrams are no longer a great way, but a law.

A method to peek into the secrets of heaven!

In this way, why the weather changes from cold to warm, why the sun and the moon rotate day and night, and why there is wind, rain, lightning and thunder, all of these can be known, or the reasons can be inferred.

And just after Fuxi created the law of the Eight Trigrams, Nuwa, who was on the mountain, smiled, and then pointed out with one finger, and infinite merits fell from the sky and fell directly into Fuxi's body, and some merits fell on the newly formed Eight Trigrams.

The merits flowed, and the Eight Trigrams instantly became a spiritual treasure from a mortal tool, and it was a merit spiritual treasure.

After Fuxi comprehended the Eight Trigrams, he gained more merits and instantly entered the realm of heaven and man, his mind immersed in the Great Dao.

The eight forces of heaven, earth, mountain, marsh, thunder, wind, water, and fire were constantly running around him. The eight forces and eight changes presented the truth of heaven and earth to Fuxi.

On the mountain, Donghua watched Nuwa's actions and asked with a smile: "I wonder how much merits do you have left, why are you squandering it like this?"

Nuwa said: "Not much, not much, it can only allow a mortal to break through the peak of Quasi-Saint."

This is a light remark, but it makes people want to take action. It is absolutely a huge amount of merit to be able to make a mortal break through to the peak of quasi-saint.

But it is no wonder. At the beginning, Nuwa first created humans, then became the first saint, and then repaired the sky and reincarnation.

In the prehistoric world, Nuwa can be said to be the richest saint besides Donghua.

Donghua looked at Fuxi below and said: "In fact, you don't need merit, Fuxi can still break through. You should use your merit to break through the realm and reach the peak of the third heaven as soon as possible."

Although merit is good, it is useless for the fourth heaven of Hunyuan. It is still useful before the fourth heaven.

Xuanhuang merit is also a kind of Tao, which is the Xuanhuang Avenue condensed by the power of the heaven, so all prehistoric creatures can directly refine and absorb it.

But after opening the way to enter the fourth heaven, this Xuanhuang Avenue has no effect on realm breakthrough.

Nuwa shook her head and said, "My realm is still lacking in the perception of the Great Dao. The Great Dao of Creation has fallen into a bottleneck. It is difficult to have a higher breakthrough without an epiphany."

Donghua did not say anything about this. Nuwa's Great Dao of Creation has reached its peak. Now what is missing is to perfect the cultivation of the other Great Daos, and the Three Pure Ones and others are also in this realm.

Only Houtu is different. She cultivates four Daos and only cultivates four Daos, so she only needs to perfect four Daos to open the Dao.

There is no difference between the two different cultivation methods. It depends on who cultivates the Great Dao.

However, in terms of omnipotence, Houtu is naturally not as good as Donghua, the Three Pure Ones and others.

At this time, Fuxi below has entered the most critical moment, that is, casting the foundation of the Dao. This is also the most critical step in the cultivation of the Taiyi realm. If this step can be completed, the door to Daluo will be opened.

Time slowly passed, and a huge round of Bagua Dao map emerged around Fuxi, and the innate spiritual treasure Hetu Luoshu also appeared around Fuxi, emitting infinite Dao rhyme, helping Fuxi to comprehend the Great Dao.

Finally, at a certain moment, Fuxi opened his eyes, and a powerful force rose to the sky. With Bagua in his left hand and Taiji in his right hand, he punched out with his fists, and Taiji Bagua enveloped the sky.


A peak Taiyi power surged in Fuxi.

At this moment, Fuxi leaped into the peak of Taiyi, and was only one step away from awakening his past life memories.

Seeing this, Donghua stood up on the top of the mountain and said softly: "My mission has been completed, and the rest is up to you. Whether Fuxi can prove his way depends on his luck!"

After reaching the peak of Taiyi, the only thing left is to walk out of his own way, or practice the way of others to break through the Daluo realm.

And what is left for Fuxi is to walk out of his own way without even thinking about it. In this regard, Donghua has already taught Fuxi everything he can. Bagua and Renxian are the foundation of Fuxi.

As for the future achievement of Renhuang, in terms of practicing the way of the emperor, it depends on what Fuxi's own way is. There is also a huge gap between the way of the emperor and the way of the emperor, and no one else can help.

Nuwa also stood up and said: "Brother's Tao is naturally for him to comprehend. What I can help him with is to complete the final transformation. The rest depends on his luck. Whether he breaks through to a higher realm or remains where he is, it all depends on him!"

"The final transformation?" Donghua asked puzzled.

Nuwa smiled and said: "Nowadays, human marriages are chaotic, and inbreeding is against the laws of nature, so I need to help him complete the marriage of humanity and help him break through the last barrier."

"Determine human relations!"

Donghua said Nuwa's thoughts in one sentence, because determining human relations is also Fuxi's brilliant achievement and the general trend of humanity. The most important thing is to have merits to get.

This merit is not the kind rewarded by Nuwa, but the merit rewarded by the way of heaven, just like the heavenly marriage of Di Jun and Xihe.

"Are you going to let your incarnation and Fuxi complete the human marriage?"

Nuwa nodded. This is the best way. Otherwise, no one in the prehistoric world can match Fuxi, and can't become Fuxi's Taoist partner.

But after hearing this answer, Donghua felt a bit jealous, as if his privilege was taken away by someone else.

To be precise, it felt like he was cuckolded.

Although this analogy is not correct!

After seeing Donghua's appearance, Nuwa felt a sense of pleasure in her heart, and the troubles of not being able to break through in her practice were instantly swept away.

But she didn't say anything, and disappeared in Qishan before her silk stockings were covered with dust.

Looking at Nuwa who was leaving, Donghua shook his head, dispelled his previous thoughts, and then disappeared on the spot across time and space.

Just when Fuxi realized the truth and created the Eight Diagrams, the human race also ushered in the most crucial battle.

When the human race led by the Emperor of the Earth swept across the East, they finally collided with the most powerful race in the East, the Dog Sealing Clan.

The Dog Sealing Clan, with a human body and a dog head, is also a superior force among the myriad races in the prehistoric world. The clan has a quasi-saint ancestor named: Quan Lingzi!

This person has another identity, a disciple of King Pan, who was the first opponent Donghua met when he just returned. He was the ancestor of King Pan who made Donghua embarrassed. He was an ancestor who dominated the ancient times.

Quan Lingzi is the disciple of King Pan!

The Quanfeng Clan is stronger than the human race in all aspects, especially having a quasi-saint ancestor, which is a condition that the human race cannot match at present, because the human race does not have a quasi-saint.

So when facing the Quanfeng Clan, there are many voices within the human race, saying that they should temporarily retreat and wait for the opportunity. Even the Dihuang Clan chose to temporarily retreat.

I originally thought that the Emperor would support this decision, but what everyone didn't expect was that this time the Emperor did not back down, but faced the difficulties.

"Everyone, I know that the Quanfeng clan has a quasi-sage, but we human clan don't have one, but we have already started to compete and retreated once or twice. How can we retreat countless times?"

"Among all the races, the big clan with quasi-saints is not just the Quasi-Saint clan, there are many other races, not to mention the Asura clan who have conquered all directions. The ancestor of Styx is a peak quasi-saint."

"Retreat, retreat, retreat, where can we retreat to?"

"Gentlemen, no matter whether we win or lose this battle, we will fight. If we win, our human race will move to a higher and bigger stage. If we lose, we, the human race, will cultivate and recuperate, know our shame and then be brave, and wait for the next opportunity!"

In the face of the Emperor's remarks, they received the support of most of the mission's top brass, because they knew that the human race had already embarked on this path and would not be able to retreat.

Moreover, today's human race needs a war to use this war to digest internal conflicts and achieve the effect of centralization, otherwise the human race will split sooner or later.

"Brother, do you really want to have a decisive battle with the Inufeng clan?"

After the meeting, the Dihuang family found the Tianhuang family immediately. He was very confused about the Tianhuang family's decision this time. The Tianhuang family's rhetoric could deceive others, but it could not deceive him.

Facing the Dihuang clan's inquiry, the Tianhuang clan immediately sealed the main hall, and then said with a bitter smile: "I have no choice in this battle, the only choice left for me is to fight!"

"Why?" Dihuang asked in confusion.

The Emperor said: "Fuxi has successfully broken through to the peak of Taiyi, and the next step is to break through to Daluo. At that time, it is also the arrival of Fuxi's era, and my existence has blocked Fuxi's progress."

"So I have to be reincarnated!"

"But this reincarnation must be reasonable, so that Fuxi's succession to the throne seems more reasonable."

Faced with the Mikado family's statement, the Earth Emperor family reluctantly agreed, but what he couldn't understand was that there were many ways to reincarnate, so why he had to go to war with the Inufeng clan to reincarnate the Mikado family.

Faced with the Dihuang clan's confusion, the Tianhuang clan explained: "At present, in the war with the Inufeng clan, our hope of winning is slim. No one can even deal with Quanlingzi, so my death is very reasonable."

"At this time, the only one who can solve the plight of the human race is Fuxi. This is also the opinion from Xuandu, or the opinion of the Supreme Saint!"

Upon hearing this answer, Dihuang said angrily: "I'll go find Xuandu!"

"Okay, second brother, actually I think this is quite good. Compared to an inexplicable death, if I can die on the battlefield, die for the human race, and fight a quasi-sage, my life will not be in vain! "The Emperor persuaded.

Faced with this rhetoric, the Emperor of the Earth had no choice but to accept it. He respected the Emperor's choice.

"I'm going to gather the army!"

As the Dihuang family left, the Emperor's eyes gradually became deeper.

“It’s still unclear who will win and who will lose!”

ps: Shamelessly ask brothers for some monthly tickets and free recommendation tickets.

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