Location: Tiannan Secret Realm in the southern part of Honghuang, also known as Phoenix Realm.

Time: The 100th anniversary of King Pan's death.

The sycamore trees on the mountain are in full bloom, and the golden and green sycamore leaves are floating in the air.

The melodious sound of the piano spreads throughout the valley, and hundreds of birds dance around the golden phoenix in the sky.

Donghua leaned against a sycamore tree, listening to the piano and admiring the dancing of hundreds of birds. Behind him, two phoenix girls pinched his shoulders, feeding him a spiritual fruit from time to time and filling a glass of wine.

"This is the life that immortals should live!"

After the last war, they followed the golden phoenix to the Phoenix Clan to heal their wounds, and they just came out of retreat a few days ago.

The last battle was really dangerous. If it weren't for Qianyu's timely reminder, the consequences would be unknown.

But the fruits of victory after winning are indeed rich.

Thinking of this, Donghua waved his hand to let the phoenix girl serving beside him withdraw.

Then he took out a banner and a map. The banner is the Panwang Banner, and the picture is the sun and moon picture.

The Panwang Banner was originally the Heavenly Tribulation Banner, a top-level innate spiritual treasure, and the companion magic weapon of Panwang, but it seems to have been led astray by Panwang, the sixth son.

The top-level innate spiritual treasure that originally carried the way of Heavenly Tribulation was used by Panwang to increase the power of Gu insects and poisons, and did not exert the power that Heavenly Tribulation should have, which was really a waste of heavenly resources.

Donghua took the Heavenly Tribulation Banner and thought carefully, thinking that there was a lot to be done.

You must know that there is no such thing as Heavenly Punishment in the prehistoric world today.

Whether sentient beings are transforming or improving their realm, they only have the test of Heavenly Dao, but no Heavenly Tribulation.

Even the test of Heavenly Dao was only after Hongjun achieved the Dao of Hunyuan and became a saint, and the Heavenly Dao was further improved.

When innate saints like them were born, there was no Heavenly Tribulation and test.

It was directly the roar of the Great Dao, and the Heavenly Dao sent blessings, as if they were eager for them to achieve the Dao of Hunyuan immediately.

The innate saints were bred by the Great Dao. At that time, the Heavenly Dao was not perfect. Every saint born represented the further perfection of the Heavenly Dao.

How could they possibly be beheaded by the Heavenly Dao?

They are the sons of the Great Dao and the Heavenly Dao.

Of course, there are many kinds of innate saints, and there are some special ones, such as the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches.

The Three Pure Ones are the incarnations of Pangu's primordial spirit when he was transformed into the Dao. They are born with a kind of Great Dao and are born as Daluo Jinxian (Emperor Realm). You should know that Taiqing, Yuqing, and Shangqing are not just names, but a kind of Great Dao.

Just like Donghua's Pure Yang Great Dao, the Emperor of Donghua can also be the Emperor of Pure Yang. Pure Yang is both the Dao and the name.

The same is true for the Twelve Ancestral Witches. They are the incarnations of the Dao blood when Pangu was transformed into the Dao. They are born as Daluo Jinxian.

There are also some saints in the world who can be compared with these people.

For example, Nuwa, Donghua, Fuxi, Dijun, Taiyi and other innate saints, they are also Daluo Jinxian when they are born.

That is what people usually call birth and footsteps, and this footsteps is the road of birth.

Naturally, there are also ordinary saints, such as Donghua’s eldest disciple Qingxuan, who contains the two energies of yin and yang, but is the worst saint.

If we talk about the top innate saint in yin and yang in the prehistoric times, it is the Yin and Yang Patriarch of the ancient times.

It’s a pity that he was killed by Luohou.

After studying the Tianjie Banner, Donghua began to study the Sun and Moon Map.

The Sun and Moon Map was the spiritual treasure that Pan Wang wanted to exchange for the Luobao Gold at that time.

What Donghua couldn’t figure out was why this map was in Pan Wang’s hands?

This map is a treasure of the starry sky.

Logically speaking, it should be in the hands of one of Dou Mu Yuanjun, Ziwei Emperor, Di Jun Taiyi and Wangshu.

Donghua didn’t care about these. Anyway, it was in his hands, so it was his. He immediately put his own mark on it and put it in the Purple Mansion Spirit Platform, waiting for time to retreat and refine it.

This time, Donghua's spoils included one top-grade innate spiritual treasure, two upper-grade innate spiritual treasures, three mid-grade innate spiritual treasures, and five lower-grade innate spiritual treasures.

It can be said that he was rich.

At this time, Prince Changqin and others had finished playing the piano and came over.

"Meet His Majesty the King of the East."

Donghua: "Well, no need to be polite. You are not my subordinates. You can do whatever you want."

After hearing this, the three little ones quickly sat down beside Donghua.

Donghua smiled helplessly. He and these three little phoenixes have become very familiar with each other in the past few days.

The most lively and active one is Qingluan Bird, whose name is Qingniao. She wears a long green dress, like a child who never grows up.

The most obedient one is Jinfenghuang. Jinfeng speaks and acts politely and is also the princess of the Jinfeng clan. Her status is not low.

The last one is Honghu, whose name is Fengniao. She is diligent and studious and wears white clothes.

Donghua looked at them and said, "We were just casual acquaintances, but we didn't expect to become friends of life and death because of Pan Wang. It's also a great fate."

Bluebird said quickly, "Emperor, are we really friends now?"

Donghua nodded. He recognized these friends, especially in terms of character. As for other backgrounds, they were not important to Donghua.

"That's great. When I go home, I must tell my mother that Dong Wanggong, the head of the male immortals, is my friend."

Donghua smiled. He was willing to deal with these young people in his heart, perhaps because he himself was a "young man".

Bluebird suddenly hesitated to speak, and wanted to say something, but finally didn't say it.

Seeing this, Donghua said, "Just say whatever you want to say. Since we are all friends, why are you still hesitating."

When Qingniao heard this, she immediately said excitedly: "Emperor, I want to ask, are you and Queen Mother of the West a Taoist couple?"

When Donghua heard this, he knocked Qingniao on the head and said: "You are an ignorant little girl, how can you make up stories behind her back? Taoist friend Taizhen is a quasi-saint. If you say her name, she will naturally feel it. If she knows it, she may pluck your feathers and roast them to eat."

When Qingniao heard this, she immediately hugged Yue Xiong (xiong) and looked around in fear, as if she was afraid that someone would pluck her feathers the next moment.

When several people saw this scene, they all laughed, and even the serious Qianyu laughed.

Qingniao realized that she was fooled by the emperor and pouted unhappily.

Donghua stopped laughing and said, "You little girl, you are still not convinced? If I were not here today, your words would definitely be known by Taoist Taizhen."

Bluebird said weakly, "Then I am curious."

"Then I will teach you a lesson today. In this prehistoric world, you should not be curious. Curiosity can make you die."

Bluebird said slowly, "I know. I will not be curious anymore."

Seeing the look of Bluebird, Donghua couldn't bear it, but the prehistoric world was so cruel. Now the Phoenix Clan is declining, and the ancestor of the Qingluan Clan also died in the war between the three clans.

So Bluebird doesn't have a good backer. If she keeps talking so recklessly, there will be disaster.

Don't you see that Bixiao and Qiongxiao in the future dared to insult the saint. They are really crazy. If she doesn't die, who will die?

"I am not a Taoist partner with Taoist Taizhen, but we are very good friends." Donghua finally explained. He couldn't bear to hit this little guy.

Daoists, please read it! ! !

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