Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 375: The Conferred Gods War, Hongjun's Purpose

The vigorous apotheosis of gods kicked off. Human Emperor Xuanyuan took the lead in sending troops to conquer Yanju on the grounds that he did not obey orders and proclaimed himself emperor without permission.

There was no mention of Chi You and Zi Wei, as if they were just targeting Yan Ju, Emperor Yan, but everyone knew that this was Xuanyuan's distraction plan.

After Chiyou heard that Xuanyuan sent troops to attack Emperor Yan, he also issued an order. The Jiuli army came out in full force and began to attack the Ziwei tribe in the south. Countless wars broke out between the two sides to compete for the southern continent.

In the Eastern Continent, Xuanyuan personally led the expedition, and a million-strong army attacked the Yandi tribe.

Yandi Yanju did not flinch at all, and faced Xuanyuan's army head-on. Several wars broke out between the two sides in the Yellow River Basin, which lasted for three Yuanhui, and finally formed a decisive battle in Banquan!

"Yan Ju, as the son of the Human Emperor Shen Nong, why did you disobey the central government's orders and secretly proclaim yourself emperor, causing the division of the human race? What crime do you deserve?"

Xuanyuan is holding the Xuanyuan Sword, which was also the former Taishi Sword, standing on the majestic chariot, with thirty-six Daluo generals standing beside him, and below him the commanders of the troops from all sides.

On the other side, Yandi Yanju was also standing on a chariot, with divine birds surrounding his head.

"Xuanyuan son, the position of the Human Emperor is occupied by those with virtue. What virtues do you have to be able to occupy the position of the Human Emperor? You have no virtue and no conduct. Why should I obey you?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan said disdainfully: "Since I took over, I have been diligent in my career and the overall strength of the human race has developed rapidly. I have lived up to the expectations of the Emperor of Heaven and the two human emperors, and have lived up to the expectations of the trillions of human races and the human emperor. position."

"On the other hand, you Yan Ju, are you worthy of the human race who trust you? Are you worthy of your father Shen Nong? What qualifications do you have to call yourself Emperor Yan and split the human race?"

Emperor Yan's face was gloomy, and he was very unwilling to talk about his father, Shennong. He was his son, so why would the Human Emperor choose an outsider?

If he himself is not good, he will admit it, but he thinks that he is not inferior to Xuanyuan at all. This is the real reason for his rebellion. He just wants his father to see that he, Emperor Yan, is not weaker than others in his life.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's fight!"

Yan Ju raised the golden wheel in his hand, flew up, and headed straight for Xuanyuan.

And Xuanyuan did not flinch at all, holding the Xuanyuan Sword and facing the difficulties.

The two quickly fought together!

The armies of both sides below also launched an attack, and then fought hand to hand.

The sound of fighting soared into the sky and resounded throughout the wilderness!

When the two major forces of Xuanyuan and Emperor Yan were at war, countless battles broke out in the southern continent.

Chiyou's army and Ziwei's army were constantly fighting. They were fighting for every city, every land, every mountain and every river. People died anytime and anywhere.

Chi You's Jiuli tribe has the support of the Wu clan and the Blood Sea Asura clan, and it can be said that it is unstoppable.

Ziwei also has the support of Jie Jiao, and there are many reincarnated Xingjun under his command, and their strength is not weaker than Chi You.

But overall, Ziwei's side is still at a disadvantage. After all, both the Wu Clan and the Asura Clan are established forces, and they are particularly good at fighting on the battlefield.

Although Jiejiao has thousands of immortals coming to court, after all, they do not have a systematic battle formation. Although they have strong strength, they are still unable to form a unified force. They can only fight individually, in formations, or in small groups.

And while the four sides were fighting, the Heavenly Book of Gods List hanging at the foot of Buzhou Mountain in the center was welcoming those who were destined to enter the heaven.

As the four parties have gone through three Yuanhui battles, the prehistoric power of calamity has been pushed to its peak.

Time passed, and the time of two Yuanhui passed, and a new pattern of prehistoric times was formed again.

In the battle between Huangdi and Yandi, Huangdi Xuanyuan took the lead in breaking through Daluo, awakening the memory of the emperor's family in his previous life, breaking through to the quasi-sage realm, and successfully defeated Yandi Yanju.

In this battle, both sides suffered numerous casualties, but Emperor Yanju was also a man who could afford to lose. After being defeated by Huangdi, he led all his men to surrender.

Huangdi did not embarrass Yanju, but officially named him Yandi, and continued to rule the Yandi tribe and became the great emperor of the human race.

It was also at this moment that Yan Emperor Yan Ju was convinced. At this point, the Eastern Continent was once again unified.

In the ancient southern continent, the battle between Chi You and Zi Wei also had a winner.

At the end of the decisive battle between the two sides, Chi You and Zi Wei successfully broke through Da Luo and awakened their past life memories. Their cultivation also reached the quasi-sage realm.

After the two broke through, a final war broke out.

In this war, Ziwei completely crushed Chi You, beating Chi You so hard that he couldn't hold his head up. The old innate divine power was really different.

However, with the joint efforts of Xing Tian, ​​Hou Yi, and Chi You, Zi Wei was finally defeated.

Zi Wei, who had just returned from reincarnation, was sent to the list of gods in the Heavenly Book. It was indeed her destiny.

But the price paid by the Wu clan was not small. During the battle, Chi You and Hou Yi were seriously injured, and Xing Tian was even beheaded by Zi Wei's sword.

But at this critical moment, Xing Tian Dao improved his cultivation and successfully broke through. He turned his breasts into a pair of eyes, used his navel as a mouth, held an ax in one hand and a shield in the other, and successfully killed Zi Wei.

After the battle, Xing Tian did not reattach the severed head, but continued to use this form as his fighting form.

In the three Yuanhui, in just 300,000 years, the prehistoric pattern has changed again, from a four-party war to the current two-pole confrontation.

The orthodoxy of the human race headed by Xuanyuan!

The Jiuli tribe headed by Chi You!

The two major forces began a long-term confrontation and friction, but the war did not expand further. Both sides were digesting the gains from the previous battle.

"Great Heavenly Venerable, the Heavenly Book Conferred God List has absorbed the souls of countless people who died in the battle, even the soul of Emperor Ziwei is among them."

In Jingyang Palace, Haotian was very happy. He did not expect that this Conferred God War would be so smooth. Now there are not only human geniuses in the Conferred God List, but also many disciples of the three religions, and even many Buddhist disciples. When this battle for the emperor is over, the strength of the Heavenly Court will surely surge.

"This is expected. What are you doing here this time?"

Donghua's voice was very flat, as if this was a trivial matter. In fact, in Donghua's view now, this is indeed a trivial matter.

"Report to the Great Heavenly Venerable, I came here this time for Yao Ji's matter. She married Yang Tianyou of the human race and had a son and a daughter. She violated the heavenly rules and her crime is unforgivable." Haotian stopped here and did not continue.

"Hmm?" Donghua frowned. He had always remembered Yao Ji's Heavenly Eye, but as his cultivation improved, he didn't take it to heart.

Yao Ji's appearance must have been planned by Hongjun, otherwise there would be no coincidence in the world, but Hongjun didn't say it last time, so he didn't want to get involved.

"What do you think about this? How do you want to deal with it?"

Yang Tianyou today is not the human genius of the past, but the reincarnated Yang Tianyou, without cultivation, just an ordinary mortal, so Yao Ji violated the Heavenly Rule.

Haotian hesitated. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to deal with Yao Ji. Marrying a mortal is not a big deal, but having a child is different. This is a taboo.

"Deal with it according to the rules of heaven."

Donghua smiled lightly and said, "Are you willing to do it?"

Haotian said respectfully, "I am the Jade Emperor of the Central Heaven. Anyone who violates the rules of heaven is my enemy."

Donghua nodded. He agreed with this. Heaven is not his own heaven. In this system, everyone needs a sense of belonging.

"Then you go and deal with it. Send Yang Tianyou to reincarnate. As for Yao Ji, press her under the mountain and let her face the wall to reflect on her mistakes. The son and daughter have a destiny. Let nature take its course."

"Thank you, great celestial being, for your mercy." Haotian bowed. He knew this was the best result.

"You are the boy of Daozu. You have followed me since the Purple Mansion period. After this catastrophe is over, you will be the Six Imperial Guards of Heaven."

Donghua had already made arrangements for Haotian. Although the Five Gods were powerful, they were not as good as the Six Imperial Guards. According to Haotian's talent, it was a bit of a waste of talent.

"Thank you, great celestial master." Haotian bowed again. This time, his cultivation broke through the late stage of Quasi-Sage, and naturally wanted to go further.

Haotian left the Heavenly Palace and went straight to Guanjiangkou in the lower world. Then he killed Yang Tianyou and sent him to reincarnation, and then pressed Yao Ji under Taoshan.

Yao Ji's sons Yang Jian and Yang Chan escaped, or to be more precise, they were released by Haotian.

Yang Jian inherited Yao Ji's heavenly eyes after he was born. He escaped and met the Jade Ding Zhenren of the Chan Sect and became his disciple.

Yang Chan was accepted by Nuwa as a member of the Snail Palace. She did not become a disciple, but was an ordinary Snail Palace member like Lingzhuzi.

In the Heavenly Palace, just after Haotian left, Hongjun arrived.

"Hello, Master."

Donghua bowed, Hongjun accepted it calmly, and then said: "From now on, you and I will call each other Daoist friends, and the fate of master and disciple ends here."

Donghua thought about it and did not refuse. According to his current cultivation and status, he really cannot have a master above his head. It is not a matter of whether he wants to or not, but a matter of whether he can or not.

Thinking of this, Donghua bowed again, and then said:

"Okay, thank you for your teachings, Master, and from now on, we will work together on the road."

"Hello, Daoist friend Hongjun."

"Good, hello, Daoist friend Donghua!"

The two looked at each other and then laughed.

At this moment, Donghua only felt that a mountain pressing on him disappeared, and the shackles of Hongjun in his heart were broken.

"I am very pleased that you can reach your current position. I hope that we can witness the existence of the Great Dao in the future."

"I came here this time for Yang Jian. When the Heavenly Regulations were shown, the Heavenly Dao was moved and the Jade Disc of Creation was split into a fragment for reincarnation in order to execute the Heavenly Regulations and enforce justice on behalf of Heaven."

"I thought that this matter should be on Yao Ji, but I didn't expect it to be her son Yang Jian."

Donghua suddenly realized that he didn't expect this matter to be so simple. It was ridiculous that he had thought of countless versions of conspiracy theories at the time.

"Thank you for your help, fellow Daoist."

Hongjun laughed. He saw Donghua's embarrassment. Perhaps he didn't tell the reason at the beginning just for this moment.

"It's okay, it's okay. The more powerful the Heavenly Court is, the happier I am. When the Conferred Gods Conferment is over, I will leave the Heavenly Way."

Donghua's heart jumped suddenly, and he asked in shock: "Leaving the Heavenly Way? Is this so easy?"

Hongjun stroked his beard and said: "What else do you want?"

"The Heavenly Court is the incarnation of the Heavenly Way, and it enforces justice on behalf of the Heaven. Now that the Heavenly Court's specifications are fully met, what else can I do? I have long wanted to leave the Heavenly Way."

Speaking of this, Hongjun said with emotion: "I thought that if I wanted to leave the Heavenly Way, I would need to wait until I merged with the Western God Realm into the prehistoric world. I didn't expect that you could rely on your own strength to make the prehistoric world reach this limit. It's really amazing."

Donghua waved his hands hurriedly. Only then did he understand that he had been so smooth all the way, and perhaps Hongjun had made a lot of efforts.

At this moment, all his worries disappeared. He personally poured a cup of tea for Hongjun, and the two chatted in Jingyang Palace.

"May I ask what realm you are in now, fellow Taoist?"

Hongjun smiled lightly, and said proudly and calmly: "Middle stage of the seventh heaven."

Donghua nodded. This realm was within his calculations. Now the gap between him and Hongjun was getting smaller and smaller.

Because he was about to break through the sixth heaven, and because of the special nature of the innate five Tai, he would reach the peak of the sixth heaven as soon as he broke through.

This Daoist fellow is very appropriate.


In the prehistoric times, the official war between Xuanyuan and Chiyou finally began.

As soon as the two sides fought, Chiyou's side fell into a disadvantage, because on Xuanyuan's side, the four major sects of Renjiao, Xianjiao, Jiejiao, and Buddhism united together to support Xuanyuan.

And Chiyou's side still only had the Wu clan and the Asura clan, and there were no other.

The battle between the two sides was in full swing, and Chiyou was about to fail, but at this critical moment, the demon clan joined in.

With the help of Emperor Shitian, three thousand demons joined Chiyou and helped him to dominate the world.

So far, the battle for the emperor has reached its peak, and all the top forces in the prehistoric world have come to an end.

ps: It is almost finished. I am preparing a new book these days. I am sorry for this book.

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