Jingyang Palace above the blue sea is the place where Donghua practices practice.

The places where people practice in ancient times are generally called caves. The cave here is not really a hole dug for practice, but a cave in the paradise of cave.

It is better to say that it is a cave mansion than a small world that exists on the ancient continent.

Donghua released the Pure White Lotus and sat cross-legged on it.

He is not practicing, but thinking and summarizing.

His predecessor left him a great fortune.

First of all, there are thirty-nine innate spiritual treasures, including three top-grade innate spiritual treasures, six top-grade innate spiritual treasures, twelve medium-grade innate spiritual treasures, and eighteen low-grade innate spiritual treasures.

The top innate spiritual treasure, the dragon-headed golden staff, the top innate spiritual treasure, the twelfth-grade pure white lotus, and the top innate spiritual treasure, the Pure Yang Sword.

The top-grade innate spiritual treasure Ziyang Bell, Yin-Yang furnace, etc., the middle-grade innate spiritual treasure clear jade seal, etc., and the low-grade innate spiritual treasure Liangyi mirror, etc.

Whether they are innate spiritual treasures or acquired spiritual treasures, they are divided into three levels: upper, middle, and lower. However, some spiritual treasures are also called top-level spiritual treasures because of their own particularity.

Representatives of them are the Qiankun Ding, the Xiantian Five Directional Flags, the Five Lotus Platforms and so on.

In addition to the innate spiritual treasures left behind by the original body, there is also the hibiscus tree that was exchanged for life. To be precise, it should be a yang-attributed hibiscus tree.

But these are not the most precious. The most precious thing should be the Zifu Immortal Way created by the original body.

The fact that Duke Dong Wang became the leader of the male immortals was not due to Hongjun's conspiracy. People really want to destroy you, so there's no need to go to such trouble, it's just a matter of a finger.

Don't say anything that can't be killed. Even if Hongjun wanted to kill Sanqing, he would still be destroyed. If he didn't even have this ability and ability, how could he become an immortal or become a saint?

During the ancient ferocious beast period and the ancient Longhan period, countless innate saints fell.

The general trend cannot be changed, but small things can be changed. To Donghua now, this is just a joke.

There is nothing eternal in this world, and there is nothing that cannot be killed.

To be precise, just one sentence:

"Such an awesome person was not allowed to exist in the ancient world."

There are two reasons why Duke Dongwang can become the first male immortal.

First, Dongwanggong is the incarnation of Yang in the ancient world. Yin and Yang are the basis of all things. Men are also Yang. Therefore, if there is a person who has the identity of the head of male immortals, Dongwanggong is the best choice.

Secondly, this identity was earned by Prince Dong himself. The head of the male immortals is not a status in heaven and earth, but an identity in the immortal way.

Hongjun taught the Immortal Way, and Dong Wangong created the Zifu Cultivation Way based on his own cultivation. He was the first person in the Immortal Way besides Hongjun to create someone who could practice to the Daluo Jinxian.

Therefore, Duke Dongwang was named the first male immortal by Hongjun.

The Queen Mother of the West was named the first female fairy simply because she was the incarnation of the Yin of the ancient world.

Therefore, the head of the male immortals and the head of the female immortals may sound lofty, but in fact they are not a great status, just like Zhen Yuanzi was called the ancestor of the earth immortals in later generations.

It is a symbol of status and a symbol of honor.

But having said that, if the East Prince and the West Queen are really capable, they can turn this false name into a real name. The head of the male immortals will naturally become the one who manages all the male immortals.

But it was precisely the original person, Prince Dong, who had this idea later on, and recklessly raised a banner and established the Immortal Court.

In the end, he was destroyed by the Heavenly Court, but no one came to help him, and there was no way to help him. Helping Dong Wanggong means helping Dong Wanggong dominate. No one will end easily. Moreover, once Dong Wanggong succeeds, his status as the leader of the male immortals will be lost. It’s come to fruition.

The Queen Mother of the West is very smart and always regards this head of the female fairy as a status symbol.

Everyone in the prehistoric era naturally "consecrated" her and treated her very politely. Even the saints who became saints were also very polite to her and treated her as a guest.

Donghua has been thinking about how to survive these days. Unexpectedly, when he went out today, he heard Shao Siming's words and woke up the man in his dream.

It turns out that as long as you don't commit suicide, you won't die.

That's just a hairy thing, let's play music and dance.

For a moment, the Taoist heart was clear, and the whole person suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Even the Zifu Immortal Dao that he practiced began to operate on its own. The magic power in his body flowed like a vast ocean, and the laws he mastered penetrated outside his body and enveloped the entire Zifu Continent.

Donghua began to operate the Zifu Immortal Way, mobilizing the magic power in his body and absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

At present, cultivating immortals in the prehistoric times can be divided into five types: heaven, earth, humans, gods, and ghosts. These five types are not realms, but fruition positions.

The first realm of immortality, the realm of Tao and Fruit.

It means to achieve the fruition of immortality, to achieve the fruition of heavenly immortality is to be a heavenly immortal, to achieve the fruition of earthly immortality is to be an earthly immortal, and the other principles are the same.

The second realm of immortality, the Mysterious Immortal Realm.

As the saying goes, there is more mystery than mystery, the door to all mysteries. Empty and empty, one dharma always exists. If you want to see your true face, you have to go straight to these three gates. The Mysterious One, the Tao, is profound and unknowable, the power is far away and cannot be seen, and the mystery is unfathomable. He practices the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to become mysterious energy.

The third realm of immortality, the spiritual realm.

Spirit refers to the rhyme of Tao, which is the essential root. We begin to understand Tao. Tao gives rise to one, which gives rise to two, which gives birth to three, and which gives rise to all things. All things have spirit.

The fourth realm of immortality, the true fairyland.

Those who have attained the Tao are true immortals, all things are transformed from emptiness into reality, and the Tao and fruits are transformed from emptiness into reality.

The fifth realm of immortality, the Golden Immortal Realm.

Gold means immortality, the meaning of immortality, the immortal body without leakage, the three flowers gathered on the top, the five qi facing the yuan, jumping out of the three realms and not in the five elements.

The sixth realm of immortality, Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

The Tao is completed, that is, the law is perfected. The Tao, fruit and law converge into an immortal true spirit. The true spirit is immortal and the true self is not forgotten.

The seventh realm of the immortals, the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

Da means wide, meaning immeasurable, and Luo means net, meaning inclusive. Daluo is immeasurable, embracing everything, stepping into the long river of time and space, integrating the past and the present, and all time and space are eternal and free. It is also called the emperor realm by the prehistoric creatures.

The eighth realm of the immortals, the quasi-sage.

This realm is also called the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian, the realm of Taichu, and the realm of Hongyuan. The way of gods is called Taichu, the way of demons is called Hongyuan, and the way of immortals is called Hunyuan Jinxian, and it is also called the ancestral realm by the prehistoric creatures.

The word "ancestor" tells the wonder and power of this realm!

However, since there have been saints between heaven and earth, it is generally called the quasi-sage realm, and people in this realm are also called great powers.

People in this realm jump out of the long river of time and space, step into the long river of destiny, find the future, and begin to control their own destiny.

The ninth realm of the immortals, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian (saint).

When chaos first appeared and yin and yang were not yet determined, what is Tao? Tao is Hunyuan, which is the body of Tao. Hunyuan is all-encompassing and has everything. Hunyuan is reason, Tao, and the great way of heaven and earth.

In this realm, people have transcended and are not restricted by the long river of time and space, or the long river of fate. They are truly free and at ease. They are time and space, and what they say is fate.

This realm can also be said to be the realm of Tao, and I am Tao.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint, but a saint is definitely Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Saint is not a realm of cultivation, but a realm of Tao, the fruit position of the prehistoric world. The Hongmeng purple air granted by Hongjun to the six saints is actually the fruit position of the birth of the Heavenly Dao, holding the talisman on behalf of the heaven.

Donghua's realm at this time is the first entry into the quasi-saint, and he has not yet cut off the three corpses.

Cutting off the three corpses is the method of proving Tao passed down by Hongjun, which can be cultivated to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian or to the realm of saints.

Cut off the three corpses of good, evil and obsession. Cutting off the three corpses does not mean cutting off your obsession of good and evil, but obsession and desire.

And people's obsession and desire are not just good and evil, but good and evil obsession is a general term for classification.

Find your obsession and desire in the long river of fate, cut off the three corpses and place them on the spiritual treasure, so that you can transcend the limitations of the long river of fate, integrate your own time and space destiny into one, and achieve the realm of Hunyuan Taoism.

So it is not that you can become a quasi-sage by cutting corpses, but only by becoming a quasi-sage can you cut corpses, otherwise you can't find where the long river of fate is, how can you cut corpses.

And the three corpses cut off are placed on the spiritual treasure. This spiritual treasure does not necessarily have to be an innate spiritual treasure, but it is easier for the innate spiritual treasure to place the three corpses, and the future achievement is also high.

The three corpses are placed on the spiritual treasure, which does not mean that the spiritual treasure disappears, turns into your three corpses, and becomes a spiritual thing.

The spiritual treasure is still the same spiritual treasure.

But when you need it, the spiritual treasure can also be transformed into the body of the three corpses, just like a weapon with intelligence.

At this time, Donghua was immersed in cultivation.

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