Hong Huang: I really don’t want to be the emperor of heaven

Chapter 66 Hongjun Hedao Honghuang Change (Request for subscription, request for votes)

Donghua did not leave with the people of Zifu because he had been monitoring the movements of the Heavenly Court.

If someone attacked Zifu, it would definitely be the Heavenly Court. The Dharma Eyes scanned the thirty-three heavens of the Heavenly Court. He did not go deep inside, but wandered outside to feel the breath of the Heavenly Court!

For nine days, the aura of war in the Heavenly Court has become heavier, and there is a faint feeling of the thirty-three heavens!

Donghua's heart is getting heavier and heavier. The Heavenly Court must take action, but he doesn't know who to fight with?

This judgment is not only made by the increasingly powerful force of the Heavenly Court, but also by the open formation of the Heavenly Court!

Since Hongjun began to merge with the Tao, all forces in the prehistoric world have opened a large formation to prepare for any eventuality, and even the Wu Court has begun to tighten its military front and wait for the result.

But if you, the Heavenly Court, do this, who would believe that you have nothing to hide!

The sky was filled with dark clouds for nine days. These nine days may be the most difficult time for all the prehistoric beings to get through. It feels longer than usual!

After nine days, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, the thunder of destruction stopped, the thunder eye dissipated, the evolution of earth, water, fire and wind also stopped, the clouds in the nine heavens moved, and instantly returned to normal!

Donghua hurriedly calculated and found that the operation of the heavenly way was gradually recovering. Not long after, a huge jade disc appeared above the nine heavens!

With the appearance of the jade disc, three thousand avenues appeared, thousands of auras burst out, golden lotuses bloomed in the sky, the sound of the avenue was endless, and the auspicious purple air filled the nine heavens!

The dragons of the four seas couldn't help but emit the sound of dragon roars, and the Phoenix tribes of Tiannan took off into the sky, and the sound of phoenixes resounded through the sky!

Above the central land, the Qilin ran in the air and rotated around Buzhou. Wherever it passed, auspiciousness and spiritual energy surged!

The four great sacred beasts of the prehistoric four poles showed their figures, exuded infinite breath, and stirred the wind and clouds!

A voice without any emotional color sounded, as if the avenue was whispering.

"I, Hongjun, feel that the Way of Heaven is not perfect and all living beings are in chaos and disorder. I am willing to unite myself with the Way and make up for the imperfection of the Way of Heaven."

"From now on, the Way of Heaven is Hongjun, and Hongjun is not the Way of Heaven!"


As the last voice was uttered, the Jade Disc of Creation in the sky slowly became illusory until it finally disappeared!

As the Jade Disc of Creation disappeared, all the strange phenomena in the sky disappeared. From then on, Hongjun united himself with the Way, and the Way of Heaven of Heaven was perfected.

At this moment, the world of the world seemed to have completed a qualitative change, and the mountains, rivers, and continents were changing at an astonishing speed.

All living beings in the world said: "The Taoist Master is merciful!"

After Hongjun united with the Way, it was time for Donghua to leave West Kunlun!

"Junior sister, the situation in the prehistoric world has changed suddenly. Whether it is West Kunlun or Zifu, the old monsters who survived from the ancient times will definitely be eyeing us covetously!"

"So we must be extremely careful, especially you, junior sister. If you meet someone who is invincible, it doesn't matter if you give up West Kunlun. As long as people are still there, everything will come back!"

The Queen Mother of the West smiled slightly and said, "Brother, why are you so nagging now? I have said this ten times!"

"Don't worry, if there is any situation, I will contact you immediately through the spiritual realm. If you can't rescue in time, give up West Kunlun and run to Kunlun Mountain to find help from the Three Purities!"

Donghua touched the Queen Mother of the West's hair affectionately, and then said, "Don't dislike my nagging, but the situation is complicated now. If I don't have to go back to Zifu, I will stay with you to guard West Kunlun!"

The two snuggled together and didn't separate for a long time!

Dong Kunlun should actually be the real Kunlun Mountain. It is not only the Taoist temple of the Three Pure Ones, but also many immortal cultivators come here to practice.

There are also some small tribes in the prehistoric world who take refuge here and build tribes outside Kunlun Mountain to worship the Three Pure Ones and pray for protection!

The Three Pure Ones do not care about this and let it develop. Sometimes they will preach to them, with an attitude of neither admitting nor rejecting, and they do not say that they are vassals of Kunlun Mountain.

When Donghua came to Kunlun Mountain, he sensed the qi and went to the Shangqing Palace!

To be honest, among the Three Pure Ones, he was not familiar with Yuanshi and Taishang. Even Tongtian was a friendship they had made in Tiannan last time!

It can be said that before Tiannan, his relationship with the Three Pure Ones was average, just ordinary Taoist friends.

Donghua still wanted to make friends with these three guys who were destined to become saints in the future. After all, when the three became saints, the prehistoric world could be said to be theirs!

No matter Nuwa or Jieyin Zhunti, they were suppressed by the three people and couldn't raise their heads. So far, Xuanmen flourished. The three people occupied most of the luck in the prehistoric world. Their own cultivation was greatly improved, and their disciples were even more amazing.

Even the outer disciples accepted by Tongtian had their own characteristics, and they were known as the ten thousand immortals coming to pay homage!

In fact, although the disciples of the Chan Sect were fewer than those of the Jie Sect, they were definitely not bad. In addition to his disciples, Yuanshi Tianzun was also cautious about accepting registered disciples. Most of them only practiced in the Chan Sect and did not enter the Yuanshi Tianzun's sect!

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples were definitely disciples of the Chan Sect, but disciples of the Chan Sect were not necessarily disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun. There was still a difference between the two!

On the other hand, Tongtian was different. As long as they were destined to the Jie Sect, they were all accepted as registered disciples. It was about teaching without distinction!

Of course, it was too early to say these things. Now there was no trace of the Chan Sect and the Jie Sect.

When Donghua came to Shangqing Hall, Tongtian was already waiting outside the hall.

"Fellow Daoist Taiwei has finally decided to leave Anle Township!"

The two greeted each other when they met!

"Hahaha, of course, I am happy in West Kunlun and don't miss Zifu!"

After exchanging greetings, the two did not go to the main hall, but came to an empty field, where a young man was practicing magical powers!

"Isn't this the Void God Rat that Brother Dao rode last time?"

Tongtian nodded and said, "This Void God Rat was born in nothingness and is also innately sacred. It is predestined with me. After bringing it back to Kunlun, I accepted it as my disciple and named it Duobao. It is the eldest disciple of my Shangqing lineage!"

"The innate sacred Void God Rat can bear Brother Dao's Shangqing Avenue and is very suitable. I congratulate Brother Dao on having such a good disciple!"

Tongtian laughed and called Duobao who was practicing over and said, "Duobao, you have seen Emperor Donghua before in Tiannan. At that time, you were not my disciple. I see you again today."

"Duobao greets the Emperor!"

Donghua responded and said, "Your master is a disciple of Daozu himself. We are considered outer disciples. According to the same sect, you will call me uncle in the future."

Duobao did not dare to agree, and hurriedly looked at Tongtian. Tongtian thought for a while and nodded.

Duobao then bowed again and said, "Shangqing Duobao greets Uncle Taiwei."

"Good, good, good!"

Donghua said three good words in a row, and his heart was also very happy. He accepted this call. In the future, he will have a stronger fate with the Shangqing lineage and the connection will become closer.

Don't talk about what will happen to Jiejiao in the future during the Conferred God Period. It is still uncertain whether Donghua can live to that time. Now he can't care so much.

First deepen the connection with Tongtian. If he can't beat him in the future, he will have a powerful helper when he escapes to Kunlun.

Donghua said to Duobao: "Your current cultivation is still low, and the innate spiritual treasures are of little use to you. Besides, you have many spiritual treasures, so I won't show off."

Donghua took out three nine-thousand-year-old peaches and handed them to Duobao, saying: "Now is the time for you to polish your magic power. Giving you these peaches can save you tens of thousands of years of hard practice!"

Duobao quickly took it: "Thank you for the treasure!"

Afterwards, Tongtian asked Duobao to retreat, and the two came to the center of the venue.

Tongtian made a hand gesture, and a formation diagram appeared out of thin air, on which the four swords of Zhuxian flowed, vaguely forming a system!

It was the complete first killing formation of prehistoric times, the Zhuxian sword formation!

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